Witchcraft Secret Manual. 75% – Great Sales!

Witchcraft Secret Manual. 75% – Great Sales!

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“What If I Say That You Can Fulfill Your Dreams Once and For All, Without Spending More Money on Systems That Do Not Work?”

If you’ve ever dreamed about finding the definitive system to help you meet your goals, then this is the most important website you will ever read…

From: Esteban José Portela


Dear Friend,

I know how you feel … you want to solve the problem that has been bothering you for a while, you want a solution, but a real solution, an actual and permanent solution to your problem.

You have tried other methods, which are advertised as effective solutions, but you have not achieved what you want, and you had to spend a lot of money without getting the results you really needed.

Have you ever wondered how some people have such good luck, and get such good results in their lives, as if by magic?

Do you think there is some secret code for success in life that only a select few have managed to decode?

Many people used to think so too, but after learning some secrets, they did their own tests and found that:

No! To have success in life, you do not really need to know any kind of secret.

Moreover, now I will teach you how you can improve your life… even though you didn’t do a Spell, a Tie or any other Sorcery in your life!

Does it sound unreal?

You must know my situation. I, like many others, was abandoned by my wife after several years of love. For no apparent reason, she left me and just told me, “Time, I need some time“.

And believe me, it’s hard. You feel that your true love is leaving and you do not know how to react. You’re confused. You’re depressed. You feel you’re crushed under tons and tons of huge stones. 

At that time, I was capable of anything, and just as we all do, I looked for ways of approaching her, talking to her friends, her family, and I spent hundreds of dollars on psychologists and doctors as this drama was influencing my body. But there was no answer!

After trying everything, with months of suffering, I first came to a spell developed by my grandfather, a great Shaman in his city.

After 20 days my wife contacted me again; after 30 days we were a couple again and after 60 days, she could not wait to remarry me!

Yes, that simple!

Since then I have used special spells and incantations for cases that could not otherwise be solved. As a result, I became an expert magician.

But I’ll keep telling you this then…

“First, Some Evidence of the Success Obtained”

This manual is incredible…, I had tried many types of magic, but none gave me results. I spent a lot, put a lot of money in witches and nothing happened.

My boyfriend was becoming more distant with me and I was convinced that in any moment he would say that he wished to separate…

I performed the spell that you recommended me and gradually all returned to normal, and more, our love is better now… to get even higher, he proposed to marry me!

Constance De Moreno 




What I’m showing you is part of the pay stub from my friend John Peterson. You know that we are at a difficult stage in the world economy; however, using a Money Spell, in just 60 days I got a promotion for him and an increase in his salary that nearly doubled his monthly income.

One of the most important details of all this is that you don’t need to be an experienced Wizard to make effective Sorcery. These ideas were lurking in people’s thoughts because people who call themselves “Wizards” inculcated this, because they don’t want problems with their huge business. A good spell can be made by any person who feels and believes that he or she can change something with its preparation.

Esteban, I can’t stop thanking you for your help with my love problem…

My boyfriend Brian dumped me for a younger girl and I thought I could not recover him anymore.

After just 45 days of using your Spell of Return, Brian returned to me and we are happier than ever.

Sophia Pastore


The results are so real that you can also get them.

And the best part is that …

  • You don’t need to have experience in Wizardry.
  • You don’t need foreign materials.
  • Do not be afraid because it’s White Magic and it doesn’t have any unwanted side effects.
  • There is no need to invest hundreds of dollars.
  • You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home.

The Spells that are detailed in the Witchcraft Secret Manual are the most effective that can exist, with simple processing and homemade. You should not rush to find any foreign element that you do not know where to get.

