24.97 Commission!!! How To Flip Websites Home Study Course

24.97 Commission!!! How To Flip Websites Home Study Course

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You can start to Flip Websites For Profit –

Right now, within the next hour.

From the Desk of: Hal Marquis

Re: YOUR Internet Money-Making Home Study Course: How To Flip Websites For Profit

Dear Passive Income Seeker,

It’s been said that the Internet is the easiest thing that’s hard to do and that the top 5% of Internet Marketers make MORE than the other 95% COMBINED.

Doesn’t that just p_ss you off?

I know it p_ssed me off when I first heard that, but I did something about it. I searched to find out what the top 5% money-making ‘gurus’ were doing and I found out, to my amazement that one of the easiest, quickest and most profitable ways is to flip websites.

It’s called Virtual Real Estate. Buying, selling and renovating Internet-based ‘properties’, websites and now blogs.

Virtual Real Estate is just like in the real world, except you don’t need a real estate license and you can flip websites in hours with very little capital.

A Recession Is The Best Time to Flip Websites

As A Money-Making Hobby

Let me ask you a question:

“How would an extra $1,000 to $3,000 per month

in YOUR bank account change things for you?”

That’s $12,000 to $36,000 per year.

Are you surprised I’m not trying to entice you with hundreds of thousands of dollars – even millions?

Keep reading and I’ll tell you why.

Click here for Instant Access

“Are you sick and tired of hearing that everyone EXCEPT YOU is making ‘easy‘ money on the Internet?”

Then get with the program and invest a little more than a trip to McDonald’s and start making money today/tonight or at the very least THIS week!

BECAUSE once you uncover the MISSING LINK, you’ll learn the simple process of flipping websites for profit that even a fifth grader could follow. You’ll be in a position to create as many additional paychecks as you want… as often as you want… to pay credit card bills or spoil your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband!

The How To Flip Websites Home Study Course comes with an 8-week, 100% money-back guarantee from ClickBank. That means that if for any reason, you’re not satisfied, you get all your money back. Every single penny.

If I am not totally up-front and honest with you, then you’ll either not buy or worse, you’ll buy and then ask for a refund. That doubles the work for me and is a waste of time for both of us.

I only want you to buy this system if you want to:

  • Create a part-time income of $1,000 to $3,000 per month, working no more than 10 hours/week so that you can eventually –
  • Establish a portfolio of websites that you buy and hold that eventually generate up to $50,000 to $100,000 of passive income.

The How to Flip Websites Home Study System will, when you follow it step-by-step, make you real money – really quickly. It’s totally legitimate, legal and based on pure economic principles.

Buy low, sell high.

I’ll teach you to buy low-priced assets: websites, blogs, ebooks, forums, templates, domains, improve them and flip them for 100%, 200% even 500% profit.

It’s dead easy and simple.

BUT, and here’s the catch – most people don’t understand how to do it, get caught by  scammers and fraudsters that when all is said and done, they take so much time that it doesn’t end up being profitable. 

BUT with the “How To Flip Websites” Home Study Course, I show you on-screen what to do to avoid the pitfalls that most people trip over and make sure you focus on the things that make money by getting your sites sold more quickly.

Excited? You should be.

What other hobby, in this economy can you make $100+/hour from home?

So at this point you might be wondering what exactly is “flipping websites?”

It’s creating a website from scratch or buying an existing website with minimal investment of time and money, then turning around and selling it for a big profit which often is 100%, 200% and sometimes more than 500%.

Let me guess… I bet you’re wondering to yourself, “That sounds great but where do I start? And…”

I understand your concerns.

Get Started Now

Before I started flipping websites, I didn’t know the first thing about computers or the Internet, much less “HTML” or other geek-speak!

And then I discovered a crazy thing…

It didn’t matter one bit! Flipping websites is more about applying a step-by-step money-making PROCESS than any “technical” factors or “special” knowledge. In fact geeks and nerds usually can’t make it profitable BECAUSE they make it too complicated!

I’ve now refined that process to the point where you can throw together a “quick and dirty” mini-website and flip it for instant cash within HOURS!

