Read Akashic Records

Read Akashic Records

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“World’s Most Recognized Hypnotist Finalizes The Creation Of A Program
That Will Position Anyone To Access The Chronicles Which
Make Up Every Event That Has Ever Occurred And Will Occur In The

“The Time Has Come To
Equip Yourself With The Hidden Advantage That Comes With
Knowing How The Past Will Influence The Future!”

Finally, A Definitive Answer On Accessing The Akashic Records So You Can Take Your Reality To
Levels Never Experienced Before!

Dear friend,

Does the uncertainty and mystery that surround the events that occur in life
raise questions in your mind about the meaning behind it all?

Do you often wonder if the historical events you have read about are
actually true?

Are you curious to learn what the world was really like since the
beginning of time?

If These Questions Seem To Mirror Some Of The
Questions That You Have Asked Yourself About Life, Then What I’m About To Share
With You Will Raise The Levels Of Both Your Interest And Amazement!

The Akashic records truly are an infinite source of knowledge in the
spiritual, mental and physical form.

Within them are the records of existence for every animal, person and living
thing as well as every word spoken, thought created and action taken.

While it is a great privilege to access these records, the good news is that
anyone can do it…as long as two critical things take place.

First, the person needs to respect all of the records; even the ones which
they do not understand in any way.

And second, they need to have a sound enough system to enable them to access
these records as they exist on a non-physical plane of existence.

And The System Needs To Be Flawless In Every

After all, entering such a realm of consciousness has been compared to
accessing the mind of God or Infinite Intelligence.

When operating at such level of consciousness, you are using only your
intuition to access information.

This intuitive medium will enable you to shatter the bonds between the
imaginal cells within your DNA that are linked to destructive behaviors that you
may have acquired from a past life or ancestor.

In Other Words, You Will Be Able To Stop Any
Unseen Forces Or Intangible Energies That Would Otherwise Hold You Back In Life
Or Prevent You From Progressing

Now that’s a powerful system!

And I’m here to tell you that I have created such a system and am ready to
share it with you.

Introducing Read Akashic Records!

Built On The Platform Of Hypnotic Influence, This Empowering Eight Module
Learning System Will Reveal:

  • The Four Akashic Disciplines – Here I’ll show you the four spiritual
    and empowering disciplines that will enable you to reach the state of
    consciousness needed to access the Akashic records effectively.

  • The Power Of Light Language – Using physics, sacred geometry, and
    light will enable you to see how your thoughts and emotions construct your
    version of reality.

  • Level 1 Akashic Mastery – Here you’ll learn more about your own set
    of Akashic Records as well as your soul’s purpose so you can identify exactly
    what may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

  • Level Two Akashic Mastery – Here you will be able to trade sets of
    personal Akashic Records with others which will enable both parties to validate
    what they have learned and track their progress.

  • Level Three Akashic Mastery – Here you will discover the Amos code;
    otherwise known as God’s code which will awaken you so that you can reprogram
    your subconscious mind and use your physical body to anchor all of the
    information and energy that you are receiving from the Akashic Records.

  • And Much More!

There is a reason why this program is being coined as “the definitive answer
on accessing the Akashic records”; it’s because it works.

You can look high and low but you will not find a program as empowering and
effective on accessing the Akashic records as this one.

But don’t take my word for it.

Find out for yourself first hand exactly how truly amazing this program is.

For just $27.97 $9, you can access this infinite
source of mind-blowing information that will provide you with a new level of
awareness in life.

“Read Akashic Records” Consists of Eight Empowering Audio Modules, which are
approximately 30 minutes each in length.

Akashic Records Module 1  
Akashic Records Module 2

Akashic Records Module 3  
Akashic Records Module 4

Akashic Records Module 5  
Akashic Records Module 6

Akashic Records Module 7  
Akashic Records Module 8

And to ensure your success even further, I am going include this bonus

Unlimited Creativity hypnosis CD

Hypnosis has the ability to withdraw that which is deep within the
mind, but often pushed aside by thoughts needing more immediate
attention. Such is often the case for those latently creative
individuals that know that deep within them is the next great American
Novel or musical masterpiece. Through hypnosis creative connections are
made and the motivation to put the thoughts into tangible creations is
possible. Whether your goal is the need to be more creative with
writing, art, music, or every day problem solving, hypnosis can help.

Click Below To
Order For Just $27.97 $9

(Digital Download Version)

To Your Success,

Dr. Steve G. Jones

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