Games For Fun Kids – Mind Power Series

Games For Fun Kids – Mind Power Series

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Discover what every busy parents are using to help their children think, learn, succeed and become masters of their own learning

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From Megan Wong & Her Team of Teachers,

We have been teaching children ranging from 3 to 12 years of age for the past ten years, teaching Math, English, Art and Memory Techniques. Our method of teaching is based on just one principle – FUN.

Fun Kids

Fun learning is smart learning and children must enjoy and have fun while learning and this has been our main focus in all our programs. We have witness children whom we have nurtured grown into individuals who are able to discover their own gifts and talents and knowing how to think and learn creatively and how to have fun while learning.

“Mind Power Series” is well grounded in research and practical experience of working with individual children ranging from 4 to 7 years old and we would like to share with you the strategies which we have been using to help them develop their –

  • individual gifts and talents
  • thinking skills- information processing skills, creative thinking skills, reasoning skills and drawing skills
  • individual creativity

Most parents do not have enough time and even for those who have, do not know the proper techniques on how to nurture their children to unlock their individual gifts, creativity, thinking and learning. We have noticed parents buying many books – activity books, mazes, word search, puzzles for their children to do. Many of these books end up in the shelves collecting dust or the children just doing the first few pages of the books and then tucked in the book shelf forgotten.

Parents told us their concerns and worries –

  • my child has no imagination
  • my child has poor memory
  • my child does not like to read books
  • my child does not know how to think
  • my child hates math
  • my child is too quiet
  • my child does not know how to read
  • my child loves computer games more than books
  • I do not know how to teach my child

Sensing their frustrations inspired us to do “Mind Power Series”. Parenting is a tough job but the key to helping your child emerge a genius is to give your child the opportunity to be creative and the confidence to express their individual ideas – the important beginning essentials in early childhood education. We debated on how we can effectively help parents to know how to develop and nurture their children individual talents and creativity, bringing out the best in them –

  • giving them a book of theories for the parent to read, then source for the right materials themselves to teach the child or
  • a book of activities which both parent and child can immediately use together – with short notes for the parent to know how to guide the child along while they are doing the activities

We decided on the book of activities as theories are just theories if they are not put into practice. The book of activities benefits both parent and child –

  • children can do the activities themselves as they are designed to be user-friendly or
  • doing them with their parent who will be given the short notes to guide them on how to tap into the child’s curiosity, what appropriate questions to ask to train them on the many thinking skills thus knowing how to help their child think like a genius

We put together our years of practical experience teaching and training children into this book of activities which we called the “MIND POWER SERIES”.


“Mind Power Series” is a series of three e-books created and designed for the busy parents in mind – Math Power is Fun, English Power is Fun and Brain Power is Fun.

  • Practical, fun, engaging activities – crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, mazes, how to draw creatively, word searches, hunt for hidden pictures, riddles and code breakers to stimulate the thinking skills of children age between 4 to 7 years of age.
  • Not just any activity book but packed with a whole new set of creative thinking skills concepts based on our 10 years of practical experience teaching children.
  • Each book progresses from easy, medium to challenging. Age is not material here as we focus on the ability of the child. A 4-year old can even proceed to challenging level when they are ready. It is recommended that parents and teachers challenge the child’s abilities, but NOT present material or information that is too far beyond the child’s level. It is also recommended that parents use a wide variety of concrete experiences to help the child learn.
  • To help busy parents know their kids better by discovering and unlocking their individual gifts and creativity to develop their thinking and learning skills.
  • Requires minimal supervision from parents who do not have enough time but yet love to equip their children with the knowledge and skills to become masters of their own learning. This series is written with this very fact in mind.
  • It is not a book of theories where the parents have to crack their brain and waste precious time in finding suitable materials to bring out the best in their children but this is a series of well-thought activities which emphasizes on thinking skills to help your children think and learn the fun way.
  • Parents will not feel lost as the activities show parents in which thinking skill the child is practicing.
  • Parents will be guided with short notes on how to get the best out of the activities to develop the child’s independent thinking skills.
  • Your children will have endless hours of fun reading and doing the various and different intellectual activities from math to word puzzles, riddles to code-cracking fun hilarious games.
  • Your children can also use the 3 ebooks as coloring books as all the activities are in black and white to develop their fine motor skills.
Gamesforfunkids 1 Brain Power is Fun Brain Power is Fun is packed with 120 fun and challenging activities which train the children’s ability to think and find the solutions themselves independently and when they are lost in the process, parents will be guided on how to teach effectively by asking appropriate questions using a very simple and effective technique to lead their children to the solutions. These activities range from puzzles, riddles to number and code-cracking games specially designed to develop the children’s ability and growth of skills to think and develop their natural creativity and curiosity.
Gamesforfunkids 2 English Power is Fun English Power is Fun has 127 activities using poetry, nursery rhymes and story telling to cultivate the children’s love for the language. Nursery rhymes are fun and enrich a child’s vocabulary through their short, simple texts. Rhymes stay with us throughout our lives as they are passed from one generation to another. Nursery rhymes have a musical quality incorporating language rhythm, patterns and rhymes in every verse which fascinates children to develop their language. Story telling is a creative way to train a child to use their imagination and develop language and literacy skills.
Gamesforfunkids 3 Math Power is Fun Math Power is Fun has 121 activities to build the essential knowledge of basic mathematical concepts like :

