The Exterminator Sports Betting System By Author of the #1 system

The Exterminator Sports Betting System By Author of the #1 system

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“Sabotage Your Sportsbook Today
With The World’s First-Ever

Exterminator Sports Betting System.”

Finally… The “Champ” Unleashes The Devastating Secrets To The Most Awaited Exterminator Betting System
That Can Stuff Cold Hard Cash Right In Your Pockets For No More Than
Minutes A Day!

(No Sports Knowledge Or Betting Experience Needed!)

Subject: The Exterminator Sports Betting System

My friend,

I am the celebrated creator of the world-famous betting system
that’s taken the industry by storm…

Years back I found the perfect hobby to combine both my passions for sports and mathematics in the thrilling world of sports
betting. Since the dawn of the millennium I’ve spent untold hours
turning over every stone in the land in an aspiring pursuit
to develop the ultimate sports betting system.

At last, my years of back-breaking research finally led me to that
fleeting pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when…

“I finally deciphered the elusive code to a mind-altering sports betting

My breakthrough discovery led to the creation of a revolutionary sports betting
system, as I boldly set off on a relentless journey to spread the secrets of
this astounding system to the market, and
share the exquisite fruits of my
labor to every bettor in the land.

The proof in my betting system’s
pudding was as clear as it was overwhelming, as thousands of
my raving customers would sing praises to attest to its
landmark success…



The betting system gave me the
opportunity to witness some of the most mind-blowing results ever seen in the industry. Its success was
so widespread that the players
who wagered under my betting system ran the online sportsbook BetJoint out of business.
As a result, its owner Mark Roberts sold his
sportsbook, bought a copy of my betting system,
and became a player forever to make back his losses
. To
my knowledge, no betting system has ever been previously responsible for
putting a large-scale sportsbook operation out of business in world

Mark Roberts, CEO and founder of the
online sportsbook, wrote me this letter below after
his sportsbook shut down because of my system players who kept
winning tens of thousands from him a week over a 2-year period!

He swears to its incredible success in this eye-opening letter below:

Mark Roberts was the CEO, owner, and founder of the
former online sportsbook named
He has also ran numerous other prominent bookmaking operations
throughout his prolific 35-year career in the online sports
gambling industry, including JazzSports, BetHorizon, BetAtlas,
and many others. His company went out of business because of my system
players who consistently won tens of thousands from his sportsbook
a week over a 2-year
period. As he tells his fascinating
story in the letter below: In over 35 years of running bookmaking operations, Mark Roberts
has never seen anything like it in his life. BetJoint’s
owner is now permanently retired from the gambling business due
to the betting system. He has since purchased his own copy of my
betting system and is now using it to make back his losses he suffered
as a bookie.


My sports betting systems have been life-changing for countless
people. I receive (literally!) thousands of genuine, heartfelt
testimonials from people just like you telling me how the system has
worked for them, and it has brought me to tears as I read over some of
these absolutely incredible stories.

I’m going to share with you how to get in on my blockbuster system
in just a minute. But first, let me tell you a little bit more about

Click here to view a full list of THOUSANDS
of customer testimonialS!

My name is Tony Chau.

Tony Chau

I was raised in the poor slums of Vietnam where
where our homes were cramped together like a carnival concession
stand, smelling of spoiled garbage and sour washrags. Every day felt
like a struggle for survival:

This was the torn apart shack I called home
during my years of my childhood.

But poverty never weakened my resolve. Armed with an
infinite desire to carve a new path and forever change the course
of my fortunes, I began to take zealous, religious-like passion
in mathematics.

Day and night, I would study math until
numbers would start coming out of my ears!

Soon, the results would start coming in…

By 7th grade I had written a
near-thousand page long math word problem
featured on
television, and eventually submitted to the Guinness Book of World

Me at 13 years old posing with my creation of the
world’s longest math problem.

But that’s isn’t all! By 8th grade I went on to develop a number of

previously undiscovered
mathematical discoveries
. My
most significant discovery became to be known as the
universal rules of
divisibility for all known integers
that was requested
for publishing by a prominent math journal.

My passion for math and sports continued throughout all my life,
culminating at a
ground-breaking milestone when I came across a betting system that’s
completely changed my life, and thousands of other peoples’ lives in
absolutely remarkable ways.

After a breathtaking run, I began delving into the stat sheet again
with every fiber of my body in a tenacious pursuit to develop an
intensive sports betting system that can outshine, outclass, and outpace
my original system in every conceivable way…

Well, the wait is over.

“I’m about to unleash before your very eyes the same exact idiot-proof
system that can potentially catapult you from Joe Schmoe to betting
profits star!”

Grab your piece of the sports winning pie today with my grand
release of The Exterminator Sports Betting

NHL player Mark Desantis says the
Exterminator system’s “results are outstanding! If you
follow through with it, you’ll see how successful it really is!”

Mark Desantis played
professional hockey for 16 years. His talent was so exceptional
that the Anaheim Ducks of the
National Hockey League

signed him to a professional contract
right out of his junior year!


Whether you’re a die-hard gambler, a sports enthusiast, or even someone
who hates betting and can’t stand sports but wants to simply make
piles of money
doing what might be the world’s easiest job — You need to stop
everything you’re doing, and pay close attention to what could be the
silver lining to your darkest clouds.

