Digital Products Done Right- Returns, Merchants And Customers

Digital Products Done Right- Returns, Merchants And Customers

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STOP: Imagine Your Bank Account Wiped Clean, Your Credit Cards Frozen, And Facing Jail Time Because YOU Missed This One Single Piece Of VITAL Information…”

This is just the beginning of what could happen if you ignore this warning. Read every word of this article as I reveal never before released information that will instantly put you out of danger of where you stand right now… GUARANTEED.

Date: March 7, 2012

RE: “Your Money At Risk”

From The E-Desk of:

Daniel Sells

Dear Internet Marketer,

How many times a week do you check on your money? Once, twice, maybe five times a week?

How about today? Have you checked on it yet? You might want to, and as a matter of fact, I’ll wait here while you do.

But make sure you come back because if you check your account and you’re lucky enough to see your money still there, tomorrow it won’t be – if you don’t take this letter seriously.

Here’s why:

A customer says you didn’t deliver your product to them, a product you sell online. 

He doesn’t contact you about it and instead contacts his Credit Card company reporting your refusal to give him a full refund.

True or not, as far as the credit card company is concerned, your buyer’s complaint is valid and they will start an investigation.

And believe or not, based on that sole accusation alone, you’re in the wrong and that’s when it happens:

There’s A Hold On Your Bank Account

And You Can’t Do Anything About it

You see, a one sided system takes your customer’s word for it and won’t even offer you a chance to offer your side of the story.

They’ll decide how much of your money to hold and for how long or, in some cases, whether to give it back at all.

Thousands Of Internet Marketers Find Themselves

In This Exact Position Every Year

The sad part is – lopsided consumer protection laws render most internet marketers helpless in this situation.  You’re completely sidelined. 

Can you imagine being forced to watch as your business, once climbing the ladder to millionaire row, suddenly crash and burn?

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever had a customer send you an email asking for his money back?

If you answered yes, than you need to be prepared for what I’m gonna share with you next.

It only takes just one customer, one bad apple to flatten in a matter of minutes what’s taken you years to build – your business.

It’s very real, in fact, I know this all too well. 

Let me take a second to introduce myself. I’m Daniel Sells and for 7 years I’ve helped hundreds of Internet Marketers find ways to bullet proof their online businesses ten times stronger than military Kevlar.

This includes showing you how to:

  • Decrease Your Return Rates by a Long Shot Even IF you get a boat load of requests your customer will not be able to resist this one powerful secret.
  • Create Back Up Money Making Funnels – when your first option isn’t available, you’ll need to make sure you have another way to get paid, and FAST.
  • Discover 2 different ways to market your product without compromising your good name and still bring in fork loads of cash.

Here’s the good news:

Once you know the steps to take, it doesn’t take much effort to cement yourself in a position of power

The best part? You’ll get started in as little as 1 hour.


 “Digital Products Done Right”


[I’m done reading, let me in NOW.]

Digital Products Done Right is a quick 47 minute video that is jammed packed with the greatest secrets of the trade, setting you up with everything you need from toe to head in less than 1 hour!

I’m not talking about rehashed garbage all the “guru’s” force down your throat either. 

What “They” Don’t tell You Is Exactly

What You NEED To Know…

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:

  How And Why A Profitable Online Business Can Be Shut Down By PayPal – And how you’re going to outsmart these bastards before they have a chance.

 How To Effectively Create Your Products To Be Money Sucking Cash Cows – This secret alone can triple your purchase today.

 The Absolute Best Way To Handle Refund Requests From Unhappy Consumers – It’s not what you’re thinking. The secret will astonish you.

 The Only Foolproof Method To Prove Your Product Was Delivered And Received (and why failing to use this method could cost you everything in a matter of seconds)

 How A Simple Technique Used Immediately After An Order Is Placed Can Erase Shipping Complaints From Your Customers’ Minds – This method is so childsplay you’ll wonder why you didn’t know about it sooner!

 What Shipping Companies Like Fedex and UPS Aren’t Telling You — and how you’re gonna be able to ship your products for FREE.

 Extremely Dangerous And Merchant Unfriendly Areas Of The World You Should Never Ship To – This information alone pays for itself.

 Why You Should Have Both Digital And Physical Products – And how easy it is for you to set up both in no time.

 How To Keep Your Customers Happy And How To Increase Back End Sales – It’s so simple and scalable you’ll kick yourself in the head for not using these tactics before.

Obviously, you can see that Digital Products Done Right clearly provides the knowledge and tools you need to protect your business at any level.

Here’s the bottom line, if you want to protect your business, family and bank account then you must order your risk-free copy of Digital Products Done Right

There’s tons more, but if you’re ready to go then let’s cut to the chase. 

I know you’re going to love “Digital Products Done Right” so much that I’m gonna back up that promise with a total satisfaction guarantee

100% GuaranteeTotal Satisfaction Guarantee!

Get ‘Digital Products Done Right’ today – Listen to it, watch it, study the PDF, take notes then apply even just a little of this powerful information in your business – If you aren’t completely satisfied that it’ll take your profits and security to an entirely new level then let me know…

I’ll refund your payment, in full and 

without question

 for the next 60 days… That’s not just a guarantee it’s a rock solid promise!

Grab Your Copy Of 

“Digital Products Done Right”

Just Click The Button Below To get instant access to the video people are saying completely saved their online business.



See you on the other side,

Daniel Sells

P.S. For less than the cost of a movie you get the full “Digital Products Done Right” and you get immediate access for only $7.00.   Remember, this information comes straight out of the trenches of actual real life order fulfillment. This is what I do every day.

P.P.S.  Just imagine, minutes from now you’ll learn exactly what to do to not only SAVE your online business, but skyrocket your profits dramatically – all in less than 1 hour.   

Also remember, because of my Ironclad, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, you’ll get everything risk free.  That’s right.  Absolutely no risk to you at all.  If you don’t like the product for ANY reason simply ask for your money back and it’s just that simple. 

If you don’t absolutely love it you shouldn’t pay for it.  Don’t let procrastination cause you to crash and burn. 

[Order right now to start making your digital products better.]

P.P.P.S. Don’t forget – it doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie or a seasoned veteran to Internet Marketing.

The methods you’ll discover are so dead simple, you’ll literally be armed with the strongest tools in Internet Marketing history in less than 1 hour.

Look, don’t make the mistake of thinking that you’re somehow not affected. You are. Everyone with an online business is.

So what are you waiting for?

You have nothing to risk with my 100% Ironclad Guarantee. In just a few minutes, you will have peace of mind and security.

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