Long Distance Love Guide

Long Distance Love Guide

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“I took hundreds of hours of research working with real couples and created a powerful,

step-by-step “Communication Blueprint”
that FIRES-UP your passion… SUPERCHARGES

your love…
and MELTS THE MILES between you.”
If you’re ready to ELIMINATE the anxiety, self-doubt, loneliness, and

long-distance relationships and begin a fun NEW LIFE together, then read on…

Dear Friend,


You’re in a wonderful relationship. You have so much in common. And you can’t wait to be with each other next.

One small problem:
  You’re HUNDREDS, even THOUSANDS of miles apart!


Whether it’s school… jobs… family… whatever… the annoying fact remains: YOU CAN’T BE WITH EACH OTHER!

Yet, you love this person. You’re convinced they’re worth waiting for. And you’re confident that you can make it work. (Although sometimes a little doubt might creep in.)

Still, you’re likely experiencing a CRAZY ROLLER COASTER of emotions!

Millions of people in LDR’s (Long Distant Relationships) feel just like you do right now, both men AND women!

For example…

DO YOU FEEL so anxious and desperate to see and talk to your partner that when you get together—after weeks or months apart—you find yourself saying stupid, uptight things that just drive him or her away? 

DO YOU FEEL so needy or dependent on your partner for YOUR emotional well-being… that it makes them want to run away?

DO YOU FEEL like your emotions start to go CRAZY at even the THOUGHT of your love spending time and enjoying himself without you… around other members of the opposite sex? 

DO YOU FEEL overjoyed to see your partner again… then find yourself fighting and bickering over stupid little things?

DO YOU FEEL sometimes that you wish you never got emotionally attached… and maybe it would be easier to just walk away than try to overcome your doubts and fears?

DO YOU FEEL so lonely sometimes that you think about hooking up with that attractive man or woman—just this one time! –then beat yourself up mentally for days or weeks after?

Have you ever had any of these feelings? I bet you have!

LISTEN: If you’re like I was when I was involved in a long-distance relationship, then you’ve experienced at least some of these feelings… over and over again!

In fact, it seems like just yesterday that I was in the same situation you’re in right now, a long-distance relationship. So I know EXACTLY what you’re going through!

But do you know the WORST part?

Knowing that you’re probably screwing up the best thing that ever happened to you—and that you have no idea how to NOT screw it up. 

INCREDIBLE! I never thought it would happen to ME—a professional relationship counselor! But… alas… it did…

Hello, my name is Bob Grant.  I’m a therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor. I’ve also been a relationship coach for over 20 years.

During my professional career, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women find and achieve more rewarding, satisfying, relationships. In fact, I’ve become known as, “The Relationship Doctor”  by my clients and friends.  I have a very successful practice in Atlanta helping my clients keep their love alive, strengthen existing relationships, or rekindling that old spark.

So… you’d think I would be the LAST person to be blindsided by the roller-coaster of emotions that come along with being in a long-distance relationship!

WRONG! It was brutal!

But like you, I’m only human. So while living in Atlanta, Georgia, I met the woman I KNEW I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Oh, boy… I was giddy with happiness! (You  know the feeling, right?!)

There was just one small problem…

The love of my life—my soul mate—owned a thriving business on the other side of the country! OUCH! Worse, I had a busy counseling practice I just couldn’t leave.

So there we were… madly in love… separated by 2,500 long, lonely miles.

I was depressed.

There was NO WAY either of us would consider ending the relationship, though. We were too much in love. But to say the next six months were tough, is an understatement!

Whew… it wasn’t easy. I wanted to be with her so bad it was killing me.

Almost immediately, it seemed, there were awkward silences and tensions between us whenever we saw each other.

It’s so strange! We were always so RELAXED together.

Now… for some reason… we tippy-toed around certain subjects.

Or worse… we found ourselves FIGHTING about STUPID little things that we both knew didn’t matter one bit.

Fact was, I knew we WOULD NOT survive as a couple… IF WE DIDN’T FIGURE THIS OUT!

It wasn’t easy. We both made dumb mistakes.  It was a painful trial and error!

THE GOOD NEWS? We got through it!

And now, 12 years and 4 wonderful kids later, I can say it was definitely worth the struggle!

However I’m not sure we would have succeeded… IF we hadn’t had a plan.