The Exterminator Betting System is the ultimate successor to my
industry-sweeping system that has made life-changing profits for countless people across the

the power, confidence, and sheer unbridled joy of putting your money on
the winners with a proven betting system”

I’ve done all the heavy-duty lifting for you, unloading every vein of my body to
research and develop a
betting system that
has the capacity to
never stop dropping regular
intervals of cash right into your bank account!

The Exterminator Betting System is a plug-and-profit system that
mechanically picks out particular bets on teams where extensive
historical evidence have shown exceptional chances of betting success.
Depending on the size of your wager, each bet can routinely pull in
thousands in heart-thumping winnings into your account.
Not bad for
a 5-minute job!

Here’s a sneak peek at how I spent
one of my days:

With an obnoxious smiley grin
place a time-tested bet that fell under the betting criteria of the


Laugh hysterically
my team humiliates its foe:


Leisurely stroll out

to my personal Lamborghini


all the ladies along the way before arriving to the sportsbook!


Come in and collect

in cold, hard cash winnings!

How does the possibility of making
over $20,000.00 after a sports
game for
doing almost nothing sound to you?

Want to see more?

That’s $56,732.40 in bank-breaking winnings that I
had amassed over just 3 days betting on sports using my superhuman-like
sports betting system!

How does the prospect of making

that kind of hands-free winnings
over just days for simply
betting on sports sound to you?
Have I gotten your attention yet!

Now, let’s be realistic here that you probably won’t be cashing
in on tens of thousands in winning bets on each and every single day of
the year without fail. In fact, when it comes to betting you always need
to be prepared for the prospect of losing on your bets as well. No betting system
will ever
to get you 100% undefeated wins for eternity.

But how would you feel to tap into a deadly-powerful
betting system that has historically been proven again and again through
decades of mind-bending research, producing results that has snowballed a bankroll from scratch into a
final balance in the hundreds of thousands
for just
minutes of time a day!?

The miraculous success of my betting system
launched me from poverty-stricken squalor to celebrity internet

How would you feel to witness
avalanches of oven-fresh winnings surging into your
bank account when the sports games are played!?

imagine for a second what it would

be if YOU can have this kind of a lifestyle!”

Now, what if I tell you that you may just be an arm’s length away
from discovering a relentless system with the potential to explode your income
like a spaceship about to take flight

– starting as early as

Rodney “Spud” Kulbe’s wife Terri
Kulbe is stricken with devastating stage 4 advanced breast cancer
that has since spread to her liver, neck, and chest. Rodney relies
on the Exterminator Betting System as a source of income to help
save his wife’s life!


Terri Kulbe has suffered through
6 (!!) horrific battles with cancer. She bravely fights on with the
help of winnings made from the Exterminator Betting System.

Terri Kulbe Testimonial

Former NCAA Football Player for the
Temple Owls Andrew Coleman says “I’ve had
phenomenal success, and I’m really so grateful to have stumbled
across this betting system!…It has absolutely been an amazing

Andrew Coleman played Division 1
NCAA Football for the Temple Owls. He has been a part of my betting
system since the year 2008. He sent me this heartfelt video below in
2015, after 8 years of using my program to testify to the sweeping
success he’s enjoying with my betting system!

Cheating your way to a titanic income is all possible with my latest
release: The Exterminator Sports Betting System.

Before I explain to you how my Exterminator Betting System works, I want
to first explain to you how my original betting system
works, the same exact system that has literally
drove a sportsbook out
of business
, and rallied thousands of bettors on a winning expedition

unlike anything they may have imagined.


How did my original betting system work? It’s simple. The
system boasts a 97% win rate on your bets, with
each “bet” being
specified as a bet of a 3-game betting series where you’re betting that
one particular team will win at least one time in a 3-game series.

The system mechanically picks out certain teams where statistics have
shown that under very specific conditions, they are exceptionally likely
to win at least 1 time out of 3 specific games
. Therefore, when one of
those series come up, a bettor would then place a wager for them to win
the first game. If the first bet is lost, a 2nd bet is then made to
recoup the loss on the first bet, plus to make a profit. Similarly, a
final 3rd wager can potentially be placed if the first 2 bets lose in
order to recoup previous losses, while also generating a profit.

In the specific conditions as outlined in my original betting
system, you’d be able to precisely identify which 3-game series have a
remarkable possibility of betting success. Under these guidelines,
members of my system successfully helped bettors place wagers at
towering rates of winning success, paving their history in
the annals of sports winnings that they had never thought was possible!

Andrej Josić lives in Croatia where
little is known about American sports. That didn’t stop Andrej from
cashing out like a rockstar with the Exterminator Betting System! He
says: “I can’t believe how good results have
been, win after win after win, every bet is like 100% safe!”

Andrej Josić lives in from Croatia
where American sports are little-known.


Just imagine, your entire 5-minute “work” process each day can be as
simple as:

Check your
email for my picks (or determine the picks yourself following the
system’s picking guidelines)

Place your bets
with untouchable winning confidence

Lay back and
watch the winnings come flooding in!