Try to imagine how a Complete Spell Handbook can facilitate your life, and in which you will find, among other things…

  • Spells to attract love definitely.
  • Spells to get your unrequited love.
  • Spell to marry.
  • Spell to stop a divorce.
  • Return Spell, for the love to come back to your life.
  • Love spells that last a lifetime.
  • Weight Loss Spells.
  • Beauty Spells.
  • Love Perfume Spells.
  • Spell for marriage to last forever.
  • Spell to break the indifference.
  • Spell to forget an unrequited love or a bad love.
  • Rupture spells to remove bad couples.
  • Business Cleaning Rituals.
  • Sorcery to ward off bad luck.
  • Spells to increase profits in your company or business.
  • Spells to get a good job.
  • Sorcery of protection against envy.
  • Spell to sell any property.
  • And many more!

As you can see, the results of the manual Spells are exact. All you do is duplicate the Spells you’ll find in the Witchcraft Secret Manual. Who else can offer that?

“Extremely Efficient!”

Esteban, What you have published is incredibly effective!

Much information about White Magic and Spells that is currently circulating is taken from old books that ceased to be valid.

Dear friend, this book is different. Not only have you showed us step by step how to perform a magic Spell, but you do not repeat the old formulas that are in the websites. These Spells are the most powerful ever known. 

With this book, you will help to expand the use of White Magic through easy and homemade Spells. They are easy for everyone and that is admirable. 

Well done,

White Light


“Let Me Tell You Exactly Who I Am”

Do not worry, I will not go into too much detail, because I don’t want to bore you, this is about you, not me. My name is Esteban José Portela, and I have been studying White Magic and Black Magic, developing skills for more than 35 years. I’m the fourth generation of a family of White Magicians who have always worked to help people solve their most complex problems.

I have developed techniques that have helped Wizards worldwide to improve the science of White Magic (in these special classes they pay $700 an hour for the training given to the Magicians).

Now, with the Witchcraft Secret Manual, I am finally putting in writing the Sorceries that have an incredible efficiency demonstrated in the professional world of Wizardry. Yes, the same spells for which people paid a fortune come to your hands today. And this will bring me more of a problem with people who work in the development of these spells, but after thinking for a long time, I realized that my goal in life is that everyone has access to a better life, and this is my way of helping all of you.

The spell system you are about to discover has been thoroughly tested in practice, so I can promise that it will work for you. It is build on the Ancient Ties that were taught to me over the past 35 years, and I have improved them. That is why this Handbook is as close to infallible as you will find in the world.

My friend, When someone recommended me your Handbook, I did not know what to think, because I never used White Magic, or any kind of magic in my life. But I regret not having done it before!

Some time ago, I started my business with the savings earned with hard work. After 4 months of not generating the revenue needed I was near to closing my business because I could not keep it.

The good luck came to my door when I came across your Handbook; I used the cleaning business spell and the lure of money to change my fortune. Today my business prospers so incredibly and I have opened 2 more in the city. I am eternally grateful to you.

Frank Petterson

United States

Give Me 5 Minutes and You’ll See The Easy Steps to Have a 180-Degree Turnaround In Your Life!

This material is for you, only if you’re tired of not having good luck and you are ready to leave your prejudices and improve the factors that make your life a burden.

And now I must warn you: This is NOT the kind of manual you’ll find in bookstores. Esoteric Magic is too controversial to be chosen by a publisher.

You should only get this book if you can handle the power of knowing the secrets of White Magic and Sacred Witchcraft… and you must use these techniques for moral purposes only!

If you can handle that, then this excellent manual will take you by the hand and will reveal the precise action plan, step by step, to achieve your goals, whatever they are: make money, lose weight or any other, starting now and getting results in just 60 days.

My financial situation was very bad, because the crisis left me on the edge of bankruptcy and I almost lost everything…

I took this great book as my last resort because I wasn´t a believer in these types of things…

The change was obvious. At work things began to happen in the best way; I could not believe it.

My financial situation was becoming increasingly stable, and now, I not only recovered my prized possessions, I’m much better than before, and I can give my family the peace they always deserved.

The magic of this book is true!

Mick Rossi

United States

Can You Imagine How Good Will You Feel?

