How To Pick Up Women- The Silver Tongue Seduction Method

How To Pick Up Women- The Silver Tongue Seduction Method

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If you’re tired of left-on-“read” messages, the platonic “friendzone” and just downright, cold-hearted rejections from women “out of your league,” discover… 

See How Guys Are Using This New Technique To Banish Approach Anxiety Or Fear Of Rejection & Have Engaging, Flirty Conversations With Women WITHOUT Using Pickup Lines, Manipulation, Or Corny Routines.

“Dude, Why Are You Still Standing By The Bathroom? She’s Over THERE With Her Friends!”

Hey, my name is Imad Jbara.

And for the next few minutes, I’m going to tell you a story about how I went from being constantly rejected by women…

To find this secret technique you do BEFORE talking to girls that makes them flirt, chase and even seduce you in less than 4 minutes WITHOUT using any “game.”

And the best part?

  • If you’re SUPER shy, get approach-anxiety, or get super nervous around girls…
  • If you have NO CLUE what to say when talking to a woman.
  • If you don’t have the money, looks, status, or friends…
  • ​If you’re a virgin or inexperienced with women…

  • ​If you’ve had a ton of BAD experiences with women in the past..

No matter how hopeless you think you are with women…

You can use the secret magnet to be the sexual catalyst to her next “it just happened” story… 

 OR make her your girlfriend – or BOTH.

…Even if she’s already put you in the god-forbidden friendzone!

…It’s really up to you.

Bought some super expensive cologne and an outfit from Nordstroms to match.

I was sure this was going to be a great night…

But I had no idea I was actually headed for a nightmare.

That whole night, I got shut down by every girl I approached.

They’d tell me they just wanted to hang with their girls, or that they already had a boyfriend.

I even asked a much older lady for a dance and STILL got rejected!

Are you serious?” I thought, “I’m literally doing YOU a favor!

Things definitely weren’t going the way I wanted them to.

But the night was still young, and I was sure to get SOME action by the end of the night.

I just needed another drink to get some liquid courage flowing…

This beautiful brunette was standing next to me while I tried to wave down the bartender at the bar.

And all I could think about at that moment was… I had to say SOMETHING to her.

So I said the first thing that came to mind…

Her eyes lit up and she responded with, “sure!”

Finally the bartender comes and I buy us drinks.

Since I was buying her a drink I thought I had a little time to shoot my shot.

So what did I do?

Questions like…

“What’s your name?”

“What school do you go to?”

“Do you come here often?”

Thinking back on it now, I thought I was on a great path by getting to know her.

I even looked back at my friends who were giving me the nod of approval from my table.

And I thought things were going smoothly when suddenly she tells me…

Was this REALLY my life right now?

To go to a club and get rejected by every girl? 

Even the ugly friends?

To me…

I thought about how the night went when I woke up the next morning.

Was I too nice to her?

Did she just use me for a free drink?

I Had No Clue How To Talk To Girls.

Let’s be honest.

Acting cool and having a nice body doesn’t really matter to girls if you can’t actually talk or flirt with them.

And honestly, I couldn’t start a conversation to save my life.

More importantly, I thought you needed “game” to get girls, which meant saying the right things, memorizing pick-up lines, and playing “seductive” mind games.

But not only did I FREEZE when talking to a girl… I was pretty nervous to approach them to begin with!

Honestly, I’d see an attractive girl and automatically think to myself…

“Oh, she probably has a boyfriend already.”

“She’s talking on the phone and looks busy.”

“She’s walking way too fast, and must be in a hurry somewhere.”

Sometimes, I’d muster up the courage to walk up to a girl I like. 

But the moment I opened my mouth… NOTHING would come out.

Or, if I did say something, I’d sound as stale as an old bag of Lays…

…just like I did at the club.

Then one day I was on my music app when…

Everytime I opened my app that day, this ad kept popping up!

The ad was selling a book about advice on how to seduce women.

The Study Found It Only Takes 4 Minutes To Emotionally “CLICK” With Someone.

The study stated:

“Their analysis of nearly 1,000 dates found that words, indeed, do matter. How the words are delivered, when and for how long make a difference to how people feel toward each other, and in this case, whether the men and women sensed that they “clicked” during their encounter.”

Ironically, seducing women with words has nothing to do with what you say.

It’s who you’re BEING at the moment.

That’s why game is most effective when it comes from the REAL YOU.

And that’s where the BIG problem lies.

The REAL question is…

How come these “dating gurus” teach guys to be FAKE to get REAL attraction from women?

