Write Your Book Now Masterclass

Write Your Book Now Masterclass

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authors, ‘raring
to go’ writers, and nearly-there novelists…

many years have you spent telling friends and family that you’re going
to write a book, get it published, and go on to be a bestselling author?

And as you’re
reading this now,I guess your dream still hasn’t come
true…well not yet anyway. If that’s the case then fear not! No matter
whether writing is brand new to you, or you’ve already written a number
of books, this course will teach you how to finally make it as a
published author.

for a moment that you’re on your deathbed (not a nice thought, I know,
but bear with me here). Now imagine your son, daughter, brother,
sister, or best friend stepping back and asking, “(Name), did you
achieve everything you wanted in your life?”

Based on your
current reality, how would you answer that question? Have
you fulfilled all your dreams in life…including that very BIG dream
which involves writing your book and getting it published?

you have an amazing idea for a book, or if you fancy the idea of adding
the title of ‘author’ to your biography, then deciding NOT to get
that written and published is utterly soul destroying.

Check out this short
video, in which I explain how this course can help

The Write Your Book Now Masterclass you’ll learn how to create your
very own book business
scratch! I will start right from the beginning, teaching you everything
need to know. It can take years to learn how to write a book, land a
deal, and ensure your book sells. But in this course I run you through
all the
secrets I use with my own book business…and it’ll only
take you 26 weeks!

Your brain will be
filled with juicy segments of information leaving you streets ahead of

It’s fair to say that when you start writing a
book you soon reach information overload as everybody tells you
different ways
of doing it.

But I am offering
you my own unique writing, publishing and book marketing plan, which
has proven
to be successful time and time again. I will take you step by step
through everything
I do within my own book publishing business, from writing a book, right
to counting the cash at the end of yet another lucrative launch.

writing coaching from someone experienced like myself costs a
fortune, often rolling into four figures. What I am offering you, for a
low fee, is expert training on how to write your book and go on to sell
thousands of copies!

From the desk of: Keidi Keating (Your Book Angel)

Dear Future Writer…

The Write Your Book Now Masterclass is an
online writing course which offers a fantastic entry into the world of
one that many people often only dream about. It took me approximately
years to get my first book written and published. Now I have a complete
and publishing business which makes me money everyday.

This was four years of serious hard graft,
working for ridiculously long hours and losing stacks of hard earned
cash along
the way. You know how it goes – you’re told you must do it
one way, and then
you realize you wasted good money on something that didn’t quite cut it!

But as time went on I learned lots of valuable
lessons, and I kept notes to remember all the most important parts.

And that’s exactly what I am offering you now –
my golden experience so that you don’t have to endure the failures.
This will
allow you to write your book quickly, land a publishing deal or
gain the interest of the relevant media, and most importantly of all –
heaps of money from your book (or books) on an ongoing basis!

I decided to put this course together because
my inbox is flooded everyday with emails from amateur writers who are
struggling to start writing their books. They have tried for some time
yet they
still haven’t made it to the prestigious status of ‘published
author.’ Even
though I would love to, I can’t personally mentor and coach all these
authors for free, so by offering this course at such a low price, I
feel am
providing a great solution.

Many people love the idea of writing a book and
becoming a published author, but they don’t know where to begin.
They start
writing their book, receive one small criticism then give up because
they don’t
think they are talented enough.

But it doesn’t have to be like that!

you owe it to yourself to fulfill your deepest dreams? Having your
very own published book is something no one can ever take away from
you. And
when you go on to sell thousands of copies you’ll enjoy financial
freedom –
getting paid over and over again for a book you only had to write once!

I now live in southern Spain and I enjoy the sunshine for eight
months a year. But I wouldn’t have a to-die-for lifestyle if not for my
and publishing business.

If you are
interested in a way of making your
writing dreams a reality then read on…

The Write Your Book Now Masterclass offers you
the likely prospect of becoming a reputable author, with the chance to
build your very own profit-pumping book business that you learn as I
walk you
through 26-weeks of online training. There are no hidden catches in
information that will whisk you from an amateur writer all the way to a

The Write
Your Book Now Masterclass Is Split Into Several
Topics In
Order For You To Write Your Book And Get It Published As Soon As

Complete Writer’s
Toolbox So You Can Write Your Book Correctly The First Time….Forget
Time-Consuming Rewrites.