No matter how desperate your situation is, these pells will work for you. For example, a person named Tom asked me to help and I sent him the Sacred Manual. This is one of the emails that he wrote to me:

“Esteban, my partner dumped me 2 weeks ago and I’ve been very bad since she left. I fell into the bottom, I begged her to come back with me … I continued searching, texting, sending mails to her, but she didn’t answer me at all. A friend told me that she had gone back to her ex, a fool who abuses her.

I visited her on leaving my job, just to say hello, and she told me not to. I feel that I have no hope; she is already lost, even if she is the love of my life, and she is everything to me. Can you help me?

Please, I need help. Thank you”.

Of course I helped Tom. He was in very bad shape and I had to do something. Tom got the manual and look what he wrote 45 days later:

“Esteban, my friend, I am in eternal debt to you. I got your Manual and I used it, and it turned out! I recovered Valerie’s love and I showed her that I am the man of her life.”

Isn’t It Incredible?

With this extraordinary Manual you will discover the secrets of a good Wizard, including Spells for these cases:

  • Have you been abandoned by your partner? 

    Whether she has grown tired of you, to return to one of her old loves or a simple guy, she will be obsessed with you when you use these spells. And you will observe a quiet as she leaves her new boyfriend and returns to you. Once she is with you again, you should strengthen this relationship with the Tie for definitive love.
  • The love of your life does not even know your name?

    Is it your co-worker? It can also be a friend of someone else, and you love him very much, but he doesn’t even know your name. Use the Love Tie to make him love you; in no more than 60 days, he will be by your side.
  • He is your partner, but he does not want anything serious.

    He says he loves you and wants to be with you forever, but when you talk about marriage, he changes the subject. Use the spell for marriage or love spell to secure love forever and you will never have to worry again about your future with him
  • A couple hits a crisis point.

    Both in marriage and in dating, problems continually arise. In bad economic times a greater crisis that hits the lovers can end in a divorce. In the manual you will find Spells to relieve the tension that exists between partners, balancing the positive energy through White Magic. And I include a powerful spell to prevent divorce.
  • You don’t know how to lose those extra pounds you have.

    Since you realized that diet alone cannot help you have the body you want, it’s time to add something more. Use White Magic so that its energy will help you burn those calories and make sure they no longer return.
  • Do you feel that you are lack some physical details to be splendid? 

    Your hair could be smoother, grow faster or maybe be curly. The colour of your eyes is not the right one for your taste? There is a new set of spells that can help you meet those difficult goals, and they are included in the Teachers Manual Wizards. 
  • Who does not want to be irresistible?

    All have dreamed about being completely irresistible to the opposite sex … entering an office, a party or a university classroom so that everyone turned to look and dreamed of being at our side. The spell of perfume love is ideal to achieve that effect. This is a simple formula which you can develop at home and you will see that people will fight to be with you.
  • Forget a bad love.

    You have bitter memories of a partner who did not return your love even though you gave him everything, or who even mistreated you with no reason. In the Manual I offer you the solution to this problem: a spell to forget him.
  • Do you wish to separate a couple?

    I must tell you that this spell should only be used if you are completely sure that this couple’s relationship is a serious problem to one of its members. It should not be used out of spite or revenge.
  • Clean a business.

    It can be used for new businesses or ones that are already in operation. There are cases where one wonders why the business we run does not begin to generate profits, and often the cause is a blockage of energy generated by envy, a job or because the location was already loaded with bad vibrations before we took it. The manual includes powerful cleaning jobs for businessmen who bring spells to work at full power with results within 45 days.
  • Increase profits of a business.

    If your company is already in operation but needs to generate more sales or attract money through more customers, you can do it through a spell of Money Attraction. Money spells that come with the manual are 100% tested with over 2348 cases in construction, services, clothing, groceries and other areas.
  • Find good luck (Law of Attraction).

    This spell uses the famous Law of Attraction to create positive energy to bring you good luck in all its forms. It can be used to attract love into your life and attract good fortune and money.
  • Get a job… or get a better one.

    These are difficult times to find employment, and also to find a job that matches your current needs. I give you the more powerful spells to succeed in your current job search, whether you want to change for money or just for the pleasure.
  • Have protection from envy.

