Instant Eulogy Speeches.

Instant Eulogy Speeches.

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 Here’s How You Can Quickly And Easily Get Your Hands On Warm, Loving, and Sentimental Eulogy Speeches In Just

3 1/2 Minutes!

  • Instant Speech Package– download & print in 3 1/2 minutes!

  • You’ll Have Exactly the Right Words to
    Say–  proven winners!
  • 100% Preparation– don’t get caught ‘winging it’!

  • Memorable, Sentimental, Professional, & Touching Speeches!
  • You’ll Save Time and

  • You’ll Gain Instant Viewing over the
  • Skyrocket Your
  • Better-Than-Risk-Free– Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed!

Dear Friend,

offer you my condolences for the loss of a loved one.  In your
time of mourning it can feel overwhelming at the thought of standing up
and delivering a eulogy speech in front of an audience of friends and

you want to  skyrocket your confidence, save valuable time,
and  feel confident in delivering a memorable and ever-lasting eulogy speech,
then this is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Here’s why…

My ‘Eulogy Package’ gives you everything that you need to deliver a warm hearted, sentimental, and well-thought eulogy speech.

It includes:

  • 20 Pre-Written and Time-Tested Speeches
  • Over 10 Classic Poems To Use In Your Speech
  • Famous Quotes– great for  adding flavor to your speech

  • How To Save Valuable Time
  • You’ll Skyrocket Your Confidence
  • You’ll Save Money (time is money– don’t waste time writing your own from scratch)
  • How To Gain The Audience’s Respect– say the wrong thing and lose it
  • How To Instantly Access Your Speeches Via The Internet
  • You’ll Get Sentimental and Humorous Speeches
  • What’s Proper Etiquette and What’s Not– it’s not what you think
  • Heart-Felt Speeches
  • You’ll Be Able To Cover Any Situation
  • 1-Minute Speech
  • 2-Minute Speech
  • 3-5 Minute Speeches
  • How To Avoid Looking Bad

Preparation is the key to public speaking…

remember the first speech that I ever had to deliver.  I
was terrified!  I spent 3 days at the  library trying to
figure out what  I was expected to say!

challenge is that in your time of loss it can be overwhelming to even think about what to say during the eulogy. 

what do we do? 

Unfortunately, many times we get up there and ‘wing it’This is exactly what
you should NOT do!

You’re expected to be prepared and ready to deliver a thought provoking, touching, and meaningful speech.

is EXACTLY why I’ve put  together this eulogy speech
package.  It’s so that you, my friend, can put this worry behind
you.  You can have speeches, poems, and quotes that are proven winners
that will touch the hearts of the audience.

This Package Includes Eulogies For:

  • Friends
  • Sisters
  • Brothers
  • Daughters
  • Sons
  • Fathers
  • Mothers
  • Wives
  • Husbands
  • Grandparents

Perhaps this is
your first visit to this site and you’re unfamiliar with Ryan
Ringold. If so, you’ll find his credentials and background information

On the Internet, it’s
tough to know who to believe. It’s natural to feel skeptical and
unsure.  I’ve felt the same way several times when ordering a
product or service.

Click Here To Order Now.

Here are 4
good reasons to believe what I say:

My company and I are reputable, credible, and have helped people just like you in over 5 different countries.  I’ve
been doing business online since March 12, 2002.  I’ve helped
hundreds of people with speeches.


I’ve been a public speaker for over 4 years.  I’ve spoken at
hundreds of events and to thousands of people.  I’m also a
writer…and I’m not bad at what I
do.  After all, I better be if I speak on stage and write
speeches.  At one event I spoke in front of 8,000 people. 

how many of these other dudes selling speeches have ever 
been on stage…not to mention in front of those kinds of crowds? 
When I used to  write custom speeches from scratch, my fees were
$125 for a

1 to 3 minute speech (sorry, I don’t offer that service

Three: specializes in eulogy speeches for the

family and friends of a lossed love one.

