Answers To Raising Chickens – A Complete Guide To Keeping Chickens

Answers To Raising Chickens – A Complete Guide To Keeping Chickens

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From: Jason Perry

Dear Friend,


If you’re on a quest to find the most up-to-date information you can get your hands on, to ensure your chicken keeping venture is more than just a wobbly tin hut slap together in your backyard…with a few miserable chooks huddled in the corner, trying to preserve their body heat…

Then you came to the right place!

Because the information you get from here will let you know what it felt like for a proud Victorian chicken raising enthusiast who took poultry keeping to new heights…

Let me tell you about Theo Lynch…When he set out back in 1888 London, to become a passionate and successful chicken raiser he knew what was important for his success…it was aquiring the right information.

Information that he could follow step-by-step, saving him time…money…energy…but most importantly making his venture an enjoyable and fulfilling one…a venture that makes everything around him feels great!

You know the feeling I mean?

Just imagine being able to understand how to raise chickens in 7 days (or less) without wasting endless hours or spending a fortune on expensive courses.

And you could do this from the comfort of your own home, wouldn’t that be great?

Yes you could have the best chickens on the block. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how.


That’s what this brand new amazing eBook on Raising Chickens can help you – Plus…


You Can Become A Chicken Keeping Expert in just 7 days



Because, every bit of this eBook is packed with the latest cutting edge information on Answers To Raising Chickens and it took over 1 year for a small team of experts to research, gather the data and and compile it into this amazing new eBook. That covers the essential steps needed to be successful at chicken keeping.

The eBook is jam-packed with no fluff information you need to take you through the necessary steps to becoming an excited, overjoyed chooky keeper!

Are you excited yet?… You should be…


But What Do You Get From This Product?

Check out what you’ll know after you’ve read the book:

     How to choose the perfect chicken breed with these 3 simple techniques…

      3 little known, yet simple ways to clean and maintain your chickens housing…

      Secrets of expert chicken keepers that few people ever know about…

      3 proven steps to building your own chicken feeders

      2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to saving money on chicken feed                   (without compromising the quality)

      WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to raising chickens

      You’ll discover in just a few short minutes how to keep you chickens healthy

      6 time tested and proven strategies for incubation and hatching chickens

      When & how to exactly butcher your chickens

      7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for collecting and storing eggs

      A pennies on the dollar approach to housing your chickens

      How often to turn eggs during incubation

      How to & when to vacinate your chickens

      The once famous but forgotten secret that instantly allows you to select the right                       chickens for poultry shows & exhibitions…

      And a lot more guaranteed!

But that’s not all… Because that’s just a small tiny fraction of the amount of information you’ll discover in this jam-packed eBook that you can download within 5 minutes at the comfort of your own home.

If you like what you’ve read so far then here’s what to do…

You can get your hands on this eBook in 5 minutes (or less) by ordering your copy through Click Bank, just follow the order link below…


<< Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank >>

(All you need is a credit card, no special internet accounts or anything like that. And it’s 100% safe & secure. Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access to your sensitive information.)

Honestly… What’s All This Worth?

Lets be honest here… You could have someone go out and spend countless hours doing research for you, gathering information, interviewing the professionals, and wouldn’t even get close to the amount of information that’s jam-packed in this eBook…

And that alone would cost you an arm and a leg…

Because you see… This isn’t some off the wall pieced together eBook!


In fact – This eBook Is So Exclusive That You

Can Only Get It Online Through This Web Site


But best of all… This eBook “Answers To Raising Chickens” is written in plain, easy to understand English (This means that you won’t find any super complicated technical jargon here) – It’s written to be dead-easy to read and understand, and it’s laid out so you can easily follow it.

That means you can consume all the information whitin 2hrs and start prepping for your new hobby… You will discover not only how inexpensive it is to get started in raising chickens, but also how easy… And you can get stuck-in five minutes from now… Because this is a digital download you wont have to wait!

That’s why “Answers To Raising Chickens” is truly a bargain at $17.97

Yes you read right… That’s just a fraction of what it’s really worth and the cost to put this eBook together (Countless hours interviewing experts, doing research, and double checking to make sure that the information included is the most cutting edge up to date information there is).

