How To Make Money On Twitter – The Lazy Way

How To Make Money On Twitter – The Lazy Way

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From: Steven Hall


Dear Fellow Wealth Seeker…

Let me ask you the following questions…

  • Do you want a 100% passive income that puts money into your bank account even while you sleep?

  • Do you want a system that is completely unlimited, very easy to duplicate and provides you with a truly unlimited income on auto-pilot?
  • Are you prepared to invest just 2 hours, after which you will have a fully automated passive income forever?

If you answered YES to ANY of the above questions I have good news for you. You’re about to discover…

the secret to creating totally passive income streams

that last forever (in Just 2 hours!)

I’m going to reveal to you the magic formula that I’ve been using to make thousands of dollars on auto-pilot every single week…  without a product, a website or even a list.

But first, please allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Steven Hall, I retired in 2003 (Aged 29) because I found a way to make more money online than I was making from my day job.

Now my income is 100% fully automated.

Not having to work means that I’m free to travel (and live) anywhere in the world.

For me, that’s the most valuable benefit of a passive income.

Thanks to the freedom of my 100% fully automated passive income I was able to meet my wife. I’d like to share a very personal video with you of our special day. Because without a passive income this would never have happened…

I’m guessing that’s not what you expected to see on a website about making money. I’m not a faceless website trying to sell you something. I’m a genuine, normal guy that’s discovered a really awesome way to make money. And I want to share it with you.

So now that you know me a little better (and my beautiful wife Karol) it’s time for me to share my PASSIVE INCOME SYSTEM with you.

My Passive Income System…

  • Makes money on auto-pilot
  • Is very easy to use
  • Is very easy to copy

My system works because of 3 powerful secrets.

I’d like to take you ‘behind the scenes’ and show you each of these secrets in action. When I reveal how the system works, I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a fantastic way to make money…

3 essential Secrets to 100% passive income

Passive Income Secret #1…

Make money from other people’s products

Making money from other peoples products is much easier than trying to create a product of your own. I found this out the hard way. I started with my own product. A simple ebook that I’d written myself. Writing the book took a lot of time, and so did creating a web-page to sell it!

I sold the book for $19.95 and before long I was making about $500 a month. I was chuffed to bits. But it obviously wasn’t enough to quit my day job.

I wanted to make more money, but I didn’t have anything else to sell.

That’s when I discovered affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is basically selling other peoples products for a commission. The first product I sold was an online course that costs $200. My commission was 50% so I made $100 per sale.

Since then I’ve never looked back.

I’ve now sold thousands of products as an affiliate… in dozens of different markets (most of which I know absolutely nothing about) there’s no way I could have made all of those products myself.

But the products are only half of the story. To sell a product you need sales copy. Writing sales copy that sells is incredibly difficult. It’s a skill that very few people can do well and those that can charge a fortune for it! You could pay over $10,000 for a single sales letter!

Fortunately, the products that you’ll be selling already have sales letters.

If you want to make a lot of money, selling other peoples products saves you stacks of time and allows you to skip LOTS of learning curves. They know what they’re doing. They have great products. They have fantastic sales copy. They do all of the hard stuff… you just get paid.

Making money selling other peoples products is the best way to make money because…

  • You can get started NOW. You don’t have to waste months creating a product (That probably won’t sell anyway!)
  • You don’t have to deal with the customer. So you’ll never have to answer any questions or speak to anybody.
  • You don’t have to write a sales page. Believe me… Writing a sales page (like this one) is harder than creating a product!

Selling other peoples products is much easier than you might expect. You can get started in minutes and most products include sales tools that that you can just copy and paste.

Now lets look at secret number 2…

Passive Income Secret #2…

Give away something of value

There is a well established psychological law called the Law of Reciprocation. It states that when you do something for another person, they are much more likely to do something for you.

In sales, this translates to…

Give something of value, get the sale.

The Law of Reciprocation is the reason that many insurance companies give away free pens. Pens cost money. Companies only give them out because they know that it increases the probability of getting the sale.

The crazy thing is, you can…

Give away ANYTHING that is perceived as value to boost your sales.

It doesn’t have to be a physical object, it can be some free advice, a tip, a secret, something entertaining or even a funny picture! All of these examples have been proven to increase the probability of getting a sale through the Law of Reciprocation.

Passive Income Secret #3

This is the most important secret of all…

Secret 1 and 2 must be 100% Fully Automated!