    Unfortunately when a person does well, there are others who minimally envy their progress and want to stop it, so it is imperative to be protected against these bad energies. This Spell currently used by top magicians in old Europe comes in the manual; you should use this spell as soon as possible to block any kind of spell on you.
  • Want to sell a property quickly?

    The constant devaluation of property requires quick action to avoid losing more money. You can use this spell to receive good offers for what you’re selling.
  • Want to sell a property quickly?

    The constant devaluation of property requires quick action to avoid losing more money. You can use this spell to receive good offers for what you’re selling.

I Introduce: “The Witchcraft Secret Manual”

The Witchcraft Secret Manual is a foolproof technique that let novices use the great power of White Magic to their advantage.

Furthermore, The Manual contains ALL of my Spells by Wizards, as perfected by the Great Masters of Magic:

  • Never again suffer from a love who moves away from you. He will return to your arms in a few days.
  • Do not worry if the love of your life does not notice you. You’ll have her at your feet.
  • Leave conflicts with your partner aside once and for all and forever!
  • Do you need a little luck? Attract wealth and money into your life quickly and safely.
  • Become more appealing or attractive with the ultimate White Magic: the most powerful Beauty Spells.

When creating the Witchcraft Secret Manual I wanted to make sure that it was a first-class product before releasing it publicly. So I asked some Wizardry experts to examine my new guide.

And this was what they said:

“Very Good Work”

Hi Esteban,

I’ve been reading your Manual and you have done an excellent job. For the first time I have found a guide that can really help people with their problems.

Richard Berckley


“This is the solution to the problems of thousands of people.”

I cannot believe it Esteban, I don’t know where to begin saying how much this book will help the community. 

Currently there are many promises out there, but you have a book that will be really useful for people who never used a spell and for experienced people too.

Every spell I have read seems incredible. I’ve tried some, and they are as effective as those of the great sorcerers, whom you have helped a lot in your entire career. 

With this great book you get the power of White Magic to all corners, and you provide a solution to the problems of thousands of people around the world. 

I am very happy to have this book and I will immediately work with spells that I have not tried. 

Anyone thinking of starting immediately to work with magic must buy a copy of your book. 

Thanks again,

Jorgelina L. Ritz


“No one teaches this”


Thanks to your book I could open my eyes to the mistakes I’ve been making lately.

Mistakes that have cost me a lot of money! Your working method is so simple that anyone can follow it.

The Moorings of couples you describe so excellently were a surprise to me. This is so easy, especially for beginners. I cannot believe you’re giving the secrets of this method.

Luke Jackson

Esoteric Astrologist and Historian

You’ll Be Amazed At What Is Possible

It will be nice to have your boyfriend or girlfriend again with you, realizing what he or she had lost.

How happy will you be when that person who does not even know your name falls in love with you forever?

How different will your life be when money begins to come in droves?

I wish you’d imagine for one second that you have the body you want, you lose those extra pounds and you look beautiful.

Can you imagine how great it is that what you wanted all this time is finally yours?

Can you?

How Much Is The Manual?

Before going into this aspect, let me ask you a question … How much is it worth for you to get back the love of your life?

Avoid divorce of the person you love?

Or be with that person who makes you crazy?

Or that your business generates a lot forever?

Is it worth $ 1,000? $ 2,000? Even more than that?

You will not believe this, because through this special website, you can get everything I described in a special package… Witchcraft Secret Manual: The holy book of spells and incantations, which will dazzle you with the results you’ll get…

For your ridiculously small investment of just $99 $39.

And The Best Of All Is That You Just Say “Maybe” And Try This Amazing System Without Risk For 60 Days

And this is because I offer you an unconditional guarantee of refund.

It’s simple. All you have to do is get instant online access to the Witchcraft Secret Manual and let its surprising spells begin to function for you. Then relax and watch as your goals are accomplished.