And that’s the part that REALLY sucked.

Even with all my education…  and all my years of professional experience… I was no closer to understanding the challenges of a long-distance relationship than anyone else.

One day I started to wonder…

“Why is this so HARD for most couples?”

I mean, sure, I missed her terribly.

It was hard enough to get up every day… go to work… pay the bills… and come home to a house without her. (It’s the lonely part… and not knowing what she was doing that killed me!)

But that was just PART of the problem. I realized that I hadn’t been dealing with the emotions that were going on INSIDE me.

And sure, I tried not to fight when we were together, or interrogate her about who she spent her time with when I wasn’t there.

But the question that kept coming up for me was: “Why is it so hard to deal with these things we have going on INSIDE… like insecurity, fear, jealousy, and other psychological challenges?”

Well, one of the answers that I came up with is interesting. And it’s something that I think might help YOU deal with some of these same challenges…

The Shockingly Simple Secret That

Changed Everything for Me

(And how it will help YOU, too)

I’m about to offer you some hard-earned wisdom… as one friend to another. The answer to my problem was astonishingly simple… but it took me a L-O-N-G time to figure out.

You see, when I started trying to solve my own relationship problems, I always began by focusing on the problem itself.

Makes sense, right? Deal with the problem… while the problem is happening.

This was wrong… Wrong… WRONG!

Because I discoverd that when it comes to long-distance relationship issues, if you just “solve” the problem in the moment… you’re not SOLVING the problem! That’s because the next time you’re in the same situation, the SAME PROBLEM comes up again… and you play mental games to “fix” it… until the next time… and the next… and the next.

(Does this sound familiar?)

Then I had this simple realization:

Instead of trying to deal with each individual problem as it happenedI would get far BETTER RESULTS if I knew what to expect before I had the problem in the first place!

Instead of dealing with my out-of-control emotions after I was in the situation (already out of control!), I needed to arm myself with knowledge… and MAKE A PLAN… so I’d be prepared.

This one simple shift in thinking helped me keep my emotions under control, and ultimately SAVED

MY RELATIONSHIP.  (No kidding.)

What’s more, the lessons I learned throughout the process have helped make my marriage the strong, vibrant, and wonderfully close relationship it is today… many years later!

Fix the IMPORTANT Things &

All the “Other Stuff” Will

Fix Themselves

This new mindset allowed me to see that couples in long-distance relationships DIDN’T have to make the same mistakes I did—and which most people do.

IF you’re prepared for the major challenges… IF you know what you’re going to do BEFORE you have a problem… then many of your problems will AUTOMATICALLY solve themselves!

The thing is, every long-distance relationship has very similar challenges. So it’s not the CHALLENGES that create the problems—it’s how each person REACTS to the challenges.

Human beings are complex, and we don’t come with instruction manuals. So one of the most important things you can do is realize that you don’t have to “figure it out” on your own. If you want your relationship to succeed, it’s crucial that you find an expert source of information… and use it.

You don’t need a psychology degree, and you don’t need years of therapy, and you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars. All you need to know is where to start.

That’s where I can help you. Right now.

Because until now, no one put together complete information to help improve and save your long-distance relationship.  This was one of my biggest frustrations… there just wasn’t a comprehensive guide for addressing all of the problems you face.

Well, fortunately that problem is in the PAST…

Because I’m Going to Help You

Strengthen Your Relationship

(No matter what “condition” it’s in right now)

FACT: I had the same experiences that you’re going through now.  I made the same mistakes you’re making now. And just like you, I struggled to make sense of it all.

And through my journey I became an expert in the area of long-distance relationships that helped me save my relationship… and now you can save your relationship with my personal guide, Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart.

Retail Price $47 Only $37

If you’re struggling with the painful issues that most couples in long-distance relationships face, my no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is guide is like an answer to your prayers. And I’ll tell you more about it in a minute. But first…

I want you to understand something:

Here’s the REAL Reason

Long-Distance Relationships FAIL

(And What You MUST Do to Save Yours)

IT’S SAD! But most couples in a long-distance relationship are trying to make it work using the limited knowledge they have.

It’s like trying to find your way through the wilderness without a map.

No matter how far you walk… how many times you check the sun… you’re still LOST… wandering in CIRCLES… and getting more and more FRUSTRATED!

