SlimCore Weight Loss Gummies

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Slim Core

Swiss Candy Used By “Royal Family” TURNS

HUNGER OFF At The Cellular Level…

(eat this candy at 8pm)

Hi, I’m Lynn. And until a weight-loss candy from a wealthy European
nation melted off 24 lbs of my most stubborn fat,
I was paid $26,150 a month by weight loss clinics
as their Head Weight Loss Advisor.

I’m paid to tell Doctors what to do! And I’m embarrassed to tell you

Because ever since becoming a mom, my body had punished me with 25 lbs
of impossible-to-lose body fat.

Many days, I’m ashamed to admit I felt like a fat cow and I wanted to

No matter what I tried (including our clinic’s program), I’d lose and
gain the same 5 lbs – my body just hated me.
But I wasn’t alone..

No one at the weight loss clinic, including the Top Doctor, could
consistently melt off (and keep off) excess fat either.
That’s what makes this story so incredible.

I never imagined my daughter would marry

into a royal family from Switzerland..

Or that the royal family’s heirloom would consist of a weight-loss
candy that would change my life..

I’ve been an authority in the weight loss industry for
31 years. I’ve worked with over
6,000 women and men to lose the weight fast and keep it
off – so..

With all the lies we’re fed by the $79 Billion Dollar weight loss
industry, it’s not surprising you haven’t lost the weight you want yet.

All that money is working against me too. But I am committed to your

And by reading this, you’re showing you are committed to your health
too. I admire your commitment!

So if you’re overweight and have tried everything under the sun, I beg
you to read every word on this page while you still can. I promise it
will be worth it.

“Mom, I’m getting married!”

My heart skipped a beat.

I’d held Sarah in my arms 29 years ago as a baby and now my baby was
getting married but to not just any guy..

Besides being kind and successful,
he came from a very wealthy but mysterious family in

The couple chose to do a “pre-wedding” celebration in Switzerland, and
then 3 months later, the real wedding would be here in Florida.

I’d never met the groom’s mom but I’d seen a photo. She looked pretty
– and I felt less insecure when I saw she had a muffin-top like me.

With the wedding coming up, I realized this was my once-in-a-lifetime
chance to take back control of my body, slim down for good, and set a
healthy example for my daughter. I had to lose this weight, for me and
my daughter.

I had avoided lipo for years.
I even warned patients of it.

Most doctors won’t remove more than 5 liters of fat in lipo. So the
reality is most patients only lose 2 to 5 lbs during lipo and it’s
limited to specific areas – like your upper arms or a chunk of a love

You’d have to get liposuction surgery 5-10 times to make a big

And each surgery costs $4,000. Count
yourself lucky if you have the insurance to cover all of that!

With the trip to Switzerland coming up, I delayed the surgery and
packed my bags where I finally met the groom’s mom. Just wow..

Nothing could have prepared me for the pre-wedding trip to Switzerland
and that moment where I finally met the groom’s mom. And wow..

Slim. Toned. Radiant skin, with glowing hair.

She looked nothing like the photo I’d been shown. I

could feel my insecurity rising immediately.

What happened to the woman in the photo? The woman with the thick arms
and the muffin-top stomach?

I tried to ask her about her diet and exercise plan but her answers made
it sound like she didn’t diet or exercise.

Her husband couldn’t keep his eyes off of her too. I wanted what she

Was it genetics? Did she get lipo?

Listen, I have 31 years experience with weight loss. I get paid to teach
Doctors about healthy weight loss.

But this wealthy, kind woman was somehow proving the weight loss
industry wrong!

She was eating what she wanted…and losing weight. You won’t believe
what happened next.


She took 2 pills, with water..

She’s taking prescription diet pills, I thought..

“Diet pills? God, no!” she smiled. “I had the best doctor in Switzerland
working on my weight loss but he wasn’t quite helping. A family friend
close to the Queen of Denmark recommended I try these rare pills. I’ve
lost 26 lbs. And no issues keeping it off. My sleep has improved. It’s
quite remarkable.

