Astro Love Secrets

Astro Love Secrets

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Hey, thanks for visiting! Since you’re here you’ve probably heard how we help people to improve their love life and relationships using the power of astrology.

While it’s no secret that Love is one of the most important parts of our lives, it can be complicated, frustrating and confusing…. we understand that and we’re here to help!

From our experience helping literally millions of people from around the world with the articles on, we believe the best use of astrology is to help you unlock the mystery of love in your life….

Sadly, most people only ever scratch the surface of this ancient art without ever finding out and enjoying the benefit of it’s deepest secrets….

But if you’ve been wanting to know more about how astrology really works and how it can be applied, you’ve definitely come to the right place!

You’ll learn how to transform existing relationships and friendships, and find the love that you truly deserve.

The good news is that you don’t need to become an astrologer because I’ve put together a complete step by step course filled with all the most important secrets and techniques in an easy to understand format.

You’ll discover the deepest and most important features of your chart, find out who you are most compatible with and how to overcome just about any relationship challenge or frustration with love that you’re experiencing!

Don’t let the years slip by and miss the chance to create a deep and lasting connection with your ideal partner… the secrets and learn how to use astrology to transform your love life today!

Get in Quick, This is a Strictly Limited Offer

We all love a bargain, and because we’re looking to launch the program, here’s our best ever offer to you:

We’re going to give you 30 day trial access to our popular AstroLoveSecrets program, give you your complete set of personalised astrological reports with over 150 pages of detailed information and some other great bonuses all for just $1 upfront!


Get Instant Access to the Members Area,

52 weekly eClasses plus ALL Personal Reports

& Bonuses for just $1 upfront


then just one payment of $96. You keep everything!


Are you Ready to Improve Your Love Life?

Here’s some of what you can expect from our program:

You get weekly step-by-step lessons and secrets that empower you in love, sex and life. We give you plenty of examples, checklists, tools and tips, making it super-easy for you to understand take control of your destiny.

It’s perfect for anyone who is curious about astrology or maybe already has some knowledge but wants to understand the secrets of this ancient art more deeply.

My program makes it really easy to understand and apply without having to study for years and years. This is because it’s been put together based on our experience of teaching the concepts to many other people who have also wanted to know more about how astrology works….

At the start of the program, You’ll learn the five steps to unlocking and transforming your love life wherever you’re currently at….. whether you’re single, married, divorced or just dating some-one.

From there, you’ll learn the secrets that are hidden in your birth chart and how to identify the most important aspects that you have and how they affect your love life as well as life in general that becomes the foundation for knowing what to look for in a partner or how to make the most of what you have with your current partner, perhaps even changing a relationship that feels stuck.

Then we get into understanding and connecting more deeply with your partner, opening the door for you to experience more love and intimacy with that person.

As we go through the program you’ll probably start having big ah-ha moments, helping to make sense of things that had seemed confusing about past relationships….

The next step is learning about the importance of timing in astrology and how it can be used to plan important events in your life.

This is known as “electional astrology” and has been used for thousands of years by the wisest and most powerful people. Most people would be very surprised at the list of important people who all use this ancient technique…. we just think it makes sense!

We also cover how to make the most of your changing astrological “influences” and know what they are ahead of time….. this is a great technique that allows you to access favourable energy at the right time to help you bring your biggest hopes and dreams into reality…..

This also gives you more understanding and comfort about why certain things are happening and how to transform and make the most out of it.


Get Instant Access to the Members Area,

52 weekly eClasses plus ALL Personal Reports

& Bonuses for just $1 upfront


then just one payment of $96. You keep everything!


Would you like to learn the Secrets of Astrology?

Here’s how to know If this Program Is Right For You…

If you’re the type of person who likes to squeeze the most out of life…

If you want to know exactly everything that astrology says about you, and your lover so that you know where your relationship is heading…

If you’ve ever felt stuck in a relationship or friendship and want to know how to fix it….

If you have important celebrations coming up such as a wedding, engagement or maybe just considering a romantic getaway…

If you want to finally figure out the reasons for the attraction you share with a partner from a current or past relationship…

If you’d like to be able to help your friends or family with their relationships….

If you want to rekindle the flames of love and passion and deeply connect with your partner….

