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ATTENTION: Men and women of ANY age who want to quickly burn off stubborn belly fat and get a stronger core—without killing yourself in the gym or overhauling your life…

…Especially When Everything Else Has Failed

The PAIN was excruciating!

As I lay on the sidelines, I could see the dent in my shin bone…I knew something was terribly wrong.

Yet, instead of being rushed to the hospital, my coach had me sit on the sidelines for the next 65 minutes in agony until the soccer game from which I had just been removed was over.

Moments earlier, I came rushing out of my net to intercept a 50-50 ball…and was kicked right through the shin pad of my right leg…shattering my shin bone.

On that Sunday afternoon (when I just 15 years old), during the blazing humid Toronto summer heat, I couldn’t have imagined that breaking my leg would lead to one of the greatest “ab training” discoveries that would later help thousands of men and women lose belly fat and get a stronger core…

…and WITHOUT ever doing a single back-breaking sit-up, spending endless hours doing cardio, or starving yourself.

And that’s what I’m here to share with you today.

My name is Yuri Elkaim. I’m a NY Times bestselling author, world-renowned fat loss expert, former strength coach at the University of Toronto, and in spite of breaking my leg, I was able eventually go on to play pro soccer in my early twenties.

Most importantly though, over the past two decades the incredible discovery that I’m sharing with you here along with my passion to help others get fit and healthy, has allowed me to help more than 500,000 people get into amazing shape and feel better than ever.

Me and my unique training and fat loss methods have been featured on Dr. Oz, the Doctors, Men’s Fitness, Huffington Post, and most other media outlets.

However, things weren’t always this way and you’ll soon see how my own struggles gave birth to the rarely-used secret to shedding belly fat, shrinking your waistline, and getting toned abs…

And if you’re still reading this then chances are…

How My Broken Leg Can Help YOU Burn More Belly Fat And Get a Stronger Core

After breaking my leg and then finally arriving at the hospital – and waiting another 2 hours before being seen by the doctor – my leg was eventually wrapped in a cast from hip to toes.

I was out of commission for at least 3 months. And it would likely take another 6 months to get build my weakened muscles again.

At least that’s what my doctor said. And to be honest, I believed him. I thought the rest of that summer (and year) would be a write-off. I did my best to stay positive but it was tough.

But I could never have expected what happened next…

It was 3 months after the accident and I returned to the hospital to have my cast removed…

As the doctor clipped away the cast…

I saw my “repaired” leg emerge…and my jaw literally dropped to the floor.

My once muscular and fit leg had dwindled away to nothing. It was no bigger than my forearm!

I was shocked…

And any glimmer of excitement that I had had for getting my cast off was instantly shot down by what I was now looking at.

As I hobbled down the hallways of the hospital I felt like an alien. Everyone was looking at me and I felt more self-conscious than ever.

Things only got worse when I made my way outside into the “real world”.

My mom was at work so I had to take the bus back home…

I slowly made my way onto the bus and grabbed a seat. I sat there for the next 30 minutes feeling embarrassed, as strangers stared at my leg as if it were from another planet.

And That’s When It Happened…

I was introduced to a personal trainer, named Brian, who specialized in rehabilitation. For the first time in my life, I was introduced to a “gym” and how to workout.

Up until this point, I had been active playing lots of soccer yet I had never set foot in a gym.

This is when the secret to getting toned abs and losing belly fat started to reveal itself…

Since I had no idea how to workout, Brian literally held my hand to walk me through everything I had to do to get my leg back to normal again.

And it wasn’t what I expected.

I thought I could just sit on a machine and take my leg through the motions until exhaustion.

Boy was I ever wrong.

My trainer Brian told me, “Yuri, the reason your leg feels dead and your muscle has wasted away is because it’s muscles are not activating properly. That’s what happens when it hasn’t been used for months (even days or weeks).”

What the heck did that mean? I thought.

He went on to tell me that if I simply did the rehab exercises he prescribed without knowing how to activate my muscles properly I would waste my time and possibly do even more damage to my leg.

Brian went on to explain…


I never thought of it that way.