I eat what I want AND I lose weight AND I keep it off.

Look around you darling. Every woman in our family now takes these
pills. Would you like to try them?”

I wanted to scream PLEASE, YES! But I contained myself, “That would be
wonderful, my dear,” I replied calmly.

Back in Florida, I still had the pills but hadn’t tried them.
I’d started with the research.

I found over 1,823 studies on the pill’s active

The results seemed hard to believe but the findings were published in
the world’s most prestigious medical journals for all to see.

But in good science, it’s wise to get a colleague’s opinion.

The nurses called this colleague “Dr. House” because he was a great
doctor but not a very nice man.

I was nervous to show him the “Swiss Pills” but for my daughter’s sake,
I had to. But you have to hear this.

“I think you’re crazy. and you’re out of

your mind,” he said.

He wasn’t even open enough to hear what I was saying and it would bite
him in the butt.

I talked to another doctor I advise – Dr. Wendy Roberts – about the
ingredients in case she knew something my research hadn’t turned up.

She reassured me…

“Let me know your results. These studies are stunning. I don’t know
why anyone here in America hadn’t thought of combining these active
ingredients before.”

I started taking the “Swiss Pills” and the results came quickly..

I noticed I had more energy on the first day.

On day two, I said no to fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies, which I
never do.

It was like my cravings had disappeared giving me the control.

By day 3, I felt like a new woman. My
energy was higher, it felt like
my confidence was radiating, I was eating what I wanted
and somehow I’d dropped a couple of pounds.

I didn’t enjoy taking the pills every night because I don’t like horse
pills but sticking to it was easy because I could see it working. And
guess what?

I had to get a new dress..

My daughter said I looked fabulous. (She looked stunning!) And even with
all the stunning Swiss women there, my husband couldn’t take his eyes
off me.

Back at the clinic, the nurses were looking at wedding photos when Dr.
House saw.

He said, “You’ve lost all the weight.”

I told him the photo was from my daughter’s wedding over the weekend.

“You work 60 hours a week. How did you

find the time?” he asked..

I couldn’t wait to (respectfully) throw the answer in his face..

I smiled, “You remember those Swiss pills?”

“Umm.. yes… I seem to recall you..umm.. showing me something.”

“Well, that’s how I did it. The active ingredients in those pills work
like nothing we’ve ever tried.”

A week later, Dr. House apologized. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I usually
listen to you but I didn’t this time. I was wrong. We’d like you to tell
us more about the pills. Everyone who works here wants to try them.”

My daughter joked that I should start running the clinic!

I had found it, the solution to my weight problem.

But being trained as a scientist, I just had to know:


I knew the active ingredients were amazingly effective.

But I had been working alongside doctors for decades, treating our
patients for weight loss. Why did THESE ingredients work better than
all those others

It turns out we’ve been treating weight

loss all wrong for decades.

Years ago, the multi-trillion dollar food industry began experimenting
with our food at the cellular level..

Big Food created something called

“hyperpalatable foods” and

put it in most of the foods

our families unknowingly eat.

Hyperpalatable foods are food products that give eaters greater
psychological rewards than normal foods.

These foods, which are now found in every aisle of the grocery store,
trigger a surge of dopamine, temporarily flooding the brain with “feel
good” chemicals.

It doesn’t take long for hyperpalatable

foods to make you addicted but you’re not

addicted to food – you’re addicted to the

release of dopamine – which feels the same

as a food addiction or intense craving.

Like any addiction, the more hyperpalatable foods you eat, the more
you NEED to eat just to get the same amount of dopamine, causing you
to overeat and gain unwanted fat each year these food cravings are
left untreated.

This is why cravings find you

everyday, even when you try to

avoid them.

If not at home, cravings find you at the office. If not at the office,
they find you at night.

Your brain’s been hijacked and reprogrammed to crave food, even after
you should be full and satisfied, sabotaging every eating plan you’ve
ever tried.

Do you now understand why no amount of diet, exercise or anything else
you’ve tried hasn’t worked the way you wanted? You will never lose the
weight you want until you fix this.