As much mind-blowing success as my original system enjoyed over the
years, there has always been a rumbling that losing a 3-game
betting series under the system could amount to a hurtful hit to one’s
bankroll. That, coupled with the idea that wagers under the system may
require unfavorable risk-to-reward ratio per bet due to point-buying
stopped it just shy of being the perfect betting system.


Now, let me cast your worries to the outer galaxy. The “Champ” has arrived with a
rampaging bulldozer on a mission to eradicate those concerns FOREVER
with my latest: The Exterminator Sports Betting System!

A catastrophic hunting accident left Brent Forsman paralyzed.
Now, he relies on betting along with my Exterminator betting system as
the source of his income. He says: “I’ve
tripled my bankroll with the Exterminator system!…The proven results
speak for themselves!”

While climbing a tree during
hunting, one of Brent Forsman’s steps gave away while he was 18 feet
in the air. His catastrophic fall resulted in a brutal broken back
that’s left him paralyzed, and flooded in hopeless medical bills.

My newest and latest release is the crowning pinnacle of sports
winning achievement. The Exterminator NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting System
vows to:

Forever exterminate
the need to chase your bets.
This means that you will never have to increase your
stakes after a loss in order to recoup your losses. Every bet can be
made independently while still enjoying a similar extraordinary winning

Forever exterminate
the need to buy points on your bets.
My original betting
system required buying points in order to give yourself a small
advantage. For example, buying 3 points in the NBA allows you to win
your bet even though your team loses by 3 more points than usual. It’s a
safety net which in return requires you to risk more to win less. The
Exterminator System will forever settle the idea of point-buying in its
grave. You’ll be making honest-to-goodness straight wagers where you
mostly don’t need to risk any more than $110 for every $100 you want to

Forever exterminate
the need to commit yourself to any kind of a betting series.
The 97% win heroics of the original system demanded for a commitment to a 3-game series, where
the rare incident of losing a series could potentially put a damper on
your bankroll. The Exterminator system forever purges all of your need
for commitment to any kind of a betting series, allowing you to make
wagers independently and individually at eye-popping rates of winning

Introduces the all-new
Exterminator Bankroll Management System that minimizes your risks,
while having the capacity to turn a small bankroll into fortunes over the years.
This slick bankroll management system is an
entirely new and inventive system to allow you to make stress-free
wagers with the confidence that you can minimize your risk exposure,
while still
having the capacity to turn a bankroll from scratch into affluence over the years. All of this are fully documented and accessible upon
your entry into the Exterminator Sports Betting System.

Imagine if there was a
simple, template-driven way to profit on sports…A money-making
tactic so revolutionary yet so stupid-simple that a total sports and
betting greenie could use to potentially stockpile tens of thousands of
winning profits in
a short time
for barely lifting a finger…

Imagine that while laying to rest all of the dangerous pitfalls of
betting systems that require you to increase your stakes to recover
previous losses, or wagering on games with dreadful risk-to-reward

Your wait is over.

The Renegade Champ Finally Unleashes The Exterminator Sports Betting

This ferocious beast is about to be uncaged onto an eager market. You
have the reach-for-the-stars opportunity today to bring home the
monstrosity and discharge it loose onto the unsuspecting sportsbooks as
you potentially begin a hardcore, cash-pulling money siphon betting
process so magical, it’s almost immoral!
You can be put this
gilt-edged system to work for you today to begin raiding the
sportsbooks in broad daylight for possible gains of up to thousands and more as the sports games are played!


Click here to view a full list of THOUSANDS
of customer testimonialS!

Imagine the hordes of people who used my original betting system to
record-breakin success, documented through thousands of genuine,
heartfelt testimonials all over the globe. Imagine that, then amp
up its volume to the deathliest tones.

But look, talk is cheap. I could be sitting here until the roosters
crow going on about how my Exterminator NFL, NBA, and
MLB Betting System may be the best thing invented since toilet

But I won’t do that because the truth is, I don’t need to. There are simply too many wannabe
experts on the
internet acting crafty behind a screen. What separates me from the
other wishful sports ‘gurus’ and so-called handicappers that can’t
pick their own nose is that my reputation and history is fully
established, and the thousands
of my own customers who are raving like rabid fans about just how well my system
has served them, and how much winnings they continue to make year
after year after year like a never-ending stream…

Just how well does my Exterminator
Betting System work you ask?

“Let me murder all of your doubts
with an improbable worst-case scenario!”

Let’s just say that you are dead broke on your last $500. Yes, just $500
to your name and not a penny more to embark on the sports betting
expedition of your lifetime…

Starting with a $500 bankroll, The Exterminator NBA betting system alone
recorded a chart-topping growth to well over $100,000 in just over 300
days of bets!
And that’s all with just
the NBA alone, without even touching the incredible success of the
Exterminator NFL and MLB systems!

And this is no pie in the sky. The results are real, documented, and all
verifiable in front of your eyes with no smoke or mirrors attached. As
soon as you secure access to my celebrated Exterminator Betting System,
you’ll be given complete, unhindered access to all of the
documented records going back to the year 2000 to provide you with a
full bird’s eye view of just how astonishingly well the system has
performed over the decades through simple straight wagers
— all without chasing, point-buying,
or committing yourself to any kind of a betting series. That’s right,
you could have flourished that $500 bank into a final
balance in the hundreds of thousands in just simple straight wagers
where you’re mostly not risking any more than $110 for every $100 you
want to win!