And with that, Brian went on to show me how to do each exercise properly – by first activating my muscles appropriately – and then executing the movement.

It normally takes about 6 months (post cast removal) for most broken legs to fully regain their original muscle and strength…

Using what I had learned from Brian, my leg was back to normal in just 3 months!

In fact, my leg (and my entire body) was stronger and fitter than ever before thanks to this “Metabolic Compounding Effect” – as he called it.

That September, when I returned to school after a summer’s worth of rehab and training, I was feeling and looking great.

But then I saw my “ex” and her new boyfriend…

They were holding hands and making out. She was caressing his stomach. Turns out this guy had abs of steel. No wonder she fell for this guy. He was a stud.

He was in my gym class and I saw him in the change room without his shirt. He was ripped. And everyone knew it. He did too.

He beamed with confidence and all the girls flocked to him like mosquitoes around a campfire. He was what you would call a “chick magnet”. His athletic build and rock solid abs gave him radiant confidence that helped him get whatever he wanted.

I’ll be honest…

And The Crazy Part is That

I Never Did a Single Sit-Up!

The truth is that I did everything from my house and never needed to set foot in the gym. Brian showed me how to turn my mushy stomach into rock solid abs in just 3 quick core-focused workouts per week.

Within just 2 weeks, my abs felt tighter. By 4 weeks, I could SEE the definition in my abs that had eluded me for years.

Finally, I could take my shirt off without feeling embarrassed.

And then something even more amazing happened…

We were playing touch football in a gym class on a warm day in late September. My ex-girlfriend was on the opposite team…

I was playing wide receiver and made myself available to catch the perfect pass. The quarterback saw me, threw the ball, and I caught it. I turned and started running to the end zone but just as I did, my “ex” was right there.

She ran into me, trying to grab my flag, but all she got was a brush of my newfound abs.

I was able to escape without losing a flag and I ran the ball into the end zone for a touchdown.

It was awesome.

My “ex” came up to me after the game to tell me there was something different about me. She asked me if I had been working out. She told me that I looked great just oozed with confidence. She liked it.

So did I.

I said thanks and strutted right past her back to the change room.

Right then, I knew she regretted her decision to leave me. But I was on cloud nine. I didn’t care.

My newfound confidence. My tight and toned abs. They were all thanks to what I learned from Brian about how to train properly.

I was so inspired by his teachings that I later went on to become a personal trainer and leading strength & conditioning coach helping thousands of men and women and hundreds of elite athletes train smarter to look and feel incredible…especially when nothing else seemed to work.

Keeping You From The Results You Want

BIG MISTAKE #1: Your Core Simply Isn’t Working Properly

Did you know that your core (i.e. all the muscles of your midsection) are at the foundation of every movement you make and they are the first group of muscles to fire during ANY movement?

And did you know that if these muscles aren’t working properly, it doesn’t matter how many ab exercises you do because you will never get the waist shrinking results you really want.

Just as the muscles in my “broken” leg weren’t working properly after being in a cast, your core muscles are likely experiencing the same thing…

Especially if you’ve spent any amount of time:

  • Sitting (especially more than 2 hours per day) – since this position puts your core muscles to sleep…
  • Doing sit-ups – since they impose excess stress on your hip muscles that further weaken your core…
  • Working out with machines – since, like with sitting, these don’t require your core muscles to activate…
  • Dealing with back pain or injuries – since pain alters your core muscle “firing” patterns…

And doing old school ab exercises like sit-ups is NOT solving the problem!

In fact, research from the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies shows that simply trying to strengthen your ab muscles using conventional ab exercises has ZERO effect on your abdominal development and that doing so can even worsen your posture and make your existing joint problems hurt more.

The GOOD NEWS is that this research shows that if you retrain your core muscles to be the first to fire and you train them to work together like I teach you how to do in the Amazing Abs Solution workouts, then every movement you make whether in the gym or anywhere will be improved.

This means reduced issues with your existing injuries, less chance of getting injured again and even better… The side effect for having a properly functioning core is a slimmer waistline and toned or even 6-pack abs.

