Patent Pending Biz Opp – Bryan Winters’ Diddly Pay

Patent Pending Biz Opp – Bryan Winters’ Diddly Pay

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This changes the game forever…

Patent pending software rigorously tested and proven to siphon free online traffic, leads, commissions, and sales like



Our breakthrough software works in any online niche.

On virtual cruise control after a mere few minutes of set up.

Without spending hours scrounging up free traffic.

Without spending a fortune on paid traffic.

And even without shelling out affiliate commissions – meaning you keep 100% of all sales generated.

Our new technology is so groundbreaking, in fact, that we couldn’t release it to the public prior to filing for intellectual property rights…

Diddly Pay Provisional Patent Form SB16 EFSWEB

Trigger Amazing Results By Pasting

One Simple Button Online…
…some might even call it a magic button.

If you can copy and paste, you have all the technical prowess needed (meaning none) to begin building a cash-on-demand email list

…and an unlimited scalable income

…with our brilliant new technology.

There’s no guessing whether this works.

No wondering.

No questioning.

It flat out does what we built and coded it to do, like a robot taking orders.

And in just a moment I’m going to prove it to you beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Hey, it’s Bryan Winters here on your behalf…

Listen, if you’re one of the countless thousands of people with a burning desire to initiate a substantial online cashflow

But you keep running into dead ends and brick walls…

I understand your frustration better than most.

Life can beat us up and keep kicking us when we’re down.

I used to work in a factory making $12 an hour. I’ve been laid off. I’m twice divorced and have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result. I’ve suffered through horrible anxiety and health issues. And more.

I can’t even imagine where I’d be without money. And lots of it…

Don’t get me wrong. There’s only one God, and it’s not money. I don’t worship money…

But nobody can deny that it’s a valuable tool.

It’s amazing how many problems money solves… Debt. Health issues. Helping others in need of food, shelter, clothing, and medical aid. The list goes on.

I’ve been blessed to make millions of dollars online. It’s obviously helped solve the problems I’ve faced.

But what actually gives me the most satisfaction is being able to help other people solve their problems.

“It’s better to give than to receive.” That old proverb is so true.

I’ve helped others make 5, 6 and even 7 figure incomes online with software and various systems that my team and I have developed from scratch.

But never have I been more excited about bringing a new product to the online marketplace and to you personally than I am right now.

What I’ve got waiting for you is a bonafide invention like nothing else you’ve seen…

An ingenious idea brought to life and 


 to help solve your problems and build financial freedom in a unique way that nothing else can.

This is going to change lives.

It’s that truly powerful. 

Here’s Merely A Small Taste Of What
The Diddly Pay Button Can Do…

Recently recorded video of the Diddly Pay
button – in this case used to siphon in exactly 148
free subscribers and $330 after literally nothing more than just a few minutes of set up.

Here’s What’s

Than The Results You Just Saw…

The 148 leads that I received in the previous video clip are all people who chose to “order” my featured product through Diddly Pay.

DP gives visitors the option to “pay” for products simply by referring others through the Diddly Pay system.

We call this “pay by lead.”

In exchange for referring x number of other Diddly Pay customers to my product (I had it set to 3 leads in our video footage)…

…the referring customers get automated access to the product.

So suddenly – and automatically – I’ve got
148 people who’ve become my affiliates…

…and commission-free affiliates, at that.

In order to access my product, they’ll be sending me free traffic.

And free email subscribers.

But they’ll also be sending me autopilot sales from the 50% or more who pay me with Paypal because they prefer instant product access.

And all of this is triggered with a single button – the Diddly Pay button – on complete autopilot.

All without me having to pay a dime in affiliate commissions…

…meaning I keep 100% of my profits.

But it gets even better…

The cycle I just described has the potential to turn any offer into a viral income machine.

Just think about it...


 new Diddly Pay customer that I get means more potential traffic, leads and sales on true autopilot as that person refers others to get my product for free.

In other words, one active Diddly Pay lead turns into another, which turns into another, and another…

…and there’s no limit to how massive this Diddly Pay referral traffic can grow.

The more compelling your offer, the better your chance of going viral to where you could literally be sitting back growing leads and income without lifting a finger.

All without spending one red cent on Diddly Pay driven traffic. 

And, all without paying a single affiliate commission.

That’s right.

You can literally have an army of “affiliates” promoting your offer without paying them a dime…

…because they’re promoting you to get access to your product, not to make a commission.

