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A Hidden Hormonal Defect In Your Blood Forces Your Brain to STARVE And Makes Losing Weight Absolutely Impossible

Most doctor’s completely overlook this…

Brain Starvation

Because they’re only concerned about selling your more prescription pills and medications to keep lining their pockets while you and I struggle to pay their ridiculous co-pays and outrageous fees…

And it really pisses me off because Ashley struggled for MONTHS…

Risked her own health and the future of her baby girl…

Only to discover she was the victim of a silent chemical disorder that affects millions of women and men each year and nearly ALL of them go undiagnosed…

The REAL reason Ashley could never lose weight and keep it off is because of a HIDDEN hormonal defect called Leptin Resistance that her doctor’s missed for years.

Leptin is your Master Fat-Burning Hormone and controls whether your body easily melts away fat…

Or hangs on to every last ounce for dear life…

Basically it’s a “Fat Shrinking Signal” that runs through your body and torches fat no matter what you eat or how bad your genetics are…

So when you have this signal “Turned ON” it’s like throwing a gasoline soaked log onto a heaping fire..

Your fat gets burned up quickly and you start seeing a flatter belly almost immediately…

In fact, it’s the SECRET all celebrities use when they have to look flawless and stunning for a big film role, the Grammy’s, or walking the red carpet at an exclusive movie premiere…

And along with burning TONS of ugly fat, leptin also tells you when to STOP eating…

Think of it as your “I’m Full” hormone..

However, when you’re Leptin Resistant, your body doesn’t recognize your leptin signals and they never reach your brain to tell you to stop eating…

And since your brain never receives the “Stop Eating Signal”, you naturally continue to eat hundreds of extra calories at every single meal thinking you’re still hungry when you’re really not…

See, your brain THINKS you need to eat more so you don’t starve to death…

And it thinks you need to conserve more energy, so it makes you feel LAZIER…

Which is why you’d rather sit on the couch and watch TV with a big bowl of ice cream rather than drag yourself to the gym for an hour of pure misery…

And that’s why it’s NOT your fault!

You’re a victim of a horrible hormonal defect that’s starving your brain while fattening up your belly, and…

According to Dr. James Lustig

“If your brain can’t see the leptin signal, you’re definitely going to get obese if you aren’t already.”

And the worst part is…

No one has ever told YOU about this…

Not your doctor…

Not your personal trainer…

Not your family physician…

Just think of it like this…

It’s Like Turning Your Cell Phone Off In A Crowded Movie Theatre Seconds Before Your Daughter DESPERATELY Texts You BEGGING For Help

Think about the last time you went to the movies…

You’re excited to get out of the house…

Your popcorn has just enough warm delicious butter on it…

And at the last minute you remember to turn off your cell phone because the extremely annoying voice tells you to on the movie screen.

As you’re enjoying the movie, your daughter is driving across town to her friends house for a sleepover…

She’s excited with the music turned up so loud the whole world can hear, and she can’t wait to spend the night with her best friends…

Then as the light turns green a block away from her friend’s house, she steps on the gas and SMASH!

Missed Call

Some jerk runs a red light and smashes right into the driver side of your daughter’s car…

With glass everywhere, your daughter regains consciousness, and…

She uses all the strength she has to grab her phone out of her pocket, texts HELP in all caps to you, and desperately waits for a response…

But the response never comes.

You never get the message until you turn your phone back ON.

And by then, it might be too late.

That’s the same thing with Leptin Resistance.

Your body is desperately sending signals to your brain telling you to STOP eating and burn off the thick layers of fat smothering your heart, lunges, and arteries…

But your brain never gets the message…

So you keep eating and eating, digging yourself an early grave without even knowing it because these silent signals are never being received in your body…

You feel the same as you always have…

And then the next morning, you roll over in bed to turn off your annoying alarm and you suddenly clutch your chest because the extreme pressure and tension has finally become too much and your heart gives out.

It can happen out of nowhere without ANY warning.

Listen, it’s NOT your fault.

It’s a chemical defect that millions of people have WITHOUT knowing about it.

