The Ultimate Guide to Raising Parrots!

The Ultimate Guide to Raising Parrots!

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are the Parrot “secrets” pet stores don’t want you to know!


Some amazing facts about parrot
care… and why you shouldn’t even think about getting a parrot until
you read every word of this letter!

  • Parrots get sick easily. In
    fact, most parrots in captivity live just a few years! But most
    diseases are 100% curable if you know what they have, and which
    medication to give them.

  • Parrots CAN live for up to
    60 years…but improper diets drastically cut the longevity of your
    parrot – by not just years, but decades!

  • Parrots thrive — both
    physically and emotionally –when their diets are properly
    administered…unfortunately there is a ton of *wrong* information out
    there on how to do this!

Michael Joseph, Tuesday 3:23 PM

Dear Friend,

Did you just get a new parrot
and have no idea how to care for it?

Do you own a parrot who “looks”
sick, and is plucking his feathers constantly?

Are you interested in learning
the best, fastest and easiest way to care for your parrot so that he
lives a long and healthy life, without
spending a lot of money on supplies?

If you answered “yes” to any of
the questions above, then this may very well be the most exciting
message you’ve read all day. Here’s why…

You’re about to discover a
proven system for optimizing your parrot’s physical and
emotional health as well as his energy level. This
system works whether your parrot is healthy or sick.

Here’s the thing: Parrots are
very delicate creatures

They get sick easily, and they
can die easily. What you probably don’t know is that sickness and early
death can be totally prevented by providing them with the proper
nutrition and attention from the very beginning!

When you know how to meet your
parrot’s nutritional needs, you can sit back and relax
because your parrot will stay healthy.

What most people don’t realize
is that proving your bird with the proper diet is extremely easy to do.
I know, because…

I’ve been caring for and
breeding parrots for over 25 years!

In that time, I’ve developed a
foolproof ‘formula’ for feeding parrots, setting up a healthy cage
environment with perfect health and diet conditions that maximize your
parrot’s health and energy for years to come, and virtually
eliminate any chance that your parrot will ever get sick.

I’ve compiled all my knowledge
into an easy to follow, downloadable guide called
“Raising Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted
everything you needed to know about pet parrots.

This system is guaranteed
to teach you everything you need to know about parrot care and greatly
reduce the risk that your parrot will face those emotional problems
that beset so many of these birds who are kept as pets.

I know that’s a bold promise
and it might sound a little “over the top” …but it’s true, and I can
back up every word.

Here Are Three Good Reasons To
Believe Me When I Tell You Your Parrot Will Live a Long and
Disease-Free Life

  • 100’s of other parrot owners
    use this very same system you’ll be using.

  • In the past 4 weeks alone,
    over 60 people have signed up to receive my exclusive Parrot Secrets

  • I’m the only person in the
    training industry that’ll let you keep his entire system FREE
    if it
    doesn’t work for your parrot.

(Nobody else in is willing to
put their “money where their mouth is” like this…)

The bottom line is this: My
system is 100% guaranteed to work for you …just like it’s worked for
100’s other parrot owners before you

  • If you’ve owned a parrot in
    the past who died early, this will work for you.

  • If you just got a new parrot
    and have no idea how to care for it properly, this is for you.

  • If you’re thinking about
    getting a parrot and you want to make sure you start out on the right
    foot, this is for you.

In my course I will teach you a
and perfected
parrot care formula. This formula is a simple step-by-step plan you
will follow to setup the perfect “parrot

Of course, I also
provide step-by-step “quick
instructions for every
single parrot illness. So, you’ll have complete peace of mind knowing
that if your parrot does ever fall ill, you’ll have the knowledge to
cure him quickly and inexpensively.

My program has been tested,
tweaked, and used on over 100’s parrots.

reason why it’s so popular is simple: It Works Like Gangbusters!

There’s nothing like it
available…not in bookstores, at, or even on the Internet.

See, what most people don’t
realize is that caring for parrot is extremely simple. You just need to
know what to do, and how to do it!

Even if you’re a total beginner
and haven’t got a clue where to start, you can have your own parrot
“home” setup and enjoying their environment within

There are essentially 3 main
things you need to
know about parrot care

  • How to setup your cage

  • How to maintain quality
    conditions in your cage

  • How to feed your parrot
    proper not only to avoid health conditions, but emotional problems as

Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird”
all of this, and a lot more!


when you read it, you’ll be
with how simple it
really is to care for parrots.