 classifying -the ability to group like objects based on their characteristics seriation – the ability to sort objects in a logical series according to size, shape or characteristic numbers – learning about quantity, amount, addition and subtraction symbols -learning how to us symbols to solve a problem spatial relationships – children with well developed spatial skills are very creative, dramatic, artistic an musical time – understanding time which can be a Herculean task for some children reversibility – the ability to understand that numbers can be changed, then returned to their original state such as 2+4=6 and 6-4=2 de-centering – the ability to find a solution to a problem

We have observed many times that when children are given the whole book to do, they never get to finish the book and they skip the pages, only doing the activities which attracted them. We decided on an e-book for its many benefits :

  • parents can break the e-book into smaller booklets of 10 or 15 pages according to individual children. We have observed that the children finish the whole booklet and they ask with eagerness for the next set of booklet.
  • children are bubbling with enthusiasm when they are given a new activity book to do and most of them can spend the whole day doing the activities but by the next day, their enthusiasm drops, boredom sets in and the book chucked into the bookshelf forgotten. However if parents “feed” them daily with smaller booklets, parents can effectively manage the time and the number of activities for the child and plays with suspense to keep their enthusiasm alive.
  • some children “freak out” when they are handed a big pile of activities to do. They felt robbed of their playing time and the activities no matter how good they are would be of no benefit to the child.
  • more flexibility. Parents can re-arrange the sequence of the activities for the child to do – if you wish your child to practice on drawing skills – sort them into a booklet or if you wish them to recognize new words – sort the puzzles into a booklet.
  • parents can let the child do the same activity again if the child asks for it without having to buy the whole book again. We have observed that some children ask to do an activity again as the pictures or the stories might have intrigued them.
Are you ready to learn together and have the most fun, unforgettable times with your child



“Mind Power Series” has been specifically designed so that children can either do the activities themselves or doing them together with the parents. The attention span of the children should be given concern and the individual child should be given the opportunity to do the activities at their own pace.

“Mind Power Series” has been designed to involve the children in the many areas of thinking skills and parents are guided on how and what questions to ask as this harnesses curiosity, develops thinking skills, improves logic and reasoning and provides the opportunity to children to form their own individual thoughts and ideas.

“Mind Power Series” shows parents how to tap into their children’s curiosity, natural talents and creativity. This series is packed with activities to help children develop their thinking and learning skills and by doing the activities, the children will be practicing the many thinking skills best illustrated in this mind map below.

Mind map

Note : Click on Mindmap for enlarged view

“MIND POWER SERIES” is what every parent should have for their child as it is not just an activity book but a book which gives practical training tips to both parent and child on how to have fun, bonding and memorable moments together as your child discovers and develops their natural talents and creativity the fun way and how to think like a genius.

