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2-Time Nobel Prize Winning

On sale for a limited time

1 Bottle

30 Day Supply




3 Bottles

90 Day Supply




6 Bottles

180 Day Supply




*If you see order buttons above, then we have limited bottles available for order. Act fast to avoid disappointment.

1 Cellubrate Bottle

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60 Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee

Every Cellubrate Order is Backed With Our 60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

That’s right, every order is backed by our 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee! Meaning if you aren’t completely satisfied with your Cellubrate order, simply let our friendly customer service team know and we’ll give you a full refund (less s&h) as soon as the bottles are returned – even if up to 2 of them are empty!

60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Your Cellubrate Order:

  • Should include 90-180 days worth of Cellubrate to take full advantage of the cumulative effects and maximise and maintain your results
  • Will be shipped to you as rapidly as possible via a premium carrier. Expect 5-7 days within North America and around 8-15 days for international orders
  • Is a one-time payment. There is no auto-shipping of any kind from Cellubrate. You will never be repeat-billed for bottles of Cellubrate.
  • Is 100% guaranteed by our 60-Day Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your order then simply reach out to our friendly customer service team – support@cellubrate.com

On sale for a limited time

1 Bottle

30 Day Supply




3 Bottles

90 Day Supply




6 Bottles

180 Day Supply




*If you see order buttons above, then we have limited bottles available for order. Act fast to avoid disappointment.


Is Cellubrate Safe?

Yes! Due to the nature of Cellubrate’s ingredients, it is extremely safe. it has been taken by thousands of people with no unwanted side-effects noted whatsoever (unless you consider having to buy new slim-fitting clothes a side-effect!)

In fact, the simple quick and easy act of taking Cellubrate can be considered a lot safer than extreme diets and exercise, both of which can place unwanted stress on the body.

Not only is every ingredient in Cellubrate held to the highest standard of excellence, but so is our manufacturing process. Every single bottle is manufactured in our FDA and Good Manufacturing Practices approved facility, where quality and safety are paramount.

What results can I reasonably expect with Cellubrate?

I’m glad you asked! We get this question a lot, understandably.

When you start with Cellubrate, expect to see and feel some big changes. Our customers report that as Cellubrate unleashes it’s effects within their bodies, primarily reactivating autophagy, they begin to see the stubborn, unwanted body fat begin to melt away from all the trouble areas that have haunted them for a lifetime.

Granted, everybody is different. Our bodies are unique, however, they all operate on the same sort of principles, and while you may experience the effects at a different rate, or in a slightly different order, rest assured you will enjoy all of the benefits Cellubrate has to offer.

With our 60-day money back guarantee, it’s a no-brainer! Say yes and welcome Cellubrate into your life, and enjoy the feeling of reawakened autophagy within every cell, enhanced immunity support, reinvigorated metabolism, and much, much more.

Do I need to diet or exercise with Cellubrate?

In short… No! Cellubrate is not a diet and exercise-based solution, unlike the
vast majority of other so-called solutions on the market. Cellubrate works from the
inside out, however, if you choose to include some diet and exercise in your
lifestyle, Cellubrate can complement that perfectly too.

How many bottles should I order?

It is recommended you use Cellubrate for at least 90 to 180 days to ensure you achieve the most satisfying and long lasting transformation possible. Therefore, you should purchase at least the 3 bottle package, which is good for a three month course of Cellubrate. This will also save you money on your order.

Purchasing 6 bottles ensures you will not run out of Cellubrate after three months and potentially lose any of the results you have achieved in this time, and will save you even more money on your package.

Is my order 100% guaranteed?

Yes! Your Cellubrate order is 100% risk-free!

We are so confident that you will absolutely love Cellubrate and your newly transformed body that we are pleased to take all the risk – if you change your mind for any reason, simply send us an email letting us know and return your package to us within 60 days and you’ll receive a full refund (minus s&h).

Should I order Cellubrate right now?

Yes! This sale ends soon and demand is very high right now, our last small production batch sold out in just 3 days.

We recommend purchasing immediately and opting for at least the 3 bottle package. Ideally, you will take advantage of the savings on the 6 bottle money saving package to avoid frustration when your supply runs out.

The 6 bottle package is the best value and offers you 180 days to completely transform your body and lock in the results for life.

Where else can I buy Cellubrate?

No where. Cellubrate is not, and never will be available anywhere other than on this official website. You will not find it on any other store, either online or in a physical store.

We refuse to allow middle-men and intermediaries inflate the cost of Cellubrate, and our production runs are limited in size so we will continue to only make Cellubrate available here on this site, where our loyal customers know to find it.


1.Marino, G., Pietrocola, F., Madeo, F., & Kroemer, G. (2014). Caloric restriction mimetics: natural/physiological pharmacological autophagy inducers. Autophagy, 10(11), 1879-1882.