And remember…this is all considering the improbable worst-case,
dead-broke scenario where you only have $500 to start! Can you just
imagine what kind of a hair-raising fortune you could have amassed if
you had started out with $1,000? $5,000? $10,000?


past results don’t guarantee
future performance, they can be a powerful indication. I have laid out the entire documented record
going all the way back up to 2000 to give you the peace of confidence that
my Exterminator NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting Systems have stood the
extensive test of time. All of the records
are fully and readily accessible as
soon as you secure your copy.


“That sounds fantastic, Tony! But how
exactly does your Exterminator Betting system work?”

The Exterminator Betting System will expose to you a simple,
step-by-step formula that lets you pick out winning bets in sports
at a startling historical consistency.

In the NFL (American football), you’ll discover a way to determine
when a team is vastly overrated, and bet against those teams that
are clearly not as good as what they may seem to be. Similarly, the
system will also show you a way to determine when a team is vastly
underrated, allowing you to bet on those teams who may actually may
be much better than what the betting lines may indicate. It
takes about 10 to 15 minutes to look over a few key pieces of
statistics to piece together which NFL teams you should bet on, and
which NFL teams you should bet against.

In the NBA (basketball), you’ll discover an eye-opening way
determine certain scenarios where a team, upon losing a game based
on very specific criteria, will have good likelihood of covering on
their next game.
Historically, data has shown over decades
of research that when an NBA team loses a game under these specific
circumstances, that their chance of covering on their next game
becomes dramatically higher. The Exterminator NBA Betting system
will teach you exactly what the specific circumstance is, to allow
you the ability to bet on those games that has historically proven
to be bets of tremendous value.

In the MLB (baseball), you’ll discover a method on how to
bet on certain MLB teams based on their scheduling which has
historically shown to be good value bets.
Certain times of
the year, and certain conditions surrounding the playing teams
involved will dictate who you should be betting on, and how much
action you should be putting on the teams. I’ll reveal to you why
there’s a certain month of the year when certain teams are more
likely to win under specific scenarios. You’ll be able to take
advantage of that knowledge by betting on the team that has
historically shown to be likely to win!

When I first saw with
my own eyes the system’s unthinkable winning results
throughout the decades, I literally
could not believe my eyes.
had to be wrong here. How was it possible that this betting
system had won so extensively at such laser-precision for so
little risks involved? Something had to be off somewhere.

So I went back and redid everything again, starting back
from scratch to backtest the system all over again from 2000
to verify that I hadn’t made a glaring booboo somewhere,
because quite honestly…what I had in front of me felt way
too good to be true.

To my shock and awe,
everything checked out exactly as I had gathered the first
time around:


From 2001 to 2012, the
Exterminator NBA Betting System alone
grew a bankroll of $500 to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Exterminator MLB
Betting System introduces an entirely new angle where certain types of
bets have never lost for as far back as I have tested it.

The Exterminator NFL
Betting System has turned a $1,000 bankroll into a final
balance of $44,709.59 on just 44 bets over the years!
It went for a PERFECT
10-0 in its last 10 bets as of this writing. It has never had a losing
season through as far back as I tested it a decade ago.
And remember, these are all just straight bets where
you don’t have to risk any more than $110 for every $100 you want to

Celebrated author Kim Hastings says:
“Your systems are delightful. I have
won many hundreds of dollars through my use of them!”

Kim Hastings is a respected published author with five
novels to his name. His third novel, “Angel of Mercy,” charted in
the Amazon adult contemporary inspirational fiction category in the
prestigious #7 spot.

Stop frantically looking around trying to find that secret magic formula
to making quick cash. The answer to your
fanciful prayers may just be sitting right in front of you, right now!

Jumping on the betting
system with real money was a no brainer when I first discovered my
sports betting system. When I finally banked in my first $1,000+ bet
overnight at the click of a button as the sports games were played, my
mind became awestruck. There I was, thinking about all the people who
are still beating their heads against the wall, trying to figure out
what in the world they can do to make some real money… while all it
took for me to swell up my wallet
by more than a thousand fat dollar bills in one day
was just
a simple click of a button to bet on my favorite sports team…
Are you ****in’ kidding me??

It felt too good to be true… even for me to believe!

And then it happened again…then again…and again, all while I was kicking back, beer in one hand and pizza
in another while lounging back in my favorite Lazyboy as the sports
games were played! At times, I was pulling in more eye-popping income
in a few days than what many people I knew made in years…and all that
for spending just a few minutes betting under my rapid-cash-grab
betting system.

Chief Operating Officer of Weiser Security Leonard
Kline says: “The Exterminator system is

“My mind-numbing years of exhaustive research has at last paid off in
crowning glory as the

cryptic combination to the master lock of betting profits had
cracked open. And in it, the delicious bounty can finally be relished,

Today marks the grand
release of my exterminating betting system that might just
bust a multi-billion dollar gambling
industry wide open
for a time-limited number of betting
wealth profiteers!

Stop dismembering your own hard-earned bankroll on sports. Snatch my
latest release out of my hands right now and you can start giving your sports
betting ventures a fresh shot of anabolic steroids. It’s a devilishly simple, yet
totally new and revolutionary, profit-harvesting system that might just
have you legally pick-pocketing the sportsbooks
in broad daylight!