When you order today, you will receive these exciting bonus gifts for FREE
How to raise happy, healthy and well-behaved kids
My ABC Poetry of Birds
Help your obese child before it is too late
The Single Parenting Manual
Cultivating Values in Children
The Parent's Guide To Successful Home Schooling
Rainy Days Activities for Kids
Finger Plays for Nursery and Kindergarten
Happy Child Healthy Child
Fun craft projects for kids
A collection of delightful, adventurous, exciting fairy tales for the whole family to enjoy
The 7 Secrets of Sharing The Law of Attraction with Kids and Teens

“My name is Karina Dianderas, I am a mother of a 3 years old child. We explore together your book; it was really a fun, amazing and a challenging experience for him. He loves the brain book the most, he found many answers. At page number 5 he knew that the oranges were missing but couldn’t identify the exact number of them. In the math book he needed my help as each page has many exercises for a three years old child. Nonetheless he could find good answers with my help (I showed him one exercise of each page at the time). 

I liked the English book so much, it is very helpful to develop children´s thinking, my little Mauricio was successful on page 4, and the others were difficult as he does not know how to read yet. We are Peruvian and in our country kids learn how to read when they are 6 years old. Yet it was so grateful to see Mauricio’s good performance in some exercises I did not expect to. Although his limitations, Mauricio enjoyed your book, and so did I. Thanks so much for sharing your Mind Power Series with us.”

Gamesforfunkids 7 Sincerely, Karina Dianderas,Peru

“And concerning your Mind Power Series, our critics are only good and we keep on encouraging you for oncoming events and creations. Those activities are great, entertaining, brain stimulating and easy to access for all ages… even my little sister managed to figure how it worked and keeps demanding more!!! A must have.”

Gamesforfunkids 8 Cordially, Pascal FERNANDEZ – 24 Years old (French), brother of 3 ½ Years old Poala FERNANDEZ

“Hello! My name is Liza from Melbourne, Australia and mother of 2 girls, Kristine (3 y/o) and Kathrine (2 y/o). I’ve tried the Mind Power e-books activities with Kristine while Kathrine is curiously watching us.

I was surprised that my daughter Kristine has amazing talent for her age as she can follow most of the activities, especially the pictures and shapes which are presented in a very creative way that get her attention and encourage focusing on the activities. She can learn, play and having fun at the same time. As a parent, I am able to create my own story out of the pictures illustrated in every activity for my daughter to understand on what the activities are about. I believe that story telling gets her full attention and she can able to use her own imagination as well. She also finds the pictures and the nursery rhymes very interesting maybe because most of them are familiar to her. She loves to draw and to color which made her enjoy the coloring part of it.

Although for the 3 y/o kids like my daughter, some of the activities are very tricky and difficult for them to comprehend but with the supervision of parents while they’re doing the activities, she can still learn and have fun at the same time. In general, I can say that the activities are very helpful to both parents & kids. I highly recommend these e-books to all parents and encourage them to spend more time on learning with their kids. You will be amaze at what your kid can do and help them to develop their talent, skills and imagination while having fun with the activities. Thank you!”

Gamesforfunkids 9 Liza from Melbourne, Australia Mother of 2 girls, Kristine (3 y/o) and Kathrine (2 y/o)

“I find that the worksheets are very interesting, because, you look at the questions, you will not get the answer straight away without thinking, you have to look into the entire picture and figure out the answer one by one. I like the pictures, they inspire my son to do more because of the pictures, as he likes pictures more than words. So, it really helps him to stay focus on the worksheets. I will definitely recommend it to my friends.”

Low W.Y., mother of a 7 year old boy, Malaysia

“I have a son Jacob and he is 3 years old. I have a hectic schedule so the time I have with him is limited time. Normally, I read him bed time stories after meal before putting him to bed. Since I receive the Mind Power Series, I found the activities really helpful for people like myself as the tips at the footnote help me comprehend the objective of the activity and I can have hands on activity with my son.

The Nursery Fun exercise is exciting for us because it helps Jacob interact with me more. I notice he listens attentively when I read out to him and it’s really fun to watch him learn.”

Harry P., father of Jacob, Malaysia

“My girl, Chloe is 5 years old and I love to buy many activity books for her to do as I never like the idea of her sitting in-front of the television or the computer.

