The Golf Swing System

The Golf Swing System

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Dear Friend,

We’ve all been there…

Standing on the first tee, with a crowd of weekend warriors watching your first shot of the day.

You feel like they’re judging you based on the outcome of that first drive.

“Please… Oh Please let this one go straight down the middle of the fairway and not another slice into the rough”.

We all know what happens…

You end up wildly hooking or slicing your drive… ending up either out of bounds or down the fairway of an adjacent hole.

What a way to start your round.

That doesn’t sound like an enjoyable experience to me… but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Imagine when you step onto that first tee and feel super confident, knowing that your drive is going to soar down the middle of the fairway.

Imagine how it feels to rip your drive on that very same busy first tee and everyone is left speachless from the effortless power of your swing.

Imagine knowing that this will continue for the rest of your round as you cruise your way round to another low score.

Well this is how I feel every time I tee it up, but it wasn’t always this way.

Back when I used to play competitively, I used to hate that first tee shot.

Don’t get me wrong, I could play and I could bomb it…

But the ball could go anywhere.

I had plenty of power, but because my swing was missing this one key ingredient, I had some pretty destructive misses.

And of course at that level…

You hit one out of bounds and your tournament is over.

The Key Discovery That I Made To Transform

My Golf Swing And Start Hitting A Powerful,

Consistent Draw

You see…

If you’re struggling with inconsistency…

If you’re struggling to control your ball flight…

Or if you just can’t generate any power, no matter how hard you swing it,

Then you more than likely have an issue with your swing plane.

In my 20+ years in helping golfers to completely transform their games, I realised that the #1 thing that most amateur golfers struggle with, is their swing plane.

Instead of creating, a powerful steep to shallow golf swing like the top tour pro’s…

They create an ugly “Over The Top” move, pulling their club off the ideal downswing plane, leading to a weak and inefficient motion.

A faulty swing plane means that you will struggle to deliver the club squarely into the ball at impact, resulting in wild shots.

It also makes it virtually impossible to generate any speed.

The problem is that creating your ideal swing plane is quite counter intuitive…

The very motion of generating speed in the downswing makes it virtually impossible to achieve your ideal plane – unless you know how to shallow the club effectively.

The 5-Minute Swing Plane Fix

Thankfully, I have a simple solution to mastering your swing plane in just 5-minutes, and when you learn how to master your swing plane, you will;

  • Hit the ball longer with less effort,
  • Hit consistently straight shots time and time again,
  • Be able to hit draws on command,
  • Finally start shooting lower scores.

In fact when I first implemented this discovery into my own golf swing, I instantly gained 7 mph in clubhead speed and started hitting the ball arrow straight.

Since then, I have consistently implemented this discovery into my coaching and my clients have started hitting the ball longer and straighter than they ever dreamed possible.

And yes, I do mean it…

Within the first 5-minutes, we will correct your swing plane, and then over the next 30-days, we’ll strengthen up your ability to take your new swing to the course and absolutely annihilate the ball down the fairway.

You can achieve these awesome results by registering for the Swing Plane System programme today.

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