If you want to know what the long term potential of any relationship or friendship is to avoid wasting time on exhaustive and expensive dating that goes nowhere…

If you’ve ever been curious about how astrology works but found some of the terms confusing…

If you want to know how to apply the deepest secrets of astrology to your love life, that you just won’t find in the typical star sign columns of newspapers and magazines…..

If you want to know who your ideal partner is so that you can get off the internet dating roller coaster….

If you want to improve the quality of your friendships and know exactly who you can rely on…..

If you want the most comprehensive set of astrology reports and charts that hold the keys and clues to unlocking your love life…

If you answered yes to any of these, We’ll show

you how to use the Secrets of Astrology 
to dramatically

transform your love life!

“Really Amazing!”

I just want to say that I found the relationship compatibility reports to be extremely insightful. They were amazingly accurate about strengths  and weaknesses I’ve already identified and ways to resolve. Just seeing  the information in such a way allowed me to realize the bigger picture in  a holistic way…to not miss the “forest for the trees” in my relationship.

Navigating through each person’s inherit personal qualities / tendencies  and looking ahead at how best to strengthen the relationship is enhanced  by these reports.

In addition I found the individual reports about myself and my mate to be spot on, really amazing! A great reminder of my own areas of strengths and parts of myself that need attention and ongoing mindfulness. Overall I found these reports to be interesting and inspiring. Thanks so much!

Shelly M.

Chicago, IL

“Completely on Point!”

Wow! Shock and awe! The reports were amazing and really helped me understand my partner and our relationship dynamic so much better. I have always felt, or rather, had a deep knowing that this man is my Twin Flame; your reports were confirmation for me.

As We share a spiritual love and have a soul purpose. The reports of our on again off again relationship were completely on point. Yet, we are pulled towards each other, as if we are magnets. And yes, we can finish each others sentences. I found total peace and new perspective to get me through this season. Thank you, thank you!

Julie G.

Collin County, Texas

“Planning our Future Together”

The reports were very useful indeed and these will be useful for planning our future together as they have given me a valuable insight into our lives and compatibility as a couple.

The traits that you indicated in the reports about myself and my partner are also spot on.

The factors about disruption in the home life was also spot on as this is exactly what I experienced some years ago.

Mandeep S.

Greenwich, England

“The Reports Totally Rocked”

Really enjoyed the Compatibility Reports, they totally rocked!

Debbie B.

Kentucky USA

“Extremely Detailed”

My experience was great, I found all of the reports included to be very accurate and  they gave me a lot of insight. Extremely detailed, easy to read and I was very happy with the value for money. I would definitely recommend it for people who are looking for more insight into their relationship.


New York, USA

“Clear Explanations”

The information provided is objective, detailed & explains things well, especially for someone who doesn’t fully understand Astrology yet. Different to other product I’ve purchased before, it gave very clear descriptions of each partner’s feelings and behaviours for each planetary combination.


Hebei Province, China

“Gained a Better Understanding”

Thank you! I have been interested in Astrology for a while and having purchased other reports online,but found the reading that you provided to be extremely detailed… I feel that I have reallygained a better understanding of the influences between myself and my partner.

K. Rokholm

Aarhus, Denmark

“Totally Impressed”

I am totally impressed by the information this site provides! having been a student of astrology for 40 + years, the info received was way beyond anything else I have witnessed.

Yasmin C.

Philadelphia, PA

So who am I?

Hi my name is Jay Hart and I’ve been studying astrology over the last 15 years.With thanks to the magic of the internet and through, my articles on love and relationship astrology have now reached and literally touched the lives of more than 15 million people worldwide!

Astrology is great and can reveal a lot about your life and personal circumstances but it can be confusing if you don’t follow a system. What I’ve done for you is make it really easy to understand the secrets of astrology and how to apply them to your love life.

I explain things in a simple step by step way that builds on what you learn each week, so that you too can enjoy the benefits of this ancient wisdom!

I’m truly passionate about astrology and want to share what I’ve learned with you. This means that you won’t have to spend thousands buying complex astrology books or scouring the internet for things that just seem confusing or hard to understand!

You’ll be able to go beyond the basic understanding of astrology that most people have and use your new knowledge to start enjoying the most out of life and start living life on your terms!


Get Instant Access to the Members Area,

52 weekly eClasses plus ALL Personal Reports

& Bonuses for just $1 upfront


then just one payment of $96. You keep everything!


…and here’s a few more things that you can expect from the program:

First of all, you get a complete set of personalised astrology reports and chart detailing every aspect of your life, love, career, travel and much more….