Your tips on how to use the same activity to play different games especially the one where Chloe has to make up short silly stories to help her memorize the numbers and the pictures was really delightful and she could not stop making up the stories and it was really fun for us. Really great books to stimulate her imagination and creativity and great to have during the holidays.”

Susan W, mother of 5 years old, Chloe, Malaysia

“I lead EducAid which runs the only free secondary schools in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world, where the quality of teaching and learning has been horribly eroded over the years. We target the poorest young people who struggle to gain a meaningful education unsupported.

I am very interested in the Mind Power Series because in working for the last 11 years in education in Sierra Leone and for many years in the UK system before that, I am very conscious of the vital importance of training young minds to think, to analyse, to have and defend their own opinions, to critically review, to reason and construct arguments and so on. All of these require alert brains.

In the traditional system in Sierra Leone, independent thought and opinions are frowned on at best. A youngster who engages with a topic and asks a question to really grapple with a subject and gain clarity is, as likely as not, going to be treated as insubordinate and a trouble maker trying to shame his teacher. As a result alertness has almost been stamped out.

In contrast, I seek to encourage active, independent, clear thinking from all my students. This enables them in the future to stand back from what they hear in the press or the media, from politicians and leaders and so on, and to have their own stance in response. It enables them to make wise decisions about their futures and their lives and in the shorter term, it enables them to take responsibility for their own learning and learning paths.

Thank you Megan for the wonderful opportunity you have given us to bring your materials to our young people and help encourage their active thinking and participation in their own lives and learning. Thank you so much for your gift. I plan to use it in my next training sessions with the EducAid leadership team.

Thank you also for the link to the Mind Power Series. I am greatly appreciative. All the very best!”

Gamesforfunkids 10   Miriam from Sierra Leone, UK
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Yes, we are selling “MIND POWER SERIES” at an incredibly low price USD67 – a grab-it-NOW offer which you must not miss. But you must act fast because this fantastic offer is for a limited time only.


For just USD67, this is what you will get –

  • Brain Power is Fun
  • Math Power is Fun
  • English Power is Fun
  • Bonus #1 : How To Raise Happy, Healthy And Well-Behaved Kids
  • Bonus #2 : My ABC Poetry of Birds
  • Bonus #3 : Help Your Obese Child Before It Is Too Late!
  • Bonus #4 : The Single Parenting Manual
  • Bonus #5 : Cultivating Values in Children
  • Bonus #6 : Everything You Need To Know About Setting Up School At Home
  • Bonus #7 : Rainy Day Activities For Kids
  • Bonus #8 : Finger Plays For Nursery And Kindergarten
  • Bonus #9 : Healthy Child, Happy Child
  • Bonus #10 : Fun Craft Projects For Kids
  • Bonus #11 : The Green Fairy Book
  • Bonus #12 : The Lilac Fairy Book
  • Bonus #13 : The Olive Fairy Book
  • Bonus #14 : The Yellow Fairy Book
  • Bonus #15 : The 7 Secrets of Sharing The Law Of Attraction With Kids And Teens
Can you afford to pass on this VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY OFFER

You will know and learn all the practical tips and the best ways on how to tap into your child’s creativity, natural gifts and talents to unfold the genius buried in them.


Here's how to reserve your copy right now

Click below button for an instant download of the “MIND POWER SERIES”. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the “MIND POWER SERIES” ebook along with all your FREE Bonuses.

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You will be downloading the “MIND POWER SERIES” and the incredible bonuses within just a few minutes….. and spending precious, educational and rewarding moments with your child to unlock their natural gifts and talents to become masters of their own learning!

To Your Success,

Megan Wong

P.S. Yes, we give you 60 days to test out the tips and techniques in “MIND POWER SERIES” with a complete 100% money-back guarantee AND we will also let you keep the $614 worth of amazing free bonuses as a token of our appreciation for giving us a fair trial. You really have no risk whatsoever because we are very confident “MIND POWER SERIES” will help your child to think like a genius.

P.P.S. We will only keep your money when you are 100% satisfied with “MIND POWER SERIES”. Now all you need to do to know how to train your child to think like a genius!

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