Ironclad Body Training System Ebook

Ironclad Body Training System Ebook

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Build strength, and burn fat while improving joint health and function. The IronClad Body Training System was designed to make you move and feel better without the aches and pains!


“THE IRONCLAD BODY TRAINING SYSTEM” is going to be your guide to make your life better without aches and pains.


I go in depth and detail how I train and how I apply it to clients in person and online. I explain how to train around pain and how to improve your mobility while building strength and burning fat.


My ebook consists of a function assessment to determine what program you follow based on how your body moves.


After you’ve done your assessment, your score dictates what version of the program you follow. Level 1 – Beginner, Level 2 – Intermediate, and Level 3 – For the advanced


You’ll have four months of programming of strength and mobility workouts to follow to build your own IronClad Body!


This is the closest thing to online coaching with me! You will have over 200 videos giving you exercise demonstrations and exercise tutorials to help you achieve your goals!


Yes! You’ll have me! Reading the book out to you and having your very own commentary on each section with helpful tips so you can get to the program faster than reading the book itself!

  • Improve joint function and health

  • Improve movement quality

  • Gain more mobility and flexibility

  • Get stronger

  • Improve grip strength

  • Deadlift like a badass

  • Shed some fat and build some solid muscle

  • Complete some body weight chin ups and pull-ups

  • AND take a sweet selfie on Facebook and share with your friends online how you built your body into a resilient IronClad Body!

Then you are about to purchase the perfect Fitness Ebook…!!!

Movement is medicine. I firmly believe that many people who deal with pain can improve their quality of life by simply moving. There are fundamental patterns as humans we should be able to perform. But, in today’s world, we live in, we are set up for failure. Being able to squat, crawl, climb, lunge, push, pull, and of course lifting things off the floor are all movement qualities we used to possess, but quickly lose as we age and become inactive. I coach patients and clients from the ground up. Build the fundamentals first, then challenge the system.

The last nine years of my career I’ve seen clients from all walks of life. Weight loss, strength, performance, rehabilitation, you name it. All have different goals and outcomes, but all follow the same training principles for building foundational movement patterns. As a trainer obsessed with helping others who suffer from painful movement, I bridge the gap between rehabilitation and performance. My ultimate goal is to have you moving and feeling better, faster so you can enjoy life and get back to activity.


I’ve been connected with Rafal Mastuszewski for a couple of years now and you’d be hard-pressed to find another fitness professional more devoted to their craft. Rafal is constantly learning, evolving, teaching and growing not just in a professional sense but a personal one as well. Through the work he does via his face-to-face and online clients, you can tell that Rafal has put in countless hours learning how to better himself and others. You don’t have to take my word for it either. Subscribe to his podcast and link up with him on his social media channels. Rafal is always putting out great content for free so you can learn more about the man himself, who inspires him to be better and how he ultimately takes those points of influence to reach as many people on a positive level as possible. If you want to get better, it helps to learn from coaches who know how to walk the talk. Rafal is one of those people and it continues to be an honor to know him.

One of my favorite things about Raf is that as an interviewer, he is open to so many topics important to women. He is a male trainer with the majority of his clients being women, and his popularity with women has a LOT to do with his ability to empathize with us, his understanding of the menstrual cycle, and his familiarity with body image issues women deal with regularly. He has featured many guests that speak to our issues, like how implement a strength training program that is challenging, and fits into the schedules of working women, and moms; how we can practice selfcare as part of an overall fitness strategy, common myths and pitfalls with fad diets and why so many succumb to the bullshit, emotional/binge/stress eating, pelvic floor rehab and post partum training, and his roster of impressive guests that speak to womens’ topics continues to grow. I wish him all the success!

Rafal is a tremendous coach. He possesses a vast amount of knowledge, is always looking to grow more as a coach, and he truly cares about helping others succeed, and feel empowered. I’ve been lucky enough to be a guest on Rafal’s podcast on three separate occasions, and each time I’ve always been impressed by how much he knows, and I’ve always really enjoyed our conversations. As he also lives in Vancouver, our in-person conversations have been just as good, and it’s always evident how passionate he is about being a coach, and helping others. I have no doubt Rafal’s book will accomplish just that. He told me about his idea many months ago when we met up for sushi, so I’m thrilled that this is finally happening, and I’m really proud of him.

I’ve known Rafal for a few years now and there aren’t many people who give more shits than he does. He’s a fantastic coach always going out of his way to attend (and host) workshops and seminars in addition to networking with some of the most well known names in the industry via his popular podcast.

I think what I respect most about Rafal is that he doesn’t have an ego. He’s open to new ideas and different perspectives and has never been someone to go out of his way to talk negatively about anyone or anything. He’s just an overall splendid human being.

He’s in my exclusive “cool person (who’s an asset to the fitness industry) book,” and he should be in yours too.

Rafal is constantly learning, growing, and taking his education skills to the next level. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how he has time in his day to achieve all he gets done. In fact, now that I think of it, I’m doubting there is only one Rafal…

With that kind of magic, something amazing is going on here. I’m happy to be part of his circle of colleagues and also his friend.

Coach Raf is a rare combination of high-energy and thoughtful — someone who works tirelessly to learn, grow, collaborate with other professionals in the field, and most importantly, pass the knowledge on to his clients. He coaches with heart and mind, offering compassion and care but also wisdom and incisive analysis. His blend of humour, kindness, and informed asskicking is a welcome respite from the ‘go hard or go home’ crowd. Most importantly, Rafal coaches with integrity — he walks the walk, is open about his own challenges, and pushes himself just as much as he pushes his clients.

Rafal is one of the up and comers in the new generation of hungry, driven fitness professionals trying to lead the industry in a positive direction. His focus on education, service delivery, and hustle should be the model other trainers use if they’re trying to achieve any level of success in the fitness industry. His passion for helping others ensures he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with for decades to come.



$ 25

  • Over 200 Exercise Tutorial Videos

  • Audio Version w/ Extra Tips To You

  • Three Programs For Months Of Use


60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

If you aren’t satisfied with The IronClad Body Training System within 60 days of use, you can get a 100% refund!

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