  • Bit low on cash this week? Flip a website.
  • Extra expenses coming up? Flip a website.
  • In between jobs? Flip two or three websites a DAY if you like, all following my simple program.

Work From Home and Make $50,000 to 100,000+/yearIf you’re really keen, you might stop job hunting all together and set yourself up in a deluxe home office… as you create your on-going passive income portfolio of websites that produce $50,000 to $100,000+/year…

BUT before that happens, you need to learn the ropes. You don’t want to do it by trial and terror. You want to get to the point right away, taking the quickest shortcut without cutting corners that could cost you thousands of dollars and hundreds of wasted hours.

This method of making money online is SO simple and SO reliable BECAUSE I’ve now recorded and documented the ENTIRE process into a multimedia Home Study Course.

Click here for Instant Access

My goal is for you to make $100/hour every hour your flipping websites. To do that, you need to learn and develop your Internet money-making skills. That’s why I have included all the following components, modules and BONUSES for you.


Module #1: 6 Multi-Media Video Lessons: $297

Multimedia Video LessonsI’m Going To Show & TellYou Everything You Need To Know To Flip As Many Websites As You Want…

  • Why only content sites should be your focus in the beginning
  • My 6 Step Method for creating your very own Niche Content site that people will pay cash for! These steps are extremely simple
  • How to find a Niche Site A Day and even get it emailed to you, requiring NO work at all.  Best of all, it’s FREE.
  • Once you’ve got your niche, I’ll show you where to find key words that support your niche. (Hint: it’s a website and it’s FREE also)
  • What keywords you should target to start out with and what key words to AVOID at all costs. You’ll thank me for this!
  • How to buy a domain name and the ONE thing you must do with your domain name in order to make your site profitable. Not doing this could cost you thousands!
  • The ONE site you should always order your your domain name from and why. (Hint: the word FREE is involved).
  • Exactly what Google and MSN are looking for, and how to ensure your site is where they find it.
  • Where to get FREE hosting for 2 weeks
  • Where you can get FREE website templates that are perfect if you have ZERO programming skills. And the best part? You can upload them in the matter of minutes. This one tip alone will save you HOURS of work.
  • The ONE thing that should be in the title of your site content. This will greatly increase your search engine results from Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
  • Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) that will greatly enhance your website traffic (and create more value to your site)
  • 3 things your new site must NOT be without in order to monetize it and make it more valuable to a potential buyer.
  • How to create content for your website without typing one word yourself
  • How to take $300 and in less than 6 months, turn it into $30,000. This is one idea that NO ONE is talking about, much less implementing.
  • The 4 essential elements your site must have in order to turn around and make $1,000 immediately
  • With the addition of this one little “tweak”, you can DOUBLE THE VALUE of your content site from $1,000 to $2,000
  • How doing one thing that everyone tells you NOT to do can get you a top 10 ranking on Google and MSN (even if it’s a competitive key word).
  • How you can create instant quality traffic to your site for under $10 per month and where to find it
  • Additional ways to create FREE traffic in only 15 minutes a day
  • The 3 things people are looking for when purchasing a profitable site. Without these you’ll probably never be able to sell your site.
  • Where to sell your site, even if it’s not making a DOLLAR of profit.
  • My Killer Advice for getting your site sold at an online auction
  • FREE Example ad for a site that sold in just hours
  • Where to find existing content sites to “renovate” and flip for quick profits.

Transcriptions of each videoModule #2: Word-For-Word Transcripts Of ALL SIX Multi-Media Video Lessons: $297

  • The reason the transcripts are so important is that even if you think you understand it all when you first watch it, there are always little details that’ll will sneak past you.
  • With a word-for-word transcript, everything is captured. Not a single details is lost. You get all the website URLs, references and resources you need.
  • The best thing about a transcript is that you can search it to find words, phrases and terms you’re looking for INSTANTLY.

How To Flip BlogsModule #3: The “How To Flip Blogs” Report: $47

Even though websites are the predominant Virtual Real Estate (VRE) property you’ll be flipping, blogs have become very popular and equally profitable to flip. There are a few nuances you need to know about which are covered in this concise report.