In my counseling practice, I’ve seen scores of people making this same mistake. It’s really sad.

Fact is, the distance between you and your love can reveal the strengths and weaknesses in your partnership. And even though you CAN’T control the circumstances of your separation (job, family, etc.)… you STILL have the power to control your relationship!

Let me explain…

Here’s the “Missing Link” to

Long-Distance Relationship Success…

LISTEN:  If you’re having a problem in your relationship—even if it doesn’t seem serious yet—it isn’t going to “solve itself.” 


The pieces aren’t going to just “fall into place.”

And ultimately—unfortunately—you’ll NOT have the close, loving relationship you once did… unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW. (Problems, left alone, don’t solve themselves.)

Truth is, most couples won’t make it… and they’ll go their entire lives wondering what might have been.

Fortunately, it DOESN’T have to be this way for YOU.


the Barriers Keeping You From

the Relationship You Desire

Right Now… and for the Rest of Your Life

If you’re ready to finally get your relationship solid and healthy again… and say “GOODBYE” to the problems and issues that can sabotage you as a couple… I have some fantastic news for you…

After many years of counseling hundreds of couples—many of them dealing with saving their long-distance relationships—I always thought someone needed boil down all the most effective  techniques and put them into one powerful manual that readers could use on their own—without having to visit and pay counselor. (There’s a limit as to how many people I can help in person!)

This manual had to be all meat and potatoes. No fluff. No filler. Just tested tips and techniques that really work. A simple, understandable, and DO-able way to take the best of scientific research—and everything I learned in countless counseling sessions—and create easy-to-implement tools to deal with the long-distance relationship issues that can really drive you nuts, such as…

But I couldn’t find anything that even began to “put it all together.”

The Discovery of Something Amazing

So over the next few months, I had several interesting conversations with men and women who were involved in a LDR’s.

During these conversations, I quickly realized that surviving a long-distance separation was really a matter of systematically applying some basic, but VITAL principles… whether the partners were together OR apart.

It was about taking REAL SCIENCE… adding REAL EXPERIENCE… and putting these incredibly POWERFUL TECHNIQUES into practice.

Hey, I’ve been studying psychology for over 20 years… yet as soon as I applied these techniques and tactics to my own relationship, the results astounded even me!

I’ve been looking for a system like this for a LONG time…

Finally I had a unique, no B.S. way to take complex psychological concepts and turn them into easy-to-understand methods that a 5th grader could understand and implement.

I knew at that point that I had to share this knowledge.

The result is my information-packed guide, Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart , uniquely designed for the special challenges that long-distance couples (like you and your partner) now face.


“Thank goodness I found your book! 
My boyfriend and I were separated for over 6 months and the information provided in ‘Long Distance Love’ literally saved my relationship. The insights about understanding your ‘love trigger’ were amazing. Even though our time apart, at times, could be extremely stressful, your book helped each of us to better understand each other, and gave us the tools needed to keep our relationship strong. We are still together and doing great!”


Retail Price $47 Only $37

I Teach You How to Press the “Reset” Button & Recharge Your

Long-Distance Relationship

(No Matter What Happened In the Past)

In this extraordinary guide, you’ll learn how to use the “recipe” for LDR success… pinpoint the specific problems that are threatening your relationship… and figure out EXACTLY how to fix them quickly. 

In fact…

Honestly, you could spend years (and hundreds of dollars) in gut-wrenching, soul-searching psychotherapy trying to figure out the issues and make these changes. But with the tested and proven techniques I reveal in Long-Distance Love, you can become your own personal counselor in just a few short hours—only as long as it takes you to read it.

And that’s just a tiny sample of what Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart  can do for you.

After you download my guide, simplyset aside a few minutes each day. Read just two or three pages… whatever your time allows. Try one or two techniques. See the difference they make in how you feel… how you see your partner… and what you think about your relationship. I promise you’ll be shocked at the difference these simple—but powerful—mental tools make in your life.