These Dating “Coaches” NEED Guys Like YOU To Be A Victim So You Can Keep Buying Their Programs.

Let’s be real: Rejection from women can be PAINFUL, which is why most guys fear it.

And these coaches know this.

Here’s what else these coaches know…

But most guys ALSO understand that rejection is a part of life that makes you stronger…

Think about it:

Why else would they teach guys “game” to manipulate and lie just to get in between a girl’s legs?

Because sadly, most dating advice is from the biggest victims of them all.

Chances are, these guys kept getting rejected by women too, and resented women ever since…

So rather than getting validation from the women they want…

They project their insecurities onto other guys looking for help.

They teach guys to seduce women through lies and fakeness as a way to get back at the women who’ve hurt them in the past!

Don’t you see?

It’s never been about helping YOU get better with women… it’s about using you for revenge!

That’s why ACTING like a bad boy is the worst dating advice I’ve ever heard.

I hated being told I was getting “the HARSH truths about women”…

When in reality, I was just drinking the author’s toxic Kool Aid! 

I felt like I was a pawn in his game of Chess to ruin the lives of innocent women!

But I’ve got good news…

Guys who are really good with women are just being REAL and honest.

And as a result, they CLICK with almost every girl they talk to.

Think of it like this…

Not “clicking” with women when talking to them is like watching an unplugged TV

This simple, yet powerful trick allowed me to CLICK with girls almost immediately, no matter what words were said.

If I was talking to a girl I thought was sexy, I simply used the 4-Minute Click before talking to her…

And almost instantly, she’d respond with flirting, sex “jokes,” or asking if I wanted to come to her dorm room to “chill”!

I was clicking with women almost instantly, and making real connections with them…

And getting incredible SEX in return as a result!

And before I knew it…

Soon I had dates with different girls lined up almost every night of the week with the hottest sophomores, juniors, and even seniors at school.

And I wasn’t just meeting girls on campus…

The 4-Minute Click proved to be SUPER effective on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, too!

Next thing I knew I had dates with the hottest girls in my entire area!

Eventually my phone was full of texts of nude photos from women BEGGING me to come over…

To which, I’d simply respond with my new quirk to make them desire me even MORE!

Other guys would notice how much success I was getting and want to be my friend!

Sometimes, even my friend’s GIRLFRIENDS would start flirting with me on the downlow!

I couldn’t believe what was happening…

For years I thought something was inherently wrong with me…

But thanks to my 4-Minute Click I went from being lonely, unhappy, and undesirable…

…to having more ATTENTION from women than I knew what to do with…

…and more RESPECT from men than I felt I deserved.

My depression vanished, and I saw myself in a new, positive light.

My confidence overflowed from knowing I could meet any girl I was interested in, CLICK with them, and turn our relationship from friendly to sexual whenever I wanted.

Turns out, I WAS dateable and worthy of love.

For the first time, I was truly HAPPY with myself and with my life.

Because I never had to feel lonely again.

It wasn’t long before my friends were asking me about my secret 4-Minute Click.

As a joke, I told these guys I’d teach them my secrets for $5 a person.

I didn’t expect them to take me seriously.

And I DEFINITELY didn’t think it would lead to me teaching seminars full of guys who wanted to know the skill of clicking with girls in under 4 minutes!

Now I say all this not to brag or show off.

The truth is, I’m no special case.

James is a golfer who almost went pro!

He even met Tiger Woods!

But even though he was a beast on the golf course, he was horrible when it came to women. 

2 months ago, he wasn’t able to talk to a single girl. Luckily I taught him how to use the Silver Tongue Click Magnet

Fast forward to now: Not only is he getting dates left and right, he’s also using it to increase his sales in his business!

Geoff was single for 2 years before I met him.

You’d think a guy who was a professional soccer player with 2 businesses could get girls easily…

But not Geoff.

He was scared to talk to girls.

But shortly after I showed him the Silver Tongue Click Magnet, it wasn’t long before he met his current girlfriend, who he’s been dating for two months now.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The 1 Thing You MUST DO Before Entering A Conversation With A Woman (Mess this up and you can FORGET about attracting her).

The BIGGEST Mistake Most Guys Make When Talking To Girls.

The Hidden Secret Behind EVERY Great Conversationalist (You’ll NEVER hear about this outside of this course).

The Most Attractive Skill You Can Start Using Today With The Next Girl You Talk To (Women Absolutely LOVE When Men Do This).

Embody This ONE Belief, & You’ll NEVER Come Off NEEDY To Women – EVER AGAIN!

