Cosmic Energy Profile 75% Comms – Even On Recurring!

Cosmic Energy Profile 75% Comms – Even On Recurring!

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Based On Where Your Birthday Lands

On This Ancient Stone Calendar!

A set of interlocking wheels, the Mayan calendar contains wisdom about the Earth only known by the ancient Mesoamerica civilizations. Priests once used this to predict events, catastrophes, and personal futures…and today, modern
technology gives us the ability to adapt this ancient system to predict events in YOUR life. It’s easy!

Most people in modern culture don’t remember this, but ancient civilizations such as the Maya believed that your personality and life path were painted the moment you were born. You might have found out a little bit about yourself already after learning your Western or Chinese Zodiac sign…

However, what most people don’t know is that ancient Mayan astrology gives you a much more detailed and accurate reading, known as your personal Prophecy Reading!

Updated For Today’s Modern Lives And Challenges

Of course, the original Mayan Calendar was used for predicting things like when to plant corn, who to marry, and the next meteor shower. Now, today’s lives are a bit more complicated – and while we still wonder who our best life partners might be – there were definitely some updates that needed to be done to make the predictions helpful to you in modern times. So, that’s exactly what we’ve done!

The NEW Mayan predictions system takes all the information and symbols from the old calendar and runs it through an amazing system called “Dreamspell,” which adapts the deep wisdom and star cycles to issues that are facing us today. This combines both ancient wisdom and modern technology in a complex and completely unique way, all to produce what is called your Cosmic Energy Profile.

Here are some of the possibilities that will be revealed to you when you get your FREE Cosmic Energy Profile done. You may be a…

  • Red Dragon, Nurtures: Essence is Being – Power of Birth
  • White Wind, Communicates: Essence is Breath – Power of Spirit
  • Blue Night, Dreams: Essence is Intuition – Power of Abundance
  • Yellow Seed, Targets: Essence is Awareness – Power of Flowering/Blooming
  • Red Serpent, Survives: Essence of Instinct- Power of Life Force
  • White World-Bridger, Equalizes: Essence of Opportunity – Power of Death
  • Blue Hand, Knows: Essence is Healing – Power of Accomplishment
  • Yellow Star, Beautifies: Essence is Art – Power of Elegance
  • Red Moon, Purifies: Essence is Flow – Power of Universal Water (The Quantum Field of All Possibility)
  • White Dog, Loves: Essence is Loyalty – Power of Heart
  • Blue Monkey, Plays: Essence is Illusion – Power of Magic
  • Yellow Human, Influences: Essence is Wisdom – Power of Free Will
  • Red Skywalker, Explores: Essence is Wakefulness – Power of Space
  • White Wizard, Enchants: Essence is Receptivity – Power of Timelessness
  • Blue Eagle, Creates: Essence of Mind – Power of Vision
  • Yellow Warrior, Questions: Essence is Fearlessness – Power of Intelligence
  • Red Earth, Evolves: Essence is Synchronicity – Power of Navigation
  • White Mirror, Reflects: Essence is Order – Power of Endlessness/Eternity
  • Blue Storm, Catalyzes: Essence is Energy – Power of Self-Generation
  • Yellow Sun, Enlightens: Essence is Life – Power of Universal Fire (Cosmic Intention)

About Your Mayan Zodiac And Why It’s Important

Unlike the Western and Chinese zodiac we’ve come to know and love, the Mayan zodiac is based on the energetic rhythms of the universe in its glory and NOT the movement of planets or stars…

All of which means you will get an entirely different and much more complete version of “Who You Are And Where You’re Going” than you ever have before!

The best part is, it’s completely free to get started. To find out what your Mayan Seal on this ancient stone calendar would be, and what the ancient Priests would say about what that means about your secret abilities, personal challenges, and opportunities coming up in your life in the near (and more long distance) future…

Just enter your birthday below to discover your hidden Mayan Zodiac today!

Remember, we are offering this service just to reveal to you the possibilities of who you are encoded in the new Dreamspell version of the Mayan Calendar for FREE today, and you can discover your true Mayan Zodiac Sign and get your Cosmic Energy Profile calculated without charge (just to get a taste of what you have been missing in your Astrological Readings up to now)! 🙂

There is no risk and no obligation required to simply enter your birthdate and see your results.

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