Here’s just a taste of what
you’ll discover…

  • A complete guide to the
    parrot cage and how to easily maintain a healthy environment.

  • The 5 things
    you must do
    before placing your parrot in his new home.

  • What to feed your parrot
    – and what not to give him! There is a ton of inaccurate info
    out there. I’ll tell you the truth so you never have to wonder again!

  • How to care for a single
    parrot and more than one!

  • Why your parrot is squawking
    at you! You may be surprised to learn the answer to this.

  • How to choose a healthy
    from the store —
    there are little known things to look
    for that
    the pet store owner’s don’t want you to know!

  • The surefire signs
    illness that will tell you if your parrot needs medical attention.

  • An entire chapter
    devoted to
    parrot illnesses and cures. Your parrot has the potential to completely
    recover from an illness, but it’s not how you think. I’ll show you the
    truth about curing your parrot.

  • What species of parrots are
    more likely to learn to talk than others.

  • A complete guide to all the
    accessories your parrot needs to be happy in his new home.

  • A complete parrot first aid
    kit. This is an important one! The supplies in this kit just may save
    your parrot’s life!

  • Where you should never place
    your parrot cage in your house. Put it here and it just might kill him!

  • What to do if your parrot
    does get sick. There are several very important steps on caring for a
    sick parrot before you have the chance to take him to the vet.

  • Just how many species you
    have to choose from in the parrot world. Probably a lot more than you

  • The one location you
    never place your parrot’s cage
    Put his home here and
    you’re nearly guaranteeing that he’ll develop
    emotional and physical problems.

  • A crash course on parrot
    . Knowing
    what’s normal and healthy behavior
    – and what’s not! – can help you provide
    the best possible care for your parrot.

  • All about feeding your
    parrot, including tips on varying his diet to make sure his intestinal
    tract stays healthy.

  • What to do if your parrot
    won’t eat.

  • Why sleep is important to
    your parrot’s health. And how much sleep he needs. (This will
    surprise you!)

  • How to easily and effortless
    teach your parrot to talk.

  • An entire chapter devoted
    adopting the perfect parrot

    step-by-step instructions from
    start to

  • How to prepare food for your
    parrot. This one is easy, and it’s a ton of fun to watch him eat it!

  • Why your parrot is obsessed
    with plucking his feathers. It’s more than just an annoying
    habit, it’s the sign of a deeper problem.

  • What toys to buy your parrot
    – and what not to. Did you know that some toys may actually
    harm him?

  • What time of the day is best
    to teach him to teach – as well as to teach him other
    commands. Yes, it really does make a difference.

that’s not nearly all!!

You’ll discover much more in
this rare and candid parrot care system.

And what’s really great is

You Can Be Absorbing This
Amazing Parrot Care System

In The Next 30 Seconds!

You can order this amazing
system right
and actually start
discovering these parrot care secrets within 30 seconds… yes, that is
right… WITHIN
can have a healthier parrot and attractive – and healthy
– cage!

That’s because I’ve taken the
entire system and turned it into a downloadable eBook.

All you need to do is open the
eBook on your computer and begin reading!

But don’t worry, downloading
the information in my Parrot Care
“Raising Polly, How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted
is a real
snap. I’m no “techno whiz” and I had no problem. (It works perfectly
with both MAC and PC computers.)

      bonus audio


The entire eBook has been
transcribed and recorded in a MP3 format. We generally sell the ebook
upsell for an additional $8.99 but for a limited time during our market
test period we are offereing it to you FREE.
You can load the downloaded files to your MP3 player or Ipod and have
the convenience of listening to the material at your leisure.



12 Simple Tricks Any Parrot Can Learn!

Training Your Parrot: 12 Simple Tricks Any Parrot Can Learn!

This amazing bonus book
training your parrot a breeze.