Still, the truth is…

Your body is never going to burn fat and you’ll never get the slim, tight, and toned belly that you deserve…

And the pockets of squishy fat SMOTHERING your heart will keep building up day after day…

Until you turn your cell phone (i.e. your Leptin receptors) back ON for good.

Now, here’s a simple doctor-trick to know once and for all if you are suffering from this horrible hormonal disorder…

Discover If You’re A Victim Of This Hidden Hormonal Disorder Using A Doctor Prescribed 3-Second Bathroom Trick

If you’re still reading this letter, then I can almost guarantee you are Leptin Resistant

Which explains why no matter how hard you try…

No matter how many diets you go on…

No matter how many grueling exercises and workouts you do…

You can never lose weight as quickly as you’d like…

Sure, you may be able to lose a few pounds here and there…

Think about it though…

Are you really happy with the results of all your hard work over the past few years?

Unfortunately no one told you WHY you weren’t losing weight

So here’s how you can tell without a fraction of doubt if you’re Leptin Resistant..

Which will explain the YEARS of struggle and frustration that has unfairly taken over your life through no fault of your own.

Here’s what you need to do.

Stand in front of the bathroom mirror…

3-second test

Place both hands on your belly and GRAB…

If you have a handful of fat in each hand, then you’re Leptin Resistant…

And you’re off the hook so you can finally stop feeling guilty and depressed about your weight…

You simply have a condition that was never diagnosed and properly treated…

Until now.

The good news is…

You can turn OFF your Leptin Resistance…

Quickly activate your “Fat Shrinking Signal”…

And FINALLY start melting away the unwanted fat that’s been clinging to your belly for years WITHOUT any grueling joint-killing workouts or miserable low-carb diets…

And before you know it you’ll be sliding back into your “skinny jeans” from high school while you burn all your fat clothes forever as a sign of how much you’ve overcome.

And That’s Exactly What Happened To Ashley After Turning OFF Her Hidden Hormonal Defect

A few weeks later, Ashley went out for a walk on a beautiful sunny afternoon with baby Emma smiling ear to ear in her stroller while shaking her favorite yellow & green rattle…

=> She hadn’t thought about her “weight” in months…

Every morning she woke up and slipped into a pair jeans that she hadn’t worn in years as her baby weight melted away faster than ever…

She didn’t even need to buy new clothes because everything she kept from her 20’s and 30’s was FINALLY starting to fit again…

At the office…

Her boss who hadn’t noticed her for years and BARELY knew her name started complimenting her out of nowhere which filled her with pride and accomplishment…

She no longer had to wiggle herself into her jeans just to fit into a pair that made her look amazing and brought out her best features…

She felt lighter than ever before, with a sense of strength that she could protect herself and her baby at the drop of the hat if she needed to…

Her achy bones and joints felt rejuvenated and strong after ditching the cardio and high impact jumping exercises that left her feeling sore and miserable with ZERO results to show for it…

Yet most important of all…

Ashley felt like her old self again

The fun loving woman who enjoyed hanging with her girlfriends without being worried that someone’s going to take an unflattering picture from the wrong angle and post it on Facebook for the world to see…

She didn’t stress over losing weight and becoming slimmer, it just happened once she got her Hidden Hormone in check…

And simply listening to her voice, I could tell how happy and amazing she felt…

Look, you deserve all of this and MORE..

And the easiest and fastest way to get there is…

Turn ON Your “Fat Shrinking Signal” & Melt Away Up To 7 Pounds In 7 Days..

…WITHOUT Going To An Intimidating Germ-Filled Gym Or Doing Crazy CrossFit Classes That Leave You Feeling Thick & Bulky

There’s an extremely easy way to flip OFF this hidden hormonal defect in your blood and finally start burning pure belly fat again, and…

  • It does NOT involve grueling, joint-killing exercises that ruin your knees, ankles, and back leaving you exhausted and barely able to walk afterwards…
  • It does NOT involve any heavy lifting or other meathead style workouts that leave you feeling thick and bulky when you really want to be Lean, Toned and Trim…
  • It does NOT involve counting every single calorie that passes your lips which makes losing weight completely miserable and is why so many people fall off the wagon, binge, and end up fatter every year…
  • And it definitely does NOT involve doing some ridiculous detox or cleanse that eats away your lean muscle tissue and is guaranteed to make you “skinny fat” instead of the toned, lean, and beautiful look you desire…

And the best part is…

You can activate your Fat Shrinking Signal…

…that relentlessly attacks the billions of fat cells in your body and SHRINKS them down from the size of a golf ball to a miniature pea…

All by following a simple 10-minute routine that ANYONE at ANY age in ANY condition can do.