If sometime in the next 60 days you are not completely satisfied with the results that the spells and incantations have, simply let me know and I’ll give you your refund of every penny, fast and courteously.

There is no problem and no small print, I cannot be fairer than that.

What risk do you have now? Exactly, there is no risk…

You Can Start Working On Your Problems In Just 3 Minutes…

I have this manual ready to be downloaded and used with any operating system you have, in PDF format. This means that you put this plan into action immediately. Without waiting for the slow postal service, as your problems continue to grow and become increasingly difficult to solve…

And because the information is in digital format, your order is completely discreet and confidential. Nobody has to know that you used this special material.

Immediately after you make your secure order (your information will never be disclosed to third parties), you get exclusive access to a secret download page where you can lay your hands on this manual immediately, in the privacy of your own home, even if it is 2 a.m.!

You’ll have everything I listed in just a few minutes.


In 60 Days Will You Look Back And Say: “I Wish I Had Purchased…” or Will You Say: “I’m Glad I Acquired It!”

You can spend the rest of the day around the house: depressed and crying about your problems…

Or you can do something for you; start the process of permanent change.

You can start right now (in just a few minutes from now) to enjoy the pleasure of achieving the triumph of love in your life, or that fortune finally touches your door.

My friends, there’s no risk. So, go ahead and secure your copy while it is fresh in your head. I look forward to hearing your astonishing success story.

For Your Success in Life,

With Affection

From: Esteban José Portela

P.S. Another theme that is extremely important: It is scientifically proven that a break-up or a deep economic crisis are among the events that can cast stress over a person in life. It can be more stressful than a period in jail. Safely grab your copy of Witchcraft Secret Manual before it is too late.

FREE BONUS. Charms, Spells and Herbs.

“…Another Incredible Book by Esteban Portela. In this comprehensive book, he reveals the secrets to start making your own spells and incantations truly effective. You can take your first steps into the White Magic spell to help develop others. It is a book that everyone should have in his Esoteric Library…”

Mark Menna,

Among The Topics Included:

  • How to make talismans to attract love
  • To reactivate the energy
  • For the protection of the home
  • Amulet to ward off poverty
  • To bring good luck
  • Ointment to attract money
  • Protection techniques
  • How tocreate spells
  • Magic Of The Moon
  • How to break a spell
  • Spell to prevent negative feelings from entering the home
  • To prevent enemies and danger
  • Spell to clean up a business

And Much More.

– Real Value $99 FREE TODAY

  • I understand that I will receive the Witchcraft Secret Manual.
  • I understand that the price I pay today for this entire package is only $99 $39.
  • I understand that I am free to examine everything for 60 days, and if I’m not completely satisfied, I will receive a full refund of the purchase price, without question.
  • I also understand that when I place my order, I will receive instant online access to all materials so I can start using it immediately.

Note: Select USD (U.S. dollars) on the payment page. It will be charged once in your national currency equivalent to $99 $39 U.S. dollars at the exchange rate of the day.

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Witchcraft Secret Manual

Instant Download No Matter What Time It Is

Start today to improve all aspects of your life with the best exclusive Spells using my Witchcraft Secret Manual. Remember that you have my guaranteed 100% refund of your money for 60 days!

When you think of all the happiness you get with the Spells, you will realize that it is better to invest $99 $39 now than $ 1,000 or more in other Wizards or techniques that do not work. Isn’t it the most logical thing to do?

Download Witchcraft Secret Manual

You can also use the Manual to build your own business, and help others with the Secret Spells I’m offering; in that way your profits will increase.

Do not delay, the price may increase any day, and I may have to remove it from the market because I don’t want the information to fall into the wrong hands.

Download the Manual Right Now

Look, $99 $39 is nothing compared with all the happiness that I promise you will get and the money you will save by using this new system.

Truly you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Congratulations Esteban,

The Witchcraft Secret Manual is the best system I could buy; I explain it with these words: BRIGHT, PRACTICAL, EASY, HONEST, RECOMMENDED and ECONOMIC.

Anne Smith

United Kingdom

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