The Path To A Stronger Immune System By Dr Liz

The Path To A Stronger Immune System By Dr Liz

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Here it is… The Path to a Healthier, Happier YOU!

Did you know that 70% of your immune system is in your gut?

Did you know that if you feed your gut the right foods it will strengthen your immune system and help your body fight off common infections and diseases? A strong immune system helps keep you and your family healthy (after all no one likes being sick!). Imagine being able to do this by eating the right foods at the right times for you without the need for extra pills, potions, lotions and medications.

How many times in the Last 12 months have you felt...

  • Sick after eating or drinking too much?
  • Depressed and guilty after a big night (or day) on the booze and food?
  • Like you have been trying to lose the same 5-10kg (11-22 pounds) for years and maybe have even gained some more besides?

I am sure you have heard that ‘you are what you eat’ and that your immune system is what keeps you healthy! BUT did you know that a poor diet is a major factor in your immune system NOT doing its job and exposing you to lifestyle diseases like Type II Diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and some cancers. We all know that we need to eat better and maybe that is you, but are you a little confused about the specific things you need to do?

Are you confused by what NUTRITION really is and what it could mean to you? With all the mixed messages in the media many of my clients aren’t even sure what it means to eat healthy anymore.

Did you know?

  • That ‘lite/light’ foods can be unhealthy? In fact, ‘Lite/Light’ doesn’t necessarily describe calorie intake and is used to describe flavour, salt or fat content. In the case of yogurts, light yogurts often have a lot of added sugar and would not be my first choice. Light olive oil describes the processing and has the same amount of fat and calories as other olive oil.
  • Food ratings can be misleading. While ratings can be used as a guide – good ratings don’t always equate to a healthy food. Ratings can also encourage food manufacturers to tweak a generally unhealthy product to give it a better rating (e.g. add in bits that have been removed in the processing). Not all foods with a high Health Star Rating are considered healthy and in fact may be highly processed and should only be eaten occasionally. If it can be confusing for a nutritionist, and requires time, expertise and experience to sift through all the science, products and recommendations, how are you supposed to know what to eat for better health?

…Imagine having a simple path to follow.

…Imagine living life to the fullest.

Imagine waking up in the morning knowing you have the energy and vitality to get up and live life exactly as you want to from dawn to dusk.

It’s OK if you are confused! Unless you are a scientist or researcher, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the myriad of doctors’ diagnoses, recommendations, pills, potions and information (some of it misinformation) swirling around in the media.

I’m here to give you the clarity and confidence you need to be your healthiest self.

My mission is to help you get clarity on the best foods to eat for YOU. You will have the confidence to get healthy and stay healthy by breaking down the complex science into easy to understand and practical tips you can implement today. As you know there are no guarantees but if you have a healthy plan it’s like an insurance policy to give you peace of mind that you are doing all you can to look after the health of you and your family.

Embrace the Healthy Power of Nutrition and Live Better!

YES, I Want The Special Price of Just 97.00 USD

Take a moment right now to think about the following questions.

  • Are you finding yourself huffing and puffing as you walk up stairs and groaning when you bend down because you don’t have the physical stamina you want?
  • Do you feel embarrassed because you need to be close to a toilet as you have tummy problems or bloating?
  • Do you look in the mirror and see someone you don’t recognise looking back at you?
  • Do you have high blood pressure or cholesterol or type II diabetes or heart disease and want to manage it without medication?
  • Do you want to protect yourself from cancer and/or any other progressive disease?
  • Are you confused about who to listen to and who to trust? After all in the media the loudest nutrition voices are often the least qualified and experienced!!!

AND, Let me ask you a question. How badly do you want to be healthy?

  • Do you want to stop worrying about your health?   
  • Do you want to feel comfortable and look great in your favourite clothes?
  • Do you want to feel better and embrace life?

This is where I come in. I can help you to improve your nutrition and health to feel more comfortable in your favourite clothes and embrace life. I have done all the work so that you have planned healthy meals, gut friendly foods and stress busting meals. Find out what supplements (if necessary) can help you fight fatigue and get your energy back.

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It.

Here Are What Clients Are Saying

I loved your Immune System program Dr Liz!! It was appropriately paced and not at all overwhelming and could easily be slotted into a busy schedule. The content was good and you have a lovely and respectful way of conveying information that is positive and uplifting as well as motivating.


Dr. Liz is a very rare individual. She talks in a language I can understand and has a delightful sense of humour that is so important … her online sessions are an added bonus to her ongoing advice. I would definitely encourage anyone with health issues to seek her advice.


I would highly recommend Dr Liz services to everyone who is undergoing any health issue! I have been a part of Dr Liz Immune System program lately and have seen a drastic improvement within myself. Her non-stop guidance and motivation helped me to achieve my health goals and be able to be a happy healthy person again!


I join those who are immensely grateful to have found Dr Liz, and to benefit from the expertise and realism she brings to helping each person. She takes you ‘where you are at’ and you will always feel that her suggestions are within reach as you take the next step. Her ‘food first’ approach gives you confidence that health is not dependent on swallowing a whole lot of pills and potions, rather on exploring what within normal parameters works for you. Highly recommended!