If you want to make money, then you need a system that works for you. Don’t sell your time for money. That’s how a job works… and it will NEVER make you rich. Time is limited…. systems are not.

My system fully automates Passive Income Secret 1 and 2

We do have a small caveat here… As I mentioned before, you need to do some “work” to get started. But it only takes a couple of hours. After that, the system does all of the work for you.

Within just a couple of hours of reading this page you will have a brand new 100% Passive Income Stream. My system will do all of the work for you. It’s runs on auto-pilot 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It never stops… and neither will your income!

Creating a 100% Passive Income System

To create a system that can provide you with a fully automated passive income, I leveraged 3 powerful resources. The first 2 make it possible to make money selling other peoples products, the 3rd automates the process and does all of the work for you!

Passive Income System Resource #1

Our 1st resource is ClickBank

ClickBank provide the products that my system will sell for you. They have tens of thousands of products in dozens of different markets. ClickBank is easy to use, fast, reliable and very profitable.

ClickBank is…

  • 100% Free!
  • Gives You Instant Access to Tens of Thousand of Products that You Can Sell For Huge Commissions!
  • Earn 50% – 75% Of The Sale Price Per Sale!
  • Up-sells that INCREASE Your PROFITS Automatically!
  • Ongoing Subscriptions That Pay You Additional Commission EVERY MONTH!!
  • Ready Made Affiliate Resources
  • High Converting Sales Pages
  • No Need to Create a Product!
  • No Need to Write ANY Sales Copy
  • No Need to Talk To ANYBODY EVER!
  • Get Paid Directly into Your Bank Every Week!

Thanks to ClickBank, my system has thousands of products that it can sell for you…. Now it needs a place to sell them…

Passive Income System Resource #2

Our 2nd resource provides an established platform from which we can sell ClickBank products. It’s one of the most powerful and popular social media platforms on the internet… Twitter!

Twitter is the perfect platform for making money selling other peoples products because…

  • It’s 100% Free
  • It gives you instant access to millions of potential customers
  • You don’t need a website
  • It’s quick and easy to start from scratch

I don’t expect you to have a Twitter account already. So right now, I know that you don’t have any followers. That’s completely fine.

Passive Income System Resource #3

The 3rd resource that I leveraged is a little more complicated.

This resource didn’t already exist, so I had to create it.

This is how it works…

If you’re a computer programmer, you’ll find this interesting… If you’re not a computer programmer, you can skip the next sentence!

The system utilizes a MySQL database of Tweets that are triggered by a Cron job that activates a PHP script to create an RSS feed that is linked to IFTTT and published to Twitter on a never ending loop.


OK, I promise… no more tech jargon!

So that’s how it works… now without the jargon, this is what it does…

It publishes Your affiliate links to Twitter on Auto-Pilot

Once I’d set everything up, I had a fully automated system that published affiliate links to my Twitter account every few hours on a never ending loop!

I sat back with a huge grin on my face and waited for my commissions to come rolling in…..

That didn’t happen. Instead….

My account got suspended!

Twitter suspended my account!

Twitter really don’t like duplicate content. So as my Tweets looped around my account got suspended.

But I wasn’t ready to give up!

The “SECRET SAUCE” behind Your 100% Passive Income

My system was publishing my affiliate links to Twitter on a never ending loop. It was 100% fully automated, but the duplicate content caused Twitter to suspend my account.

I needed to find a way of posting my affiliate links automatically, without triggering Twitter’s duplicate content policy…. and I found one!!!

Let me introduce you to “Spinning”…

Spinning can transform a single Tweet into hundreds of unique random combinations.

To show you how it works, here’s a very simple example of spinning one word. Click on (Spin) below to spin the word “Morning”. Keep clicking, there are plenty of options to see! (Guess which is my favourite!)


Good Morning 🌞

This example is completely random, but it only spins one word. So it often produces the same result. However, you can spin all of the words in a Tweet…. or even the entire Tweet!

Now let’s take a look at a Tweet that my system is automatically publishing to my Twitter account…


Click on (Spin) Above to see the Tweet!

Every variation of this Tweet promotes a ClickBank product that my followers love…. and I get $46.95 commission per sale!

This is just one of my Tweets.

I have more Tweets just like this one, promoting my affiliate links and putting money into my pocket completely automatically.