We don’t waste your
time with 101 different speeches that you have to sift through. No birthday speeches, no 
retirement speeches, no graduation speeches… just eulogy speeches–

Four: I don’t hide behind my web site or any fake email
addresses.  My direct voicemail number is 775-248-1549.  It’s
been the same number for about 9 years and I
don’t plan on it changing.  I answer the phone myself when I’m
around and my full address is at the bottom of this

Here’s  Why You Should Decide To Own My Product.

It’s  normal for all of us to feel unsure about what to  say during a eulogy speech. 

However, when you own this eulogy package you’ll have 20
pre-written, ready-to-use, time-tested eulogy speeches.  They’ll
give you confidence by knowing you have the right words to say. 
They really do work!

You see…this package is different than what other companies give you.

Other companies just give you a template or outline. The problem with that is that you still have to do  ALL the work
by filling in all of  the blanks.  You still generate the
speech from your thoughts, your words, your writing, and YOUR time!

Another problem  is when a company gives you a ridiculous amount of speeches to choose from…like 40, 50 or more!

Listen, it may seem nice to have a gazillion speeches to  read over, but believe me…it’s a pain in the you know what!

It took me over 2 hours and 45 minutes just to read over one of my competitors products. 

What!  Are you kidding me?  I couldn’t remember what I had
read or didn’t read.  It was so damn much information and so long,
that he could have been putting the same speech in there twice!

Who has that much time!

My package keeps this simple for you. 
I give you the meat and potatoes and cut out all the fluff.  I’ve
streamlined this package so  it delivers exactly what you need to
deliver a touching eulogy speech.

But Ryan, What If I Want To  Add Some Words Or Change It Around?

problem!  If you’re confident in public speaking and writing,
then use  these speeches as a guideline or idea generator. 
They  will work for you as well.  You can personalize them
where you see fit.

You can also use these speeches practically word-for-word.  Just change the names to your loved one, family and friends.

It’s  simple.

You’ll Get Proper Speech Etiquette In

Every Eulogy Speech

  • How to properly introduce yourself.
  • Who to thank.
  • How to give special  acknowledgements.
  • Humorous  quotes to lighten the mood.
  • Touching words for the audience to remember.
  • Loving poems.
  • How to close your speech.
Surefire Techniques To  Deliver A Powerful  Speech And

How To  Avoid Embarrassment!

The audience is expecting you to be prepared.

It’s your responsibility.

I put this site up so that you, my friend, can deliver an incredible eulogy speech.  Don’t make the mistake of
doing this on your own.

With this package you’ll  have the right words, the right timing,
the right poems, and the right confidence to leave an ever-lasting impression with the perfect eulogy.

You can even mix and match these speeches in just minutes to blend your perfect speech.

Here’s The Cost And Why It’s Worth  Every Penny:

Through this
special offer you’ll get 20 (twenty) eulogy speeches for the low,
one time investment  of $34.95!  That’s ONLY $1.75 per speech.

UPDATE: you arrived at this page just in time to take advantage of a
special marketing test: through midnight on , I’ve dropped
the price to just $17.00 (for a limited time only).  I’m doing
this to see if the increase in sales outweighs my lower profit
margin.  If it doesn’t, and you buy the speeches after this date,
expect to pay the normal price of $34.95.

(Instant Download.  No Waiting.  No Shipping.)

If you order by the deadline you’ll also get:3 Free Bonuses!

(I can only guarantee your bonuses if you order before the deadline.)

That’s a $17.96 Value For Free!

If you order by midnight, , you’ll get 3 FREE Bonus Gifts!  These little gems will make your  day!

Free Bonus #1:

 ‘4 eulogies of well-known people’
—  Includes the eulogy for Princess Diana, Mickey Mantle,
Mohandas Ghandi, and John F. Kennedy Jr.! 

Free Bonus #2:  ’10 poems appropriate for the occasion’— Perfect for blending into your eulogy to capture your thoughts and feelings and to move your audience.

Free Bonus #3:  ’10 Fear Busters for Successful Public Speaking’
Nervous about your speech?  These tips will calm your nerves and
have the audience in the palm of your hands. 

So, let’s summarize this offer and wrap this  up….