And MUCH more…

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The 2-Step Attraction Formula That NOBODY Talks About (This will be a complete GAME CHANGER for you!)

What Girls REALLY Mean When They Say They “Don’t Like Nice Guys.”

Why Chasing Girls Actually KILLS Her Attraction For You (And what to do instead).

How To Make A Girl Work Hard For YOUR Attention (Do this and she’ll start to emotionally invest in you).

The Street-Walking Gag That Makes Her Laugh (AND Turns Her On) – This is one of my favorite!

How To Build Rapid Attraction By Standing Your Ground In A Conversation (This Will Cause Her To Respect You And Take You Seriously)

And Much More!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

This Powerful Technique That Makes Her Connect With You On A Subconscious Level (By far one of my most powerful dating secrets).

Use THIS To Put Yourself In Her Shoes To Make Her Feel Genuine Attraction For You.

How To Use Her Own Words Against Her To Increase Attraction For You (This is a very sneaky technique that works like a charm).

The 3-Part Rapport Building Sequence That Instantly Creates A Connection With Women (Do this and sleeping with her will be SO MUCH EASIER!)

Why Connection Is Just ONE Piece To The Puzzle (If you don’t add this second part, you’ll just be another guy in her Friendzone!)

And much more!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Why “Cold-Reading” Is So Powerful When Talking To Girls (Even if she KNOWS you’re cold reading her!)

Why “Predicting” A Woman’s Personality Entices Them To Learn More About YOU.

How To Tell Engaging, Relatable Stories Than Keep Her Glued To Your Conversation

How To Make Her Feel Like You “Just Get Her” In Mere Seconds (This doesn’t just work on women, either – it works on ANYONE you use this with).

And much more…

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Why Tonality Can Either Create Or Kill Attraction With Women (If most guys understood this, they would sleep with WAY more girls).

How To Use Tonality To Turn Boring Stories Into Engaging, Exciting Ones (Do this right & she’s yours)

How To Arouse Her With Non-Sexual Conversations (Use this to make any conversation a sexy one!)

If You Don’t Do THIS You Will ALWAYS Sound Like A Boring, Sexless Robot (In other words: You’ll NEVER get laid)

And much more!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The WRONG way to listen VS The RIGHT Way (HINT: The guys who get the most girls are the best listeners)

3 Ways To Show You’re Actively Listening To Her (Even if you’re not) – Learned this secret from Japan!

The Secret To Looking 65% More Receptive When Listening To Women (This boosts your chances of CLICKING with her at a rapid rate)

And much more!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Are You Asking “Interview-Like” Questions To Women When You First Meet Them? STOP THAT & Do THIS Instead!

How To Use Emotional Stories To Answer Simple Questions (When You Do This, She Will NEVER Get Bored Of You)!

How To Use Spontaneity To Your Advantage When Building Attraction

Why Commonalities Can Save You From Rejection And Make Women Chase You (The answer is NOT what you think)

And much more!

So now you’ve seen how I managed to go from being clueless with women…

…to wielding the power of naturally CLICK with any woman I want – until I talk myself into bed with her…

And now you have seen why thousands of men are already praising the Click-Magnet Quirk breakthrough…

But let me ask you…

What kind of man will YOU be the next time a sexy woman walks by?

Because if we’re being honest (and I AM being honest)…

I would hate it if you missed out on this opportunity.

In this bonus I’m gonna show you a secret attraction formula that no dating coach is talking about today. This formula is going to take your conversations to the next level! Yours FREE when you get Silver Tongue Seduction today.

In this bonus I’ll share my best kept texting secrets to help you CLICK with girls through texting and dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, Instagram and more! Valued at $97, Texting Secrets is yours FREE when you get Silver Tongue Seduction.

The biggest mistake guys make is trying to get to know girls ONLY through text! This bonus is gonna show you step-by-step how to set up dates over the phone with girls. Phone Call Secrets is another gift from me to you when you get the course today.

Test out the best and proven openers for texting and DMing girls! 

WARNING: these openers work so well, it’s likely you can have a date with a different girl every day of the week. So be careful! These openers can be yours at no cost when you get Silver Tongue Seduction today.

What if I told you that it’s much EASIER to get out of the Friendzone, than in it? With this bonus, you’ll turn the tables on any girl who’s put you in the Friendzone in 10 simple steps! This bonus is yours FREE when you get Silver Tongue Seduction today.

You’ll get access to my exclusive Silver Tongue Seduction Facebook Group. Here you’ll join me and my secret group of Silver Tongue Seduction students who are dedicated to CLICKING with the most beautiful women of their dreams. And the best part? They’ll all be cheering you on ready to support you on your journey to become the best version of yourself. Plus you’ll have me there, ready to help you kick ass whenever you need! 

