How To Write A Book in 3-30 days, Even If You Can’t Type

How To Write A Book in 3-30 days, Even If You Can’t Type

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Discover the Shortest, Fastest, Quickest Most

Harmonious Way To Write a Book

*Plus Everything You Need to Know

Publish, Market and Sell Your Book

Welcome to your new journey as a
Successful as a Creative Writer. Not too many people know that writing a book can be easy and accomplished in 3-30 days. Most see book writing as this long ardous process which can take years to complete. This true only if you use the old method of writing a book. That’s why I’m excited to share this fun and exciting method with you that can have you write your book faster than you can imagine.

It is a beautiful thing to get your creative mind to bring joy
and light to others.

Not only do you bring joy to others, you will also:

              • Be Seen as an Expert in Your Field
              • See Opportunities Open Up
              • Watch Your Credibility Skyrocket
              • Gain Respect from Your Peers, Family and Friends
              • Enter a World of
              • Discovery How Easy It is To Write a Book
              • Write Mulitple Books

Even if you have this course simply to become
better with marketing and blog writing, my prayer is that there may
be an increase of inspiration, abundance and joy into your wonderful
life and that all of your life experiences be harmonious, happy and

Secret Formula to Writing a Book in 3-30 Days

Most authors irrespective of whether they are new to writing or have written books previously begin by looking at a blank page. With Michele’s Secret Formula you have no time to even think about a blank page.


Written in 4 Days

Written in 3 Days

Written in 26 Days

Written in 21 Days

Ideas and topics will flow out from your marvelous mind. Everyone who has ever gone through Michele’s course wether at a live seminar of through this video course finds ideas just flowing out of them like magic.


Everything You Need to Know to

Publish, Market & Sell Your Book

This course is designed with videos, pdfs, and teleconferences. The people who were on these teleconferences paid
hundreds of dollars to participate so you can see that they are of
great value. Many of these people have now very successful books
and two have HUGE best sellers! I think you will find the information invaluable
and will save you huge amounts of time and money.

I do not say this lightly. If anyone had taken
courses on any one of these topics it would have taken them years
and a small fortune to cover all the profoundly important VITAL
information that is covered in detail with this amazing course.

IF you go through this course with a desire and uplifted vision, work
and follow the easy instructions YOU WILL sky rocket in your finances
and writing business/career. THEN you can take it easier (if you
choose to) because you will have the financial power of success from
your diligent work ethic and enthusiasm for your life’s purpose.

There are many details that have taken years to accumulate and if you are not aware can be a frustrating process for you. For example, when you do go to write your book or your audio
program, DVD series, or whatever it is that your product will be,
you’ll need to know about ISBN numbers and how to get them
inexpensively and lots of little details that took up so much of my
time in research over many years. So my years of experience in
different businesses, including seminars, rock’n’roll, running a
publishing company, being self-published, networking, marketing,
publicity, TV shows and more, will be available to you in these MP3’s
and in some of this book.

Video Series

Michele’s Secret Formula Book Writing Course

(How to Write a Book in 3-30 Days)



This is an exercise of creativity, you will not be thinking about the content or the length of your book. Finding your area of expertise and do this quickly)

  • Exercise of Creation
  • Opening up the Portals of Your Imagination to Your Life Experience
  • Using Your Creative Juices
  • Getting Clear on What You Will Write About(Some of you may have had a previous area of what you want to write, but now you will be adding more clarity and creativity)
  • Your Life Experiences
  • Your Book Titles(including subtitles)



I’m going to share with you on how to write a
book, IS so SIMPLE. It came to me back when I wrote my first book,
as I could not type. I just find it so
EASY to write a book or an audio program this way.

  • A stimulating Table of Contents
  • Your Chapters of Your Table of Contents
  • The Secret to QUICKLY Fill Each of the Chapters with Your Information
  • What Most People Do to Stop Their Natural, Creative Flow
  • Writing in Ways the Reader Will LOVE Your Book
  • And more…



Storyboard all your characters. What type of characters they are,
their characteristics, what type of personalities and looks? Allow the
story to take on its own vision and flow.