Your brain doesn’t care if you’re

slim or healthy – it’s been trained

to crave dopamine through food.

Your brain will never stop ordering your stomach to eat more food until
you optimize your body’s response to hyperpalatable foods.

To make matters worse, research from one of the world’s most respected
labs is now finding these “chemical cravings” grow more intense each
year they’re left alone.

A research colleague told me these chemical-caused food cravings could
be “overpowering almost every overweight patient on earth, meaning at
this moment, it’s almost impossible to lose and keep fat off your body
with diet and exercise.”

Fortunately that’s what the first

active ingredient in this Swiss

researched formula does..

In the fields of medicine and neuroscience, this active ingredient
is known as Saffron Crocus Sativus…

You may know it by the name “Saffron”..

Saffron has been used by world leaders for centuries..

Did you know Cleopatra swore by bathing in Saffron? She claimed it made
great men obsess over her by increasing her natural sex appeal..

Or that Alexander the Great used Saffron to quickly heal his wounds
after battle?

When used as a spice Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world,
due to its incredible potency..

And unlike cheaper ingredients marked up as “weight loss supplements”…

Saffron actually delivers by tricking your

brain into thinking it’s satisfied..

…by releasing dopamine in an equivalent way, so you turn hunger OFF,
the craving stops and the weight can start to melt off naturally..

And now we have scientific proof

that Saffron is super effective for

weight loss..

Dozens of studies and anecdotal data prove this but one in particular
stands out..

They did a double blind placebo based trial, which means they gave half
the overweight folks sugar pills and half of them Saffron for a couple

Then they did a series of tests to see the effects of Saffron on weight

The improvement in the folks

that took Saffron was stunning.

  • The patients’ cravings went down by 53% even though
    they were told to eat as much as they wanted..
  • The cravings decreased by nearly 20% more every 2 weeks they took

    (that’s how we know the longer you take Saffron, the more it
    optimizes your body’s response to the weight-gaining done to you by
    hyper-palatable foods)
  • And here’s the big one..
    The patients lost 9X as much weight as the placebo group!

Imagine losing 9X the weight…

without changing a thing!

Saffron was so effective even Dr. Oz and ABC did a special on it..

That’s a big benefit of Saffron tricking your brain into feeling truly

You eat less – AND you feel full and satisfied, allowing you to
permanently melt away unwanted fat while still enjoying carbs and other
foods you love…

But we can’t just use any Saffron to get these results.

For centuries, people have said Saffron is “worth its weight in gold”
because it’s so difficult to harvest..

There’s only a small window every fall when the Saffron flower blooms..

And it takes 70,000 flowers to

produce just 1 pound of Saffron..

Because it’s so rare, Saffron has spawned a trade rife with deceptions
you’d more typically see in the rare diamond market..

I ordered every sample I could find on Amazon and from health stores, to
test the potency and purity.

It was pretty lame, almost all diluted and watered-down.

I couldn’t believe people were passing this stuff off as “high quality?”

So if you’re using store-bought or Amazon-bought Saffron, you’re
probably not getting at all what you actually need.

But if we really want to erase unwanted fat without excessive
dieting or exercise, we need to enhance your body’s reponse to
hyperpalatable foods while you sleep too..

That’s where the second active

ingredient comes in.

That ingredient is called

Passiflora Incarnata.

You may have seen researchers raving about this active ingredient on TV
but you’ve never seen it like this..

Right now, over 70 million Americans are suffering from occasional sleep
loss and many are unaware. You may be one of them.

And new research suggests that not enough sleep is LEADING to more
weight gain and even obesity.

In one study, sleep-deprived folks appeared

to burn the same number of calories as

people who were well-rested, but the

sleep-deprived consumed about 300 more

calories EACH DAY, which equals 30 EXTRA LBS


Getting less than 8 hours of deep, restorative sleep every night raises
your cortisol levels, increasing the signal strength of food cravings,
so you crave even more food after you should be full, causing you to
pack on even more unwanted pounds..

