Go Big Vip Coaching Program With Kristen Howe The Go Big Coach

Go Big Vip Coaching Program With Kristen Howe The Go Big Coach

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From the Desk of Kristen Howe 

Los Angeles, CA

Dear Friend, 

If you’d like to have complete confidence that you are a master of the mindset and habits you absolutely need to take your life to the next level…regardless of your age, time-constraints, and personal history, this is the most exciting letter you’ll ever read.

Before we go any further I want to make something crystal clear.  

This isn’t one of those “Join Us and All Your Wishes Come True” programs that promises you wealth beyond your wildest dreams, struggle-free success and complete and utter fulfillment for doing nothing.  

Here’s the truth.  

The techniques and strategies I outline in this program are working great for me and my clients, and I believe they can help you, too.  

But, I’m not suggesting that everyone who joins this program is going to create laser-like focus and next-level their life in ways they never imagined possible.  

I don’t know what results the people who join it will have – it’s likely that many of them will create little or no results at all, (especially if they don’t participate and use the tools provided).  

At the end of the day, YOU are the only person who can take your life to the next level. Not me, not a book, and certainly not some seminar speaker.  

So with that understood, let me tell you… 

This is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever been part of because it’s more of an “immersive experience” for massive transformation rather than a traditional “program”.

The reason why is there’s no fluff. I immediately get down to brass tacks, showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.

Plus, it’s simple (because simple works).

With LIVE monthly coaching, personalized tips, call recordings, focus point videos and unlimited question opportunities available to you each and every month, you can easily expand into your greatness and avoid overwhelm. And you’ll immediately get access to the entire methodology I personally used to create clarity, alignment, action, and results – beyond what I thought was ever possible for myself AND for my one-on-one coaching clients. 

See, you can use the same techniques and processes in this program to jump to the next-level after that and so on and so on, there are literally NO LIMITS to where the VIP experience can take you.  

For example, one VIP member went from barely scraping together the money she needed each month, doing dead-end jobs for other people, to starting her own online systems consulting business. Now she’s financially free, owns her own home and finally has time to spend with her friends and family.  

A brick and mortar business manager, used a few of these strategies to take a vacation across the globe (which wasn’t even an option for him in the past) and he even earned a surprise bonus at work.  

Another member calls the VIP program her ‘secret weapon’ that’s allowed her to retire with confidence and maintain an exciting lifestyle, full of travel and new opportunities.  

A VIP client in the personal services industry used a single personalized coaching answer to increase his bookings by 15%.  

Another member took some of the VIP techniques to create huge ‘shifts of consciousness’ that pulled him off of the slippery slope of depression and into fulfillment and unstoppable motivation.  

So like I said, there’s more to this VIP program than “just” getting to the next-level. Here’s a glimpse of what you’re getting…

How to avoid the “Seminar Effect”. You know that feeling after a terrific seminar when you’re on a high and ready to get moving, but then Monday comes around and you have absolutely no idea which step to take. This will NEVER happen to you again!

When it’s ok to give up on something (and YES this will surprise you). 

You need connections to find opportunity, right? Wrong! Discover the secret to unending opportunities that are all around you right now.

TODAY: Make room for your success (this simple truth is a real eye-opener).

An Advanced “3 Prong Approach” For High-Level Living!

Use this unique process to manifest your desires at lightning speed – without limiting beliefs crashing the party. 

How to know you’re on your greatest path without crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. 

The mysterious secret of the TRULY SUCCESSFUL. They’re all using this whether they know it or not.

Say goodbye to “chance living”. Start guaranteeing your results with this quick formula.

The shortest path to hitting your milestones. It’s like nothing you’ve ever used before and has you skipping ahead of most people – FAST.

How to effortlessly align with your goals without pretending to believe something you don’t.

Why an alarming amount of people suffer from “money constriction” and how you can break free of this crippling fear…even if you’ve been suffering from it for years.

How traditional Limiting Beliefs Techniques leave you feeling worthless and distraught. Eye-opening new approach included.

The ONE THING you must avoid doing if you want to finally step into your greatness.

Say goodbye to costly “abundance blocks”. This simple way of overcoming limiting beliefs beats anything you’ve ever seen and hardly anyone harnesses it.