  • Your Working Book Title
  • Mind Mapping Process
  • Characters, Timeframe, Plot
  • Storyboarding
  • Using Words that Are Visual
  • And more…

Plus+ Everything You Need to Know to

Publish, Market & Sell Your Book


  • How to Self Publich
  • Major Publishers
  • How to Copywrite Your Work
  • Printing
  • Selling Your Book
  • Book Expos
  • ISBN Numbers
  • UPC Codes
  • Intellectual Property
  • Patents


  • Publicist, Annie Jennings, Reveals Her Insider PR Secrets
  • Strategies to Profile You and Your Book
  • How to Be a Successful Interviewee
  • Branding Strategies
  • The Major Mistakes People Make with the Media
  • How to Pitch Your Message/Book Successfully
  • All About Press Releases
  • How to Do Radio Interviews
  • Strategies for Publicity
  • Improving Your Chances of Being Booked
  • Your Media skills, Pitching skills, Voicemail Skill, Press Release Skills
  • Online Media Kit
  • Find Out What to Put on Your Media Site
  • What is a Good Publicist
  • Getting on Your Local Cable TV
  • Benefits of National Print
  • Branding Points/Strategies
  • Does and Don’t With Working with the Media
  • Your Media Bio



  • When to Give a Company Complete Rights
  • Licensing For Seminar Training
  • How to Negotiate Speaker Fees
  • How to Negotiate Money and Royalties for Your Training Materials
  • Negotiating with Individuals
  • Negotiating with a Corporation
  • Getting Money Upfront for Your Products from the Licensee
  • Selling Your Licensing


  • How to Have Your Book in Different Languages
  • Foreign Contracts
  • Foreign Publishers
  • US Rights vs Foreign Rights
  • Working with An Foreign Rights Agent
  • Working with Publishers On Your Own
  • Your Book Cover in a Foreign Country
  • The Best International Rights Book Fair
  • U.S. Commerce Department
  • Negotiating EBook Publishing Rights
  • Giving Rights to Future Technologies
  • Getting a Foreign Book Deal Advance





  • Editing
  • Recording
  • How to Have Your Listener Inspired and Focused on Your Message
  • How to Sound Like a Pro
  • How and Where to Find a Professional Recording Studio
  • And more…

In Addition

We’ve Added 2 Special Bonuses:

Special Bonus #1:

module 4
  • Old Paradigms:

    Change your old paradigms to the new positive, wealthy and healthy person that you deserve to be. Includes instructional booklet.
  • Powerful Information:

    This program is filled with powerful information on the most important topics you are required to know to use The Law Of Attraction

“Success is a direction you choose in life.

It is where you are going”

YOU Choose!

    Bonus Video

    Go from Unsuccessful to Successful

  • What do you really want? Everyone wants something big really big! Become very successful because success is merely only a decison you make.

    The beautiful truth is that success is a direction which begins with a decision and has nothing to do with anything outside yourself.

  • Go from unsuccessful to successful, from feeling of lack and limitation to a feeling of abundance.
  • Let go of the past and go in the direction of your dreams. Success is achieved by making a decsion first and then the success automatically follows.

Special Bonus #2:

module 4

“The Science of

Getting Rich” Audio

  • Inspired Millions:

    This Book has inspired millions worldwide including the great Bob Proctor, Loyd Conant to start Nightingale Conant, and Rhonda Byrne to create “The Secret” which was based upon this book.
  • One-of-a-Kind:

    The Science Of Getting Rich” is one of those all too rare one-of-a-kind true and effective guides to generating ongoing wealth and prosperity on all levels

    If you desire to create more moneyto your life

    this audio book will inspire and teach you how to do so.

    Bonus Video

    The Right to Be Rich

  • It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich.
  • If you are a normal man or woman you cannot
    help doing so. It is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the science of getting rich,
    for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies.
  • If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your
    duty to yourself, to God and humanity, for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than
    to make the most of yourself.

  • Studying the people who have gotten rich, we find that they are an average lot in all respects,
    having no greater talents and abilities than other people have.


These videos are actually a mini workshop as she had me doing writing exercises right as I was watching the video.

I’ve been researching best trainings for helping me launch my career as an author and I’ve never experienced so much CONCRETE ADVICE on immediate actions I can take – right now! – to get the book out of me and onto paper!

And that’s just a taste of the whole program she is offering.

As I studied the videos I could feel the confidence building inside me that, yes indeed, I could actually get my BOOK DONE . A feeling I had been struggling with strengthening inside myself for some time now. Thank you Michele for being such an amazing dynamic woman with a heart of gold.

“Shema Satya” Fairfax, California

I am SO proud to introduce Michele Blood’s HOT new Book Writing Course“Secret Formula Book Writing Course” by Michele.

Anyone wishing to write
books and become a better writer AND make money doing this will simply LOVE this NEW course.

It is one of the MOST complete Book
Writing Courses EVER! It covers everything and Michele is a joy to
watch and listen to.

“Deanna Leah” Foreign Rights Specialist

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