Thanks to spinning, each Tweet is randomly generated so I have an endless loop of unique Tweets being automatically published to my Twitter account. Every single one promotes a product that pays me a huge commission!

You could have a list of Tweets just like mine in about 30 minutes. Then my PASSIVE INCOME SYSTEM will publish your Tweets to your Twitter account completely automatically. You’ll have an endless loop of unique Tweets promoting your affiliate links FOREVER!

My system is called AutoTweet, and it will feed your Twitter account like this forever!

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

How to transform income streams into

raging rivers of abundance!

When I discovered this secret I felt like King Midas!

With absolutely no more effort, you can transform every fully automated Tweet into a virtual cash machine that pumps more and more money into your pocket every single week.

This is how it works…

Remember my first Tweet above that makes $46.95 per sale? Well the product that it promotes isn’t just a one off purchase. Customers are also invited to sign up to a membership program.

The membership program costs $37 per month, and pays 65% commission. So that’s $24 per month, per customer!

Not just once, but…

$24 every month for Every Member!

There’s no limit to how many people sign up. If 10 people sign up you get $240 per month, if 100 people sign up you get $2,400 per month! If a thousand people sign up… well, you get the picture! $24,000 per month is a LOT of money from something that is FULLY AUTOMATED!

This incredible passive income comes from just one Tweet, promoting one ClickBank product.

ClickBank has thousands of products just like this one, with ongoing membership programs that pay you a commission every single month.

I hope you’re beginning to see the power of selling other people’s products on auto-pilot on Twitter. It’s one of the easiest and best ways of making money online. It’s completely unlimited and you can get started immediately, with absolutely no previous experience what-so-ever.

I imagine that by now you have some questions… here are my answers to the questions that I think most people will have. If I don’t answer your question here then please email me at

“I don’t even have a Twitter account, Can I still do this?”


In fact, it’s better to start with a brand new account. I don’t expect you to use an existing account to do this, I will show you how to get started from scratch. Even if you’ve never used Twitter before and don’t know how it works.

Within 2 hours of reading this page you’ll have a Twitter account that’s so awesome people will be falling over themselves to follow you. It’ll be filled with the very latest (niche specific) news, bursting with value and promoting lots of products that will pay you huge commissions!

Best of all, thanks to AutoTweet… it’ll be doing all of this COMPLETELY AUTOMATICALLY!

“How do I Get Paid Selling Other Peoples products?”

Once you’ve created your free affiliate account with ClickBank, take a look through the products available in the marketplace and click on the ‘Promote’ button to create your affiliate link. Then simply add the link to the end of your Tweet.

In the members area I’ll show you my exact work flow. Just watch, pause and copy. It’s really quick and very easy.

“How much money will I make?”

There are tens of thousands of products available for you to sell on the ClickBank marketplace. Most of them pay 50% to 75% commission on the sale and sell for anything between $20 and $200+

There are also products you can sell that have an ongoing membership program. When you sell one of these then you get paid over and over again, every month for as long as the customer remains a member.

For obvious reasons I tend to stick to promoting those ones as much as possible!

“When can I get started?”


You can get started TODAY. It only takes a couple of hours to get everything set up, then AutoTweet will do all of the work for you! Your business will be 100% fully automated. You’ll never have to touch it or think about it again.

When you want to make more money, just pick another market and create another AutoTweet campaign! AutoTweet is completely unlimited so you can do this as many times as you like.

“You mentioned I had to do “a couple of hours of Work” can you tell me exactly what I need to do?”

Sure. In fact, I can show you. Here’s a quick video I’ve put together to show you exactly how I use AutoTweet…

I provide lots of videos just like this one in the members area.

Simply watch, pause and copy.

You’ll have everything up and running within a couple of hours. After that… AutoTweet will do all of the work for you and your income with be 100% passive FOREVER!

“I have ZERO Experience, Are you sure I’ll be able to do this?”

AutoTweet is 100% beginner friendly. It’s very easy to use and it works. Here are a few comments from our members:

Tim Stoker

“Let me tell you how pleased I am to have come across your site: its is the first time in years that I have found a program run by a genuine decent and intelligent fellow human! I have fallen prey to scammers, liars, gurus, et al, just like millions of other folk.

But when I found your AutoTweet idea, the penny finally dropped. This is SO sensible, logical and obvious, that a broad grin swept across my face as I read it all in one gulp.”