Then, You’ll discover how to use the inner Secrets of Astrology to be able to connect with your ideal lover sooner and remove the pain, doubt, frustration and confusion from your love life.

I’ll show you the 3 step technique to understanding your partner so that you can speak to their heart every time, and they begin to feel that you really “get” them….

With a bit of practise, you’ll be able to figure out the feeling and thinking styles of someone that you already know or are interested in and if they match with yours. Your friends will be amazed and you’ll get to have fun playing matchmaker!

You’ll also learn exactly what steps to take whenever you feel stuck or frustrated in a relationship or friendship, which “aspects” could be causing the problem and what to do about them.…

Then, I’m going to show you how to make the most of whatever your personal influences are in any situation. “The wise person rules by their stars, the fool is ruled by them…..”

Step by step, we’re going to show you exactly how to choose important celebration dates such as engagements, weddings, honeymoons, anniversaries and when are the best times for you to take a romantic vacation together….

I’ll also show what to look for whenever you meet someone, why you might feel attracted to that person and what things to expect…. and how you can also apply that knowledge to improve your friendships, connection to family and even the people you work with!

Here’s the Complete set of Personal Astrological Reports that You receive as a member of the program:

REPORT #1 – Your Complete Birth Chart & Natal Report

When you join the program you get every major astrological influence that you were born with and what they all mean for you in our Complete Birth Chart report.

But much more than most ordinary birth charts and reports, yours includes details and explanations of many other sensitive “points” in your chart such as asteroids, centaurs, eclipses and “outer objects”…..

this is the foundation of the course and gives you the most full and complete picture of your astrological finger print!

You also get access to:

REPORT #2 – Your Detailed Love Compatibility Report

Our popular detailed compatibility report that reveals the reasons why your partner is attracted to you and what things make you feel attracted to them.

It gives you a complete picture so that you know where you stand and can be very useful for finding out if there is going to be enough long term attraction.

REPORT #3 – Complete Relationship Insights Report

Inside Report #3, You get all the details about what your relationship challenges and opportunities are likely to be with your partner.

Having this information will really help you to focus on what’s working and what’s not, but also what you can expect with that person in a relationship and what things you need to be careful of.

REPORT #4 – Complete Birth Chart & Natal Report for your Partner

In Report #4 you get to know every major astrological influence that your partner was born with and what they all mean.

These include planets, asteroids and other sensitive “points” in their chart. This gives you a very detailed picture of your lover and will help you to understand them much better.

If that wasn’t enough, You’ll also receive these other

Fantastic Bonuses:

Bonus #1 – The Complete Book of Love and The Stars

One of the largest books about love and relationship astrology ever created, it contains over 1280 pages of detailed information that reveals the compatibility of every possible combination of star signs.

You’ll find that It’s a great tool to keep building your knowledge of astrology and you get complete access to this ebook in PDF format so that you can download and read it on just about any device, any-where!

Bonus #2 – Access to Private Facebook Astrology Group

You’ll get private access to our astrology community where you can connect with other people in the program and have the opportunity to post questions to our team of Astrologers that you may have about the program or your charts! Having access to a community of like minded people learning about astrology makes this bonus worth more than the price of admission!

SPECIAL FREE BONUS- 2 Hours of Personal Skype Sessions

In the third month of the program, we give you access to 2 hours of Skype sessions to use at anytime during the rest of your membership where you get to ask one of our team anything about astrology, what you’re learning in the program, your personal charts or your partner’s charts. These sessions can really help you gain insight and clarity about your love life. When you have some questions ready, simply choose a time that is convenient and we’ll call you via Skype.


Get Instant Access to the Members Area,

52 weekly eClasses plus ALL Personal Reports

& Bonuses for just $1 upfront


then just one payment of $96. You keep everything!


PLUS, you’re completely safe with our personal guarantee:

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you’re not completely satisfied with my e-classes, personalised reports, tutorials and other great bonuses, you get a 60-day, zero-risk, no questions asked, full money-back guarantee AND you get to keep the bonuses which includes your personalised reports!!!

You have no risk, Everything to gain!


Simply click on the “Join Now” button below to get started. This takes you to our Clickbank se-cure payment page, one of the largest payment processors on the internet! Once your order has been successfully processed, you’ll get instant access to the first lesson, be able to access the bonuses and the personalised reports that are included with your membership!


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