44 Free TipsModule #4: The “44 FREE Tips, Tactics And Techniques To Market Your Blog To Double or Triple Your Profit When You Flip It!” Report: $67

  • These marketing tips are pure gold for several reasons: First, by knowing what to do, you can quickly, as the title suggests double or triple the blog’s value when you flip it, but there’s another profit-making twist…
  • BECAUSE you’ll know these 44 tips, tactics and techniques, you’ll be able to easily identify the blogs that are NOT using them which makes them profitable purchasing targets – remember… Buy Low, Sell High! Cha-Ching!

Instant PayPal CashModule #5: “How To Flip Websites For Instant PayPal Cash” eBook: $97

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS No-Nonsense, Easy-To-Read Guide to Buying, Building and Selling Websites eBOOK 

  • “Fun Money”: How you can flip websites to create quick cash that so much fun, you’ll start to think it’s like printing your own Monopoly™ money, except this is real! You can use the INSTANT CASH to pay off a credit card bill, spoil your girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband or pay other bills when money gets a little tight.(Page 3, 4)
  • Flip Your First Website: A step-by-step summary is found on page 4 so you build your confidence right away.
    • Step 1: Find A Niche: The top 6 places to look for the money-spinning niches are itemized on page 6 so you don’t waste any time trying to find them on Google. This course is all about putting everything you need at your fingertips so you start to make money within hours.
    • Step 2: Expand Your Niche: Most people don’t know that to create value and make more money, you need to expand your niche, this little-known fact can increase your profits by 20, 30, maybe even 40%. The best part is that you can do this within minutes… Cha-ching!
    • Step 3: How To Buy The Most Profitable Domains At The Lowest Prices. This course is filled with ways to SAVE money so that we you do sell, you make more money BECAUSE you’ve kept your costs at rock-bottom levels.
    • Step 4: How To Create A Content Site. Even though I suggest you buy existing websites, KNOWING hoe to create them will help you value sites properly, which means you’ll be able to pick up on cons and scams and negotiate better prices when you buy and when you become confident, you’ll probably create some sites as part of your portfolio makeovers.
    • Step 5: Where To Buy The Best Sites. As I will be teaching you, there is no need to create your own sites when others are willing to sell them to you. Just like a house, you can mow the lawn, paint the house, clean the carpets and sell the house for a profit – it’s the same thing for websites, I will show you the most reputable and safe places to buy and sell your sites.
    • Step 6: HOW To Sell Your Sites Profitably. Once you have bought and fixed up a site, you need to know HOW to sell it to someone else. This is the key factor that makes this course so profitable. What I am going to reach you can easily add another 100% of profit to a site. For example a $300 site that you would sell for $500 can be sold for an additional $300 or $800. The best part – it takes less than an hour to do it, but most people don’t bother, which is great for you because you’ll stand out and sell your sites even faster!

E-CourseModule #6: Follow-up 6-Step E-Course:  $297

To make sure you’re comfortable with what you’re learning, a 6-step follow e-course is included to give you additional tips, tricks and techniques to fill-in-the-gaps so that this becomes as easy as painting-by-numbers. Each e-course module is designed to take you to the next level of money-making from $1,000/month to $3,000 and then $50,000 to 100,000/year of passive income. I’ve thought of everything you need to make easy ‘fun’ money flipping websites for profit!

Important: With this easy-to-learn system, you can  create your own websites or do what I suggest ->buy existing websites that are crappy, give them a quick makeover and flip them for a profit.

Limited Offer: Gain Access To The

How To Flip Websites

Multimedia Video Home Study Course For…

New Webinar Bonus! Click Here For The Wealth Without Worries Description!


Your order is secure and fully guaranteed by ClickBank

Click Here For Instant Access To The How To Flip Websites Course

This system is so simple yet so powerful that there are literally thousands of opportunities to profit in all sorts of untapped niches. Because of the current economic conditions, this is the best time to get into Virtual Real Estate market – there is NO risk of a financial catastrophe and foreclosures. No interest rate risk.

Now you might be thinking, “How good can this program be if it’s so cheap?” Just take a look at what others are saying who have already purchased this course and are making money RIGHT NOW flipping websites:

“Delighted with the value!”