Click here to view a full list of THOUSANDS
of customer testimonialS!

Once you tap into my smashing insider betting method, nothing may become
as easy and simple to make such jaw-dropping amounts of earnings
hands-free for so little time spent — regardless of your budget,
location, knowledge, experience, or interest in betting or sports!

The Exterminator Sports Betting

will show you you the
clear-cut, step-by-step formula that can exploit the hidden
loopholes to winning on your bets many more times than losing on them
and in turn has historically turned a simple $500 bankroll into a
final balance in the hundreds of thousands — all without
ever spending more than just minutes a day!

Get onboard with me, and you can take the shortcut to sports betting
stardom — even if you’re the greenest of beginners who can’t tell
the difference between a baseball and a basketball!

less time than it takes for you to
eat dinner, you can discover the explosive
secrets of my sports betting system and possibly cash in on untold
profits from it for life!”

My thriving betting system don’t just simply let things down to chance.
The Exterminator System only qualifies certain bets in certain criteria
where a historic rate of winning success is realized throughout decades
of punishing back-testing. Even with the original system, I’ve only
initially dared to test it through “paper-trading” the bets that fell
into play. After witnessing first-hand the lustrous streams of
tear-jerking winnings pouring into my betting account like an
overflowing waterfall of honey flooding into its hive
…I began to
turbo-charge my wagers beyond all recognition…

Within just a few short weeks, all hell began breaking loose. On some days
I was systematically harvesting the sportsbooks to the tune of well
over $10,000 – all while the bookmakers stood by with their heart in
their hands and helplessly watched
as I legally raided their coffers!

Now, I did have a large bankroll to begin with, which made it possible
to make large wagers and profit like a bandit on certain days. If you’re
starting out with a small bankroll, you can use the Exterminator
system to grow it to towering heights over time. The Exterminator system has historically
turned a small bankroll into hundreds of thousands!

Whether you love sports and betting or just an regular grass-root Joe
Blow just looking to make some extra cash because you’re sick and tired
of dragging your butt to work in that god-awful job each day, then the
Exterminator Betting System has the potential to
begin multiplying your profits with a rapid, airtight system that can
cash in for you while the sports games are played!

Look, in this day and age of the internet any wisecracker can promise to
make you gazillions, but the proof is in the pudding. My
monumental amount of testimonials from thousands of real customers who have purchased
and used my betting system, and attesting to how well it has worked to
help them make life-changing profits in sports

is a track record that no other can boast.


The Exterminator Sports Betting System is broken down into 3 forms:

The Exterminator NFL
Betting System
– My American football
betting system has been tested to the
breaking point
to verify its dominating success. Starting with a
$1,000 bankroll, the system generated a final balance of
$44,709.59 on 44 bets spread over the years. As of the time of this
writing, it has gone for an undefeated 10-0 in its last 10 bets. The Exterminator NFL
Betting system hasn’t had a single losing season since I backtested it
from all the way back to the last decade. All of these results are fully documented
and verifiable as soon as you gain access!

The Exterminator NBA
Betting System
– My basketball system
boasts an honest-to-goodness
straight wagering system that turned a $500 bankroll into a final balance of well over $100,000 in just over 300 days of daily bets

The Exterminator MLB
Betting System
– My baseball betting
system supplements the NFL and
NBA system to help push your winning success to the limits.

bets in the MLB have never lost to as far back as I have tested them!

No, you won’t need to be a math genius or a sports guru. In fact, as
long as you’re at least 9 and know how to count or push a few basic keys
on your calculator, you can begin the fast-track toward transformation
into sports connoisseur starting as early as tonight —
even if you know diddly-squat about betting or sports!

Just imagine what YOU can do with a cutting-edge betting system that can
potentially propel your earnings to the next stratosphere. Think of the possibility to having the ticket to
your own private cash register that can ring up for you at times when
sports games are played
, making you happier and more financially
secure than you’ve ever been!

Award-winning pianist Scott Henderson
“I started
with a bankroll of $75 and I managed to make a profit of almost $600
this season alone thanks to Tony’s system!”

Scott Henderson is an
award-winning, nationally-celebrated pianist from Australia who has
earned numerous accolades for his remarkable performances throughout
his career.

Here’s What
You Can Expect From My One-

of-a-kind Exterminator Betting System

burning-hot Exterminator System covers the NFL (American football), NBA
(basketball), and MLB (baseball)

all-new Exterminator Bankroll Management System that will never leave
you broke, but still has the capacity to turn a $500
bankroll into hundreds of thousands over the years

Exterminator System exterminates all the need to buy points in bets,
increase your stakes to recoup any kind of previous losses, or commit to
any kind of a betting series

be making honest-to-goodness straight bets

of your wagers require just $110 risk to win every $100

original betting system + picks for life included FREE with
your purchase (the same exact system that’s previously swept the
industry by storm, put a major sportsbook out of business, and garnered
thousands of rave reviews by celebrities and people just like you all
across the globe!

need no betting experience.
The system requires you to make very simple bets which will either be on
the money line (meaning that you’re betting on a team to win a game), or
to cover the point spread. Covering the point spread means that you’re
betting on a team to stay within a certain margin, and you’ll win your
bet even if your team loses the game as long as the final score is
within the point spread.

