Profit From Your Passion

Profit From Your Passion

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The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want…
The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business You Build…​

What Does Profit From Your Passion Means To You?

For everyone it’s different…

For some of you, you’re in a job that you hate, and you’re trying to get out.

For others, you are entrepreneurs with your own company… but you’re stuck, and you’re not sure why.

And for others of you, you’re looking for that one business that will help you to have more impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this Profit From Your Passion Program for YOU… let me ask you a few questions…

Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!

  • Are you just getting started, and have NO IDEA where to start?
  • Are you in a dead end job that you hate, and you want to start your own business or start working from home?
  • Do you have a company that’s been successful, but for some reason you’re feeling stuck?
  • Are you trying to figure out a way to reach more people, or have a bigger impact on the world?
  • Are you convinced that you need a business, but not sure where or how to start?
  • Are you about to launch your next business, and want to make sure it’s a huge success!?! 

If You Answered Yes To 1 or More Questions,

Then I Want To Invite You To Join The


And Change Your Life Forever!

I’ve been stripped bare of all that was holding me back and this allowed me to choose what I believe for me right now. I now have vision, purpose and I am actually excited for my future. Thank you.

I did a lot of research in the field of personal development as I wanted a career change. It was clear to me that Profit From Your Passion program was where I wanted to invest my time and money.

I was looking for a change in life and feeling desperate, sad, and sick of everything.
The program has changed me a lot. I have found meaning and I am happy & thankful every single day to be here

Josh Seymour

Small Business Owner

Just in case all this isn’t a solid enough reason to get your Profit From Your Passion right now, here’s a scary fact from The Oxford Program that you should know: 

There is a very specific type of depression called “Career Depression” that strikes people who find themselves locked into doing work that doesn’t match up with their true purpose in life.

Take a quick assessment: if you fit any of the criteria below you could be in danger of developing this debilitating condition… 

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you ever have nagging doubts about the future of your career?

  • Does your job often make you feel discouraged or depressed?

  • Are you unclear about your career goals or future (and unhappy as a result?)

  • Is a sense of joy or passion completely missing from your work?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then you may need to take the signs of Career Depression very seriously. 

Here’s why…According to The Oxford Program, Career Depression generally goes through three stages:

  • Stage 1: Career Dissatisfaction

  • Stage 2: Career Demotivation

  • Stage 3: Career Paralysis

Obviously, you don’t want to wait until you reach the “end of the line” before taking action! In fact, in a recent study at the Australian National University it was discovered that the wrong job can actually be bad for you – worse than having no job at all! 

“...research showed that people who moved from being unemployed into poor-quality jobs were significantly more likely to be depressed…than those people who remained unemployed.” – Dr. Liana Leach, Centre for Mental Health Research

Let’s face it: depression is a very real and debilitating condition for millions of people. It causes feelings of hopelessness, mood swings, chronic fatigue, eating disorders and even thoughts of death and dying among those who don’t get help soon enough.

That’s why it’s so important for you to find out what you are truly meant to be doing here on Earth, and which career you will be happiest in starting today. 

Why should your work be a source of depression for you, when it could be an endless source of emotional fulfillment and joyful confidence? 

You can avoid having to suffer through any more years of “quiet desperation” by taking action today.

I could easily charge $297 for the program Probably even $497,

but… All You Pay Is $17!

I don’t think I have ever invested $17 more efficiently and effectively in anything…I have gained knowledge already that’s absolutely PRICELESS!

Then In Exchange For That Tiny $17 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

Just imagine how you’ll feel when you…

  • Experience the thrill and excitement of knowing your “true calling” starting today…

  • Enjoy real, meaningful relationships with people who respect and respond lovingly to you (while avoiding those who “steal your energy” and don’t support you)

  • And have that attractive, “shining” confidence of someone who knows exactly who they are and where they’re going!

  • Clear Out Negative Emotions To Set Yourself Free 

  •  Remove Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Getting Everything You Want

  • Find Your True Self and Realise Your Purpose.

  • Build Your Self Confidence and Self Esteem.

  •  Discover What Truly Lights You Up And Puts That Fire Back In Your Belly 

  •  Clear Out Self Sabotage, Self Blame and Procrastination

Why Time Is Of The Essence…

If this page is open, it means that the program is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon. 

And if you’re wondering… well, can’t I just take the program next time it opens up?  

Well, the answer is MAYBE…

I’m not sure if or when the next one will be…

But, more importantly, what about the people you could have served with your products or services that won’t have a chance to hear about them, because you waited to launch your next business! 

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago… but the 2nd best time, is NOW.”

NOW is the best time for you to take the ‘Profit From Your Passion’ program. 

If you listen to the Profit From Your Passion and don’t discover at least 1 eye-opening thing about yourself that you can use today to radically change how you choose your calling, i’ll refund every penny.

I know that’s a terrific guarantee to give for a $17 purchase, but I’m 100% convinced that listening to the program is going to permanently change your life. I’ve seen it happen again and again, so I have absolutely no doubt it can happen for you, too!

But if you’re like most people, this experience will change your business (and for some of you, it’ll change your life!)

This really has been the best carefully laid out step by step training I have ever participated in.

I feel like I’ve gotten 10x my investment already!

From Trainer Lana King:

I’ve been in business for myself for over 15 years and in that time I have created 7 successful businesses from scratch.

I’ve owned Bricks n Mortar businesses, MLM businesses, Service Businesses, Retail Businesses and Online Businesses. In my 15 years, I’ve ridden the ups and downs, had my successes, and a few “feedback moments” along the way too.

Profit From Your Passion was developed to help the people who are like me, or who want to be like me, build themselves up. This is so that they can have the confidence, the self-belief and the self-worth to know they can have EVERYTHING they’ve ever wanted. Nothing can or will hold them back.

Whether that be in your business, career, home, or just life in general.

Whatever it is you want to achieve in your life, wherever it is you want to go, the Profit From Your Passion can help you get there.

Simple.I’m giving you this one-time chance to get into this VIP club because I feel it is very important that you have access to the weekly business tips and advice from powerful thought leaders immediately after you discover your true passion – so you can build successful business FAST…

TIP: Membership in the VIP Club normally costs $39.00 per month for 1 year – but today, I’m including one month’s FREE V.I.P access for you.

Here’s What To Do Next…

From here it’s just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and Join the program, then we can finally get started!    

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the program!

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

When you join the “profit From Your Passion” today (for just $17) I’m going to send you a link to your video training, the Business Plan Template that I use to create my businesses, 5 business and personal development E-books and 1 month access to VIP club that gives you a “backstage pass” to an amazing group of self-improvement stars who will advise you every week.

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don’t love the program – Shoot me email and I’ll refund your $17.  

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?!   Join the “Profit From Your Passion” today!

Here’s A Recap Of
When You Accept The Profit From Your Passion Today!

After Free Trial, $39/month recurring fee

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