I just bought this from you and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting all that much for just $49.95.

I have to say, having been through the whole thing I’m delighted with the value. Showing exactly how to do something as clearly as he has is fantastic.

Amin (Full Name & URL withheld to protect privacy of profitable niches)

“Anyone can take this method and run with it…”

Just watched the vids, and they are very well done! This is indeed a very simple method that anyone could take and run with.

Linda (Full Name & URL withheld to protect privacy of profitable niches)

“Students! Stop Flipping Burgers, Start Flipping Websites”

Listen to Jordan, a student making extra income from the comfort of his dorm room, which beats working in fast food or retail job.

This home study program is ideal for students who want to pay off their student loans, tuition fees, textbooks or just have some extra spending money.

Jason sent us an update to his original testimonial to give us an update on his progress

First Video

Second Video

“My first auction went so well!”

Ok, I’m officially happy now since that auction went so well. Although I’ve had a couple of people PM me and tell me I sold it too low.

One of the guys that got outbid sent me a PM and asked me to please let him know when I had another content site ready to sell because he might want to buy it for BIN before I even listed it, so that is cool.

Thanks so much! I would have never thought of creating content sites and selling them if I had not joined your site. Joining your site was the best decision I’ve made since getting into internet marketing.

Beth (Full Name & URL withheld to protect privacy of profitable niches)

Your Testimonial Here…

We want to remove any issues you may have of starting a legitimate online business and not let the financial part get in the way. Besides if you’re not happy for any reason you’ll get every penny back. I’m SO certain you’ll love this course that it comes with my No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee:


Gain Access To ALL The Bonuses AND

This Course Is Yours For Only $49.95

Instant Download

New Webinar Bonus! Click Here For The Wealth Without Worries Description!


Your order is secure and fully guaranteed by ClickBank

Click here for Instant Access to the entire How To Flip Websites Course

Yours Free

It Seems Like Every Simple, Little ThingYou Need To Do Takes A Month To Figure Out!… Not Anymore With These Time And Money-Saving Bonuses!

The Resource ReportThis 37-page value-packed BONUS report details and outlines all the tools Mike Filsaime uses to run his multi-million dollar online  business, with all the junk left our to save you precious time and money. Reading this report could save you thousands of dollars, and more importantly, hundreds of hours of frustrating and totally wasted time.

Wasting time trying to find stuff is why most people DON’T MAKE MONEY FLIPPING WEBSITES. They lose focus. That’s why I have included it as part of the How To Flip Websites Home Study System – I want you to be focused on making money.

  • Newbie Warning: Failure to use a report like this could lead to hundreds of wasted hours which means thousands of dollars left on the table, for no good reason.
  • Autoresponders, Web Hosting, Merchant Accounts, Affiliate Management Tools. If you think you know the answers, you may be surprised. When Flipping Websites For Profit, you need to have QUICK ACCESS to what you need when renovating a site.
  • Audio Tools, Audio Editing Software, Flow Chart Software, Graphic Software, Mind Map Software. This is cool stuff to help you become MORE profitable once you get the hang of things.
  • Teleseminar Hosting,  Domain Registration, Screen Recording Software, Streaming Audio and Video Tools. When you make more than $3,000/month and start to buy and hold properties in your Virtual Real Estate Portfolio, these tools will come in handy as you put your income on auto-pilot.
  • Voice Broadcasting, Transcription Services, Web Conference Software
  • Physical Product Fulfillment Services, Outsourcing Solutions, Podcast Receiver, Email Management, Password Management and Form Fillers.
  • Link Cloakers, Click Tracking, Split Testing Software, ClickBank Accounting Tools, URL Rotators
  • And So Much More..

This Report Will Provide Shockingly

Incredible Resources For Any

Virtual Real Estate Agent and Investor.

Make Sure You Keep It Handy

As You Build Your

Virtual Real Estate Empire

Click By Click…

In this 65-page treasure trove, you’ll discover hundreds of software tools and services guaranteed to take your Virtual Real Estate Portfolio to new revenue highs. As a novice website flipper, you may need only a handful of these, but like I’ve said before, I want you to make money and not waste anytime trying to find stuff you need. That’s why I am giving you all the tools you need to build your passive income empire

“This is required resource for all Virtual Real Estate Agents and Investors Who Want To Make SERIOUS Money – Cutting To The Chase.”