For example, when two NBA teams competes in a
game, one team is typically better than the other. If all sports
gamblers had to do was
out pick the winning team in a game, everybody would simply wager on the
best team and collect their money. The point spread is meant to make
both teams as equally attractive as possible in the eyes of bettors.
Let’s say for example if the best team in the NBA right now is the Miami
Heat, and the worst team is  the LA Lakers. Then in that scenario,
the Lakers may have a point spread of say, +15, when they play against
the Heat. That means in order for you to win your bet on the Lakers, all
they have to do is stay within 15 points of the Heat once the game is
over and you can collect your earnings.

Regardless of your betting
experience, you will find it very simple to pick up and learn the basics
needed to successfully use the Exterminator
Betting System.

need no


system requires you
to just be aware of
the teams in the major sports league, and some very basic terminologies
in sports which I will explain to you in my guide. If you have no sports
knowledge, it will take about 30 minutes of reviewing my guides to get
yourself up to speed and be familiarized with the all the terminologies
used in the Exterminator Betting

need no interests in sports.
The system requires to you to bet mechanically, so you don’t need to
have any interests in sports or the games themselves in order to use the
system. You will never need to watch a sports game!

need no knowledge beyond a 5th grade math education. The system requires
you to know just basic level math so you can determine how much
money relative to your bankroll you should be putting down on each game.
For example, the system may need you to calculate 10% of $1,000. In that
case, that would be .10 * 1,000 = $100.

lifetime of picks emailed to you at no cost! Yes, I will email you picks
from both of my Exterminator System as well as my original betting system
– free for life!

system will need you to have a strong mind to stick to it regardless
of your emotional attachments. Sometimes, the system will pick out a
certain team to win which you may feel differently because you may
not be convinced that such a certain team has a good likelihood to
win the game. Have a mechanical approach, and never let your
emotions get in the way of betting. Remember, the system has been
back-tested through decades of data to determine certain scenarios
where teams have won far more often than they have lost.

few minutes a day is all you need. You’ll be checking some scores, look
up schedules, and searching for certain key pieces of statistics to
determine the bets that will fall into the Exterminator system criteria.
This will take approximately 5 minutes a day. Or, you can also just
simply rely on my emails to you. Remember, with your purchase
you’ll be getting lifetime system picks from me
, where I’ll be
dedicating my time to determine all the system picks and email them to
you whenever they come up!

a tiny investment is needed

method is completely ethical and legal

this from any walks of life from any part of the world

one-on-one personal support

“No Ifs, Ands, or Buts, Sale
Not Final Until You’re Fully Convinced Guarantee:”
my unrivaled Exterminator Betting System doesn’t bring in the wildest
winning profits you can imagine, regardless of your knowledge in sports
or betting experience, then contact me and I will refund your purchase
price in full. No ifs. No ands. No buts. No games. No hard feelings. No
questions asked!

Stop gambling with your hard-earned money, and
start investing it into a
simple, cash-spawning system that can have you begin launching a frontal
assault on your bookie’s balances
by the start of tomorrow!

Under my Exterminator system, you won’t be betting on every single game.
Those who are chancing their opportunities for the sake of entertainment
are just simply pressing their luck, and that luck will sooner or later
eventually run dry.

The Exterminator system will only have you betting on particular games
where the system has calculated to have extraordinarily high chances of
winning success.
The system takes into consideration a number of
subtle yet startling factors and circumstances surrounding certain
games, and determine which of them will have an exceptionally high probability
of winning success based on those criteria.

There are several thousands of sports games played every season —
that’s an abundance of golden opportunities for you to potentially
skyrocket your bankroll into enviable prosperity!

My mailbox is
flooded with success stories
from people just like you. Just like
this one:

Mark McSherry’s horrendous divorce left him without his home, kids,
and job. As his health severely deteriorated, he became devastated
into depression, and relies on my Exterminator Betting System to
help him get back on his feet. He says: “I
could not believe my eyes!…I couldn’t believe how astonishing the
results are!”

Mark McSherry’s medications for his
unrelenting depression after he lost his home, kids, and job to a
nasty divorce.


Click here to view a full list of

of sworn testimonials!

“No sports
betting experience needed.
I will hold you by the hand and lead
you step-by-step all along the way.”

Don’t worry about any knowledge in sports, because you need
zero. Regardless if you’re a mom who has never sat
through a single sports game in your life, you can be waking
up tomorrow as the most successful sports forecaster in your block!

Or you may have never placed a single wager in your life. Hell, you may
even be the type who pucker your brows and gnash your teeth in disgust
whenever gambling is mentioned…that’s fair enough…

But as long as you like the idea of jamming your


to the brim with potential mounds of winning
profits while the sports games are played, then my Exterminator system might just transform you
into one of the most cash-hungry, take-no-prisoners, winningest
bettors in town!

Imagine spending no more than just minutes a day to slam home a hard-hitting income. You
might just be able to begin leading that stress-free path with the
Exterminator Betting System today by quickly and easily transforming
sports into a potential cash-generator for
while you sit back and relax in your favorite underwear and slippers!

Decorated army veteran William McDougal says:
“I have enjoyed all the wins these systems
have given me!”

