Best Selling Cruise Ship Employment Guide

Best Selling Cruise Ship Employment Guide

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“What other job requires you to travel all over the

planet while your bank account grows by thousands

of dollars every month? There simply is no other job that

offers these kind of life-changing benefits.”

Seriously. Who doesn’t want to live that kind of dream?

Luckily, it’s much easier to achieve than you might think…

Before I show you how to get into this incredible industry, let me quickly introduce ourselves.

My name is Derek Baron and I’ve worked on board 10 different cruise ships as a Tour Manager over the past 6 years. Liz Aceves, my close friend, has spent 3 years on board ships, working in some kick-ass positions that few people even know exist.

In the end, we’ve each traveled to 6 continents while earning more money than we ever thought possible at this point in our lives…and we have nothing but ‘ship life’ to thank!


Every single crew member on every single cruise ship knows this term – ship life. It represents the unique and fascinating lifestyle of working and living on board cruise ships.

When it comes to ‘ship life’, Liz and I (as well as practically every other crew member you’ll talk to) both agree that our experiences exceeded all of our wildest hopes and expectations. If you ever meet us personally, you’ll see that we pretty much don’t stop talking about how lucky we’ve been to have discovered the life-changing opportunity that is ‘ship life’.


Of course, we understand that it may be hard to believe that working on a cruise ship is as good as we just made it sound. So let us set the record straight. If you want to know whether or not you should work on a cruise ship, here’s what to expect:

Money, Money, Money

MONEY and SAVINGS! – You can expect to earn anywhere from $1500 to over $5000 USD per month, depending on position. More importantly, you’ll have almost ZERO expenses – room, meals, even medical coverage are provided for free. This allows you to save up to 90% of every paycheck. Where else can you save $10,000 – $20,000+ in six months?

World Travel

WORLD TRAVEL – You’ll visit and explore (yes, you’ll have free time to explore) such parts of the world as Alaska, Australia, the Baltic, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Eastern and Western Europe, Hawaii, India, the Mediterranean, Middle East, Norwegian Fjords, islands of the South Pacific, South America and Southeast Asia. Basically, cruise ships are all over the world these days!

Cruise Ship Social Life

AMAZING SOCIAL LIFE – Sure, you may work between 40-60 hours per week (over 7 days), but you’ll have plenty of free time to live it up as well. You’ll have access to crew bars, crew lounges, dining areas, hot tubs, swimming pools, a crew gym and even a crew-only sunbathing deck, not to mention endless crew parties and theme nights!

Ship Life

SPECIAL PRIVILEGES – Depending on your position, you can be allowed to socialize in the passenger bars, night clubs, lounges and theaters when you’re not working. Get all dressed up, take in a Broadway-style show, listen to live bands and dine in the five-star passenger restaurants…not a bad way to spend your free time!

International Friendship

INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS – Working closely with hundreds of other crew members from around the world guarantees you’ll form long-lasting friendships with awesome people. You’ll learn about their cultures, celebrate their festivals (watch out for the Filipino New Year!) and enjoy a social life like you’ve never imagined. When you’re on vacation, you’ll be visiting some of these new friends as well!

Life-Changing Opportunities

LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITIES – Working on board a cruise ship is more than a job, it’s a valuable path to future opportunities. You’ll be able to do a ton of global networking with other crew members, with locals in every port and with the passengers. And you never know where your conversations will lead! Through networking on board, I’ve been offered a job in Greece, a free vacation to Costa Rica and a business partnership on the stunning Caribbean island of Barbados.

2-4 Months of Vacation

2-4 MONTHS OF VACATION! – What other job gives you up to 4 months of vacation per year? Yes, that’s right, up to 4 months per year! Think about all of that time off that you’ll be able to spend any way and anywhere you wish. The cruise line will even pay for your flight home. In the end, you’ll actually be working less and saving more money than if you were working on land!

If you’re fully happy with your current lifestyle, maybe ship life isn’t for you.

But if you’re ready for the above and a world of new opportunities, there is simply no better way than to work on a cruise ship. The truth is…

Once you walk up the gangway of your first ship, your life will never be the same.


“I always say that working on cruise ships as an Entertainment Host was the ultimate job. Who else would pay me to hang out with passengers all day, travel the world and meet amazing people? BEST EXPERIENCE EVER… AND I was able to pay off all my debt in a couple of contracts and then purchase my first home!”

Leah Bolton, Vancouver, Canada


Applying for cruise ship jobs is not the same as applying for a job on land. The rules are different, the process is complicated and to put it simply, it’s near impossible to do on your own. Without knowing the specific steps involved and how to play the game, cruise lines won’t even notice your resume.

