Golden Goose Method

Golden Goose Method

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The first part of this story will probably seem very familiar to you.

It started last year, when I joined yet another new tipster. I thought surely this will be the one. I got the bets, I had £143.14 in my account and he promised winners almost every day!

£10 on each of the first 14 bets over the first week and you guessed it, not a single winner.

I know bailing after a week is very early but this was the last straw – another false promise of winners almost every day to zero in a full week, it was only 2 months earlier when I’d loaded £500 to follow a tipster I heard good things about, in less than a month all that was gone.

I joined another tipster after seeing great reviews, loaded in another £500 and lost most of that.

– I’d had enough.

– I was ready to quit.

– Not only was I not making a profit, I was losing a fortune.

£1,000 in just 2 months. Gone!

That’s a holiday down the shitter.

Following “EXPERTS”

£3.14 left in my account I started to look around Betfair for something to throw my last cash on and walk away when it hit ZERO.

I ended up on a page I’d not seen before.

A page I didn’t quite know how I’d got to.

But looking at the bets available made be look twice.

Surely not?

They’re not going to let me bet on that are they?

I tried it….

£3.14 On £5.76 Back.

Hang on!!

Now I was panicking, how do I find this for the next race.

How did I get on there? Where was the option to place the same type of bet again?

I found out where I was and how to get there just in time.

All £5.76 On, £11.52 Returned.

Next race please…

£11.52 On £23.04 Returned.

This is too easy!

Next up…

£23.04 on, £51.75 back.

Wait, wait, wait!

I’d won nearly £50 over 4 races.

I took a minute.

I looked at the next race.

I’m not sure about this one. Maybe I should give it a miss. Be happy with my £50 and walk away like I planned. Maybe it was the first hard bet I’d had to pick on the day, maybe it was the fact I didn’t want to risk over £50 on a bet after doing so well.

I skipped the next race but looked at the one after.

This is too easy, surely not. I did it…

£51.75 on….

a nail biting wait for the results to be confirmed and…

BOOM! You have won £70.57

I’d won for a change.

Not even thinking about the percentage growth from £3.14 to £70.57, the pure feeling of winning was back.

Had I stumbled upon a strategy that was sustainable or just had a bit of luck? I was sure due some.

I decided to try to replicate what I had done the next day, start with £3 again too. If it didn’t work, I’d lost £3 of my winnings, not too much of a risk.

Here we go….

Bet 1, £3 stake…


£5.50 on the next one…

Winner! All on the next one…

Another winner! This is too easy!

£16.78 on…

BOOM! Here we go again…

5 wins in a row, £3 turned into £54.36

A total of 10 winners in a row and my £3.14 bank now stood at £124.93

Time to do it again…

Boom Winner, Boom Winner, then it happened… a loss!

13 bets, 12 winners.

My run had come to an end.

Never mind, there was an evening card, lets start again. But seen as the first £3 bets only got us to £5 and change, lets start with £5. Skip the need for that extra bet to aim for £50 profit.

First bet landed, so did the second, 3 in a row and we were going for a 4 bet run to £50 from £5 and the final bet lost….

I felt a bit dejected, had it been luck?

Was this method even viable?

Then it struck me.

I had won 15 out of 17 bets.

When I lost, I had really only lost a total of £8 from my starting bank that day.

I could quite easily work with 1 successful run per week strategy and still come out on top.

I decided to take a few days to analyse the little data I had and come up with a plan…

I had won 88% of my bets at average odds of 1.86

Level stake betting over 3 days would have seen a profit of 10.97pts so level £10 betting like I was doing before would have still seen a profit of £109.70

Over the next 2 weeks I decided to run with a combo strategy, £10 level stakes and £5 on the first, reinvesting any winnings to try and hit a 4 or 5 bet run that resulted in over £50 profit from the £5 stake alongside each other.

The results were staggering….

– 6 times I hit the £50+ mark.

– 6 times I lost my £5 stake at some point through the day.

Over the 12 days I bet (I skipped the Sunday racing), I placed 68 bets and won 57 of them.

I was winning nearly 84% of my bets and I have made a level stake profit of 92.17pts.

In 2 weeks I had made £921.70 profit to level stake £10 bets, add on the net £297.83 I had made from my £5 runner bets and my total was up to £1,219.53.

In just 20 days (not all betting days) I had made a total of £1,333.32 profit

All starting with £3.14 I had left in my account.

Right, big question…

Why are the screenshots blanked out Ricky?

Simply because I don’t want to reveal the market I am using.

If you want to join me in this very profitable venture all will be revealed of course, but if you don’t then I don’t want this particular market been flooded by people trying to replicate these profits from just looking at this page.

Now I will say this about the method…

– This is Horse Race betting ONLY.

– You are NOT laying horses.

– You do NOT need the horse to win the race.

– You are NOT betting on the horse to place.

Interested in winning over 80% of your bets for a change?

As this service is brand new I have basically decided to charge less than £1 per day, but this offer will only last for ONE WEEK ONLY.

I want enough members to make it worth my while but will limit the number as the odds cannot be effected for this to still work for us all. So I could pull this offer or access to the service for new members as a whole at any point WITHOUT warning.

So you can pay as less than 65p per day for access, either £19.95 per month, or you can save £129.40 per year if you pay up front for 12 months.

This offer lasts for 1 week only but if too many people join then the offer will be pulled without watning!

Join me below and get started right now!

If you need any advise please email me on the address below, but please read these points carefully first.

There are no free trials. This method is powerful if the numbers are kept low, the odds are low and we don’t want them going any lower, so as I mentioned earlier I could pull the service totally and stop new memberships should I feel the numbers are getting too much.
No detailed results are available for one reason. I don’t want to share the market and my method for free. I have hopefully proven that I have won enough to convince you to try this by screenshotting my winning bets above, but I will not or never plan to place detailed results on this page. Requests for these will be referred back to this statement or ignored as you clearly have not read the full page before emailing in.
Issues with payment. I use Clickbank to process my payment, this means you can use any Credit Card as a payment option. If you want alternative methods, please get in touch.
I haven’t had a welcome email or I haven’t had tips. Please do this first – Find your email receipt from Clickbank, click the link in this email to “access your product”. On this page submit your email address. After 10 minutes check your email for the welcome email. If you see it, everything should work perfect and you should get the tips around lunch time each day (later for evening meetings). If you do not see the email, check your JUNK/SPAM folders, often emails can go in these folders to start with so make sure they are hitting your inbox and marked as safe. If you do not have a welcome email, even in your junk/spam folder after 30 minutes form submitting your email address then get in touch.

Ready to profit? Sign up below

Here’s to actually winning for a change.


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