Throughout his honorable career,
William Mcdougal was awarded with the prestigious National Defense
Service Medal, SouthWest Asia Service Medal, and Humanitarian Service

I’ll even throw in my original betting system that
can have you profiting like wild!

Invest in my Exterminator NFL, NBA, and MLB betting systems
today, and

you’ll also receive my original betting
system plus
picks for life – absolutely FREE!

I used to sell tens of thousands of copies of this baby at $197 a pop!

The original betting system is the same exact system that’s
previously swept the sports betting industry by storm, put a
major sportsbook out of business, and garnered thousands of rave
reviews by people just like you and celebrities all over the

The system will include the world-famous NBA and MLB betting
system which has historically won about 97% of the time. The 97%
win rate denotes to the win rate of 3-game series in the NBA and
MLB, where you’ll be betting that one particular team will win
at least one time out of 3 certain games where the system has
calculated to have an exceptionally high chance of that the team
will cover.

If the first bet is lost, a 2nd bet is then made to recoup the
loss on the first bet, plus to make a profit. Similarly, a final
3rd wager can potentially be placed if the first 2 bets lose in
order to recoup previous losses, while also generating a profit.

Under very specific conditions as outlined in the original NBA and MLB betting system, you’d be able to precisely
identify which 3-game series have a remarkable possibility of
betting success.

The original
systems plus picks for life which I had previously sold at $197
a pop for years are included for you free when you secure your
order for my brand new Exterminator NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting
System today!


Click here to view a full list of THOUSANDS
of customer testimonialS!


Considering that the Exterminator Betting System can give you the
potential to reel in winnings for you for just minutes of your time a
day, I can give you my picks on what teams
to bet for and charge you thousands a month as your private sports

That way, I can be banking in on you every month. And you know what?
That could very well turn out to be the bargain of the decade

seeing how your cost to hire me as your sports consultant can become
trivial compared to the potential amount of heart-thumping winnings
you can earn back as the games are played!

But, I’m not going to charge you thousands a month as your sports
advisor. As a matter of fact, I’m not even
going to ask you to pay me anything at all for my monthly service!

I’ll do all the
heavy lifting for you by emailing you all the picks for the Exterminator
NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting System whenever they come up – every day,
every week, every year – for life!

Go back and read that again – I don’t play games – my system picks will
come delivered to your email every single time they come up, at no extra
costs, for life!

So let’s just pause here for a moment and ask yourself…

What kind of a price tag would it be fair for me to put on a
time-tested betting system

that has the power to generate for you riveting income
as the sports games are played?

What kind of a price is it reasonable for me to ask for a lifetime worth
of handicapping services where you’ll receive my personal, full-blown
in sending you system picks whenever they come up – every
day, every week, every year — for life?

I’m asking you because I want to know what YOU think.

“How much would you honestly pay to secure access to a system
that can potentially
reward you with confidence, money, wealth,
knowledge, power, and financial security
for the rest of your life?”

Considering the fortunes that the system can potentially
make for you,

I can put up a price tag in
the tens of thousands and it can still be well worth every penny,
knowing that it has the potential to recoup itself over and over again
while spoon-feeding you with piles of cash for simply minutes
a day.

But, thank your lucky star and prepare yourself for one shocking

I won’t be asking you for tens of thousands. I won’t ask you for half of
that. How about $1,000? Nope! Not even half of it. Or even half
of half of it! In fact, I’ll reveal to you my entire Exterminator system that you can apply for yourself year after year,
along with my lifetime worth of system picks, in addition to my old
betting system and lifetime picks as a free bonus — ALL
for an affordable, one-time payment of only $199.

This one small investment may be the answer you’ve been looking for that
can potentially pay off you again and again for the rest of your life!

I’ve unlocked my doors, pulled back the curtains, and blown the lid off
my golden treasure chest. You
have the unique chance right now to dip into my secret vault and
pillage from my proven, battle-field-tested systems and put it to work
for you for life!

Major Jeff Urban is the winning recipient of the prestigious
Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the third-highest award bestowed
upon members of the U.S. military by the Department of Defense. He
says the Exterminator system is “the best one
ever created!”

Jeff Urban’s heroic
career in the U.S. military earned him numerous medals, including the
prestigious Defense Meritorious Service Medal issued to Armed Forces
members who distinguish themselves by outstanding achievement and
meritorious service. He earned the U.S. Presidential Nomination

Jeff Urban is now physically handicapped after years of courageous
service in the U.S. military

As much as they may try, the truth is that most bettors fail to make a
profit from their craft. That’s because when you’re dealing with sports,
there are just simply too many ways for things to go wrong. The
sportsbooks prey on these people to aimlessly sabotage their hard-earned
cash away on bets. Don’t let that be you. Secure access to my
Exterminator Betting System today, and you can be
slamming the brakes on your past
, hack your way toward greener pastures, and finally climb
aboard the victory vessel you’ve always dreamed about.

As soon as you gain access to my ground-breaking Exterminator system,
and before you even place any bets at all,
feel free to test-drive my
system by going back to the last 5, 10, or 20+ years of sports seasons
and check for yourself the amazing results the system has produced over
the years! If you’re not happy with what you see, then just take me up
on my “No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts Refund Guarantee!”