It takes a dozen tricks and
breaks the
learning process down into very simple steps. The author, James Junior,
has researched and applied these principles with great success. His
techniques are foolproof and you will be amazed at how fast your bird
will pick up these tricks. Start astounding your friends! This book
sells for $11.99 on line and we have obtained the exclusive marketing
rights, from Medford House Publishers, for the next 60 days. We are
offering it as a FREE bonus
selection when you order “Raising Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy,
Well Adjusted Bird”, Right NOW,
as a reward for those who want to get started with our system. It is a limited time
offer so act NOW!

will get “Raising Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well
Adjusted Bird” along with the audio ebook and “Training Your Parrot”
ebook bonus for a fraction of the cost of the bird!

we hit 500 members, the price will change.


for only $19.97. There are no other fees or hidden costs.

Why have I priced this so low? Simple: I believe in helping others to
have a healthy, happy, well adjusted bird!

Ordering Is
Safe, Easy, And

Like I said
earlier, you can
place your order right now
and be benefiting to this entire system 30
seconds later.

The way it
works is simple and

one of the blue
links and you’ll be taken to my 100% secure order page.

As soon as
your order is
processed (takes about 45 seconds), you’ll be taken to the “Download
Page” where you can instantly download the entire manual.

downloadable guide reveals
some closely
guarded secrets
that have transformed 972 other parrots…and continue to be used by an
average of 10 new parrot owners per day.

You’ll be
thrilled with how
fast, fun, and easy it is to care for your parrot once you learn the
right way to do it.

information-packed guide
normally sells for $29.95 in its offline “physical” format.

But thanks
to a special
arrangement I’ve made with the publisher, we’ve made his sensational

Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird”

which contains my entire parrot care system, available to you as a
downloadable ebook directly accessible from the Internet.

This way I
have no inventory
and no fulfillment costs. I don’t need to pay anyone to take the orders
over the phone. This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So
you win and I win. But don’t worry, downloading the information

Polly: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird”

is a real snap. I’m no “techno whiz” and I had no problem. (It works
perfectly with both MAC and PC computers.)

Also, I’m
offering it at this
low price because this entire “internet sale” is part of a marketing
test I’m trying out. Frankly, I plan to raise the price by an extra
$15.00 (at least) in the very near future.

Even at a
higher price, it’d
be a bargain because this system works like crazy!

I know from
first hand,
personal experience that it does and I’m so confident you’ll love it
that I’m offering the following guarantee:

Your Parrot
Will Be So
Beautiful – and Healthy — That Your Friends Will Be Jealous
Or Else I’ll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back And Still Let You Keep
This Entire System For FREE!

heard me correctly. This amazing guide is
to work for you. 

And I stand behind it 100%.
Test drive it for 60


If you
aren’t absolutely
thrilled with it for any reason (or for no reason at all) just let me
know and I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked.

“Raising Polly: How-To Raise A Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird”  

for 60 days!

you feel that this e-book does not have everything I’ve
on this page or if you’re not 100% thrilled with it, Just let me know
and I will issue you a
and full refund
without any
questions asked.

will let you keep

the “Training Your Parrot: 12 Simple Tricks any Parrot can Learn” ebook
with the Audio Files just as my way to say thank you for trying my e-Book!

You Risk Nothing – You
either Love it – or
it’s FREE.

There are no questions
no “wiggle clauses” and no funny business.

You have 60 full days to put
to work for you, and you either you love it or you get a refund and
keep it free. Wouldn’t it be great if everything came with this kind of

have absolutely no
risk…and everything to gain!

You’ll be thrilled with
POLLY:How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird
you’ll be overjoyed by how much fun it is to have a happy, healthy
parrot who is your friend for years to come.

Wishing you and your parrot
years of fun and happiness.


JOSEPH (Fellow Parrot Lover)


P.S. The Internet
low price of only $19.97
for both books and the audio MP3 download is a part of a market test
I’m conducting.

It includes the
POLLY: How-to Raise a Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted Bird”

eBook. Plus the FREE BONUS BOOK:

offline for $41.00. Once I’ve completed my market test, I know I’ll be
raising the price. So if you’re at all interested, you should buy right

P.P.S. Remember, you are 100% protected with my 60 Days
Unconditional Money Back Guarantee. So if you come in, have a look
around and for ANY REASON find it not to your satisfaction,
you’ll get a FULL refund (no questions asked), yet still get to
keep the “Raising Polly: How-to Raise A Healthy, Happy, Well Adjusted
Bird” and the 2 exclusive bonuses.

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