Starting On Day 1, You’ll Discover:

Retail Price $47 Only $37

The surprising truth about the REAL reasons why so many long-distance relationships are doomed from the start. Learn this ONE thing, and you can avoid making the terrible mistakes that other couples are making this very moment.
How to transform your time apart so it seems to pass quicker, easier… and even make it fun! Sound crazy? Just try this clever suggestion on page 23 and you’ll be a believer!
The WORST way to talk to your partner when they’re far away. More fights and hurt feelings result from using this unhealthy (but popular) method of communication than any other. Here’s what to do instead.
Ready to throw in the towel? WAIT! Try this 1-step exercise on page 7 and see if this is really the right decision… or a giant mistake that you’ll regret for years to come.
Understand exactly how you’re letting your emotions control your actions… and how to turn this behavior into one that will work FOR, not against you.
Is your long-distance relationship just a way for one or both of you to avoid commitment? Hmmm. My no-punches-pulled checklist on page 29 will tell you if you’re just kidding yourself—or if being apart really is unavoidable.
Why she “phones so often” and he “doesn’t call enough.” Men and women ARE different, and so are their expectations. Learn how to accept the differences and use them to make your partner fall more deeply in love with you.
Do you ever feel like you’re just too “sensitive”… or overwhelmed… or just don’t know what to do? First, relax.
Then use this no-nonsense technique
on page 12. It will help you clear your head and make the right choice. (This one technique alone is worth the price of this guide. Yes, really.)
Learn how a simple shift in your attitude can stop doubts and negative emotions from sending your relationship into a destructive death spiral.
When you finally see each other, does it sometimes seem like you have NOTHING to talk about? It’s crazy, right? Well, here’s why it happens… and the surprisingly simple quick fix.
An almost “magical” technique you can use to avoid destructive fights and misunderstandings… and make your partner feel like YOU are the ONLY ONE in the world who truly understands them.
The ULTIMATE way to build fiery passion and anticipation. Do this, and you’ll have the BEST SEX when you see each other! Chapter 3 reveals exactly how to make your partner excited to see you again.
Do you save up the day’s events to tell your partner at the end of the day? You might be unwittingly creating pressure on your mate when you do so. Find out why on page 16 
3 simple, but incredibly powerful words every couple should say to each other, yet seldom do. Yet these are words your partner is longing to hear you say. (Hint: It’s NOT “I love you”)
Do you know the 5 “Love Languages?” Learn to speak to your partner in their special  Love Language  and they’ll never want to be anywhere except in YOUR arms. (Yes, it really works.)
Ladies: Do you know how to create that special, unique bond with your man? Most women think they do, but 90% of them are wrong, Wrong, WRONG! Read page 17 to find out how YOU can be “the only woman in the world” for HIM.

“This is a great book!
Thanks for writing something that is so helpful when me and my husband are separated for months at a time!”


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But that’s not all. I also teach you:

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As you can see… Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart is a treasure trove of invaluable knowledge. Yet everything you’ll learn is refreshingly easy to put into practice. 

Unlike other “programs” this is NOT one of those empty “motivational” programs that creates no permanent, lasting change. On the contrary…

Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart:

No bull. If you’re struggling with issues that are preventing your relationship from achieving its full potential, this program will show you how to completely banish them from your life FOR GOOD… and you’ll start to see results the first time you put these techniques into practice.

I Teach You How to Quickly and Easily

Restore… Repair and Rekindle Your Relationship Before It’s Too Late

The good news is: every long-distance relationship problem has a solution, and you’ll be able to solve yours with the tools I give you in Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart.

For example…

Fact is, there’s a very good chance that Long-Distance Love contains THE ONE BIG KEY you need to have the relationship success you want and deserve.

And I want you to have it… but only if it’s right for you.

10 Reasons Why

Long-Distance Love Is Different

From Everything Else Out There

Before you decide whether or not Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart  is for you I want to tell you why it’s different from all the other “relationship” guides on the market.

The content is created SPECIFICALLY to help long-distance couples 

Sure, there are a lot of “self-help” books and programs on the market. But NONE of them have been designed with the single purpose of helping couples in long-distance relationships deal with their unique challenges and problems.

I’ve spent over 20 years learning the science of psychology and behavior, and I want to help YOU develop POWERFULLY effective behaviors that will nurture your love and help your relationship succeed.

That’s why I put enormous amounts of personal time and energy into creating an easy-to-follow guide that equips you to deal with your long-distance relationship issues as quickly and easily as possible.

I personally guarantee that you’ll not find ANYTHING else available that is even CLOSE to Long-Distance Love. (In a few minutes I’m going to back up this guarantee and make you an offer you’d be crazy to refuse.)