But not to worry… because
Passiflora Incarnata is the answer.

Passiflora Incarnata has been used by Doctors and healers in Europe and
South America for centuries to treat stress, sleep and restlessness, and
scientists have finally discovered why..

Passiflora Incarnata uniquely

triggers a very pure release

of gamma-aminobutyric acid


Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid acts as the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in
the human cortex, causing your brain to rebalance and calm itself,
allowing you to enjoy much deeper, restorative sleep each night..

But due to Passiflora Incarnata’s unique effect, it releases just the
right amount of GABA the very first time you try it, causing food
cravings to quickly dim down..

Causing food cravings

to quickly dim down.

And it does it via a different pathway than Saffron, so the combination
of Saffron and Passiflora Incarnata is fixing the weight-gaining issues
presented by hyperpalatable foods from every possible angle..

Plus, a little bonus for us women: Studies

found Passiflora Incarnata notably helps support reproductive health by
a significant amount too.

But just like Saffron, you cannot use any “off the shelf” Passiflora

When we tested the store-bought Passiflora Incarnata, we were
disappointed to find it too had been diluted down.

But we were even more disappointed when the samples from Amazon were
even worse.

But there was another problem, taking Saffron and Passiflora Incarnata
together was not fun.

All the Saffron supplements with high-potency came in these big horse
pills that were hard to swallow.

And the only Passiflora Incarnata that wasn’t completely watered down
came in an oil, which doesn’t taste very good and is hard to take on the

I needed a formula that:

  • TURNED HUNGER OFF.. and enhanced the body’s
    response to the weight-gain done by hyper-palatable foods so the
    cravings END NOW.
    help erase mpre unwanted body fat while still enjoying carbs and
  • TASTED GOOD.. and be convenient and delicious so
    that I enjoyed taking it!

See, I’m sick of taking pills.

Between my various supplements and prescriptions, I take about 22
pills a day.

I knew there was a better way but it took me months of research and
testing to find the right recipe.

I tested and compared 27 different formulas before I found the final
result of ingredients, calling it SlimCore.

And I gave the formula to my

weight patients too – dozens of

mothers, fathers and

grandparents in the first month.

They LOVED it. They raved not only about the taste
but watching their most stubborn fat pockets disappear while still
enjoying their favorite foods everyday, because the cravings were
finally GONE!

As a result, several doctors and weight loss clinics have now
contracted me as their lead weight loss consultant..

And although I’m unable to reveal their names due to legal
contracts, this formula is now being used by TV anchors across the
United States.

I have “lost cause” patients who had tried more diets and hyped-up
supplements than they can remember, now dissolving inches from their
body’s deepest most stubborn fat stores, the areas that always felt
immune to dieting and exercise are shrinking and melting off..

Many of my newer patients are quite wealthy

and were on the cusp of expensive surgery..

This formula is now changing their life, and they are saving
thousands of dollars and months of pain..

now I am so excited to announce, that to celebrate the official
nationwide release of SlimCore we are currently offering
3 free bottles to every person who orders
from this website.

This gives everyone an equal chance to try SlimCore for

Friends and patients are calling SlimCore the most delicious
weight-loss formula they’ve ever tried, and I’m willing to bet you’ll
think so too.

Each Gummy contains…

Under 10 calories of sugar for a delicious weight-loss

gummy that you’ll be excited to take every night.

No more horse pills getting stuck in your throat or weird oils to drop
under your tongue.

Just pop a SlimCore gummy or two into your mouth and chew.

After all you’ve been through, you deserve a treat!

You deserve to slim down to your

healthiest weight
while enjoying

your favorite foods too!

Here’s just a sample of the letters I get every day thanking me for

  • “Since my doctor told me about SlimCore, I’ve gone down four dress
    sizes,” says Marian Catia. “I’ve lost just over 22 pounds. I thought
    this was going to be just like all the other weight loss products I
    tried but I am so impressed with SlimCore. They taste great..and I
    actually like looking in the mirror now! My husband hasn’t looked at
    me like this since we first met 17 years ago!”