Tim Stoker – Hamburg, Germany

Darrell Cridland

“I have been using Auto Tweet for a little while now. I liked the idea of the program being able to promote my offers for me on autopilot, I mean who wouldn’t these days, as we all lead busy lifestyles right? It’s also a great way to help build my twitter followers too, which will be very useful.

It is very straight forward to set up and helped by the fact that Steven has provided very easy to follow instructional videos that guide you step by step in how to get up and running quickly. He even gives you tips on how to monetize it and use it to it’s full advantage! I highly recommend you have a look at it – see for yourself what it could do for you.”

Darrell Cridland – Vietnam

Paulo Oliveira

“I really enjoy using Autotweet! It’s fun and I can advertise all my important URLs. The greatest idea of Steven Hall’s was to allow me to set a time frame for my Tweets to go out.

If you check this out I’m sure that you will get in and start using it TODAY!

Thank you for giving me this great opportunity, Steven!”

Paulo Oliveira – Massachusetts, USA

John Fagalde

“Having already used several auto-tweet applications I find Autotweet extremely easy to setup and use. The perfect time saving tool for all social network marketers, newbies as well as more experienced business people.”

John Fagalde – Miami, Florida, USA

Lawrence Taffaro

“Autotweet automates advertising via Twitter (boring) part of my business, so I can focus on creating imaginative content for my core business.”

Lawrence Taffaro – New Orleans, LA, USA

I invested a lot of time creating this system, testing it, tweaking it and perfecting it. I use it to make money from Twitter on auto-pilot. (That’s why I created it!) Now I want to give you the opportunity to use it too…

Now I’d like to ask you a question. A very important one…

Do you naturally attract wealth, Or do you struggle to make ends meet?

This is one of the most important questions on this page. If you have a “Millionaire Mindset” then making money is EASY! If you are struggling to make money then you have a “Poverty Mindset” and before you can be rich this needs to change.

Every wealthy person that I’ve ever met, and this includes many self made multi-millionaires, attributes their success to having the correct mindset.

Most of them weren’t born with a Millionaire Mindset, they had to develop one, through arduous study, focus and unwavering belief.

Changing your mindset is difficult. It is deeply rooted in your subconscious mind, the same place that houses your addictions, habits and fears.

If you have a phobia then you probably know that it’s irrational. But conscious reasoning doesn’t make it go away. Having a poverty mindset is exactly the same. It doesn’t matter how much you want to make money, you can’t reason with your mindset to make it change.

To change your mindset you need to go a little deeper…

The most valuable free bonus ever offered!

These days, it seems that everything that you buy online comes with a myriad of free bonuses. Usually they are worthless junk harvested from PLR websites to ‘fatten-up’ the deal. It’s a well known marketing gimmick.

The free bonus that I’m about to offer you is very different

Aside of being an entrepreneur, I’m also a certified hypnotist with over 25 years of experience. During the 1990s I was a stage hypnotist, and later ran a very successful private hypnotherapy clinic. I’m also an NLP and Law of Attraction Coach.

I was the first person ever to be awarded Master Trainer for the Association of Cosmic Ordering Practitioners and I’ve written several books, and given many seminars on conscious manifestation.

My particular area of expertise is helping people to develop a Millionaire Mindset.

If you want to be successful, copying my business model alone is not enough. You also need the correct mindset.

I have created an audio series called “The Millionaire Mindset” It’s designed to reprogram your mind so that you attract wealth like a magnet attracts metal.

I’ve been successfully selling “The Millionaire Mindset” audio program for many years. My customers love it, because it works. Here are a few of the many comments that I receive about this program…

“I listened to Steve’s meditations with great interest on two fronts. Firstly because I want to know the methods for tuning myself into the right state for financial efficiency, finding those golden nuggets of ideas that could transform my financial position, and secondly because I’m a clinical hypnotherapist specialising in anxiety and stress and wanted to hear someone else’s therapy sessions rather than my own for change!

So after listening to the sessions once through I can report some very positive findings to date.

The amount of ideas that have come into my mind for taking my therapy work forwards, enlarging the audience for a reduced cost to myself, allowing me to offer more for free is mind blowing!

Literally idea after idea keeps on popping into my head!

The sessions themselves are very professional in their construct using a multitude of trance inducing techniques to ensure a powerful and enjoyable session. Each session is carefully crafted, layering suggestions upon suggestions to build deeper levels of absorption into the subconscious mind.”