REASON #2: This program was created by a professional relationship counselor who

SPECIALIZES in helping couples overcome their “inner” issues to become more successful in their relationship… and in their lives.

Most of the people selling “self-help” and psychology books are “generalists.” The stuff they sell is typically general and vague because it’s designed to help a broad range of people. Because of this, it’s usually “watered down” and of only limited help.

However, I SPECIALIZE in relationship counseling. I have a thriving professional practive in Atlanta, Georgia helping hundreds of individuals and couples. That’s why I created Long-Distance Love. To help you fix relationship issues. To dramatically increase your chances of success in YOUR relationship.

REASON #3: Long-Distance Love is a condensed, high-impact, “Best of the Best” when it comes to improving your long-distance relationship.

That’s why you won’t find a long-winded narrative that’s heavy on fluff… stupid stories… and light on substance.

No. Instead, you’ll find a compact synthesis of the best relationship knowledge ever discovered… from many different schools of research… and an easy-to-use menu of tips and tools that will help you get results in your situation

I GUARANTEE that you won’t find a more powerful, more condensed, more USEFUL set of tools and techniques SPECIFICALLY designed for couples in a long-distance relationship, anywhere…

REASON #4: Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart is created by someone who has been EXACTLY where you are now, and used these EXACT methods to save and strengthen his own long-distance relationship.

One of the things I hate about most “self-help” manuals is that they are based on unproven theory.

That is NOT the case with my guide.

Everything you’ll find in Long-Distance Love is knowledge that I know—from personal experience—REALLY WORKS.

You’ll instantly realize that it’s easier to learn… and easier to apply… because everything is based on tools and techniques that work in real life, not fairy-tale land.

Every concept and every technique has been successfully used by ordinary people, just like you, in your situation. This one fact alone makes the information you’re going to learn many times more valuable than those generic relationship manuals. 

REASON #5: Long-Distance Love teaches you exercises and tools that you’ll actually use and apply.

Many “self-help” programs are based on academic theory, and recommend techniques that can take years for you to see even miniscule results. Who has the time to play around when your relationship is at stake?

In Long-Distance Love, I give you tools and exercises that you can IMMEDIATELY apply in REAL LIFE situations…   and experience the benefits first-hand. 

And by the time you’ve finished reading it, you’ll have…

You’ll be more confident about your ability to handles the stresses of a long-distance relationship, and how to use the time apart to bring you even closer together.

Most of all, you’ll learn how to build a solid foundation of trust, respect, passion, and friendship with your partner that will last a lifetime.


“Bob… thanks so much for this book!
It’s been wonderful to know what to do during those times when I’m worried our relationship won’t make it. Being able to remind myself of how to talk on the phone to get closer to each other has saved us more than once.”


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REASON #6: My program is focused on helping you solve your long-distance relationship issues at the HEART.

Because you’ve read this far, you’re aware enough to know that mere “tricks” will NEVER solve relationship issues, even if you’re not in a long-distance relationship.

They CAN’T.

The reason I created Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart is because relationship issues must be addressed at the HEART. Lasting changes in a relationship must come from INSIDE… not from the outside.

Make sense?

In fact, once you apply the information I teach you, your partner will start to respond more positively… AUTOMATICALLY. And as you master the different concepts, techniques and tools, your entire relationship will improve in ways you never dreamed possible. (And that’s not hype, either. It’s the results of years of in-the-trenches research helping hundreds of couples turn their loves lives around.)

REASON #7: Everything you’re going to learn is MORAL, ETHICAL… and FEELS GOOD to use.

In my professional and personal life, I live by one simple code: You don’t have to be unethical or dishonest to be successful.

In fact, I believe when you strive to be more honest and ethical, your chances of achieving lasting success and happiness are assured.

Do you feel the same way?

That’s why everything you’ll find in Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart  is based on psychological and inter-personal concepts that FEEL RIGHT to learn and use.

It’s not necessary to “trick” your partner into being with you. In fact, that’s the most damaging ting you can do to your relationship. Instead, I teach you how to build a lifetime of passion, commitment and trust HONESTLY… and in a way that feels good for BOTH of you.

REASON #8: Long-Distance Love takes on the super “thorny” relationship issues without flinching… and tackles them openly to get RESULTS.

When I was in my own long-distance relationship (with the woman who became, and is now, my wonderful wife), I wasted so much time spinning my wheels with things that didn’t work.

