How To Inspire Your Husband To Stop Looking At Other Women

How To Inspire Your Husband To Stop Looking At Other Women

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“Seven Types Of Men And What They

Teach Us About Men And Their Wandering Eyes”

If your husband looks at other women, watching this short

video all the way to the end can provide answers to the

on the hearts of millions of women all around the world…



People all around the world are INVESTING in their relationships with this HUSBAND STOP LOOKING SYSTEM

Quotes from the Author of,

“How to INSPIRE Your Husband to

STOP LOOKING at Other Women”

“Help…My Husband Looks

at Other Women”

Are you READY for an AMAZINGLY POWERFUL method that can


Wouldn’t you like to take the WANDER out of your man’s eyes and STOP silently suffering from his stares at other women every time you go out

Wouldn’t you like to feel comfortable in your own skin again and not have to feel you are in CONSTANT COMPETITION FOR YOUR HUSBAND’S ATTENTION…Wouldn’t you like to discover the secret it takes to ROCKET YOUR HUSBAND’S HEART and INSPIRE
him to MONOGAMOUS EYES that come from


your husband looks at other women how do you handle it?

know how it usually goes. You’re out on a date with your husband and his eyes
seem to wander to the blonde with the low-cut top sitting nearby or the redhead
sashaying by your table.

find yourself wanting to S C R E A M,

Trying not to make a scene, though, you do what you always do when your husband
looks at other women. You suffer silently and blow it off, but on the inside
those thoughts once again go through your head;

not unattractive, so why do I

always seem to be competing for

my husband’s attention?”

Inside you find it despicable!

Inside you find it disturbing!

Inside you find it disheartening!

Those same old feelings of frustration begin to surface!

You start wondering if you will ever
be enough.

No More Silent Suffering

wouldn’t it be great to not have to
live with your husband always looking at other women when you are around?

it be great to not have to wonder what he is doing with his eyes when
you’re not around?

Wouldn’t you like to take your relationship with your man to a better place finally free of this issue?

Ladies, I want you to catch the excitement and the possibilities of saying GOODBYE and GOOD RIDDANCE to this issue in your marriage.

Just Imagine…

  • No more confrontation battles
  • No more silent suffering
  • No more denials from him that he wasn’t looking at
    other women
  • No more feelings of worthlessness or comparing yourself
    to  other women
  • No more lame excuses from your man like:

All men look!

It’s just in a man’s nature

to look at other women!”

“Just because I’m not eating doesn’t

I can’t still look at the menu.”

“Why are women so insecure and jealous?”

These are the type of excuses women all around the world are getting from their husbands who can’t stop looking at other women.

there’s a better way!

  • Ladies, your man can have a deep love of YOU
    and ONLY YOU!
  • He can become so laser focused on you that entertaining other women with his eyes isn’t even on his mind!
  • He can become so swept away in his heart by you that his eyes (and
    his heart) want only you!
  • You can become the indescribable woman in your man’s
    life you’ve always wanted to be!

really very simple…


It isn’t the norm…

It isn’t commonly known…

It isn’t practiced or understood by
most women…

what’s a girl to do?

You have to get him to turn on the
right switch in his own mind.

There are some things he needs to notice that can have you living BIG in his world and other women living small.

There are some things you need to establish that can have him less interested in looking at other women.

Quotes from the Author of,

“How to INSPIRE Your Husband to

STOP LOOKING at Other Women”

Not only do you get, “How to Inspire Your Husband

to Stop Looking at Other Women”
, you ALSO
get the


You Can’t
Be a
Man of Steel if You

Keep Playing with Kryptonite

“You Can’t Be a Man of Steel if You Keep Playing with Kryptonite is
a 30 Day Action Plan helping a
man honor his wife in the battle each man faces with lust. If you’re
frustrated with your husband’s wandering eyes, ladies, this resource will give you hope that things can be different.

This resource can give you back that man you married who only seemed to have eyes for you. It will move his heart to GO LOOK AGAIN AT YOU THE WAY HE USED TO LOOK AT YOU BACK WHEN LOVE WAS NEW.