I certainly achieved more from Dr Liz’s Immune System program than expected. The information was of top quality (and evidence-based) with the biggest plus for me being that I truly understood how certain foods can have a positive health impact. For the first time in years, I actually ‘tamed my tummy’!!!


Professor Isenring is a recognized international expert in nutrition and education. Her positive, supportive and transformative approach enable her clients to focus on what is important, achieve their goals and enjoy a truly wonderful quality of life.

Dr Martin Chasen

Here’s How I Can Help YOU!

  • HELP you stop the guilt of an emotional eating and drinking cycle
  • GIVE you clarity by providing you with the right information that actually works
  • SHOW you how to prepare yummy and tasty meals
  • KNOW what supplements (if any) you need to be taking
  • DECREASE the risk of developing a lifestyle disease like heart disease and help you better manage an existing chronic condition
  • SUPPORT you so that you know that you are not alone and be kept motivated by a like-minded community with the same challenges and goals as you

AND… Take Control of Your Eating Instead

of Your Eating Controlling You!

1) Step One

DOWNLOAD The Path to a Stronger Immune System’ e-book

and ‘The Gut Map’. STICK The Gut Map on your fridge, make yourself a cuppa, grab a pen and then sit down and read The Path to a Stronger Immune System e-book. After you’ve read this little book, have a second read and TICK the things you are already doing and CIRCLE the areas you can improve on.

2) Step Two

VIRTUAL trainings
with Dr Liz to watch in your own time.

Benefit from Dr Liz and her expert guests covering the latest tips on brain training, mind-set, exercise, lifestyle habits and all other related areas to keeping you healthy and living an active full life. You have LIFETIME access to these trainings and they are continuously updated. You can do these at your own pace so you can do them more frequently if you wish – some of my clients listen to them while walking or doing exercise.

(Valued at $600.00)

3) Step Three

DOWNLOAD the workbook and keep track of your daily habits and activities. The Path to a Stronger Immune System WORKBOOK, e-book, videos, recipes & meal plans will give you a simple path to follow.

Make note of all your Q & As, discuss them in the FB group and keep it as your own personal reference forever.

(Valued at $200.00)

4) Step Four

Exclusive VIP Facebook Online Group

Receive LIFETIME ACCESS to an exclusive online community of like minded people to be kept accountable, be inspired, share tips and recipes, share wins and challenges and to celebrate your successes! You can ask Dr Liz and her team questions and receive answers in real time.

(Valued at $300.00 but really priceless 😁)

The Healing Power of FOOD Could Change Your Life Forever!

YES, I Want The Special Price of Just 97.00 USD

Why do we need a strong immune system?

Right now in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, you need to stay healthy. I know how to get you healthy and how to keep you healthy. Improving your gut health and strengthening your immune system is a proactive approach to improving your health. We know that about 70% of your immune tissue is in your gut therefore improving your gut health can help strengthen your immune system so that it can work properly to help protect you and your family from infection and disease.

Will this stop me from getting COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a contagious virus and so the best way of minimizing transmission risk is to practice social distancing and good hygiene practices like frequent hand washing. International reports show that most of those who are severely affected have a compromised immune system, underlying disease and/or are elderly. Strengthening our immune system is one way of decreasing the chance of getting sick. Even if you are COVID-19 free we are all impacted by it. The social distancing and other public health measures are increasing stress for many and impacting our ability to eat and exercise as normal. This coaching program supports us to undertake health-promoting practices during this unprecedented time.

What if I have a medical condition?

This coaching program is suitable for most people with a chronic condition. To be sure, please discuss with both your doctor and Dr Liz. In most cases the program can be modified to meet your specific requirements or you can discuss the option of receiving expert tailored personal coaching by Dr Liz.

What does evidence-based mean?

This coaching program is evidence-based which means that scientific studies and research have been used to guide the strategies and recommendations included in this program. The advantage of evidence-based practice is that it uses the best available and latest research for the best health outcomes in a cost effective manner.

Why is the program at a special price?

I’ve included this as a FAQ as I am getting asked why the program has so much value. There is no catch. It is simply so that as many people as possible can get healthy and stay healthy right now. I know many are doing it tough so this is our way of supporting you and your family during this crazy time. This is thoughtful pricing and will return to the normal price once we’re past the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is Dr Liz?

Dr Liz supports people to be healthy via the healing power of nutrition. She is a Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics and via her scientific guidelines has improved the nutrition and quality of life of hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world. She really appreciates the healing power of nutrition not just from her scientific work but through her personal experience of rediscovering the importance of nutrition and fitness to thrive following a period of stress and burnout. For this reason and especially at this time Dr Liz is offering this program because she wants to help you be healthy now, feel better and thoroughly enjoy life.

“I know that I can help you to be healthier. Believe in yourself and know that I am with you every step of your health journey. “

Dr Liz

Phd, BHSc(Nut&Diet)(Hons 1), Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian, Nutritionist and Wellness Consultant.

You Can Live a Healthy, Active Life!

‘The Path to a Stronger Immune System’ TODAY
Yes Please! I Want The Special Price of Just $97.00 USD


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GoDaddy for online LINC Nutrition academy Website i.e. online portal for participants as well as FB support group and PDF and video recordings (all housed on the online portal)

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