Pete Linforth – Clinical hypnotherapist

“I have been interested in options trading for some time now, and I have invested a lot of time in learning about various trading strategies.

But when it came time to actually execute a trade, I felt very afraid. It was an irrational fear, since I knew that I was well prepared and well-funded. I did not know where the fear was coming from, but it was strong and real, and it prevented me from moving forward.

Your explanation of why I might have this fear and your solution gave me hope. I have listened to your audio files only once so far, but already I am re-energized about trading options, and I don’t feel the kind of fear I felt before.

So, thank you so much for helping me to overcome my fear of making money. I am now excited and looking forward to a successful round of options trades.

Thanks again for a wonderful, positive meditations program.”

Bob Brekke

IT Operations Manager

San Antonio, Texas

“Steve your ‘Millionaire Mindset’ audio program is a must!

I have felt so motivated & a real shift in the way I feel about money and being wealthy.

Last night I listened to the ‘Motivation’ session again, and when I started visualising how I wanted my future to be I had a real shift in emotions I was smiling, felt happy & had a tingle run through my body, now that was really a WOW moment!

Thanks for introducing me to your meditations. Not only am I feeling the shift but with listening to the meditations in the evening I find it a really good way to wind down, relax & on occasion fall asleep! I know though that even as I sleep my subconscious will still take it all in. Thanks”

J Myers (Entrepreneur)

Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, UK

It all started happening when I started listening!

Steven’s Millionaire Mindset series is CHANGING EVERYTHING! Not only has my attitude about earning changed… but, my vision is more clear and opportunities that I could not have even imagined a few weeks ago are finding me!

So, thank, you Steve for your amazing gift! I hope you realize what a profound opportunity you have given to those (like me) who were struggling financially. If you knew how much I listened to your recordings, you’d definitely realize how much more valuable they are than I paid…and, you’d likely be sick of me by now! ;)”

Suni Speaks

Founder of The S-Unit Empowerment Army

Alpena, Michigan

“Listening to the Millionaire Mindset has become my number one daily task. The sheer fact that I don’t need to concentrate, but still hear the words and get the message is a great bonus. It gets me in the mood to do every task that is necessary for me each day and I know that each time I listen, my productivity creeps up a little more because I know I don’t have to be afraid of succeeding.”

Steven Lucas

Internet Marketer

“Steven, as a fellow hypnotist, I have to say “job well done”. I am amazed at the depth of trance and value of the script. You really got it right!

James Sadler, 

Guthrie, OK

When you join AutoTweet, I’m going to give you my ‘Millionaire Mindset’ audio program completely free.

I’m also going to share several videos with you that will help you to break out of the poverty cycle and start attracting the wealth that you desire. This is my area of expertise, and I feel that it’s the most important part of your training.

We now have one more (very important) question…

The Most Important Question of all…

“How much does it cost?”

Option 1:

$19.99 Per Month

(Recurring Monthly Subscription)

Option 2:

$47 Per Quarter

(Recurring Quarterly Subscription)

Option 3:

$197 for 1 year

(Non-Recurring, Single Payment)

YES… I’m in, Let’s Get Started!

To begin using AutoTweet click on the order link for your preferred membership option below. Your order will be processed on a secure server, then you’ll get instant access to the members area.

I’ve created a series of easy to follow step-by-step videos that will help you to get your first AutoTweet campaign up and running TODAY. Just watch the video, pause and copy what I do. No previous experience needed! AutoTweet is totally beginner friendly. Click on the order link below to get started now…

Sign Me Up Please!

Option 1 – $19.99 Per Month

If you’d like to pay monthly the cost is just $19.99 per month. You can cancel your subscription at any time. To order, click on the link below.

Click here to order – $19.99 per month

Option 2 – $47 Per Quarter

If you prefer to pay quarterly (every 3 months) then the cost is just $47 per quarter. This option saves you $51.88 compared to the annual cost of paying monthly. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Click here to order – $47 per quarter

Option 3 – $197 One Year Access

If you prefer not to commit yourself to repeat payments then you can purchase a one year membership to AutoTweet for a one-time single payment of $197.

After a year, if you would like to continue using AutoTweet you will need to purchase again. If you don’t want to continue using AutoTweet just do nothing. You will never be re-billed.

Click here to order – $197 for 1 year (not recurring)

$197 per year is $3.78 per week, that’s barely one coffee a week!

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