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After the age of 35, perimenopause causes your estrogen levels to go haywire.

This not only causes emotional up-and-downs…

It also forces your body to magnetize more weight!

Specifically around your belly.

Meaning, you’re biologically RIGGED to gather fat around your stomach as you get older.

That’s why it’s NOT your fault diet or exercise hasn’t worked for you in the past.

But luckily, we now have a way to combat this!

Isogenics contains several fat-melting ingredients that let you enjoy your favorite foods while pooping out fat in the morning…

Making you look slimmer than ever!

For example, the primary ingredient “ogbono seed” has been clinically proven to help participants lose 28 lbs…

And it works fast, starting in just 7 days!

It also contains Rhodiola which has been scientifically proven to reduce visceral fat by 30%.

Which is also a type of fat that tends to gather around your belly.

So if you want a slimmer waist, a flatter belly and that coveted thigh gap…

Isogenics is how you can get there without diet or exercise.

Use the dropper 3 times a day, preferably before your meals.

This will allow you to not only shed the pounds… It will also let you poop out fat the next morning!

Even though the ingredients inside Isogenics start working almost immediately…

Clinical studies show that the longer you use it…

The more weight you’ll lose.

That’s why I recommend you take Isogenics for at least 10 weeks if you want maximum fat-burning results!

You can order today without risking a single penny.

That means, no matter which package you choose, you’re covered by our 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Which is a 3-step promise:

One. You must start pooping out unwanted fat every morning.

Two. You must achieve the body of your dreams.

Three. You must feel confident and happy in your new slender body.

Unless the Isogenics Tonic fulfills all three of these promises…

Let us know within 90 days and I’ll give you a FULL refund.

No questions asked.

What’s more…

It doesn’t matter if you’ve used up all the bottles.

Just email our friendly customer service team and send back whatever you’ve got left…

And we’ll refund EVERY single penny.

Even for the bottles that are used up.

That means you’re not “buying” anything today.

The only decision you’re making today is to take Isogenics for a trial run for the next 90 days.

Great! You’re about to take the most important step toward finally getting the body of your dreams.

But we’re at the end of this presentation.

So now’s your last chance to take Isogenics for a “trial run” for the next 90 days.

Remember, you’re always covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

And when you choose the 3 or 6 bottle package today…

That brings the per-bottle price to as low as $29!

Which is $0.96 a day.

LESS than what you’d spend on a gallon of gas.

If you agree that investing less than a dollar a day is worth your happiness and a slender, healthy body you love…

Then scroll down now and pick the 3 or 6 bottle package (or whichever one is right for you)!

I’ve done everything I can to make this decision as EASY as possible for you.

But you’ve got to take the first step.

And even after you order, you won’t be alone.

I’ll stay in touch with you every single day via email.

And you’ll get the motivation, support and encouragement you need to succeed.

I truly care about seeing you get the body of your dreams…

But I can’t take the first step for you!

So scroll down right now.

Click the button on the package you want. And fill out your details on the following page.

This is important!

Until you fill out your full details on the checkout page, we can’t ship your supply of Isogenics Tonic to you!

So take action now.

It’s your last chance to take control of your weight…

And start pooping out the unwanted fat every morning…

And you’ll finally have the slender body you’ve always dreamed of!

So scroll down and click the button below now.

I can’t wait to see you on the other side!

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