2.Donald K. Ingrama,∗, George S. Roth. Calorie restriction mimetics: Can you have your cake and eat it, too? Ageing Research Reviews, (2015) 20, 46-62

3. Tomas‐Hernández, S., Blanco, J., Rojas, C., Roca‐Martínez, J., Ojeda‐Montes, M. J., Beltrán‐Debón, R., … & Mulero, M. (2018). Resveratrol potently counteracts quercetin starvation‐induced autophagy and sensitizes HepG2 cancer cells to apoptosis. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 62(5), 1700610

4. Assylzhan Yessenkyzy 1 , Timur Saliev 1,* , Marina Zhanaliyeva 2 , Abdul-Razak Masoud 3 , Bauyrzhan Umbayev 4 , Shynggys Sergazy 4 , Elena Krivykh 5 , Alexander Gulyayev 4 and Talgat Nurgozhin, Polyphenols as Caloric-Restriction Mimetics and Autophagy Inducers in Aging Research. Nutrients 2020, 12, 1344

5. Frank Madeo, Didac Carmona-Gutierrez, Sebastian J. Hofer, Guido Kroemer, Caloric Restriction Mimetics against Age-Associated Disease: Targets, Mechanisms, and Therapeutic Potential, Cell Metabolism, Volume 29, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 592-610

Choi, C., Song, H.-D., Son, Y., Cho, Y. K., Ahn, S.-Y., Jung, Y.-S., Yoon, Y. C., Kwon, S. W., & Lee, Y.-H. (2020). Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Reduces Visceral Adiposity Partly through the Regulation of Beclin1-Dependent Autophagy in White Adipose Tissues. Nutrients, 12(10), 3072.

Madeo, F., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Hofer, S. J., & Kroemer, G. (2019). Caloric restriction mimetics against age-associated disease: targets, mechanisms, and therapeutic potential. Cell metabolism, 29(3), 592-610.

8. Zhenyu Zhong, Elsa Sanchez-Lopez, Michael Karin, Autophagy, Inflammation, and Immunity: A Troika Governing Cancer and Its Treatment, Cell, Volume 166, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 288-298

9. Van Cauwenberghe, C., Vandendriessche, C., Libert, C., & Vandenbroucke, R. E. (2016). Caloric restriction: beneficial effects on brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Mammalian genome, 27(7-8), 300-319

10. Abdellatif, M., Sedej, S., Carmona-Gutierrez, D., Madeo, F., & Kroemer, G. (2018). Autophagy in cardiovascular aging. Circulation research, 123(7), 803-824

11. Chiba, T., Tsuchiya, T., Komatsu, T., Mori, R., Hayashi, H., & Shimokawa, I. (2010). Development of calorie restriction mimetics as therapeutics for obesity, diabetes, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Current Genomics, 11(8), 562-567.

12. Bachar-Wikstrom, E., Wikstrom, J. D., Ariav, Y., Tirosh, B., Kaiser, N., Cerasi, E., & Leibowitz, G. (2013). Stimulation of autophagy improves endoplasmic reticulum stress–induced diabetes. Diabetes, 62(4), 1227-1237.

13. Federico Pietrocola, Jonathan Pol, Erika Vacchelli, Shuan Rao, David P. Enot, Elisa E. Baracco, Sarah Levesque, Francesca Castoldi, Nicolas Jacquelot, Takahiro Yamazaki, Laura Senovilla, Guillermo Marino, Fernando Aranda, Sylvère Durand, Valentina Sica, Alexis Chery, Sylvie Lachkar, Verena Sigl, Norma Bloy, Aitziber Buque, Simonetta Falzoni, Bernhard Ryffel, Lionel Apetoh, Francesco Di Virgilio, Frank Madeo, Maria Chiara Maiuri, Laurence Zitvogel, Beth Levine, Josef M. Penninger, Guido Kroemer, Caloric Restriction Mimetics Enhance Anticancer Immunosurveillance, Cancer Cell, Volume 30, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 147-160,

14. Pietrocola, F., Pol, J., Vacchelli, E., Baracco, E. E., Levesque, S., Castoldi, F., … & Kroemer, G. (2016). Autophagy induction for the treatment of cancer. Autophagy, 12(10), 1962-1964.

15. Enrique Gabandé-Rodríguez 1,2,3,* , Manuel M. Gómez de las Heras 1,2,3 and María Mittelbrunn. Control of Inflammation by Calorie Restriction Mimetics: On the Crossroad of Autophagy and Mitochondria (2020) Cells, 9, 82

16. Fernández, Á. F., Bárcena, C., Martínez-García, G. G., Tamargo-Gómez, I., Suárez, M. F., Pietrocola, F., … & López-Otín, C. (2017). Autophagy couteracts weight gain, lipotoxicity and pancreatic β-cell death upon hypercaloric pro-diabetic regimens. Cell death & disease, 8(8), e2970-e2970

17. Meng, Q., & Cai, D. (2011). Defective hypothalamic autophagy directs the central pathogenesis of obesity via the IκB kinase β (IKKβ)/NF-κB pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(37), 32324-32332

18. Choi, C., Song, H.-D., Son, Y., Cho, Y. K., Ahn, S.-Y., Jung, Y.-S., Yoon, Y. C., Kwon, S. W., & Lee, Y.-H. (2020). Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Reduces Visceral Adiposity Partly through the Regulation of Beclin1-Dependent Autophagy in White Adipose Tissues. Nutrients, 12(10), 3072

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

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