Now the only way to fix this mistake is by using “metabolic compounding”, which not only transformed my mushy leg into rock solid muscle but also turned my weak core into a trim, toned waistline.

And most importantly, it can help you do the same. And I’ll show you exactly what it is and how to use it in just a second…

But first, you also need to avoid this second common mistake…

BIG MISTAKE #2: You’re Doing the Right Exercises… Incorrectly

You may have noticed that many workout enthusiasts, fitness magazines, and personal trainers are starting to tell you to avoid things like crunches and sit-ups. And that’s great because of the damage these old school ab exercises can have on your lower back. Not to mention they do nothing to burn belly fat.

Instead, the common advice is to now use exercises like planks and other non-sit-up based movements.

However, there is still a problem with this…

To get waist-shrinking results, you can’t just simply follow the latest ab workout from your favorite fitness magazine BECAUSE it doesn’t instruct you how to properly activate your core muscles, and thus do each exercise properly.

Just as we learn to crawl, then walk, then run when we’re just a baby, your body has to go through an EXACT sequence of exercises in order to properly activate your core muscles…

Very much like the “shoelace analogy” that Brian had told me about for getting my leg muscles to fire properly.

The trick is… when your core stops functioning properly the only way to reactivate it is to use specific foundational exercises in a specific sequence and with the right COACHING to ensure you do each one correctly.

When you do this properly, you will reactivate your core and finally get the results you want!

This is exactly how I was able to speed my leg’s recovery (yes, this effect also works on any of the muscles in your body) and get rock solid abs while training far less than most avid gym-goers.

No other workout program provides this. And it’s also why working out on your way will NEVER produce the results you want.

Without the expert coaching I received from my trainer, it would have taken me TWICE as long to rehab my leg and who knows how long to get a stronger core on my own.

And with the Amazing Abs Solution, I’m giving you the same expert guidance to get you incredible results – and fast!

When I personally worked with my clients, they were paying me a hefty $250 per hour to get them into a great shape. And now that I don’t work with clients anymore (because I’ve shifted my focus online to serve more people), you’d think that my years of ab training wisdom would have been lost.

The good news though is that I’ve captured the “Best of Yuri” and provided my exact step-by-step metabolic compounding instruction – without my hefty training fees – inside my Amazing Abs Solution program so that you can get a slimmer, flatter stomach in just 3 quick workouts per week wherever and whenever you want…

That means you can follow these “intelligent” workouts at the gym, at home, while you travel, or even in your backyard. Whether you’re a beginner or more advance, all you need is a stability ball, bench or chair, and you’re set!

And what that really means is that you can now get fitter and sculpt beautiful abs – quicker than ever before – without overhauling your life.

1. Quick Start Video Guide ($19 value)

My goal is to make this program as simple as possible for you to follow. That’s why I’ve put together a Quick Start Video which will show you exactly how to get started and make the most of the Amazing Abs Solution no matter your age or fitness level. This guide will show you EXACTLY what you have to do to reactivate your core and start your journey to amazing abs!

2. Follow-Along Videos of Every Workout ($99 value)

These workouts are as close as it can get to actually working out with me in person. And that’s because I’m doing the workouts with you each step of the way. I shot these workouts in my backyard, in my basement, by the lake, and even on a soccer field to prove that you can get amazing results anywhere – with close to no equipment and in just 20 minutes a workout!

And since I’m on your headphones (and your screen) each step of the way to give you instruction and motivation, it’s like I’m standing there with you as I lead you through every movement and detail.

3. Follow-Along MP3 Audios of Each Workout ($69 value)

I specifically designed these recordings so you could follow along with them and get the full personal trainer experience, even with just the audio.

When you have these recordings coming through your headphones while you’re working out, it’s like I’m standing next to you, supporting you, giving you feedback and encouraging you when you need it the most. I explain everything in a calm, motivating, simple and easy-to-follow manner.