This resource will impact the hearts of all men who take
on its
challenge, and it will move the hearts of these men closer to their
wives. In a unique way, each man through this resource is challenged to
HONOR his wife more
endearingly, CLEAVE to her more affectionately, COMMIT to her more
courageously and LOVE her more deeply
than ever before.

Give this book 30 Days and it can CHANGE YOUR MARRIAGE. I dare ANY MAN to take
the challenge of this book and not be more IN LOVE with his wife than ever
before. It’s that powerful!

Quotes from the Author of,

“How to INSPIRE Your Husband to

STOP LOOKING at Other Women”

Now Let’s Look at What a Woman Longs For

a Woman So Longs For

  • A woman’s heart wants the love and security of knowing
    she is THE ONE in her man’s heart.
  • A woman wants her husband’s vision for his marriage to
    be more important to him than the next “hot” girl walking by.
  • A woman wants to know the relationship she is building her life on is a place of safety
    and security for her heart.
  • A woman wants to see her man’s HEART LEADING HIS EYES
    and not his EYES LEADING HIS HEART.
  • A woman wants to feel that the love her man
    has for her is a SAFE PLACE for the love she has for him.

Women all around the world are yearning for their men to get this right. Many of them are not.

A woman likes it when her husband’s eyes are trustworthy.

She just does!

End of story!

When his eyes are trustworthy, she feels he is showing value to her and
honoring their marriage.

Ladies, you can have him chasing
YOU, flirting with YOU, thinking longingly of YOU and wanting only YOU in his
heart and in his eyes.

You can get so deep into him that his heart blocks out those little
distractions of other women so many men fawn over.

You can make him adore YOU and ONLY YOU!


are notorious for being able to touch a woman’s body but not touch her heart.

Men are notorious at letting their hearts get married while their eyes still
“play the field.”

Men are notorious for running to beauty that is fleeting with their eyes and
fleeing from beauty that is lasting with their hearts.

But YOU can make his heart and his
eyes connect with the powerful, intelligent, beautiful and irresistible woman
standing in front of him – YOU!

You can make him passionate, connected and present with his heart AND with his


Ladies, if your husband looks at other women and you wish you knew how to get him to stop, don’t gamble with your heart on this issue any longer.

Way too many women postpone their happiness and continue to live with this in their relationships.

What I’m offering here is receiving worldwide acceptance and is being purchased and downloaded all around the world. Yet, tens of thousands of women come here and simply go away continuing to live with all the brokenness this issue causes in their marriages.

Ladies, here’s your chance to NOT WALK AWAY and to finally GIVE THIS ISSUE A KNOCKOUT PUNCH in your marriage.

Don’t settle for a relationship where your husband looks at other
women and makes you feel less than enough!

Don’t settle for being the woman he comes home to but whose eyes went home with
all the other women he visually obsessed over in his day!

Don’t just accept it as being, “just the way it is” that he hangs out
at his computer getting his nightly porn fix!

You are of greater worth than that!

You are more deserving than that!

You deserve a relationship that has your husband’s heart AND his eyes focused
on you every day!


If your husband looks at other women, get
ready for some eye-opening insights on this subject. The right information can equip
a woman with what she needs to help make looking
at other women have less of a pull on her man’s life.

if your husband looks at other women, it is time to use those things that are already part of a woman’s relational DNA
for nurturing deep relationships to…

Capture His Heart and Elevate

Your Value in His Eyes

If your husband looks at other women, it’s
time to use the POWER a woman naturally has for relational nurturing to connect
your husband’s eyes with his heart.

I can show you how to have…


Quotes from the Author of,

“How to INSPIRE Your Husband to

STOP LOOKING at Other Women”

Some of What’s Inside

The eyes of a man so easily
betray his heart! They have him distancing himself from his world with
his wife while he plays closeness with women distant from his world. pg. 45

If our daughters didn’t grow
up watching the value men place on looking at women like they do,
perhaps more of them wouldn’t grow up using their bodies to be valued
like they do. pg. 96

STOP doing the things that DON’T
WORK! Things like:

  • Confrontational challenges and
    demands that he stop looking at other women
  • Lecturing and threatening him
    to get him to listen
  • Letting it go and pretending
    he’s not doing it
  • Pleading with him to stop
    looking at other women in front of you
  • Secretly sulking and suffering
    while giving him the silent treatment

What men are so often given by their wives is CONFRONTATION. If their husband looks at other women, they think that confronting him about it will motivate change enough in him to make him stop. 


simply stifles the bad behavior!

many cases, the confrontation just makes him more determined to gawk and stare at other

I do understand the desire to

strike a knee to the groin…

But a knee to the groin is just
another form of confrontation.

might feel good to the woman whose husband looks at other women to knock
certain body parts up to his Adam’s Apple; it might even change his actions while
he’s out with his wife,

man confronted doesn’t stop;

he often just goes into “Secret Agent Man” mode and

feeds his visual
appetites under the radar.

Is this what women really want?

I don’t think so!

What women really want is a man with…

Monogamous Eyes that

Come from a Monogamous Heart.

Get ready for the most comprehensive and detailed information resources of its
kind on this subject of why a husband looks at other women.

will not find a resource like this anywhere, and it is one that will shake the
very foundations of what people often accept and believe about why a husband
looks at other women.

Husband Stop Looking System is written by an author with a decade of writing experience
on the subject of lasting relationships. An author who recognizes a very
important reality often overlooked when discussing what to do when your husband
looks at other women.

That reality is…

…there are way too many men spinning their wheels pouring
energy into superficial fantasies fueled by their eyes instead of GETTING ON

Imagine right now…

on dates with your husband and experiencing that he is giving you the gift of
HEART and EYES at home so you are able to…

  • Fully live your life without the constant feelings of
    competition and comparisons
  • Not have to live in constant fear of
    quicksand commitment
  • Rest knowing you are the true focus of his heart

  • Not have to be living in unsettled fear of getting your
    heart broken

is really what women want and what we’re talking about isn’t it?

more than just REQUIRING her husband to stop looking at other women, it is
INSPIRING him to change his HEART which leads HIM to change how he manages his EYES.

about bringing him to a place where HIS HEART begins LEADING HIS EYES instead
of his eyes leading his heart.

The Best Part of all this is…

  • You don’t have to try to be more like the women he
    stares at to get your husband to stop looking at other women
  • You now don’t have to wonder if a little weight gain on
    you is the reason your husband looks at other women
  • Your kid’s hearts sense a change for the better in the
    atmosphere of their home life
  • Other people are starting to comment about how you and
    your husband look so in love
  • Passion in the bedroom has never been so good


is just a little of what is

covered in this one-of-a-kind…




You will get to know 7 types of men and what they teach us about men and their
wandering eyes.

Chances are really great that you
are dating or married to one of these seven types of men and don’t even know
it. Getting familiar with these seven types of men will go a long way at
helping a wife/girlfriend better understand the man in her life, and better understand his
wandering eyes. It will help her get a better grip on why her husband looks at
other women so much.

More of What’s Inside

Men often use the “Men Are Visual” card as if
that gives them a “Get Out of Jail Free” card for their
wandering eyes. Being visual doesn’t free a man to be irresponsible with
the heart of the woman he holds in his hands. pg. 16

Visual interests in a woman’s beauty is natural,
necessary, and part of the human experience for a man, but wise is the man
funneling that natural wiring into the circuit board of life supplying light,
life and energy to his heart – HIS WIFE. pg. 25

Here’s More of what’s Included in My “Husband Stop Looking System”

  • The RAS Switch and why this is the one thing a man turns on in his head as he starts
    his day that makes him more likely to ogle women pg. 27
  • The Mr. Potato Head Syndrome that makes men chase after FANTASY and miss out on enjoying life with a REAL WOMAN in a REAL RELATIONSHIP that offers him REAL LOVE pgs. 35 & 36

  • Why “no harm in looking as long as he comes home to me” works AGAINST a woman who wants her husband to stop looking at other women pg. 13
  • Why just stopping her husband from looking at other women is not
    the real objective a woman should have if she truly wants her husband to stop looking at other women  – pg. 49
  • Why a woman’s weight gain is not the real reason her
    husband looks at other women pg.
  • The one thing a man craves from his wife more than SEX and how her giving him this will so fill his heart with affection for her he begins losing interest in other women pgs. 64 – 65
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective Husbands Who Do Not Ogle Other Women and the AWESOME power they hold to make a man truly begin focusing on his wife  pgs. 94 – 123