“This is one of the best and most comprehensive general guides for Internet business around, hands down. I don’t know of anything as comprehensive or up to date.

It will easily save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours looking for the right resource or wasting time with ones that don’t work. I’m pretty careful about what I endorse as I get older and crustier, but I endorse this without a moment’s hesitation.”

Mark Joyner, #1 Best-Selling Author of “Simpleology” and the “Internet Guru’s Guru”.

Internet Marketer's Little Black BookThe Internet Marketer’s Little Black Book is a 65 page directory of the best, proven resources, to help you explode your Flipping Websites Business.

It’s not crammed full of affiliate links, and it contains no filler.  It’s simply an itemized and categorized listing of the tools and resources you need to get it done right the first time so you don’t waste your valuable time on trial and error.

Below is a sample of what you’ll find in The Internet Marketer’s Little Black Book

  • Advertising Resources (traffic) – Pages 10 – 12 – where to go to create hoards of traffic bearing down on your website from all directions.
  • Audio (editing, conversion, etc.) – Pages 14 – 15 – how to create slick, multimedia programs using mostly free and dirt cheap software and services
  • Blogs (announcers, tricks, plug ins, etc.) – Page 17 – the hidden tools and tricks that 95% of Internet Marketers have NO clue about.
  • ClickBank (software, tools, etc.) – Page 19 – so you can leverage the World’s #1 Marketplace of digital products – as a vendor OR affiliate!
  • Competitive Intelligence (spying) – Page 22 – yes, you really can know more about your competitors’ traffic and conversion than they probably know themselves!
  • Customer Support (outsourcing and virtual assistants) – Page 26 – so you can totally take care of the support function to allow you to concentrate on MAKING MONEY.
  • Duplication (CD & DVD Duplication) – Page -30 – here are a bunch of places to go to create professional quality CD and DVD products
  • eBay (auction tools and CRM) – Page 31 – eBay is another worthwhile marketplace to consider – these tools will make you into a “Power Seller” in no time!
  • Email (list building software, list management tools, etc.) – Page 32 – what separates the Internet Marketing “minnows” from the Big Fish? That’s right, LISTS. You’ll learn how to build your list faster and easier with these tools.
  • Fulfillment (physical product fulfillment) – Page 35 – free yourself from the grind of stuffing envelopes and shipping products
  • Graphics (stock photography, graphics design, etc.) – Pages 36 – 37 – gain access to whole libraries of awesome graphics and designs that it would take a fortune in design costs to replicate.
  • Keywords (research, analysis, etc.) – Page 38 – keyword = profit opportunities. Here’s how to sniff out the best keywords like a gundog with the scent of blood.
  • Legal (copyright, trademark, etc.) – Page 39 – you won’t get into legal hot water, if you take advantage of these resources.
  • Miscellaneous (you just have to see these 😉 – Pages 42 – 44
  • Pay Per Click (tools, software, fraud detection, etc.) – Page 47 – don’t make the mistake of “flying blind” when it comes to PPC.

  • Publicity (services, press release distribution) – Pages 49 – 50 – crack the code of online PR to drive traffic and media interest to your sites, products and projects.
  • RSS (advertising, software, etc.) – Page 50 – are you harnessing RSS to build loyal fans, subscribers and customers? These tools will help.
  • Research (niche research tools) – Pages 51 – 52 – super profits are waiting to be found in select niches. These tools will help you track them down.
  • Search Engine Optimization (training, software, etc.) – Pages 53 – 54 – it’s the holy grail — FREE traffic!
  • Surveys (hosted and server side survey software) – Page 58 – the fastest way to strike it rich online is to ASK people what they want… then give it to them!
  • Traffic (member sites, software, etc.) – Pages 59 – 60 – MORE traffic ideas, many of which are “outside the box”.
  • Video (creation, editing, etc.) – Page 61 – if a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? This section will help you create high impact video content that will WOW your customers .
  • Web Design (editors, software, services, etc.) – Pages 62 – 63 – makes web design a cinch, when you know how
  • Web Other (too cool to leave out, too hot to categorize 😉 – Page 65

Visitor Value ChecklistThis comprehensive checklist of exponential marketing strategies will make sure you use as many money-enhancing tips and techniques to maximise the value you create for your websites. Each one can increase profits 50% to 100%, depending on how you implement it. With 32 ideas, you’ll be able to hand-pick the top 3, 4 or 5 strategies for each site so that you get the best bang for your buck.