    Regards, Mary

    Marian Cati

  • “The night my husband and I saw we had 4 different takeout boxes
    from 4 different restaurants was the night we knew something had to
    change”, says Janine Charlotte

    . “Our doctor told us about SlimCore. I’ve lost 6 lbs, hubby’s lost
    5 lbs. We just started. And all our junk food cravings have went
    away. I guess this is what slim people feel like normally. It’s

    Janine Charlotte

  • “I could’ve never imagined something so tasty like a gummie could
    help me lose so much weight”, says Rebecca Lee. “I’m down 21 lbs and
    everything I’m eating is just melting right off. When I eat the
    SlimCore gummies, they taste so good I feel like I’m doing something
    wrong. But the results are SO RIGHT. I sent a bottle to my sister,
    who’s 8 years older. She called me – she’d lost 8 lbs already and
    says she has more energy than her grandkids.”

    Rebecca Lee

Some of my patients are finding the

clothes from their 20’s are too loose

and falling off their hips..

Other female patients report slipping into sexy skin-tight
dresses, loving how they feel, watching their confidence skyrocket –
their friends and family in awe of their new slim figure, showering them
with compliments, begging to know their Swiss secret..

They no longer want to disappear and hide from the world in flabby,
oversized clothes..

They’re no longer stressed or depressed about what their husband or wife
really thinks about them naked..

They’re no longer worried about sudden heart attacks, strokes or

They’re FREE! Free to be active again –

traveling, gardening, playing with their

kids or grandkids…

The spark is back in their relationships, enjoying rekindled nights of
romance with their partner..

I hear the same amazing thing over and over: people look in the mirror
and see exactly who they’ve always wanted to see, the healthiest, most
attractive version of themselves.

And they’re doing it eating all the foods they enjoy with no guilt or

And because this formula targets the real villain causing your fat and
excess weight, once the fat is gone, it’s gone forever. So no more
worrying about jumping between slim clothes and baggy clothes, losing
and gaining the same 5 lbs over and over or if you’ll still be slim next

Now I want to offer it to you, and

I’ll show you how you can qualify

for 3 free bottles.

Look…to do this on your own would be like looking for a needle in a

You’ll need over 150 hours for research, and you’ll spend tens of
thousands of dollars for testing.

You could try to find Saffron that is NPA-Approved (or Natural Products
Association approved).

The NPA seal is reserved for the most natural,

healthiest, highest quality products in

the world, and SlimCore passed the test.

But you’d probably spend days or weeks finding the right stuff.

Plus you’d have to find a Saffron supplier like mine – you remember that
it requires 70,000 flowers to produce just 1 pound of Saffron..

And because high-quality Saffron is so rare, you’d need a way to know if
the Saffron you’re getting is watered-down or any good at all..

Then you’d have to figure out how to mix it with the
highest-quality Passiflora Incarnata (which is no easy task to find the
quality source too) so it doesn’t taste bad…or require stuffing it
into horse pills.

But our combination tastes so good, you’ll need to promise me you won’t
eat the whole jar in one sitting..

That’s why doctors are now calling it


“weight-loss candy”.

Here’s how you can get SlimCore Gummies:

Believe me, it’s not easy creating a high-quality product that is

The high-quality ingredients are expensive.

But I knew with people’s health on the line, we couldn’t afford to use
cheap ingredients.

Plus working with a lab that is FDA, NPA, GMP and RIBUS certified is

Those governing bodies add a lot of inspections, documentation and
quality control.

That means it’s expensive to

produce this product. My

business partner, who’s

been a Doctor for over 30

years, was advised to retail

SlimCore at $100 per bottle.

BUT… I know the more affordable something is,
the more people will have access to it.

And knowing my customers are

getting the best is the most

important thing to me.

Our mission is to collect 5,000 success stories to show the world
SlimCore kicks butt, and
I would love you to be our next success story.

Because if you’re reading this, it’s because you’re serious about your
health and you understand how this unique formula can change your

So right now I am offering you a chance to

get 3 free bottles when you buy 3 bottles at

the regular price of $79.97 each.