  • Five reasons it matters to a woman that her husband
    looks at other women pgs. 32 – 36
  • The shocking power a woman has (and doesn’t even know it) that she can use if her husband looks at
    other women –
    pg. 5
  • What a wife must get her husband to commit to if she wants to truly be his focus in life pgs.
  • The BIG reason a husband looks at other women and why his wife filling up his mind is the key to him learning to turn this off pg. 36
  • Why relationship boundaries matter and are often a big reason a woman can feel so frustrated that her husband looks at other women pg. 39
  • Why changing A HUSBAND’S BEHAVIOR (making him stop looking at other women) is not as important as CHANGING HIS HEART pg. 50
  • The SEX IS ABOUT EMBRACE Principle a woman MUST inspire in her man to get him to stop looking at other women
    pg. 56
  • Why pornography has such a pull on men and what his
    wife can give him that can help release its grip on his life pgs. 90 & 91

  • If a woman can inspire THIS in her husband, he will not only control his eyes when he is around his wife, he will control them when he is away from his wife pg. 112 & 113

  • The one thing a wife can get her husband to do that will have him celebrating HER more than ever in his life pgs. 151 & 152

Plus You’ll Also Get

“You Can’t Be a MAN OF STEEL if You

Keep Playing with

This eBook is a 30-DAY ACTION PLAN for husbands helping them HONOR THEIR WIVES in the battle each man faces with lust

A Husband Will Discover…

  • Why his wife needs to see his eyes being trustworthy
  • Why he should become the FOREMOST AUTHORITY ON HIS WIFE
  • Why
    the greatest gift a man can give his wife is the gift of his commitment
    and why that commitment is hard for her to buy IF HIS EYES AREN’T

  • Why he must learn to love his love story (his relationship with his wife)
  • Why he must GUARD HIS EYES and make the love he has for his wife a SAFE PLACE for the love she has for him
  • Why
    he must make his wife feel CHOSEN EVERY DAY and why what he does with
    his eyes matters if he wants her to truly feel she’s his choice
  • Why
    he must become like a Firewall/Virus Protector and stand in opposition
    against the TROJANS of lust around him that can infiltrate his mind and
    destroy his marriage
  • Why
    he needs to let his wife see his eyes making the same promise to her as
    his heart, and why the more she sees him GUARDING HIS EYES the more she
    feels he is GUARDING HER HEART

Much Is This One-of-a-Kind

Product Going to Cost Me?

Before I answer that, let me ask you
some questions…

Question: How
much is not having this resource already costing you? I guarantee it’s more
than what you’ll pay for it!

  • Frustration that your husband looks at other women
  • Feelings of anger and resentment that your husband looks at other women
  • Growing resentment and disgust that leaves you sickened at the man you feel he has become

  • Struggles with your own self image because your husband
    looks at other women
  • Uncertainties about the security of your relationship

  • Choosing to stay at home instead of going out on dates with your man because his wandering eyes bother you so much

  • Battleground moments in your relationship that leave
    you both in despair because your husband looks at other women

If your husband looks at other women, I can promise you this product will SAVE you more in your relationship than
it will cost you!

The RESULTS of this product to help you work through the pain this issue has brought to your marriage for too many sleepless nights can’t be measured.  

are couples who battle with this for years until their relationships end with
great resentment and heartbreak (not to mention the heartbreak and resentment
they feel in their everyday journey together).

When a husband looks at other women I’ve seen it rip couples apart.

It doesn’t have to be this way!


Think of this as a PASSPORT AWAY FROM THE PAIN this issue has brought to your relationship!

The average couple invests more annually in garbage bags than they do their relationship, and then they wonder why their marriage is in the dumps.

This is one of those issues in a marriage that women will just go on living with the daily/weekly emotional pain it causes instead of MAKING THE DECISION TO GET OFF THE MERRY-GO-ROUND. Ladies, this resource is your chance to GET OFF THE MERRY-GO-ROUND!

