I’m a Unites States Marine, Elite Athlete, Body Building Champion, and Motivational Fitness & Nutrition Coach

I have battled depression, and fitness literally saved my life. Now I am able to give others the tools to help them save their own lives and I love nothing more than helping others so they don’t have to experience the same long struggle I did.

I’ve put together the 3 simple steps to fixing your mind, body, and spirit getting you back to the best version of yourself in the quickest way possible, with LASTING results! If you’re overwhelmed with where to begin on your health journey, looking for permission to gain more confidence, happiness & success, feeling uncomfortable in your own clothes or even in your own skin!..I get it!

You want to fix the problem and hate that you’re not the happy and confident person you once were. You want to LOOK and FEEL your BEST and you don’t want to live like this any longer. You’re not alone, stop trying to figure it out by yourself. I’m here to support you.

Register Now

A self-paced, video led course where you’ll learn to customize your meal plan using Macronutrients and be guided through muscle building workouts while melting your fat away!

6-week program $599

I will become your online personal trainer with this 6-week program that you can go through once, twice, or as many times as you need it. You’ll have unlimited, lifetime access to everything!

  • Three separate workout routines

  • Individualized meal plan

  • Customizable macronutrients

  • Video training to walk you through each step of the way

  • 24/7 support via access to my private “Freedom Fitness Motivators” Facebook group

  • All the tools you need for fast results that last

My clients love me, and the results I help them achieve.

John in MI

“I had a hard time getting motivated and just getting that jumpstart. I learned how to better prepare my meals ..and no matter what, she explained everything and was always there. Lisa gave me the push I needed and was always there to keep my eye on the prize!”

John lost over 30lbs on his program

Lauren in CO

“I can’t believe how much more energy I have, especially during my workouts! I feel so much better and I’ve lost 6 pounds in the first two weeks! Thank you for being you.” Lauren lost over 20 lbs and increased her Physical Fitness Score in the Marines while on her program

Allyn in NJ

“When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was so happy. I haven’t seen such a low weight since 2013!” Allyn lost over 15 lbs postpartum on her program

Marissa in MA

“Hi Lisa!” I’m down 5.4 lbs total and 3.4 since last Wednesday! Workouts have been great! I’m leaning out and meal prep has kept me from eating anything bad at all of these holiday parties! I’m so thankful!”

Anthony in MD

“Down 50 lbs today. Thank you so much!”

Alisa in MD

“…I was so excited to see I lost 8 lbs! I am losing weight…WOW! It’s crazy to see results! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!” Alisa lost weight and got healthy enough to now give birth to her first baby!

The 12 week Accelerator course is a one on one coaching program that will help you build your meal plan around your metabolic type and customize your workouts specifically for your goals. Here, you will have weekly accountability check in’s and 24/7 support and direct contact with Lisa to help you maximize your results and teach you how to keep them!

Apply for 12-week Program