So I won’t waste your time. Because I know you may be hurting right now… and need results fast.

I won’t “talk down” to you or dance around the real issues. Together, we’ll address timeless, tough relationship problems like insecurity, fear, and anxiety.

We’ll look at these relationship-destroying emotions directly, and you’ll learn techniques to effectively blast those negative emotions out of your mind, body, and your relationship. 

I’m serious about this… I want to help you enjoy a more positive long-distance relationship RIGHT NOW.

That’s why, if you’re not ready to confront your own issues directly… if you’re not ready to make a sincere effort to transform your relationship into something amazing… if you don’t truly believe you should be in the best relationship of your life right now… then my guide is not for you.


It’s powerful, life-changing “medicine,” but it’s not for the uncommitted or the faint-of-heart.

REASON #9: Long-Distance Love teaches you how to become personally stronger, and more emotionally content.

I believe that if you feel strong, self-confident, and emotionally content… you’ll NATURALLY have better relationships. (Makes sense, doesn’t it?)

Because, let’s be honest here: You want to improve your long-distance relationship so you can ENJOY your life more—right? So why not learn how to do BOTH at the same time?

I’ll show you exactly how. How to deal with personal issues so you’re more centered and content… and ENJOY your life more… and how to use your new knowledge to recharge your love life. 

REASON #10: You are going to discover how to have the kind of relationship you REALLY want.

Here’s a little known “secret”: Most couples are VERY FRUSTRATED with their relationship.

It doesn’t matter if the couple is in a long-distance relationship, or not.

FOR EXAMPLE… if you listen to a group of women talking, the conversation will almost always turn to MEN. More specifically, what’s WRONG with the man they’re with.

Sound familiar?

And if you listen to a group of men talking about the women they’re involved with, the conversation sounds much the same—except it’s about what’s wrong with the WOMEN they’re with.

Sometimes, you have to wonder how people ever get into a relationship at all! But these conversations bring out one very important point: If you want to HAVE and KEEP a quality relationship, then you have to be “real” with each other. Tricks and games might start a spark… but they won’t keep a fire burning.

(Read that last sentence again.)

So here’s the ultimate purpose of Long-Distance Love:

To help you TRANSFORM your relationship into the QUALITY relationship you deserve… the kind of relationship that a REAL man or woman wants to stay in… even when you have to spend time apart.

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Order Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart and Transform Your Separation Challenges Into the BEST Relationship of Your Life!

Long-Distance Love condenses hundreds of hours worth of my professional expertise. I could easily put it in a fancy, expensive binder… and load it with lots of extras… add all kinds of useless “bonuses” (you’ve seen those silly websites)… tack on shipping costs… and charge 10x more. But that’s not me. I don’t work that way. I’m a relationship counselor, not a slick marketer.

So for just a fraction of what a professional relationship therapist would charge for a one-time consultation, you’ll get years of hands-on professional expertise… delivered to you in seconds.

In fact, if you wanted to schedule in-person counseling with me, you’d spend $175 for every 45-minute session. After several weeks of counseling, you’d probably have spent thousands of dollars.

Truth is, in some cases, in-person sessions are definitely the way to go. But for long-distance relationship challenges, there’s a great alternative that I GUARANTEE will work for you in the comfort of your own home.

For less than dinner and a movie, you can get access right now to priceless knowledge you can use right away to improve your long-distance relationship.  And this low price also comes with my better-than-money-back, “I Take All the Risk” Guarantee…

, when you order before midnight tonight,

You’ll Receive My Powerful, No-Punches-Pulled Guide “Couples In Crisis”

A $67 Value… Yours Free

IT’S A FACT! Almost 50% of all couples will have a relationship crisis serious enough for them to seek some form of marriage counseling sooner or later in their relationship.

BUT DID YOU KNOW… that over 75% of couples that do have relationship counseling later report that they’re WORSE off or no longer together less than a year later?

Argh. Can you imagine how disappointing that would be—to spend all that time and money on counseling—only to find that you’ve gotten no closer to solving your problems? Truth is… you might even be worse off than when you started!

The good news is you don’t have to waste time and money sitting in an office. My powerful guide Couples in Crisis is your guide to facing and resolving the tensions in your relationship, no matter how old, or how deep. Couples in Crisis gives you a simple, easy-to-follow system to save or restore your relationship, and bring love and tenderness back into your lives.