Of course, there are “Cruise Agencies” floating around that make some pretty wild claims, such as guaranteeing they’ll get you a cruise ship job within a few weeks. Of course, all you need to do is pay them a ridiculous amount of money first. And unfortunately, the sad fact is that once you part with your money, these agencies often do very little to help you at all.

Actually, this is something Liz and I both discovered first-hand…

I once paid $250 to an online cruise agency. Sure, my gut told me not to but I wanted to work on a ship so much that I fell for the scam. This agency promised me a job within three months. As you might imagine, three months passed and not a single cruise line had even contacted me. And of course, the ‘agency’ never replied to any of my frustrated emails.

Liz also used a cruise ship recruitment agency the first time around and the agency actually lied to her about the salary that she would be earning. When she arrived on board the ship to start her first contract, it was too late and she had to settle for 50% of what the agency had promised.

These agencies receive commissions from the cruise lines for every crew member they hire and so they often tell applicants whatever it takes to get them to sign up.


  • Forget about unofficial cruise ship recruitment agencies.
  • Forget about paying for access to ‘private’ cruise ship job databases that don’t really exist.
  • Forget about paying someone who claims to send your resume to 300+ cruise lines.


There is no reason for you to waste any time or money on that stuff.

All you need to work on a cruise ship is some insider information about how things really work and what will make you stand out. Only then will you be in a position to get hired.

And it doesn’t get any easier than having experienced crew members guide you step-by-step through that process.

The good news is: HERE WE ARE!! 🙂

The Only Guide You Need To Find Work On A Cruise Ship

Work on a Cruise Ship - Home page


For a long time, friends and friends of friends would ask us to help them find work on a cruise ship. After all, once they heard our ship life stories, they wanted to experience the same.

Liz and I would email back these long replies, full of detailed, step-by-step instructions, job descriptions and specific advice.

And…it worked. People were being hired by every major cruise line out there, and in a range of positions. It was awesome!

Then recently, it occurred to us that instead of writing email after email, we could take all of our insider information and knowledge and create a cruise ship employment guide. This guide would instantly benefit anyone who reads it. After all, our goal is to help as many people as possible enjoy the same benefits of ship life that we’ve enjoyed and such a guide was clearly the answer.

We worked extremely hard for several months to put this material together, and we now spend a lot of time updating it every month as well.

Why? So that you life will soon sound a lot like this…

“Deciding to work on a cruise ship gave me the change I needed in my life. At the age of 24 I’ve now traveled to 6 continents while reaching a level of financial and personal freedom that I never dreamed of! It’s definitely been an experience of a lifetime, especially when I think about all of the countries I’ve visited and great friends I’ve made from all over the world.”

Carla Sciarri, Brazil

Remember, we’re not an agency, we don’t make false promises and we don’t mess around. All you need to know are the honest facts, nothing else. That’s exactly what you’re about to get.

In just a moment…

How to Work on a Cruise Ship Guide

*By the way, the information in this guide WORKS FOR EVERYONE, no matter where you’re from or what country you live in!


Yes, we do charge for the guide because we work hard to ensure it’s always the best resource possible.

But we keep it simple. A life-changing guide for only:

$25 USD

(December 2021 Edition)

Work on a Cruise Ship - Home page

That’s all you’ll ever need to pay in order to land a job that will allow you to save $1,500, $3,000 or even more per month on board a cruise ship!

Without a doubt, it’s going to be one of the smartest investments you’ll ever make. When that first paycheck comes in, I guarantee you’ll laugh at how little you had to spend for a job that allows you to save so much.

Order Now

Instant Access: As soon as your order is placed, you’ll receive a link via email that leads directly to our secure download page. You’ll then have instant access to all of the material.


You read that correctly. We offer a full 60-day money-back guarantee on every order. We’re so confident that this material will exceed your expectations that we want you to try it, without any risk whatsoever.

If you don’t think the information will help you find work on a cruise ship, you have a full 60 days to ask for a refund.

Just send us a quick email and we’ll refund the entire amount without any questions asked.

This is more than a typical guarantee, this is our personal promise.

Here’s one last thing we’d like to offer you…

When you order our guide, you can contact us directly with all your questions along the way. You’ll receive our direct email address and we’ll be there for you during every step of the application and hiring process. We’ll do our very best to help get you on board a cruise ship as soon as possible.

Order Now

“The best $25 investment ever for finding a job on a cruise ship!” – Charlie P. (Chicago, USA)

Bon voyage!

Derek & Liz

P.S. Once you start work on a cruise ship, please send us an email and tell us all about your experiences with ship life. We’d love to know what ship you end up on and what part of the world you’re exploring!

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