End-time Prophecy Ecourse – A New Kid On The Block

End-time Prophecy Ecourse – A New Kid On The Block

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Shocking End-Of-Days Prophecy Study Reveals How Religious Leaders Are Going To Use Witchcraft To Deceive The Nations And Convert The World To A Pagan Society!!!

100% Bible Proof From The End-Time Predictions Of
14 Bible Prophets

(Click on the image below to download Prophecy Course info)

This may be considered the most unlikely thing to happen as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. After all, aren’t our church leaders supposed to be ambassadors for Christ? How unthinkable it is for them to now become the purveyors of deception of this magnitude? This can only be made possible if Satan has infiltrated the Christian church with his agents in preparation for the greatest conspiracy of all time.

At this very moment, we are breathing in an atmosphere of conspiracies: we have conspiracy in the medical world, conspiracy in the food industry, in the financial sector, not to mention the music industry.

But you are now being introduced to the most controversial end-time
prophecy study course online, which reveals the most dangerous, the most pernicious, the most satanic of all conspiracies – the conspiracy in the RELIGIOUS FRATERNITY. Being a victim of this devious end-time plot is more than a mere misfortune… more than a big mistake… it is the point of no return in the downward march to perdition.



One of the surest and most crucial end-time prophecies in the entire Bible was uttered by no less than 14 prophets, yet the overwhelming majority of prophecy observers – theologians and laymen alike – don’t seem to have a clue about it!!? Lest you become a part of this majority, be warned: Ignorance of THIS PROPHECY will become the greatest haven for deceivers in the last days!

Yes, our lack of awareness of this impending event is the ideal environment that the enemy of truth is desperately depending on to roll out his agenda for the last days. Unfortunately, this environment is now in the making, preparing the ground for the outrageous success of Lucifer’s end-time deception plan.



Every inhabitant of this planet will be confronted with the danger of paying the eternal price for lack of knowledge in the latter days. But how many of us will escape? As the Second Coming of Christ approaches the world will literally be placed under siege on account of the widespread proliferation of false theories and fanciful speculations about last-day events. And while the world is heading for such a crisis, the level of prophetic awareness in both the church and the world is woefully lacking.

DID YOU KNOW… that the BIBLE HAS PREDICTED a most dramatic, unprecedented event to take place in the latter days that will result in a massive delusion of ALL NATIONS and lead the world into outright IDOLATRY AND DEVIL WORSHIP!!!?

When this prophecy begins to unfold, it will signal the dawning of a NEW RELIGIOUS ORDER.

Being a church member is no escape route.

The hope of being snatched away in the rapture to escape the tribulation may not be the eternal assurance we think it is!

Your only means of escaping this global apostasy is to fortify your mind with the knowledge of the sure word of prophecy BEGINNING TODAY!

To get the full, unvarnished exposition on this end-time religious crisis, you need to have this most intriguing end-of-days prophecy study downloaded to your computer like yesterday!!!

This unique prophecy exposé is specially designed to make you into one of the most advanced prophecy students in no time! Guaranteed!

In an enthralling countdown of events leading up to the end of the world, the prophetic curtain veils will be drawn aside. Satan’s shenanigans, his sophistries, and his most covert end time plans will all be unmasked. You will be DEATHLY AMAZED to discover who will be his chief confederates in his all-out campaign for the global entrenchment of his darling religion – paganism!



As the enemy is plotting to hold the world captive at his will, Christ will engineer a rescue plan to salvage many captives of the New Religious Order. His chief aim in the final crisis is to assemble a special army of end-time Christian warriors, fully equipped, and devoted specifically to the purpose of accomplishing Satan’s overthrow. In the final sequel of the great controversy, you will discover how much of a battle axe will this paramilitary group be in the hand of God and how they will rip the kingdom from the enemy’s grasp, and hand it over to Christ.

You will also see the provision God has made for all those who will remain faithful to Him during this end-time warfare, and how important a role the knowledge of prophecy will play in preparation for Apollyon’s final onslaught.



If the thought of the world becoming a society of idol worshippers sounds too outlandish to you, it means you are missing out on a most critical sequel in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. Unfortunately, the kind of instructions you need in order to fortify your mind against last-day deceptions is extremely rare. This is not the stuff you’ve ever heard at your Sabbath/Sunday Bible classes, your tent crusades, or even from that mainstream prophecy commentator you watch on Friday nights on your favorite broadcasting network.

The The New Religious Order, being the only one of its kind on the internet, is specifically designed to derail the enemy’s plan for your eternal oblivion through deception.

It will empower you with all the interpretive tools provided in the scriptures and show you how to analyze, simplify, and nail down some of the most difficult end-time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation… even if you are a total novice to Bible prophecy.

You will be guided step by step in arriving at your conclusions not by speculation, nor by theological gymnastics, but by following simple Bible instructions EXACTLY AS THEY ARE GIVEN TO THE PROPHETS IN VISION.

In a riveting presentation of end-of-the-world events, this unique prophecy course will expose, in uncompromising details how Satan will meticulously execute his master plan for the promotion and popularization of Global Idolatry.

