• Fresh Produce Prices are Rising Rapidly
  • Supply Chains are Broken Causing Food Shortages
  • 40% of ALL Fresh Produce in the US is Wasted
  • You Need Your Fresh Produce to Last Longer!

VegieFresh will increase the shelf life of your fruits and vegetables by as much as 50%!  The average family of four wastes $2500 annually and the spoilage of fresh fruits and vegetables accounts for the largest losses. 

Eat Healthier with VegieFresh.

Fruits and vegetables emit Ethylene Gas.

This Ethylene Gas is what naturally ripens fresh produce, but it’s also what eventually leads to spoilage.

VegieFresh absorbs Ethylene Gas and significantly slows this process!

VegieFresh can increase the shelf-life of your fruits and vegetables by up to 50%, allowing you to feed yourself and your family a healthier diet. Stop throwing away spoiled produce!

How Much Money Can VegieFresh Save You?

The average family of 4 throws away $2500 worth of food each year.

40% of all food produced in the US each year goes to waste. Stop wasting and start saving!

With VegieFresh You Can Help Feed Those In Need

With a portion of our proceeds, we have proudly partnered with local food banks, church food pantries, and schools to help buy food for those less fortunate.

VegieFresh Is A 100% Sustainable Product

When food rots, it releases methane, a greenhouse gas which the EPA has proven is 20 times more damaging to the environment than carbon dioxide (CO2).

VegieFresh is 100 % all-natural Zeolite minerals that are recyclable back to mother Earth in the form of fertilizer for your lawn, garden, or household plants when you’re done with them.

Remember, by helping you reduce your food waste at home, together we are helping the environment for generations to come!

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

How Easy is VegieFresh To Use?

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