Traffic Generation ChecklistTraffic is what people pay for when they buy websites BECAUSE more traffic means MORE MONEY. This all-inclusive checklist will remind you, in one quick glance what’s available and you can cherry-pick the top 1, 2 or 3 strategies you want to implement to improve your site traffic so you can sell your websites for 2 or 3 times what you paid. When you become an experienced website flipper, you’ll be using 10 or more of these on you cash-cow sites that are within your passive income portfolio.

Super Secret Strategies

  • As a subscriber to the “How To Flip Websites” Home Study Course System, you will receive additional bonuses that are top secret. Each one is a cutting-edge strategy, tactic or tip that can add hundreds of dollars to the flip of a website, 20 to 30% increase in a website’s income or 30 to 40% increase in traffic for your passive income portfolio properties.
  • The reason these bonuses are secret is because they are sent to you ‘on demand’ as they are created. With hundreds of Virtual Real Estate Agents and Investors, I am constantly refining the course materials and updating them with PDF files, audio and video segments, checklists, templates, Mind Maps and transcripts.
  • Once you register for the course, you will automatically get these delivered to your inbox.

I will show you exactly why creating and flipping niche content sites has never been so easy or PROFITABLE and how it can be done in just a few hours a week with hardly any up front cash.

You can work from home, first as a money-making hobby, then turn it into a wealth-creation full-time effort, making more money every step of the way, with NO RISK, on a cash-flow positive basis

Here’s What You’ll Learn Each Week In The

“How To Flip Websites” Home Study Course

Each lesson in the How To Flip Websites Home Study System comes loaded with step-by-step “screen capture” video that shows you EXACTLY WHAT to do and HOW to do it… right on your own computer screen! There’s no better way to quickly gain the critical skills you need to make money flipping websites PLUS you get word-for-word transcripts of ALL videos so you can search for stuff quickly and easily!

In this course you’ll discover…

  • Step-by-step, click-by-click exactly WHAT to do and HOW to do it (you literally watch on your computer screen what I’m doing on my screen, pause the “screen capture” video, and go DO it yourself on your computer.)
  • I’ll fill in all the blanks those other ”gurucourses leave out or brush aside by telling you “it’s so simple everybody already knows how to do it.”
  • You’re NOT a ‘dummy’! The only reason you haven’t flipped a website or blog yet or gotten results from those other courses you’ve bought (or seminars you’ve attended) is because nobody has shown you the “nuts and bolts” of HOW to do it… until now!

Here’s a list of the skills you need in order be successful with this course. (Please check the box next to each skill to make sure you have all the required skills.)

  • You know how to use a computer keyboard and have basic typing skills, even if it’s the old “hunt and peck” method…
  • You can surf the web, click links, send email, navigate to web addresses and generally “get around” on the Internet… You know that Google is the name of a company AND a verb!
  • You know there’s a difference between “left mouse click” and “right mouse click”…
  • You know what “copy and paste” means…
  • You can use Microsoft Office programs like Word and Excel
  • You know the difference between a crappy looking website, a nice one
  • You own a PC or Mac and have Internet access
  • You have a burning desire to learn, once and for all, how YOU can set up your own money-making system flipping websites

When you answer YES to all of these questions, then you can feel confident that you have the skills necessary to complete this course… and quickly and easily start to flip websites for profit!

If you don’t like the How To Flip Websites Home Study Course, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations for ANY reason at all:

  • If you find the information too difficult to follow…
  • If you can’t turn this info into cash with just a few hours of work…
  • If you decide that making money flipping websites isn’t for you after all…
  • Heck, even it you don’t like the color scheme on the videos!

