Ripped With Bodyweight

Ripped With Bodyweight

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This book contains all the information you need to get fit, get stronger and lose weight. The rest is up to you. Whoever you are. It has been written with a refreshing honesty and clarity that I truly enjoyed reading and got behind it straight away. Lane Goodwin is one of those guys that you can listen to all day and everything he talks about makes sense.

When you read the book, you will understand what I mean.

Lane does not dazzle you with super science and try to hit you with some latest technique, for ‘super fast’ results.

It’s all tried and tested stuff, and given a reasonable time, you will be benefiting from this information immensely.

That pic is me at 51, last year, having done the course for 12 weeks, 4 sessions a week. I got visible ABS! I’ve never had them since I was in my 20’s and even not as pronounced as what you see in the pic.

If I can do it, you can too. Lane will tell you the tricks you need to know in order to overcome your self imposed limits. He lays out what you need to do to lose weight through eating correctly too. That could have been a separate book, but I’m guessing he wanted everyone to have the complete reference to hand so you can get on with the job.

It would be awesome to see others post what they have achieved in future reviews of this great little book. Forget the fancy expensive programs, this is the only book you need.

I don’t know Lane personally and stand nothing to gain from promoting his book, only that I have made a change to people’s lives through making them aware of this book and the quality of it.

Honesty and truth is such a hard to come by commodity these days.

Enjoy, and post your results!

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