There’s only one path to success, right? Wrong! Learn the shocking truth about your, personalized success.

How to get 100% clear on what you REALLY want even if you haven’t got a single clue right now.

Why you should NEVER curse your “struggles”. 

What to do if you can’t tell the difference between your intuition and your limiting thoughts. This is a game-changer.

The truth about being human (you’ll never guess it).

How to re-wire your brain for success without losing mountains of time reading every book and figuring it out by trial and error.

You need to follow a complicated system to make good things happen, right? Wrong! The “usual approach” totally backfires for us regular folks, it’s time for simple because simple works.

Say “goodbye” to going it alone and use my ‘Focus Framing’ formula to get ‘Real World Results’ fast.

TODAY: Use the power of “Coin Duality” to make decisions with ease. This secret is a surprisingly simple trick that most people never know about.

How to do “Habit Transformation” the RIGHT way (it’s not what you think).

The TRUTH about Momentum. The stuff you see most people doing is failing. This is different and works like gangbusters.

How to step out of your comfort zone, effortlessly with one single question.

You’re right…those are a lot of proven next-level living techniques and processes and that’s just scratching the surface. And you can’t get this anywhere else because I’ve taken these strategies and distilled them all down for you to make them simple (because as I said before – simple works) and with the addition of my “Focus Framing Formula” you can quickly get the most impact from every single technique, and nobody else is doing that. 

But it gets better because you’re also getting…

You’re getting IMMEDIATE ACCESS to one of the most impactful expansion processes ever found.

You’ll quickly get into focus and energetic alignment simply by being on these calls.

I’ll give you a specific, success and joy aligned focus for each month – so you can stop worrying about what you need to focus on for your greatest success and joy because I’m going to give it right to you.

That way you can simply embrace the focus I give you and align with your greatness.

Imagine how powerful it would be to have me with you every month giving you one powerful thing to focus on and integrate to take your life to the next level? That’s exactly what these High Impact, High Content Coaching calls do for you.

These calls are exclusive, designed for effective and easy integration and have been giving my members amazing expansion results for over 10 years now and no one else has access to them.

The best part is that it’s… 

Listen. If you have a busy life that moves in a hundred different directions at once, you’re not alone. With everything coming at you at warp speed, 24 hours a day how are you supposed to even know what to do and when to do it?

That’s exactly what I do for you. I’ll give you a specific focus each and every month on your LIVE coaching call, with clear, concise steps you can easily take, right now to get the results you’re looking for.

When you engage and participate in these monthly calls, two things will happen.

First, you’ll feel your “overwhelm” and “stresses” float away because you don’t need to figure things out on your own anymore.

This is really important to you because it sets you up for long term success. And automatically makes you significantly more likely to continue expanding into your best life until joyful, aligned action toward what you want becomes the norm for you.

The next thing you’ll notice is this: 

And you’ll do it without forcing yourself to study hours of dry concepts; in fact you won’t have to study anything at all!

That’s because of the way these High Impact, High Content Calls work.

There’s, no more guesswork, no more starting at zero, no more scrambling to figure out how and where to begin. You’ll discover small steps that you can integrate instantly to get HUGE results.

Yes, you heard that right. You don’t have to wrack your brain and spend hours “learning”. Because when you’re a part of these monthly calls, next-level living will effortlessly become your new way of life.

And I love over delivering, so you’re also getting… 

Each month, you’re getting one of the most powerful personalized coaching tools for next-leveling your life.

You’ll effortlessly re-wire your brain so you attract opportunities and joyously receive them – without shattering your comfort zone and stalling out in fear.

You’ll be in the Laser-Targeted Coaching “Hot Seat” so you get personalized strategies and feedback to quickly move you to your next level.

And here’s the special sauce…this is what puts your clarity, alignment, action, results – everything – over the top…

I personally coach YOU on every call.

If you have a question, I answer it, period. You can ask me directly on the live call and work with me right there or you can email me your questions throughout the month so you know we’re always addressing your specific needs – together.

And this isn’t one of those cross your fingers and hope I’ll answer your question, IT IS GUARANTEED. Whether you’re able to be on the live coaching call or not, I will answer your questions on the call.