That covers the cost of the ingredients, bottles, shipping, handling and
provides me a very modest wage for creating the product. I’m not looking
to get rich off this product. I’ve been advising doctors for over 30
years, I’ve done pretty good for myself and more importantly, my
daughter is well-taken care of.

Each bottle contains 30 doses, so for as little as $1.33 a day you can
experience the end of cravings, and finally let the fat melt off for
good. No more hiding from the world.
It’s time for you to shine.

But before you order, as you saw in the

studies today, the longer you take these

active ingredients, the more you benefit.

At the clinic, we’ve seen the ideal number is between
120-180 days for most patients.

So if you’re over the age of 35, we recommend you take SlimCore at least
120-180 days so it has enough time to work throughout your body to fix
the weight-gaining issues presented by hyper-palatable foods and end
food cravings so you can reach your desired weight for good.

To reward you for seeing why
thousands of


are choosing SlimCore, I’m going to allow

you to order 180 days worth of SlimCore today

at a record-breaking discount on

already special pricing.

Remember, liposuction surgery is $4,000 per visit. And you’d need to
have surgery 5-10 times to see that big difference. Some patients try
CoolSculpt, paying over $3,000.. to be let down again.

And I just saw an ad for a special workout weight loss coach…for
$2,000! Working out is not even necessary. Did you know the average
gym-goer burns only 5% of their daily calories through exercise? All
that work for nothing!

But the worst cost isn’t the money. It’s the awful feeling of
setting another weight loss goal…and failing once again. I know that
feeling all too well.

I fought a losing battle for 31

years before SlimCore.

I know what it feels like to do exactly what you’re supposed to do and
not lose a single pound. Or reward yourself with one slice of pizza
after eating healthy all week and somehow gaining 3 lbs overnight.

I know what it feels like to hate your body. It makes you want to hide
from the world forever. And the price of that awful feeling costs more
than liposuction, CoolSculpting and a special workout coach combined!

The price of that awful feeling is you feeling left out of life. I was
there myself, so I won’t stand for it and you shouldn’t either. You
wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t know there was something
special inside of you just waiting for the right invitation to appear

I’m confident this is the most affordable, most effective, most
delicious weight loss option you’re going to find anywhere.

Since we announced the nationwide

release of SlimCore,
we’ve shipped

over 48,000 SlimCore gummies


people across the country, and

sales continue to climb everyday.

We knew we had a unique product but we did not expect this much demand.
People just keep placing orders. I’m so excited for them to get these
results too. It’s been amazing, however..

We underestimated how popular SlimCore would be. We didn’t expect 92% of
customers to order 6 bottles. And we didn’t expect so many to order more
for their friends or family. It’s a good problem to have but we’re
constantly running out of stock.

And with COVID still disrupting supply chains around the country, we’re
worried we’re not sure how much longer we’ll have supplies.

So I implore you to test it now and stock up as

much as you can now before the 48 hours are

We believe you shouldn’t have to pay for something if it doesn’t work
for you. That’s why when you order a 90 day or 180 day supply of
SlimCore Gummies, your purchase is backed up by the only
“You’re Happy Or It’s Free” Money Back Guarantee
in the industry..

Here’s how it works..

Use SlimCore exactly as instructed on the bottle. There are only 2
simple instructions for best results, as you’ll see when you hold your
first bottle in your hands. If you don’t experience all the benefits
I’ve talked about here —

  • The end of cravings
  • the excess weight finally melting off while you enjoy the foods you
    love without guilt or shame

Or if you change your mind for any reason, just let us know
anytime in the next 2 months and we’ll issue you a prompt and sincere
refund right away.

Our customer care team is…

  • Professional

    We have a 4.9 (out

    of 5) rating.

  • Accessible

    We are extremely

    easy to get a hold of.

  • Efficient

    Our average “reply

    time” is 42 minutes.

So take as much time as you need once

SlimCore arrives in your hands, even a full 2

months if you’d like.

money-back guarantee will

not expire for months…even if

you ate every last gummy.