…then you can simply request a 100%, No Questions Asked Refund of the entire purchase price.

You either love the How To Flip Websites Home Study Course, or you get a full refund. There is no way you can lose!

So Let’s Get To The Bottom Line…

Module #1: 6 Multi-Media Video Lessons: $297

OK, this is the core of the course. You get to literally look over my shoulder as I take you through the WHOLE ENTIRE PROCESS of flipping a website for real cash. Nothing is left to chance. It’s step-by-step, click-by-click. Just copy what I do and you too will earn cash each and every day, just like me.

Module #2: 6 Word-For-Word Transcripts Of The Multi-Media Video Lessons: $97

The reason the transcripts are so important is that even if you think you understand it all when you first watch it, there are always little details that’ll will sneak past you. With a word-for-word transcript, everything is captured. Not a single details is lost. You get all the website URLs, references and resources you need.

The best thing about a transcript is that you can search it to find words, phrases and terms you’re looking for INSTANTLY.

Module #3: The “How To Flip Blogs” Report: $27

Even though websites are the predominant Virtual Real Estate (VRE) property you’ll be flipping, blogs have become very popular and equally profitable to flip. There are a few nuances you need to know about which are covered in this concise report

Module #4: The “44 FREE Tips, Tactics And Techniques To Market Your Blog To Double or Triple Your Profit When You Flip It!” Report: $67

These marketing tips are pure gold for several reasons: First, by knowing what to do, you can quickly, as the title suggests double or triple the blog’s value when you flip it, but there’s another profit-making twist… BECAUSE you’ll know these 44 tips, tactics and techniques, you’ll be able to easily identify the blogs that are NOT using them which makes them profitable purchasing targets – remember… Buy Low, Sell High! Cha-Ching!

Module #5: “How To Flip Websites For Instant PayPal Cash” eBook: $97

It’s all here in 6 Easy Steps. You get every detail of the Flip Websites Now process for you to ethically “steal” and start making cash within hours. Nothing has been left to chance. I have anticipated your every question and provided the answers right on the page!

Module #6: 6-Step Follow-up E-Course:  $297

To make sure you’re comfortable with what you’re learning, a 6-step follow e-course is included to give you additional tips, tricks and techniques to fill-in-the-gaps so that this becomes as easy as painting-by-numbers. Each e-course module is designed to take you to the next level of money-making from $1,000/month to $3,000 and then $50,000 to $100,000/year of passive income. I’ve thought of everything you need to make easy ‘fun’ money flipping websites for profit!

Bonus #1: The Resource Report $97

This 37-page value-packed report details and outlines all the tools Mike Filsaime uses to run his multi-million dollar online  business, with all the junk left our to save you precious time and money. Reading this report could save you thousands of dollars , and more importantly, hundreds of hours of frustrating and totally wasted time.

Wasting time trying to find stuff is why most people DON’T MAKE MONEY FLIPPING WEBSITES. They lose focus. That’s why I have included it as part of the How To Flip Websites Home Study System – I want you to be focused on making money.

Bonus 2: The Internet Marketer’s Little Black Book $47

In this 65-page treasure trove, you’ll discover hundreds of software tools and services guaranteed to take your Virtual Real Estate Portfolio to new revenue highs. As a novice website flipper, you may need only a handful of these, but like I’ve said before, I want you to make money and not waste anytime trying to find stuff you need. That’s why I am giving you all the tools you need to build your passive income empire.

Bonus 3: Visitor Value Checklist   $47

This comprehensive checklist of exponential marketing strategies will make sure you use as many money-enhancing tips and techniques to maximise the value you create for your websites. Each one can increase profits 50% to 100%, depending on how you implement it. With 32 ideas, you’ll be able to hand-pick the top 3, 4 or 5 strategies for each site so that you get the best bang for your buck.

Bonus 4: Traffic Generation Checklist  $47

Traffic is what people pay for when they buy websites BECAUSE more traffic means MORE MONEY. This all-inclusive checklist will remind you, in one quick glance what’s available and you can cherry-pick the top 1, 2 or 3 strategies you want to implement to improve your site traffic so you can sell your websites for 2 or 3 times what you paid. When you become an experienced website flipper, you’ll be using 10 or more of these on you cash-cow sites that are within your passive income portfolio.