That’s how you pocket 100% of the profits on every single sale.

Like I said, Diddly Pay changes the game completely.

Newbies To Pros Are Raving

About Diddly Pay…

Bryan you’ve done it this time! Diddly Pay is a newbies dream. So many income streams.
My online account will be filling with easy money. 10 out of 10 my friend.

Glenn Fedoruk

Bryan’s programs are unique, creative and ahead of their time. Diddly Pay’s brilliant, sophisticated and yet simple system targets a huge evergreen market. The “pay by lead” concept is a win-win for both business owner and buyer. The back office is clean and easy to use – including DONE FOR YOU funnels and very easy to understand tutorials. This is a winner and a system + marketplace that will be around for years to come.

Graham Snell

I’ve followed Bryan’s work and products and he always
brings something unique to the table that can REALLY help newbies succeed online… Having used Diddly Pay
for about a week now I’m really impressed with it as
a means of building leads and email lists as well
as unlimited potential income.

Sachin Kulkami

Diddly Pay is a game changer for both product vendors and affiliate marketers. I’ve generated lots of leads and sales on autopilot using Bryan’s income systems and was simply blown away by what Diddly Pay can do for online marketers. I’ll be aggressively using Diddly Pay on my pages to attract more leads and sales. Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or a product vendor, Diddly Pay is something you cannot afford to miss. Thank you Bryan!

Chyanit Singh

Note: Diddly Pay also includes a built-in FREE

traffic source – the Diddly Pay Marketplace!

You Can Even Use The Diddly Pay Button
To Activate Effortless Affiliate Sales…

Check out this absolutely ingenious affiliate income formula made possible only with Diddly Pay…

The 50% or so that choose the Diddly Pay checkout will be sending traffic and leads to 


 bonus page.

And here again, the whole cycle can go viral depending on how strong your bonus offer is.

This formula is pure gold for affiliate marketers and can work in any niche.

Your Own $397 Value DFY

Web Funnel And Product

What if you don’t have a product, don’t know the first thing about affiliate bonus pages, and don’t even have a web hosting account?

We’ve got you covered.

We’ll automatically set up your new Diddly Pay Vendor Center with a premium $397 value DFY (done for you) webfunnel and built-in product.

Your product was created in-house by our team of experts, and we’ve already done initial testing to confirm that it converts like crazy. Check it out…

Your DFY package enables you to start getting leads and even potentially stuffing your Paypal account with direct payments in as little as 5-10 minutes after logging into your DP Vendor account.

We’ve left nothing out. Most online marketing pros and 6-7 figure income earners have their own products that they use to siphon in leads and sales from referrals.

Now you’ll have the same. You won’t be a “lowly affiliate” any longer, but an actual product owner instantly set up to make 100% profit Paypal sales.

Your DFY webfunnel and product alone is worth the small price of admission to become a Diddly Pay Vendor.

Guaranteed To Work Within 30 Days

You’ll only need a fraction of 30 days (try 24 hours) to see that Diddly Pay flat out works.

And in fact, you’ve already seen the proof with your own eyes.

Nevertheless, we understand that “life happens” and that you can’t always predict not being able to take advantage of an opportunity – even if one this important.

And therefore, you’ve got 30 full days to give Diddly Pay a full test drive. If you find that you need a refund for whatever reason, simply contact us to get your money back…

You’ll even get to keep the leads and income made during your stay as a DP Vendor.

The real risk here is not taking action with Diddly Pay. This isn’t the kind of thing you want to let sit on the back burner.

Take action right now…

Here For Your Success…

I want to take this final moment to thank you for checking out Diddly Pay.

Going back to what I said about money being able to solve a lot of problems…

It’s so true. I’d undoubtedly be in a pretty bleek situation if it weren’t for the kind of income I make online “saving me” when life throws me curve balls.

But not only that. I’m able to live the kind of work-from-home lifestyle that most people only dream of…

What a blessing it is to be able to spend time with my family and friends any time I want, with no day job to worry about.

I’ve worked from cruise ships and 5 star resorts. In Disney World. In Hawaii. You name it.

If you want the Internet lifestyle, you’ve gotta set things in motion. Don’t let skepticism or a few bucks (of all things) stand in your way.

Life is short and now is the time to take action.

Thanks again and I look forward to hearing 

your personal success story

 as a new DP Vendor.

Here for your success,

Bryan Winters


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