I really want you to have the No Questions Asked 100% Money Back
Guarantee to make trying SlimCore an absolute no brainer for you.
There’s simply no risk to you.

The only way I can afford to do this guarantee is to have really low
refund rates.

And my patients and customers love SlimCore Gummies, I almost never
have to refund their money.

It’s time to
select your money saving package

below to experience the easiest weight loss of

your life 100% risk-free today.

Most packages leave our warehouse the same day they’re ordered, which
means if you order right now, you could be opening your first bottle of
SlimCore in just a few days.

  • 1 Bottle

    $59 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


  • 6 BottleS

    $39 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


  • 3 Bottle

    $49 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


100% Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 100% guarantee

Everyone loves a surprise

gift, especially me!

So if you do what my best patients do and get the

full benefit by ordering a 180 day supply to,

you’ll also receive a surprise gift, on

This special gift is something you absolutely must have
BEFORE the last bit of excess fat is gone from your body and you’ve
reached your desired weight, which is why I want you to have it now. And
this surprise gift is very, very personal.

I’ll bet you want to know what it is…Sorry! I can’t tell you—that would
ruin the surprise!

But I can tell you what it’s not:

It’s not a magic potion or a low-calorie pizza…It’s not a zipper for
your mouth or a padlock for your refrigerator …And it’s definitely
not another food scale!

This gift is based on a 9-second ritual

that I’ve taught to over 112 doctors..

You do this 9-second ritual right before dessert to put your body into
full fat-burning mode for the rest of the night while you sleep,
allowing you to enjoy all of your favorite desserts guilt-free knowing
you’re still automatically incinerating away the most stubborn pockets
of fat off your body.

I’ve never shared this 9-second ritual outside of the clinic or with the
doctor’s who come to me for advice and consulting…

Oh! I just can’t contain myself any longer!

The suspense is killing me. The surprise

is…Oops! I almost said it!

Sending you this wonderful gift with my love and affection will give me
such pleasure. Order the 180 day supply of SlimCore right now and this
gift will be yours to keep
(Pssst…don’t tell anyone else what your gift is when
you get it. You don’t want to ruin their surprise, do you?)

You may be wondering,
“If it works

so well, why hasn’t my doctor

prescribed it to me yet?”

This is an excellent question.

I got paid by weight loss clinics to tell Doctor’s what to do for a long
time. I probably know doctor’s better than their wives do!

And sadly, most medical doctors have no interest in prescribing natural

Medical schools get massive funding from Big Pharma to support their
pharmaceutical products..

So medical school students are taught that pharmaceuticals are the only
answer and natural formulas are based on voo-doo..

I feel angry AND sad when I think about it..

Mother Nature has been providing us with

miracles for centuries…
we’d be foolish not to

take a peek at what she has to offer!

Besides, many of the active ingredients in prescription pharmaceuticals
were actually found in plants first..

That’s right, the active ingredient that optimizes your blood pressure
or supports your heart often comes from a plant in the Amazon jungle or
the Indonesian rainforest..

But there is another reason many doctor’s don’t like natural
formulas – and I agree with it.

They believe that most of these natura formulas come from some weird
guy’s basement. And in many cases, they’re right.

Because my business partner has been a Doctor for 30 years.. and I’m now
an advisor to other Doctor’s..

…we insisted that SlimCore

Gummies are only made in an

FDA-approved facility.

Our supplier won the Gold Stevie

Award in 2021.

The use the latest technology for safety

and cleanliness to ensure you’re getting the

highest-quality product on the market.

The truth is, there are tons of fly-by-night weight loss companies
making ridiculous claims about their products.

Regulators are FINALLY starting to crack down on them – it’s about time.
These claims hurt us both. For you, many of these products are bogus and
even dangerous. They can rob you of your money and your health!

And it makes it tough for legitimate companies like me that provide a
superior weight loss product to compete with ridiculous claims like
“lose 20 lbs in 3 days” or “poop the fat out”.