Paul Milton pioneered the rescue helicopter industry as the
original hospital-based emergency helicopter pilot. He proudly
declares: “I’ve doubled my money using the
Exterminator Betting System!”


Access my Exterminator NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting System today and you
can be reserving your first-class ticket to the Exterminator betting

Each system is completely unique in its own way, and all of the betting
records that I have are fully documented for you so you can see for
yourself all of the results over the years before you even start placing
a single wager!

Once you tap into the power of my powerful betting system, it can
become horrifying how much money you would have completely missed out
had you not known!


Just some of the
thank you letters
I’ve personally received in my mailbox from people just like you!

recap everything you’ll be getting when

you invest in my sports betting system TODAY

The Exterminator
NFL Betting System for American Football

Exterminator NBA Betting System for Basketball

Exterminator MLB Betting System for Baseball

Original NBA and MLB Betting System: $197.00

from the Exterminator Betting System sent to your email for life:

from the original system sent to your email for


What kind of a value does my betting system really have? Well…let me
pose to you this practical scenario: You can spend that money today
to reserve a getaway to
your local hotel this weekend…OR, you can put that
investment to work for you right now in my Exterminator Betting System,
and if it works anywhere even near as well as it has over the last
decades: you can be getting away again and again for the rest of life whenever
you want
and wherever you want!

The very moment you gain access to my system–the exact
smoke-and-mirrors-free, no hocus pocus, crystal-clear betting formula
that you can be using to potentially

erect your fortunes while the sports gam
are played
you may just be hitting yourself hard on the head as to how well-off you
could have been at this point had you been using my betting method over the

The small one-time
investment that you make in my betting systems can have the potential to pay for
on your very first bet!

My “No Ifs, Ands, or Buts, Sale Not Final Until You’re Fully,
Wholly, and Absolutely Convinced Refund Guarantee.”

Here’s how I
roll: This sale won’t be
considered final until you are fully, wholly, and completely
convinced that my betting system is everything as I’ve said it
If for ANY reason you’re not happy with the
Exterminator sports betting system after your purchase, just contact me for a full refund, and you’ll have 60
full days to make up your mind! No ifs. No ands. No buts.
No games. No questions asked. No hard feelings!


There are simply no more excuses. I’m literally handing to you my entire
betting systems in a box, served on a silver platter, complete with
picks for life! I’ve paved the way for you to dig your own shovel
into a potential heap of gold.
It’s your turn to grab this
opportunity and join the elites. Seize it now, before the moment

The simple secret to making money is not to miss out on opportunities.
NHL’s All-Time Great Wayne Gretzky once famously stated that “You
Miss 100% of the Shots You Never Take.”
  Don’t let this
be the one potential winning shot to lifelong fortune you’ll miss out on
for the rest of your life!

Jump aboard
the exterminator train to sportsbook domination
today and you can
earn back your investment into the system plus more on your very first bet!

Yes Tony,
Sign Me Up Right Now!

Secure My Lifetime Membership To The Exterminator


System Along With Picks Sent To Me For Life Immediately!

I understand that this is one-time investment of
only $199 which
will reward me with full access to all of your Exterminator
NFL, NBA, and MLB Betting Systems.

I also understand you’ll be providing me with
lifetime picks from the Exterminator systems, and that my
membership will never expire!
Additionally, I have
no further obligation or monthly fees to gain access to your
picks that will be delivered to me free for life!

Furthermore, as part of my purchase, I will also receive
your original MLB and NBA systems for free as a
100% bonus gift.
This is the same
system that you had sold previously at $197 each, and was
the best-selling betting system of all time. I
understand that this is the same exact betting system that
drove a major sportsbook out of business, and has garnered
thousands of rave reviews from customers all over globe.
Plus, I will also receive lifetime picks from you for these
original systems as well!

I understand that I can request for a full refund for
any reason within 60 days if I am not happy with your Exterminator
Betting System,
making this purchase completely risk-free for me!

By the way, besides the thousands of current testimonials on hand, I
have so many more customer testimonials that I’ve never had a chance to
upload. For the first time ever,
to check out over 500 more UNLISTED testimonials from customers
of the Exterminator system! I’ve never previously had a chance to
showcase these on my website in the past. In addition to these, I also
have tons more testimonials in my inbox that I’ve never had a chance to

To your success,


Every minute you wait is a
minute closer to the end of the season
, and another
minute that you could have used to potentially beef up your
bank account with another mound of wallet-fattening sports winning
with my Exterminator Betting System!

Remember, this is a one-time
investment that will reward you with full
lifetime access to all of my Exterminator systems, plus picks emailed to you for life! You can make back
your full investment, plus
profit some, on your very first bet!

The sooner you secure your
membership, the sooner you can start to profit!
Remember, there is absolutely nothing for
you to risk or lose under my “No Ifs, Ands, or Buts
Personal Money-Back Guarantee!

Have a question? Click here to email/contact me

Tony Chau’s
NBA “Comeback” Betting System

Tony Chau’s “Demolisher” Baseball Betting System
The Picks Buffet ||
Tony Chau’s
Personal Sports Picks
Tony Chau’s
“Annihilator” NFL Betting System
Why Sports Handicappers Lie ||

Baccarat Betting System

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