Here’s what is included and the benefits of this package:

  • 20 Pre-Written and Time-Tested Speeches
  • Eulogies For Friends.
  • Eulogies For Grandparents.
  • Eulogies For Husbands.
  • Eulogies For Wives.
  • Eulogies For Mothers.
  • Eulogies For Fathers.
  • Eulogies For Sons.
  • Eulogies For Daughters.
  • Eulogies For Brothers.
  • Eulogies For Sisters.
  • How To Write A Eulogy.
  • 15 Humorous Quotes.
  • Over 100 Classic Quotations For Your Speech
  • 10 Poems– great for  adding flavor to your speech

  • How To Save Valuable Time
  • You’ll Skyrocket Your Confidence
  • You’ll Save Money (time is money– don’t waste time writing your own from scratch)
  • How To Gain The Audiences Respect– say the wrong thing and lose it
  • How To Instantly Access Your Speeches Via The Internet
  • You’ll Get Sentimental, Touching, Humorous Speeches
  • What’s Proper Etiquette and What’s Not– it’s not what you think
  • Heart-Felt Speeches
  • You’ll Be Able To Cover Any Situation
  • 1-Minute Speech
  • 2-Minute Speech
  • 3-5 Minute Speeches
  • How To Avoid Looking Bad
  • 4 Eulogies of Famous  People

  • Fear Busters for Successful Public Speaking! This is a must have.

Entire Package

Only $34.95!

(Now only $17.00)

Limited time offer.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You’re Still Skeptical?

How about this…

100% Better-Than-Risk-Free

Your “Nothing To Lose And Everything To Gain”

58-Day Guarantee!

100% Guarantee

Order my
Eulogy  Speeches.  Read them, test them, use them for your own ideas, copy them
word-for-word, whatever.  If, at anytime in the next 58-days, you decide that
you’re not thrilled with your purchase… If you feel that this package was not
worth every single penny, then simply email me and say that you’re not satisfied
and  (1) all 20 speeches and free bonuses are
yours to keep; and (2) you’ll receive a 100% refund of your purchase price.

That’s right!  Any
time in the next 58 days, if you feel that this package doesn’t deliver
everything I promise, then you’ll get a full refund.  No questions asked, no
B.S., no questionnaires to fill out.  Just say you’re not

You keep
everything.   It will cost you nothing!

Ryan Ringold —

Email me

I designed this guarantee for the 99% who
are honest, but naturally skeptical — not the 1% who’ll take advantage of me.
But more importantly…

Now you have Absolutely No Risk!

Take up to 58-days to decide if you are happy  with your  order.  If your’re not, then keep all the eulogy speeches and bonuses for FREE– that will be my gift to you for your troubles. 

You’ll get a prompt, courteous refund– no questions asked and no hard feelings.

That’s right, all the risk is on me!

So order by midnight, ,  to take advantage  of the special price and get all of your free bonuses.

Get ready to deliver a unforgettable eulogy in honor of your loved one.

It’s simple to order my product.  Just click on the order link below.

Major credit cards accepted.  Secure ordering.

Only $17

Best Wishes,

Ryan Ringold

P.S.  At this point after reading typical offer, you probably think to yourself “Do I really want to gamble $34.95  (Special: 1 easy payment of $17.00)?” Friend, that is exactly why I’ve offered my “Nothing To Lose And Everything  To Gain Guarantee” for years.  If my package doesn’t deliver, I’m the one who eats his shirt– not you.

The  entire 20 speeches and $17.96 worth of free bonuses are yours to keep no matter what.  That’s a guaranteed gain, no matter what you decide.

P.P.S.  The reduced price of $17.00 is a limited time offer.  If the increase in sales doesn’t outweigh my lower profit margin, then expect to pay $34.95 after the  deadline. So place your order now!

This eulogy speech package is downloaded from our private download
page.  You’ll have these speeches in your hands just moments after
you decide to own them.  Nothing is physically shipped to your
home.  This is practically instant!  Order now by clicking here!

Hurry, you must
act before midnight,


Order Now!

Click here now to order through our secured server.


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