Now it’s time for you to decide to try a
natural, new,

proven formula

that fixes the root cause of

weight gain so your most stubborn fat stores can

finally melt off – and stay off – for good, while

you continue to eat the foods you enjoy most

without guilt or shame.

With SlimCore, you get a delicious weight-loss gummy based on cutting
edge science, peer reviewed studies, first-hand experience, and the
remarkable real-world results of thousands of everyday women and men
just like you.

And I refuse to make any outrageous promises about how much weight
you’ll lose. Why? Because we’re all different. The heavier you are, the
more weight you’ll see melt right off. Some people are thrilled with a
10 pound weight loss.. others have achieved their goals of keeping 30..
40.. 50.. or even 70 lbs or more off! But I can tell you this with

You risk absolutely nothing. Not your health and

not a single penny. You must be
100% satisfied with

your weight loss results – or you pay nothing.

Before you order, ponder this

for a minute..

Right now you have
two options in front of you.

Option #1 is to leave this webpage without ordering

You can absolutely do that and there won’t be any hard feelings, I

But I do want to ask you..

If you don’t take action today, what does the future hold for you?

What’s going to change?

How are you going to turn OFF the hunger?

How are you going to fix the weight-gaining issues

presented by hyper-palatable foods so your brain stops

ordering your stomach to always eat more?

You already saw the studies showing the brain will continue to crave
more and more food just to get the same release of dopamine. And these
cravings grow stronger the longer this damage is left unchecked.

How are you going to erase your most stubborn pockets of fat and
excess weight?

How are you going to finally GET healthy for sure?
How are you going to ensure you’re not at risk for sudden strokes or
heart attacks, so that you’re around for your kids and family for a
long, long time?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, that’s okay..

They’re designed to be hard.

And the truth is..

While you could walk away from this page and just go on with your

If you don’t grab this opportunity to get SlimCore for yourself, it’s
unlikely that anything in your life will change.

That’s why I want to URGE you to move

forward with
Option #2.

Which is to click the button you see down

below and secure your very own supply of

SlimCore right now.

Making this decision means you’re making a promise to your body..

That you’re giving it what it needs so the unhealthy and unwanted belly
fat, arm fat, hip fat –
ALL OF IT – can finally melt off for good..

Remember: All it takes is two

delicious gummies at night.

In homes across the nation, this simple “two gummy” ritual is now being
practiced by thousands of others like you, by my Swiss in-laws, by my
doctors and of course, by me!

And then as you reach your desired weight, what you do, where you go and
what you wear with your healthy, new body is up to you.

  • 1 Bottle

    $59 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


  • 6 BottleS

    $39 / Bottle

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  • 3 Bottle

    $49 / Bottle

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100% Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 100% guarantee

You’ll be taken to our completely secure checkout page and decide how
many free bottles you want.

I’ve been texting with my supplier and due to supply chain issues, I’m
worried we could run out any day now..

And the longer you take SlimCore, the more

benefit you get so I really encourage you

to get the 180 day supply, which includes

free bottles

right now!

Take the only step towards melting off the excess weight
standing between you and your desired weight by trying SlimCore
Gummies today.

I’m positive you’re going to love the results of SlimCore, and I’m so
happy I could help you finally achieve the health and weight loss
you’ve always wanted.

L.Kennedy Lynn Kennedy,

Recognized by Doctors, made in an FDA-approved

facility, Gold Stevie Award in 2021.


  • What do the SlimCore Gummies taste like?

    There’s a delicious mixed berry flavor. You can’t really taste the
    active ingredients at all. This is why I tell every patient, you
    must promise me you won’t finish the jar before you finish the

  • How much is it?

    Packages vary but you can get them for as little as $1.33 a day.

  • What is in it?

    The ingredient list is below:

  • How do I get it?

    Just click here to start your order!

  • 1 Bottle

    $59 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


  • 6 BottleS

    $39 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


  • 3 Bottle

    $49 / Bottle

    Add to Cart


100% Money Back Guarantee
No questions asked 100% guarantee

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