To Edit Your Work –
There’s A Certain Method That All The Best-Selling Authors Employ – Now
You Can

 The Secrets Of Submitting
Your Manuscript So That Agents And Publishers Will Be Fighting Over It.

Or Self
Publishing? Which Works Best For You?
Decide Alter
Learning All The Pros Of Both!

 Tried And Tested Formulas
To Market Your Book And Sell It By The Thousand…

Authors Who Have Taken
This Course Are Encouraged To Share Their Success Stories With Other
And Receive Free Publicity To Help Them To Sell Even More Books…
Lessons Are Delivered To
Your Email Inbox Every Week For 26 Weeks As PDF Files, Or Mini
The Secrets Of The
Book Business And The Way The Publishing Arena Has Changed In Recent
Perhaps More Importantly, Also Learn How The Book Publishing Industry
Continue Changing In The Future. 

I have priced The
Write Your Book Now
so that it is affordable to the average person.
I want
everyone with ‘the dream’ to be able to write their book
and get it published.
I could charge thousands of dollars for this information – and I
often do – but
I wanted to make it easily accessible to everyone.

I am offering you a solution to writing your
book at a truly amazing price….a subscription to The Write Your
Book Now Masterclass
is just $47 a month!

Plus if you do not feel like The Write Your
Book Now Masterclass is for you then you can cancel your subscription
at any
time with no hard feelings.

gets better, because if you take action
NOW then you can get the first month of the course (that’s four
lessons) for just $1…that’s less than the cost of a cup of
ask yourself, is your
life dream worth half a cup of coffee? You decide!

And if you’re not entirely satisfied with the
course, you only need to ask and you’ll receive the full cost of the
course back…guaranteed.

“This course went way beyond my
expectations, delivering 110 percent. I can honestly say that the
content of the weekly lessons surpassed the quality of any other
writing course that I have ever taken.

completing the course I decided to self-publish my cookery book, and
through the tactics shared in the Write Your Book Now Masterclass I
manage to sell more than 100 copies every month, bringing in a great
flow of passive monthly income. 

now made a start on my second book, which I’m sure will be an ever
bigger success than the first…

you’ve ever thought about writing a book I’d encourage you to follow
the Write Your Book Now Masterclass, and follow the steps one by one.
Before long you’ll be a published author too!”

Joan Copley, Florida

“Writing a book has always been a
big goal of mine even though I’m not a naturally talented writer. I
tried to learn how to write a book in many ways – I even signed up to a
writing course here in Perth.

I still didn’t find I was getting anywhere fast, and despite having
of ideas I couldn’t seem to get them down on paper.

discovered the Write Your Book Now Masterclass after searching for
‘online writing courses’. It’s the best step I’ve ever taken, and I’m
now over half-way through writing my first book. I already know that
I’m going to get it self-published, after all I deserve to make 100
percent of the profits!”

Jon Garcia, Perth

Sign up now and receive your first lesson for just $1!

YES PLEASE, I want to subscribe today and
receive my weekly lessons on how to write my book, get
published and sell thousands through The Write Your Book Now

Please enroll me onto the Write Your Book Now
Masterclass and begin
sending me one lesson each week for 26 weeks. My initial charge will be
$1. I
will then be charged $47 per month for 5 months after the initial
charge has
been made.

I understand that if I act now I can
lock in my subscription at
an initial $1 rising after to $47 per month.

Question Is How Much Would You Like The Chance To Hold Your Published
Book In
Your Hands?

To your writing success,

Keidi Keating, Your Book Angel


P.S. Do You
Love Yourself Enough To Fulfill
Your Life’s Biggest Dream?

P.P.S. Click

To Affiliate This Product Today!

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of Your Book Angel and this is published by Your Book Angel which is
responsible for its contents. All this is further described in the terms section. It
is written by writers who have vast experience of writing a book.

You may have found this page by searching for
how to write a book, steps to start writing a book, how to write a
book, how to start writing a book, steps to writing a book, writing a
book, how to write a novel, writing tips, writing lessons.

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