The Fundamentals Of Blacksmithing Ebook

The Fundamentals Of Blacksmithing Ebook

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the Exciting World of Artistic Blacksmithing


The Fundamentals of

Ebook By
David Robertson


My name is David Robertson and I have been smithing
for over 20 years now. Whew, time does fly!

I started back in 1987 with no idea of what I was doing and a need to
do everything I did on a tight budget. I started as a hobby which grew
into a hobby business, which followed into a full time business. My
smithing was at the hobby business stage while I was training as a
geological engineer. When I left school I still needed to pay the bills
and engineering jobs were not just around the corner so blacksmithing
became full time.

After 20 years I still get a thrill from taking raw material and
transforming it into something both useful and elegant, and I expect my
work to last long after I do. Few other mediums are so elegant and long
lasting. Consider this book a good solid foundation to start to explore

I have made lots of mistakes over the years but have found that a few
good books have helped me along the way. When I was starting out I
would have loved to find a book like The Fundamentals of Blacksmithing.
I wrote it with the beginner in mind. It is clearly written and
illustrated for novice blacksmiths. This is not a series of projects to
try your hand at. It is a series of techniques that build on each other
to develop your skills as a blacksmith. The techniques can be
incorporated into larger projects as you master them.

Included are plans for a small coal forge, and a small gas forge. If
you are truly interested in building a gas forge I would suggest that
you look at my

Gas Forge
Construction dvd
The video goes into much more
than the plans in the book and shows the step by step process that is

be aware, you use any information in this book at your own risk!

Smithing itself has inherent risks with it. Open flame, hot metal, bits
of metal flying around just to name a few. As we all know, anything
rewarding has a certain amount of risk to it. Take precautions and you
can develop an excellent hobby.

Smithing has seen a new dawning age in the past few years. It is a
hobby that both men and women are taking up and some are turning it
into a new career. It requires a smaller budget to start than many
other pastimes, and can (at least in the beginning) take up a smallish
amount of space.

The ebook is broken down into chapters that roughly follow my Basic and
Intermediate Blacksmithing Courses that I offer at my shop. I do
strongly feel that nothing replaces one on one instruction in the finer
points of this craft, but if you are looking to test the waters in this
ancient art

The Fundamentals of
is an excellent place to start.

A sampling of chapters are:

  • Safety
  • Tools
  • Tapering
  • Shouldering
  • Scrolling
  • Drawing out
  • Hot Punching
  • Forge Welding
  • Tool Steel
  • Hand Forged Knives
  • Heat Treating …..and much more!

You will learn:

  • How to build and maintain a proper coal fire.
  • The basic tools you wil require.
  • How to taper, and shoulder.
  • How to twist and make scrolls.
  • Effective drawing out and hot cutting.
  • Hot through punching, and splitting.
  • How to upset a bar, and make leaves.
  • Forge welding and making tongs.
  • How to work with tool steel and how to make
    forged knives.
  • and many other tips and techniques.

The ebook also discusses elements of design of a project such as
balance, movement, flow and tension.

With these fundamental techniques you will save hours of doing it the
hard way, trying to re-invent the wheel. There are many ways of
reaching the same goal in blacksmithing. Some are just faster and
easier than others.

If you have developed an interest in blacksmithing and are trying to
decide to jump in or not the book guides you through shop set up and
what to watch out for and how to save money. One the great things about
blacksmithing is that you can make many of your own tools. You reap the
benefit of learning skills when you make a tool as well as just paying
the low cost for the steel.

All of more difficult projects are based on these fundamentals. In
process you design your finished piece on paper and then decide what
techniques you will need for each element. Develop skill with that
technique on sample pieces then build your project.

Sounds simple and really it is. The only catch is that it takes time!

The Fundamentals of
acts as a good refresher course for those
who have done some smithing but may have gotten a bit rusty on some
techniques. Included is a resource section which will help you locate
hard to find items.

You will find smithing a rewarding and surprisingly relaxing hobby. I
have had many retired folks take it up as hobby for the combination of
the physical activity, the rewards of producing something beautiful and
useful, and it helps to keep the mind sharp as you are always trying to
figure out the next project.

When you invest in this ebook that entitles you to free updates. I will
email you when I update the book and provide you with the new download
link. You only have the one time investment and a perpetually updated
book. Now thats good value for the money!

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have decided to put the ebook on sale
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help you get started in this age old craft. You can become a member by
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Fundamentals of Blacksmithing
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Learn How to Make Your Own Gas Forge Here

Gas Forge Construction Manual Cover image.

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