You’ll get FREE access when you get the course today!

…but then coming back to this page later and seeing $1000 or more added to original price?

If you ask me, it’s definitely NOT worth the risk.

That’s why, after talking it over with my team, I’ve decided to give you a full 24 hours to take advantage of our incredible discount.

As long as you’re one of the first to sign up before midnight tonight you won’t be paying $2,000 for this course

You won’t be paying $1000…

You won’t even be paying $500…

You can get life-time full access to my 9-module Silver Tongue Seduction Course PLUS the 9 bonuses for just the one-time price of $37!

And your purchase will include the following:

 ✅ The Silver Tongue Seduction Communication Course (9 Modules)

 VALUE: $497

 ✅ BONUS #1: The 2-Step Attraction Formula Cheat Sheet

 VALUE: $197

 ✅ BONUS #2: Texting Secrets

 VALUE: $97

 ✅ BONUS #3: Phone Call Secrets

 VALUE: $97

 ✅ BONUS #4: 30 Best Openers For Texting & DMs

VALUE: $47

 ✅ BONUS #5: Talk Your Way Out Of The Friendzone

 VALUE: $197

 ✅ BONUS #6: Private Facebook Group

 VALUE: $97

 That’s a total value of almost $1,229 that you’ll be getting for less than $40!

(Oh, and listen… I know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again unless you make another order.)

But again, you’ve got to hurry.

We can’t keep the price this low for long.

Once the clock strikes midnight, this discount will be gone for good.


We’re also offering a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

You risk nothing by ordering this mini course today!

By investing today, the only thing you’ll be missing out on is another lonely night at home, with a dry cellphone containing no invites, and no sexy pics… which is definitely a GOOD thing!

Your confidence will skyrocket in little to no time.

Trust me. I’m living proof of that!

The point is, it’s time to STOP hiding in fear and start attracting the women and life you deserve!

That means…


NO MORE: Disrespect or Rejection from women, and no more being forced in the “Friendzone.”

NO MORE: Wasting your time on tacky “Pick-Up” tactics, or spending excessive money on drinks, only to end the night going home alone…

Instead, I want you to have the best results possible – like the thousands of men before you.

And again, you won’t be enrolled in some ongoing subscription.

PLUS you’re covered by my 60-day money-back guarantee.

So even AFTER you’ve learned the first 2 sets of modules and got a handle on attraction, you can get your money back if you’re not AT LEAST excited.

I’m telling you… take advantage of this limited time offer while you still can.

Click the “ORDER NOW” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

Let’s turn you into the confident man you were always meant to be.


Imad JBara,

The Perfect Suitor

P.S. Before this letter was sent out to thousands of men like you, I showed it to my students and closest friends. They asked me some common questions I’ve answered below:

Who is Silver Tongue Seduction for? 

It’s for all men. Doesn’t matter your age, attractiveness, height, financial statues, weight, or any excuses you might think of to why you won’t attract the women you want. It has helped thousands of men all around the world get their girls they always wanted. 

What’s the Silver Tongue Seduction about?

It’s an online course that teaches men how to attract women and develop charisma in 10 simple modules and 6 bonuses. 

What’s the time range before I start getting girls and going on dates?

This is all dependent on you. If you put it the work and practice everything you learned here then you can do it as fast as the next couple of days. If you ignore it and push it off then you’ll stay in the same place.

What makes this different then other courses? I’ve bought some in the past and they didn’t work.

I can’t speak for the other courses but what I can say is that in silver tongue seduction, you will get straight forward information without the fluff. We seen most dating programs out there and they usually take so long to get to the point but with us you just get in and are ready to test it out! 

Is this program billed discreetly? 

Yes this program will appear as The Imperfect Suitor Inc and not the silver tongue seduction. 

Do you have any shortcuts, I don’t think I’ll have time to do it. 

This is the shortcut. Plus it’s not that long either so you can get through most of this in a day if you put in the time and effort. We tried to keep it concise and sweet so you can get the result as soon as possible. 

How will I get access to the course after I purchase it? 

You will get an email with a link and your log in information to our database. 

Does this work on younger women?

This works on all types of woman! It’s all behavioral psychology so you will be tapping into that aspect when communicating with women. 

Do you have any evidence that this stuff actually works?

Yes have a whole section filled with testimonials that you can see for yourself! 

Will I get hotter women?

Without a doubt, this course is designed to teach you how to attract all women even if you think they are out of your league.

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