You’ll know I’m in your corner, that I know you and what you’re working toward and I’ll give you my best insights and strategies so you can have faith that your support system (me and the entire VIP community) is truly focused on what is best for you.

Plus you’ll have a safe place to go where you’re understood, feel protected and supported ALWAYS – for whatever your journey brings.

And just like most of the processes I give you, this is… 

Look. Getting stuck in the trap of ‘Someday Living’ is one of the most debilitating and devastating traps. And you can’t afford to get stuck there.

And that’s why integrating these live monthly coaching calls will be crucial for you.

Talk about taking the pressure off! You don’t need to work hard to figure anything out when you use these live coaching calls I’m including in your program.

It’s like having a ‘fast pass’ for your life. You’ll be piggy-backing on my 15 years of experience and expertise.

You’ll be able to ask me anything directly, so I can give you customized techniques, ideas and feedback, so you can stop struggling and take clearly defined and aligned action to get back on track in record time.

No more floundering alone, getting ‘stuck in the mud’ trying to figure it all out by yourself. You’ll have me, by your side creating specific action steps just for you. We’re in this together.

You’ll also have me holding you accountable, helping you expand beyond your expectations, which accelerates your results even further.

Plus you’re also getting… 

Every single month, you’re getting a potent focus framing tool for re-aligning you with your ultimate focus.

You’ll automatically adjust back into “flow” so you keep expanding and moving toward your next-level life – without the unavoidable speedbumps taking you way off course.

These Focus Point Videos have become one of the favorite “get back on track tools” of my current VIP members and here’s why…

They’re specifically designed to be short and to the point, so you can save time and reinforce your power focus. They give you a quick ‘Focus Reminder’ so you can stay on track and moving forward – no matter what.

You’ll get a confidence boost with this quick and easy video tip that reminds you how awesome you truly are, so when frustration starts to creep in (as it likes to do), you’ll bounce back in seconds flat.

And that’s why watching these Focus Point videos will be pivotal for you. So you can… 

I’m not kidding – anytime we feel doubt and fear we get stuck because our self-sabotage is on the verge of a complete takeover.

With these Focus Point Videos it’s different. Because you can leave comments that I will personally respond to, you can engage with your success and feel supported by me and the entire VIP community during the whole month.

So no more endless searching for people who are like you. Now you have a community of remarkable folks around the world, who are as committed to ‘Going Big’ and living the life they want to live, as you are. You’re not alone anymore.

Plus you’ll get another touch point of VIP support, reminding you that I’ve got your back 😉

No more momentum killers for you! You don’t need to worry about how you’re going to stay focused and aligned, when you use these custom videos I’m including in your program, for free. 

The “cost” of this program is $47/month and you get instant access to the 1st month’s content.

As soon as you place your order, you’ll get an automated receipt plus a separate email with a link to access your first month directly in your email. And you’ll receive a new special email for each live coaching call, call recording access and focus point video after that.

You’ll also have direct access to me through a ‘member’s only’ exclusive email address.

Oh and in case you’re wondering …

I realize this is very inexpensive, so you might be wondering what the “catch” is. 

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something only to reveal that there is an “advanced version” that you really need if you want results … this isn’t one of them. 

I’m going all in with you as a means of demonstrating real value that you can use and apply in your life starting right away. 

My hope is that you’ll love what you find here and that we’ll share a great relationship for years to come.

I’m going to be straight with you. I’m not going to give you a deadline for joining this program. I’m not going to do anything other than give you the power of choice.

Let me explain…

Time is of the essence because this is your life and it is happening right now. Waiting just creates more waiting and I know you want to avoid looking back in a month from now or even a year from now with regrets because your life is exactly the same as it is today.

The bottom line is you deserve to have the life that you want and continually cultivating the mindset and habits to support you living at that next-level and beyond is the ONLY way to get you there. This is your chance to choose you, right here and right now.

Oh, one more thing…

I’ve already given you three life-tested tools above but I want to set you up for the best results possible, so I’m taking it further by giving you… 

Each month I’m giving you access to one of the simplest processes for removing struggle I’ve ever used.

You’ll lock in an attitude of momentum with Positive Focus Anchors that are at your fingertips 24/7 making you unstoppable.