4. Workout Trackers And Exercise Pictures ($49 value)

These trackers show you at a quick glance what exercises you’ll be doing in each workout, along with the number of reps, the times ,and their sequence. Plus, I’m also including a full set of pictures that conveniently show you the start and finish positions of every exercise in the program.

You’ll have everything you need to get started quickly, without fuss or hassle.

5. Training Calendar/Plan ($29 value)

I’ve taken all the guesswork out of this for you by showing you exactly which workout to do on each day of the 90-day program. In this training calendar, you’ll get an instant snapshot of your workout schedule. Simply start on Day 1 and from there, I’ll hold your hand each step of the way so you don’t have to worry about a thing.

With everything above, this package should cost you $265 but you’re NOT going pay anything close to that today.

And before I show you the MASSIVE discount giving you today…

Reactivate and Strengthen Your Core So You Can Burn More Fat and Actually Feel Your New Toned Abs

With a focus on deeper core muscles that are often neglected with most ab workouts, you’ll feel your stomach strengthen. As a result, your posture will improve and your tight abs will impress those that wrap their arms around you. And with each workout those deep core muscles will learn how to re-activate so that you get so much more from each subsequent exercise and workout.

Feel Your Waist Shrink and Tighten

Since some of your deep core muscles wrap around your waist like a belt, as you strengthen them they become more toned and end up tightening your waistline. This occurs naturally without you having to suck in your stomach and is one of the reasons you’ll likely drop a pant size or two by following these workouts.

Drop More Belly Fat and Get Rid of That Embarrassing “Muffin Top”

These workouts are designed to give you visible results. And you can’t get visible results without losing belly fat. Since these workouts are set up mostly in circuit training fashion (thus, little wasting time between exercises) and harness the power of metabolic compounding your body is forced to BURN FAT during and after the workouts as your newly activated muscles churn through calories from your fat stores. Just imagine how great you feel when you finally slip into your favorite pair of pants with ease.

Reduce Back Pain So You Can Move Freely

As you develop greater core strength and move away from back-breaking sit-ups, your low back gets the support it needs to be strong and healthy. Since most back pain is due to weak core muscles, and tight hip muscles (which are caused by old school ab exercises) you’ll notice a significant improvement in any back pain you might have so you can move freely again.

Save Time By Training Smarter

You don’t need to spend hours a day in the gym. In fact, doing so will eventually burn you out. You don’t even need a gym to get great results. The Amazing Abs Solution gives you ultimate convenience to train anywhere you like with just 3 quick workouts per week. And that means you can spend more time doing what you love to do – after all, your body will be burning fat even when you’re not working out!

Sculpt and Tone Visible Abs That Get Noticed

As you do these workouts, it’s almost impossible for you not to SEE a visible difference in your abs. They’ll not only feel sexier, but they’ll look the part as well. You’ll be the envy of your friends, family, and even random strangers.

I need to be very clear with you…

If you think you are going shrink your waistline and build a stronger core and toned abs without work… then think again!

If that’s your thinking, then not only is the Amazing Abs Solution program NOT right for you…but neither is any other workout system on the planet.

Listen – I’ve created over 350 workout programs over the past two decades and this is the easily the BEST and most proven transformation system out of them all…

And I’ve done everything possible to make this as simple as possible for you to follow. I guarantee you’ll feel more inspired and motivated to workout as I’ll be right there beside you so you never feel alone.

Yet, you still have to do the work. But it will be enjoyable!

And like I said before, these workouts are just 20 minutes in length (on average) and only need to be done 3 times per week to see and feel noticeable results.

By doing these exact workouts and following my precise step-by-step instruction you’ll be awakening your body’s metabolic compounding effect which means that you’ll be burning fat all-day long…even when you’re sitting on the couch.

Yes, there is nothing like the Amazing Abs Solution – anywhere! Because the fact of the matter is that…

I’m not going to lie to you. Being honest and authentic are very important to me and that’s you need to know that doing thousands of sit-ups, crunches, side bends, and other old school ab exercises will do NOTHING for you (other than hurt your back)!

They likely haven’t already, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this now, would you?