Bonus 5: Super Secret Strategies $497

As a subscriber to the “How To Flip Websites” Home Study Course System, you will receive additional bonuses that are top secret. Each one is a cutting edge strategy, tactic or tip that can add hundreds of dollars to the flip of a website, 20 to 30% increase in a website’s income or 30 to 40% increase in traffic for your passive income portfolio properties. The reason these bonuses are secret is because they are sent to you ‘on demand’ as they are created. With hundreds of Virtual Real Estate Agents and Investors, I am constantly refining the course materials and updating them with PDF files, audio and video segments, checklists, templates, MindMaps and transcripts. Once you register, you will automatically get these delivered to your inbox.


Why Is The Price of Your “How To Flip Websites” Home Study Course So Cheap Compared To All The Other “Guru” Courses Out There Costing At Least $1,000 or More?

Good question. The reasons I’m practically giving this course away are:

  1. First, I know it’s hard to get started with any money-making venture, Virtual Real Estate is no different. You worked hard for the money you have and I want to give you the opportunity to make a LOT MORE, but with a LOT LESS blood sweat and tears. All you need to do is take a chance and bet on yourself. As a hobby, flipping websites will pay you $100/hour or more, but it has to start somewhere. This course will get you started. A $1,000 investment is a lot to ask don’t you think?
  2. Second, I have automated all the course content delivery. There is no manual intervention involved, so you get to save. At this low-ball price, as you would expect, I am selling a LOT more courses BECAUSE it’s cheaper, so you benefit as so all the others who buy it. It’s called economies of scale. You can’t benefit unless you buy the course.
  3. Third, the concept of Virtual Real Estate is all about buying LOW and selling HIGH. I need to get this message to you as quickly as possible because web and blog property prices are only going up. If I wait for you to make a $1,000 decision for a more expensive program, you’ll have lost $5,000, $10,000 or maybe even $15,000 in profits… The time is now, to get in BEFORE the bubble starts. NOW is when it’s time to get in, at bargain-basement prices.
  4. Last, but most importantly, I believe that if for every $1 you invest you make $2, $3, or $5, you’re going to get excited. This course is specifically designed to give you all the easy-to-learn basic strategies that even a fifth grader could implement – in fact, some people get their kids in on this and as a TEAM, they make more than enough to pay the mortgage – How cool is that? I consider that rewarding, fun and inspiring.

That about wraps things up…

Register today and you’ll be joining the hundreds of students who have since graduated to become Virtual Real Estate Agents and Investors, people who are taking action and creating their Virtual Real Empire click-by-click to Passive Income that exceeds $50,000 to $100,000 running on auto-pilot…

Welcome aboard,

Hal Marquis

Hal Marquis



If you have any doubts at this stage, then all I can say is “This is not for you.” The Internet is a limitless money-making universe that runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which means you can go to bed and wake up with more cash in your bank account when you wake up every morning. If that isn’t of interest to you, then flipping websites for profit is not for you.

The How To Flip Websites Multimedia Video Home Study Course is designed for someone who is a little cash-strapped, knows how to surf the web, likes to be online and wants to make $100/hour with a hobby that can turn into a $50,000 to $100,000/year passive income stream. Imagine what that would be like, to have an extra $1,000 to $3,000/month coming in without quitting your job? It’s 2 evenings/week or a rainy Saturday or Sunday every two weeks…

But it’s not for everyone, after all, like I said – only 5% of people make money on the Internet, the other 95% don’t. They don’t learn the strategies the money-makers use and therefore keep surfing the web waiting for something to happen – but it never does.

If you want to get out of credit card debt and start learning how to make $100+/hour today/tonight, even if it’s 2 AM, click here.

Otherwise bookmark this page and come back to it in when your next credit card bill is due. You can look at it then and realize that by NOW you could have made THAT much money to pay it all off, but you didn’t. When you do come back, don’t make the same mistake twice – register for the course and get rid of your credit card debt by the time the next payment is due!

Psst! by the way, the best part about flipping websites is that you can do it from home, in your underwear!

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