Don’t come here, kick the tires a little bit, and then just go right back to the same world of pain your husband’s wandering eyes have brought to your marriage. I’m offering you an adventure in knowledge on how to handle this in your relationship. Don’t miss it!

Question: How much have you spent in your marriage on shoes, makeup, trips to the hair salon and clothing to feel more attractive for your husband?

When I discuss this with my wife and other women, the amounts over the years can be $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 or more that they spend.

How much do you spend?

Has that given you the passion, love and commitment from your husband you crave? Has that resulted in your husband being more loyal to you all the way to his eyes? I believe a woman loves it when her husband’s loyalty and commitment to her reaches all the way to his eyes.

I want this for you!

Question: How
much is the cost of a one hour session with a marriage counselor where you

The rate where I’m from starts at $150-$200 an hour

Since most marriage counselors see couples one session a week for the first
three months, you can expect to pay well over $1200 in that period of time if their rates are around $150/hr.

Question: If you get this resource and at the end of the day to day connection with your
husband is hope, harmony and healing where discord, discouragement and drama
used to exist because your husband looks at other women, did it really
cost you anything?

~ There’s no price tag you can put
on a happy marriage

~ Having a husband whose eyes are in
tune with his heart to be supercharged by his wife – YOU, is worth just about

A husband with monogamous eyes
coming from a monogamous heart just sounds good doesn’t it?

This product will not cost you $1,200!

It will not cost you a $150 session
fee with a Counselor!

I’m not even going to charge half of
that $150.

You get this one-of-a-kind resource

for only $37.00

Most Weddings cost between $7,000 –
$20,000 just to get Two becoming One started. $37.00 is just a drop in the
bucket in comparison to help keep TWO becoming ONE going.

you invest in your relationship with, “How to Inspire Your Husband to Stop
LOOKING at Other Women,”
here is what you get in this HUSBAND STOP LOOKING

get, “How to Inspire Your Husband to
Stop Looking at Other Women.”
  Plus, you get the THREE
VOLUME set of 240 “Reflections on
Marriage, Men and their Wandering Eyes.”
  These resources
will help a woman better understand her own feelings about this issue, and
better help her know how to communicate about it with her husband.

get Stan’s latest eBook in this


“You Can’t
Be a
Man of Steel if You

Keep Playing with

a 30 Day Action Plan helping a
man honor his wife in the battle each man faces with lust. This resource
is designed to impact the hearts of all men who take on its
challenge and move their hearts closer to their wives. I dare ANY MAN to
the challenge of this book and not be more IN LOVE with his wife than
before. It’s that powerful!

You get NINE fabulous resources

including FOUR SUPER BONUSES bringing the entire value of this HUSBAND STOP LOOKING SYSTEM to over $200.00


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“How to Inspire Your Husband

to Stop LOOKING at Other Women”

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your husband looks at other women and monogamous eyes that come from a
monogamous heart sounds great to you, this resource can help you change his heart
forever. It can help you work through all the emotion this issue brings into
your own life.

If your husband looks at other women, decide, NOW, to stop
it from being an issue in your relationship!

If your husband looks at other women, this “Husband Stop
Looking System” really can equip and empower you to FINALLY put this issue behind you and move forward in your lives together. 

Your Price: $37.00

People all around the world are INVESTING in their relationships with this HUSBAND STOP LOOKING SYSTEM

“Help! My husband looks at
other women!” doesn’t have to be a constant source of strife in your
relationship. You really can become so big in his heart that other women become
small in his eyes. Get started on that journey, today!

S. S.
I’m really pleased at the number of
men also purchasing this “Husband Stop Looking System.” I’m not
surprised! I have found a lot of men are working through this and trying to
find the right answers. This is one of those products I wish had been available
as I was finding my way through it all. Way to go men!

Quotes from the Author of,

“How to INSPIRE Your Husband to

STOP LOOKING at Other Women”

©Copyright ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by Stanley J. Leffew

4519 Wavertree Dr.

Missouri City, TX 77459


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