Couples in Crisis teaches you how to address your problems… neutralize negative emotions that are blocking you from finding a solution… and begin to relate to your spouse or partner in new and more positive ways. You’ll learn ways to “stop the bleeding,” restore the connection, revitalize intimacy, and renew your passion.

And here’s the best part… you WON’T have dig into your past… or practice communication “exercises”… or “accept blame.”

Instead, you’ll quickly learn…

How small, simple daily actions bring you back together and build lasting love.
How to stop dwelling on the past and give your future a real chance (this works no matter if one, or both of you have messed up).
How to stop pulling apart – and start working as a team again.
Are you watching your relationship circle down the drain? Doing this one thing will definitely kill any chance of reconciliation.
The two PRIMARY causes of relationship stress – and how to handle either one without losing your mind.
How to get—and give—the RIGHT sort of attention and affection
How to deal with a partner who doesn’t want to talk—and get them to open up to you.
The very FIRST thing you need to do when you KNOW your relationship is in trouble. If you don’t do this, you’ll sabotage your efforts right from the start.
How to quickly snap out of self-destructive patterns of behavior and replace them with new relationship-affirming actions.
When NOT “talking about it” is the best decision for you both.
How to talk so your partner will truly listen.
How to listen so your partner will WANT to talk.
How to break the painful silences between you—and how to get the timing right.
If you know your relationship is in trouble, making this common mistake will sabotage every effort you make to fix it. Here’s what to do instead…
Why adversity can be the BEST thing that ever happened to you as a couple —and how to use it to bring you closer, not push you apart.
Warning signs that your relationship could be headed towards crisis! How to “turn back the clock” BEFORE you get into trouble.
If you want your relationship to succeed, NEVER do THIS. It will kill your love and passion stone-cold faster than anything else!
Why sometimes the best thing you can do for your relationship is ignore—yes, IGNORE —your problems.  They won’t go away, but here’s what will happen instead…
He’s wrong… she’s wrong. Guess what? You’re BOTH “right!” Here’s what you need to understand to communicate as equals.
The seven-day plan to get you through any crisis. When you’re overwhelmed with what’s happening right now, use these steps to get your relationship back on track.
Why every “problem solving” conversation becomes a fight. Most important, what to do to stop fights and start communicating.
Is it time to quit the relationship? This simple test will tell you if it’s worth working on your problems—or if you’re doomed to fail.
Ladies: When “Talking it out” makes him shut down, doing this one simple thing can help him open up.
New routines to banish the stress and bring the fun and romance back to your relationship.
The #1 “Life Skill” that predicts whether your love will survive a crisis. (Don’t worry if you don’t have this skill… it’s quick, simple, and easy to do.)

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And that’s not all…

The regular price of Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart is $47. That’s less than $2 a day for a year of life-changing information. But times are tough, I know. And I don’t want a few dollars to stop you from reaping the rewards. So here’s special offer that’s good for a limited time:  

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  My boyfriend and I were separated for over 6 months and the information provided in Long Distance Love literally saved my relationship. The insights about understanding your ‘love trigger’ were amazing. Even though our time apart, at times, could be extremely stressful, your book helped each of us to better understand each other, and gave us the tools needed to keep our relationship strong. We are still together and doing great!”


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Remember, you risk nothing. Just check it out. You have 60 days to examine Long Distance Love and put the knowledge to work for you. And you’re completely protected by my “No-Nonsense, You-Must-Love-It-or-I-Give-You-a-Fast-and-Cheerful-Refund Guarantee.”

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Bob Grant, P.L.C.

P.S. Remember, after you download your copy of Long-Distance Love: Secrets to Surviving the Distance Apart  you have 60 full days to use some—or all—of the proven long-distance relationship “secrets” revealed to you.

Isn’t it time for you guys to eliminate the stress, anxiety, and strain from your relationship and start having fun again? Life’s too short to waste any more time.

P.P.S. It’s estimated that 7 out of 10 long-distance relationships fail because couples make simple mistakes that could have been easily corrected IF they took action! Do not put this off even one day. If my system doesn’t work for you, I send your money back and you keep the $67 guide, Couples in Crisis as my thank you. It’s just as simple as that. Don’t let distance and separation destroy your relationship. Take action right now.

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