Here’s something most trainers and ab workouts will never tell you (mostly because they don’t know)…

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research followed two groups of men and women to see the impact of traditional ab exercises on losing belly fat. The first group did 7 different ab exercises – 2 sets of 10 reps for each one – five times per week, for six weeks solid. The second group was the control group, they didn’t do any ab exercises. Both groups followed the same diet.

After six weeks, the people in the first group were great at doing crunches…but they weren’t any closer to having flat, toned abs than the control group, even though they did all those ab exercises.

So sure, you could waste your time as well…

Or, you can train smarter and actually see and feel tangible results – QUICKLY – using my Amazing Abs Solution.

No Other Ab Program Triggers The

“Metabolic Compounding Effect”

The Amazing Abs Solution is the only ab training program that walks you through my proprietary BUILD-SCULPT-BURN system for building a stronger, toned core from your deep neglected core muscles to your visible 6-pack muscles…

What’s more… the other reason my clients continue to experience jaw-dropping transformations is because the Amazing Abs Solution workouts are the only workouts that activate the Metabolic Compounding Effect, which helps awaken your “sleepy” deep core muscles and other important muscles throughout your body to help you burn more calories from each movement…and prime you metabolism to burn fat even when you’re not working out.

This is important for losing fat because the more muscle you activate, the more calories you burn. Not to mention that correctly activating your deep core muscles is step one to getting the most bang for your buck out of any ab (or full body) exercise you do.

But remember:

Try It For Just $0.43 Per Day (Seriously)…

Here’s Why:

You’ve read this far so that tells me one of two things:

You’re either really excited to start with the Amazing Abs Solution, OR…

You’re still skeptical and don’t believe a word I say and want answers to your questions.

I get it if you’re still unsure. I’ve been in your shoes and I’ve purchased my share of sub-par workout programs.

I know you don’t want to waste your hard-earned money on empty promises and hypey claims. And I commend you for being diligent. After all, it is your time and money that you’re investing.

But let me remind you that you aren’t being trained by some random trainer who took a weekend course and then just whipped together an ab routine.

You are about to be benefit from the highest level coaching of a NYT bestselling author, world-renowned fat loss expert, former pro soccer player and former strength coach at the University of Toronto (for 7 years), and a real, caring person who’s already helped more than 500,000 to incredible fitness and health.

That’s me.

And as good as I am at helping you get into great shape, I still get it if you’re still not 100% sure…

That’s why I want to make this a complete no-brainer (more so than I hopefully already have) by taking away any and all risk.

So here’s what I’m doing for you:

My life changed forever when Brian taught me how to train smarter by activating the Metabolic Compounding Effect…

Getting my leg stronger than it was before and transforming my core from soft to super toned gave me more confidence, saved me time, and gave me an unfair advantage that allowed me to pursue my dream of playing professional soccer.

Now, I’m paying it forward to help you realize your dreams.

And because I want to put an end to your frustration and lack of results… and get you on the path to finally losing belly fat and getting amazing abs, I’m going to give you $60 OFF the regular price of the Amazing Abs Solution – but only when you order today.

That means that instead of paying the regular $99 for the Amazing Abs Solution you can get it right now – along with your 3 extra bonuses (valued at $81) – for just $39. That’s just $0.43 per day over the course of this 12-week program.

Is having a flatter, toned stomach that you feel proud of worth that amount to you?

You can’t even buy a coffee, let alone a banana for that price.

And $39 is a far cry from the $1,500 in-person training fees my clients would pay me to take them through a similar training program.

You gotta love the internet and technology, right? Not only are you saving a bundle right now but you still get to have me train you right over your headphones (and video) each step of the way.

“But why would you give me this generous discount Yuri? What’s the catch?”

The reason I’m giving you this incredible discount is because I truly want to help you and I don’t want to finances to be an issue. As I just mentioned, I’m paying forward what changed my life more than two decades ago.

And I’m also on a mission to help 10 million more people by 2018 transform their bodies and health. So that’s why I’m happy to make this program more than affordable. There is no catch.

To make you feel even more secure in your decision today, I want you to understand that you’re fully protected by my…

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