Home Made Strength Online DVD

Home Made Strength Online DVD

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Raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.

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Give me a HELL YEAH! if you’ve noticed any of the following:

    – Equipment prices equal to purchasing a used car

    – You can’t fill your gas tank up because you’re saving for a new dragging sled

    – You feel like you’re taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment

    – You invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn’t work or doesn’t meet your expectations

    – You feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don’t want to mess up the paint job

    – Every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item

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Dear Friend,

I’m Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew, and I want to be perfectly honest with you.

Over the years I have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment I needed for my training.

I have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when I first started, I had to rob Peter to pay Paul in order to get the equipment I needed.

Starting out right after college, I had a car payment, college loans, credit card bills, cell phone bills, and had to buy food and supplements. I had very little extra money to throw at training equipment. It took me years to accumulate what I have gotten.

I was recently talking with my friend, Joe Hashey from Synergy Athletics, about how expensive some of the equipment on the market is these days. It turns out, his story is just like mine. He was in the same boat I was – Bills and debt stood in the way of him buying the equipment he has wanted for his athletes for years.

Unlike the golden boys who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, Joe and I toiled in the dust and dirt begging, borrowing, and stealing our way to get our equipment.

I can’t begin to count the number of people I have spoken with that have told me the same exact thing – their budgets these days are just not big enough to pay the prices equipment companies are asking for their equipment.

For a new trainer or a strength enthusiast with limited resources, it can be damn hard to scrape up the money to put together a respectable collection of equipment.

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Joe and I have built our garage gyms from the ground up.

Recently, we put our heads together and we came up with a list of equipment that we knew how to make ourselves.

We decided we were going to give back to the people that have been so supportive of us over the years and show you all how to make your own Home Made Strength Equipment, with the HOME MADE STRENGTH ONLINE DVD.

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BREAK THROUGH: Finally, you no longer have to struggle to pay for equipment or deal with a guilty conscience for buying the equipment you need in your training.

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This is the information the equipment companies don’t want you to know.

    Never scrounge around for nickels and dimes to pay for your equipment again.

    Never hock your precious possessions in order to get money for new lifting gear again.

    Never apply for an extra part-time job to pay for a new training device.

    Never stress out about bouncing another check you send to an equipment company.

    Never worry that you won’t be able to condition properly because you don’t have the right equipment.

    Never slight your athletes and hold their progress back again.

    Never go to bed wondering how you’re going to explain the new monstrous charges to the credit card to your girlfriend or wife.




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The Home Made Strength Online DVD


After you purchase this video today, you will see

8 creative ways

to cheaply manufacture essential strength building pieces of equipment.


– Not only do we show you

how to quickly make a tool that will strengthen your upper back and improve your should mobility and stability,
but we give you a technique tutorial on

how to properly and safely use it.

– Not only do we show you

how to build one of the best conditioning tools ever designed out of materials you have lying around your house, but we also show you movements you can do with it that are fun and will make you a better, stronger athlete.

– And also, not only do we show you how to build the

MOST CHALLENGING thick bar I have ever trained on, we show you multiple ways how to use it to improve your grip strength.

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Stop and think for a minute how nice it is going to be to have a gym full of great functional equipment without having to go broke getting it.Can you picture how nice it is going to train the way you want to AND to be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did not have to go into debt in order to do it?

You’ll no longer have to struggle with:

    – Regret

    – Stress

    – Worry

    – Buyer’s Remorse

    – Financial Woes

    – Economic Duress

    – An Empty Wallet

    – Mounting Credit Card Debt (from equipment expenses)

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In one Sunday morning we were able to build

8 great quality pieces of Home Made Strength Equipment:

    – A Bad-ass Mace you can use for building tremendous Grip strength, shoulder mobility and aerobic capacity, and that you’ll be proud to own

    – The most challenging

    Revolving Thick Bar that will build machine-like Grip strength like no other on the market, while costing you only a fraction of the price

    – A

    Glute Ham Raise that will have you running and leaping faster and further than ever before and takes up almost NO SPACE in your garage

    AND MORE!!!

Each piece took about

15 minutes to build.

It took us

less than three hours to put it all together.

In many cases, this equipment was a

fraction of the price of what is advertised on popular websites.

In all of the cases, the

materials are readily available at places like Lowes, Home Depot, or WalMart.

And the best part about it is WE GOT IT ALL ON FILM. Now, with the Home Made Strength Online DVD, Joe and I show you how it is all done – how to make your own equipment.

Pick up the Home Made Strength Online DVD today and you will find out how to build high quality strength equipment that will last you for years and cost only a fraction of what the big companies are charging.
Don’t put up with the conspiracy anymore. It’s time to start equipping your gym with home made equipment.

No more excuses for why you can’t make your own stuff anymore.

We are going to show you how!

This video that is going to SAVE YOU BIG BUCKS

for just $27


Don’t put it off – make a change in your training TODAY!!

Any questions – hit me up at [email protected] If not, then all the best in your training,

Jedd Johnson, CSCS

The Diesel Crew

P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months be like the last 12. Do something about it. Get the Online DVD, start making your own stuff, and start getting stronger. Just get it done.

P.P.S. Remember, your success is money back guaranteed! If this Online DVD doesn’t honestly show you how to put together quality strength equipment at a fraction of the price that the big companies are pushing it for then you can keep the DVD and we will send your money back to you.

P.P.P.S. 30 days from now, you’ll either be a month older, or you’ll have a new collection of functional strength equipment in your gym making you stronger each time you hit a workout? What’s it going to be?

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A little bit about us:

Jedd Johnson

I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member
since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.

Joe Hashey

Joe earned his qualifications as a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Additionally he has his Masters in the Arts of Education from Colgate University and runs Synergy Athletics in Endicott, NY.

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