Here’s What You’ll Learn From The


  • How to use the mathematical formula A=B=C, therefore A=C to solve some of the most difficult Bible prophecies that most prophecy students are still trying to wrap their heads around?
  • Why the strict adherence to Bible instructions in the interpretation of symbolic prophecies is the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL TOOL in prophecy study?
  • What is that most deceptive doctrine of all time that is setting up millions to take the mark of the beast and not be aware of it?
  • 14 immovable principles in Biblical interpretation that will accelerate the speed of learning and make your prophecy study a breeze.
  • The 12 leading false teachings in Bible prophecy that is misleading our laypeople and creating confusion in our churches.
  • Did Pope Benedict resigned on his own volition, or was he influenced by supernatural forces?
  • Which of the existing Canon Laws of the Roman Church will MOST DEFINITELY be exercised in the implementation of the mark of the beast? (This is Shocking!!!)
  • The single miraculous event that will change the world forever and set the stage for the establishment of a one-world religion.
  • How will the present Sabbath/Sunday worship arrangement in the Christian culture be affected when the New Religious Order is set up?
  • What will God do to counter the effects of the New Religious Order and set it up for a crushing defeat EVEN BEFORE CHRIST RETURNS?
  • What is the ‘close of probation’? And why is it so important that you make the RIGHT DECISION before it occurs!?
  • .


    Highly Recommend This Course Of Study
    Worthy of deeper study for any student wanting truth. I highly recommend this course of study. I have been blessed and found many gems in this study. Prayerfully I ask you to consider this book to study. God bless.

    —- J. Stringer, Idaho, USA

    Explained In Much More Complex Details

    Thanks so much for your insightful Bible prophecy teachings. I have learned a lot. I learned a great deal about the end times and the events soon to come. You explained it in much more complex detail.

    —- A. Wallace, California, USA

    Very Much Appreciate The Labor That You Have Put Into It

    Thank you for producing the prophecy e-course. I have gone through it one time (along with the supplementary materials), and plan to go through it in more depth (checking the scriptures and associated passages as I go).

    I very much appreciate the labor that you have put into it, but I have to admit that what you taught me did not exactly put my heart at peace. I am troubled, especially with the part about soul sleep. I am seeking God in earnest prayer to see what He is trying to show me through all this.

    —- Daryl N, Tennessee, USA

    Thorougly Enjoyed It
    “Hello Steve, I purchased the prophecy e-course and have thoroughly enjoyed it and learned so many things. I now see so many end time prophecies in a different light. I have gone through the course quickly but I am going to go back through it more thoroughly as you suggest so I can, by “line upon line and precept upon precept”, make sure that my understanding is complete.”

    —- Yaw B, North Carolina, USA

    You Have Done A Good Job — Other Stuff Totally Confused Me

    Hi Steve, I do thank you for the efforts that you have put into this. I was baptized in the Adventist church July 2001 and some of this stuff that I see here looks like you are an Adventist as well or have you studied with Adventist in your 25 years of studying Bible prophecy. As I read, you do studies on the Sabbath afternoon so not sure if you are with the mainframe or are you independent, Or another denomination altogether, either way doesn’t matter which, you have done a good job. And other stuff totally confused me. Never read some of the things that you’ve come out with like the 1290 days— in Daniel 12: 11 12. God bless Steve in the work that you do.

    —- Terry C, Perth, Western Australia

    End-time Prophecy E-course: A True Eye Opener

    I’ve always had an avid interest in end-time prophecies, and this is why I decided to purchase the “End-Time Prophecy E-course” by Steve Sterling. I expected to find a lot of similarities between this eBook and others, but I had no idea how wrong I was! This book is crammed full of information and eye-opening insights that even a layman student can understand, but if you think you know it all then brace yourself.

    There’s absolutely no fluff or filler in this eBook, and it’s a 161-page prophecy course that will grab you and not let you go until you’ve discovered all it has to offer. What makes this book so unique is that it’s written by an advanced layman prophecy student for other laymen students. It’s easy to understand, but hard-hitting. It takes a revolutionary approach to the mark-of-the-beast issue, which is not widely discussed in the prophecy community, and also gives an easy-to-understand comparison between Revelations and the book of Daniel. I really appreciated the link to a free eBook on how to crack the 70 week code. It’s a bonus that adds real value to the course.

    What I liked most about this book, is that you don’t have to sit and figure it out for yourself. You’re shown the prophecies and given a full explanation to illustrate how it all fits together. It enables you to fully understand end-time prophecy, and empowers you to pass on that information to others.

    Steve Sterling has opened my eyes, and now that I know there’s no going back. This eBook is worth far more than the asking price, and I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about taking a prophecy course.

    —- Mr. A. Linton, South Africa

    The New Religious Order Prophecy eCourse

    end time prophecy course on the mark of the beast of revelation 13

    The End-Time Prophecy Of Revelation 13 Unvieled:

    – Exposing an impending religious conspiracy to convert the world to a new religious culture of outright idolatry and devil worship!

    end time prophecy course on the 70 weeks of Daniel 9


    An exposition on the end-time predictions of the prophet Daniel, clinically demonstrating how you can use the parallel prophecies of Daniel 2, 7, and 8 as an effective toolkit to unravel the seemingly difficult time prophecy in chapter 9.

    end time prophecy course on the 7 seals of revelation 5 and 6

    Countdown to the close of
    human probation:
    – Demonstrating the plan of salvation as outlined in the book of Revelation from the beginning of the ministration of Christ, our High Priest in the Heavenly Sanctuary to the time when the door of mercy is forever closed.

    end time prophecy course on the close of probation and the 7 trumpets of revelation 8-11

    The great time of trouble
    such as never was:
    – A graphic description of what it will be like on earth during the time of its greatest adversity when the probation of its sinful inhabitants is already closed.



    Order TODAY for a limited-time discount


    You can now test-drive the END-TIME PROPHECY E-COURSE for 60 days. If you are not satisfied that this is the most idiot-proof, eye-opening, and Bible-based prophecy study you have ever undertaken, you may request a full refund.


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    please feel free to email to:


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