Now this truly is a good offer and your probably asking why am I doing this?  Simple, because you see… Since it’s a digital eBook my cost to deliver it to you are small compared to if I had to actually print it out (Which would raise the price to $27.95)… And because I really care about your chicken keeping success… I want to hear your story.

Since this is an eBook (Electronic Book) that you can download to your computer within minutes (usually less than 5 minutes).

That means that you can get your hands on this latest cutting edge information about Answers To raising Chickens and start within less than 5 minutes.

But listen…

Even if you think that this is a bargain of a life time… And honestly, I will have to raise the price from $17.97 to at least $22.97.  Once a few more overly satisfied customers email me with their testimonials (feed back).

Yep… I will raise the price to $22.97, and honestly I have to – Because the demand is growing so fast.

So if you want to order now you can save yourself some money.

You can order quickly and easily that’ll take you less than 5 minutes by following the blue link right below


<< Click Here To Order Securely Through Click Bank >>


Answers To Raising Chickens is a pennies on the dollar considering what secrets you’ll discover in this amazing new eBook.

To make this a truly fantastic offer, I’m giving you a full 90 days to put the book into practice… And if your not experiencing the joys of having a healthy flock of interesting chooks roaming your backyard… Then you can keep the complete package for free!

Here’s my iron clad guarantee…



You can see that this is as good as it gets…

But that’s not all because you also get these free bonuses… Now let me crow out loud here for a moment… I did not want to give you a poopy bonus… So I hired an expert on chicken diseases, to put together this must have report if you want to have happy healthy chickens…


FREE BONUS #1 “Answers To Common Chicken Diseases”


Are you beginning to see how valuable this package is? With this bonus you’ll know how to prevent, identify, and treat your chickens from diseases

You’ll dicover:

  • How to identify any disease early on…
  • How to put in place, simple measures to prevent diseases
  • How to perform regular health checks to ensure your chicken are in top condition

FREE BONUS #2: “Ultimate Chicken Glossary”

Your going to need this bonus to ensure you don’t get a fowl mouth…There’s a lot of clucking going on :-)…If you don’t know the lingo you could find yourself running around like a headless chicken.

Here’s a sneak peak into what this free bonus contains:

  • How to easily identify any chicken terminolgy
  • How to communicate with other chicken keeping enthusiast with confidence
  • How to identify the albumen from the yolk

That’s not all, because you’ll also get…

FREE BONUS #3: Favourite Egg Recipes”

You don’t know it yet but, at the end of this bonus you’ll know exactly what it takes to cook the best classic egg recipes.

Finally revealed:


  • How to create delicious egg recipes in minutes
  • How to impress your friends and family
  • How to use eggs for more than just breakfast                                        

That’s just the list of the FREE things you’ll get

Imagine How Good The eBook Is


They’re each worth just as much as the eBook itself, but they’re yours to keep.

But honestly… I’m not sure how long I’ll keep these bonuses here, because people have been e-mailing me asking to buy them individually ($14.77)

But I figured that since it’s part of a marketing test I’m doing on spread the word of Answers To Raising Chickens eBook then it’s well worth it.

Just keep in mind that I could take them down forever at anytime, so get them them now for free while they’re still here.

Here’s the deal:

For just $17.97 (A fraction of what the professionals cost) – You’ll get more information than you can handle – PLUS more. But also keep in mind that this is the only place you can get your hands on this product right now (you can instantly download it).

So save time, energy and money and get clear cut steps that will ensure your chicken keeping venture, is the enjoyable, rewarding one you deserve.

There’s only ONE thing left to do…


Yes Jason

Let Me have The Complete Answers To Raising Chickens Package For the Ridiculously Low Price Of $17.97



Jason Perry

P.S.  The Internet Introductory low price of only $17.97 is part of a market test I’m conducting. Once I’ve completed my market test I know I’ll be raising the price.  So if you’re at all interested you should buy right now.

P.P.S.  Remember, you’re getting Answers To Raising Chickens – PLUS 3 hot bonuses worth $44.31, that’s over $62 in value that you’ll get for just $17.97.  Just click the add to cart button above and you can order securely through Click Bank.

P.P.P.S.  Also remember that you’re covered by my 100% no questions asked money back guarantee.

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