The Jesus Code
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Dr. Ren Lexander, author of

The Jesus Code

Two thousand years ago, Jesus gave away his teachings for free…

But… Jesus confessed that he talked IN CODE:

“…for those outside everything is in parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand…”

Because of this talking in code, for two thousand years, Jesus’s teachings have been utterly and profoundly misunderstood. This has caused billions of spiritual seekers to lose their way… because these seekers have had no clear map to find their way to an understanding of what the historical Jesus actually preached…

What did Jesus mean by:

  • “Baptism by the Holy Spirit”?

  • How could this “kingdom of God”

  • How could it be “blessed” to mourn,

to be meek, to hunger and thirst???

(The Beatitudes)

To truly understand the teachings of Jesus, you have to crack

The Jesus Code.

After you read The Jesus Code, you will see and perceive – you will hear and understand.

As Jesus’s teachings were free two thousand years ago, The Jesus Code is FREE today.

You can access The Jesus Code in written form and as an audiobook, TOTALLY...

There is no other book remotely like The Jesus Code.

The author: My Ongoing Shock

“As I started on the quest of writing The Jesus Code, I was sure that I would find other soberly-argued academically-rigorous books making the case that Jesus had been a mystic teaching the path of the inner transformation of the soul.”

There would be other books on this out there. For sure.


At least one.

Absolutely definitely.

One at least…

I could not find one.

Not one.

I was shocked.

I am still stunned.

How could there not be at least one academically-serious book arguing that Jesus was teaching the inner path of spiritual transformation and evolution????

Because of this unfathomable lack, I have been forced to conclude that this book

is startlingly original. 

This is a digital product. All images are for visualization only.

The Jesus Code is the first book to:

  • Make a coherent case that the historical

Jesus never preached faith but, instead,

was a mystic teaching the path of inner spiritual evolution.

  • Properly decode the unique expressions

“the kingdom of God”, “the Holy Spirit” and “Son of Man”.

  • Make sense of the Beatitudes and reveal

them as being a step-by-step guide to

the path of inner transformation.

  • Reveal the true meaning of the

If this shocks you with its claim of over-the-top originality… well… it shocks me too.

It took a prodigious amount of inner searching and outer seeking

to get to these understandings.

“…seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Are you prepared to seek?

Are you prepared to die to the idea that you already know it all?

Are you prepared to join in the resurrection

of Jesus and his actual teachings?

Whether you are Christian, Atheist, Other religion, Agnostic, Spiritual-not-religious – or even an Academic, The Jesus Code has more to offer you than you can imagine…

Click on the appropriate image below to see

a personalized video introduction for you by the author,

Dr. Ren Lexander

Seriously, no matter what you believe, there is something important in these books for you.

explains what Jesus actually taught,

and why he taught it…

Audio Introduction To

The Jesus Code

This is a digital product. All images are for visualization only.

This book is NOT available on Amazon.

There is a second book, that can be purchased separately,

which explains why Jesus abandoned his mission of teaching,

and why he chose the path to crucifixion…

so becoming the most impactful person in history!

Audio Introduction To

The Crucifixion Code

This is a digital product. All images are for visualization only.

This work is covered by a

100% money-back guarantee.

You can receive it in

PDF, ePUB, and MP3 talking book format

read by the author, Dr. Ren Lexander.

These books are NOT available on Amazon.

Dr. Lexander has been published by major publishing houses around the world such as Penguin, HarperCollins, and BantamDoubledayDell.

The Jesus Code + The Crucifixion Code

Part of

Dr. Ren Lexander’s,

Maps For A More Meaningful Life.

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