Plus you’ll harness the power of repetition to keep your positive momentum building. So, each time you go back and listen to the recordings, you’ll discover something new that you can integrate into your life – immediately – so you endlessly experience more and more greatness.

When you do… 

Here’s what I mean…

You’re on the live coaching call with me, you get excited about something you hear and your brain attaches to that idea and runs with it. This is great and natural and exactly how you get a ton of benefit from these live calls. BUT while your brain is off running with that new, amazing idea, you naturally miss the next thing I give you, which very well could be the ‘missing piece’ – the difference between getting good results from that new idea or getting GREAT results.

Now you have the live call recordings, you listen to them a second time, or even a third time and grab that piece and Boom! You’re accelerating your success ten-fold. It’s that simple.

You’ll amplify your results guaranteed when you use these powerful live call recordings I’m including in your program, for free.

PLUS when you become a member TODAY, I’m including 2 HUGE Fast Track Bonuses to quickly boost your expansion and create over-the-top success… 

In this monthly bonus, I’m giving you an easy-to-follow blueprint for designing your ultimate life.

You’ll discover what you REALLY want (even if you don’t have a clue right now) and the ONE THING you absolutely must do to conquer procrastination for good.

You’ll finally regain control over your time and have the necessary tools to experience freedom in a whole new way. 

Plus I’ll share a quick ‘1 Step a Day’ Inspired Action Process you can use to get ‘unstuck’ anytime – FAST.  

And to keep your expansion growing… 

Here’s the truth. When we start to expand, our limiting beliefs show up to dampen our progress, which can often stop us dead in our tracks with heavy self-doubt.  

I’ll show you how to easily bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be by furthering your success mindset with my Greatness Library.  

When you dive into each month’s inspiring e-book, you’ll be automatically reinforcing your next-level way of life. That’s why I call this collection my ‘secret weapons’. They increase positive momentum and clarify direction, simply by reading them.  

You’ll boost your confidence without getting the run around from your crippling fears when you use this Greatness Library I’m including in your program, for free.  

Oh, and in case you’re wondering …  


Of course there’s a satisfaction guarantee.  

In fact, I think it’s … 

I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this program.

Here’s how it works…

Take 30 Full Days. Jump on the live coaching call with me, ask me your specific questions, dive into the call recording and Focus Point Video, download the first ‘Passion to Profit’ Module and Greatness Library e-book and decide you love it or I’ll return your money and you can keep everything you’ve received. You don’t have to send anything back. No questions asked.

How’s that for fair? 

*You will be charged $47/month.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who skipped right to the end of the letter, here’s the deal.

Each and every month, I’m coaching you LIVE, giving you a specific focus, personalized tips, where your individual questions will be answered – GUARANTEED. I’m also giving you unlimited access to each call recording and sending you a Focus Point Video to keep you on track so you can easily expand into your greatness and avoid overwhelm.

And you’ll immediately get access to the entire methodology I personally used to create clarity, alignment, action, and results – beyond what I thought was ever possible for myself AND for my one-on-one coaching clients.

The program is $47/month.

I’m also giving you 2 Fast Track Bonuses which are:

Bonus 1: 13 “Passion To Profit” Modules For Finding Your Purpose And Living Your Best Life.

In this monthly bonus, I’m giving you an easy-to-follow blueprint for designing your ultimate life.

You’ll discover what you REALLY want (even if you don’t have a clue right now) and the ONE THING you absolutely must do to conquer procrastination for good.

Bonus 2: My Personal “Secret Weapons” For Activating Greatness.

I’ll show you how to easily bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be by furthering your success mindset with my Greatness Library.

When you dive into each month’s inspiring e-book, you’ll be automatically reinforcing your next-level way of life. That’s why I call this collection my ‘secret weapons’. They increase positive momentum and clarify direction, simply by reading them.

Time is of the essence because this is your life and it is happening right now. Waiting just creates more waiting and I know you want to avoid looking back in a month from now or even a year from now with regrets because your life is exactly the same as it is today.

There is no “catch” to this offer…

In fact, if you don’t love the program just let me know within 30 days and I’ll give you back what you’ve paid and you keep everything you’ve received.

Click here and join VIP now. You won’t regret it. 


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

No questions asked, no hassle, no problems!



You can trust us!

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