And don’t worry, you don’t even have to do this 10-minute routine every single day…

In fact, all you need is 40 minutes PER WEEK to melt away all your stubborn fat, reveal the sexy, lean muscle hiding under your skin, and be the glowing, radiant star in every single room you walk into from now on…

Here’s Just A Tiny Sample of the Secrets You’ll Discover & The Amazing Results You’ll Get By Turning OFF Your Hidden Hormonal Defect and Turning ON Your Fat Shrinking Signal in Just 10-Minutes…

  • How to Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days So You Fit Into Your Skinny Jeans and You Actually Outshine the Bride When You’re The Bridesmaid At Her Wedding
  • The 60-Second “Flat Belly Trick” that burns up ugly fat like a gasoline-soaked log thrown into a bonfire
  • The amazing experience of waking up every morning wide-eyed like a puppy bursting with energy because you can’t wait any longer to pick out another slim and sexy outfit that fits your body just right and makes you feel like a million bucks all day long in front of your jealous co-workers
  • One simple total body movement that ANYONE can do to rapidly tone your abs, chest, shoulders, core, and the back of your jiggly arms in seconds saving you HOURS every week so you can spend more time making lifelong memories with your family and friends
  • The exact ‘cardio’ sequence that Jennifer Lopez uses to look unbelievable and tone every inch of her body at age 46 that YOU can do right in your living room with just 3 feet of space to get even BETTER results in a fraction of the time
  • The fool proof method to getting a firm and flat belly in just minutes a day so you can be the hero and role model your children deserve in this world of childhood obesity, million dollar medical bills, and greedy food corporations trying to get in your pockets at every turn while keeping you fat and hungry
  • The look on your best friends face as you meet for dinner and her jaw DROPS with envy as you show off a new sleek, tight-fitting dress while she hides behind layers of bulky clothes wishing she were you
  • The underground “Fountain of Youth” secret that instantly turns ON your Anti-Aging hormones so you turn back the clock 10+ years without wasting any money on expensive creams, lotions, or other garbage products who’s only goal for you is to BUY MORE
  • Finally get back at the diet company creeps who suck in poor women and men every year to waste thousands of dollars on their horrible meals and programs only to keep you spending money rather than solving your weight problems once and for all
  • The 20 second trick to flattening your belly like a Victoria Secret’s model without “starving yourself skinny” or wasting hours at the gym

Who Am I To Make Such An Amazing Promise And Why Should You Believe Every Single Word You Read On This Very Page

Hi, my name is Derek Wahler…

Yet my friends know me as the “Weight Loss Whisperer”…

…because I have a reputation of taking on the most difficult women and men who haven’t been able to lose weight for years and transform their bodies in just minutes right in their own living room.

Derek Intro Pic

And because my methods are so short and simple, it’s nearly impossible NOT to see results after just a few days…

And after receiving thousands of emails from desperate weight gain sufferers around the world in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s…

I discovered one serious problem that was sabotaging everyone’s results…

Too much strenuous exercise…

Which led to uncontrollable inflammation in the belly and made it impossible to burn belly fat.

You see, your body naturally produces Inflammation Atoms when there’s too much stress and pressure from long cardio workouts or extreme workout DVD’s…

These Inflammation Atoms flow throughout your belly and form pockets that bind together and make your stomach stick out…

So if you look down right now and your belly is “sticking out” and hanging over your pants…

It’s because you have a massive build up of Inflammation Atoms…

That are now wreaking havoc on your internal systems and have already created a toxic environment that makes losing weight harder than winning the lottery.

The good news is…

You can instantly eliminate your Inflammation Atoms….

And REVERSE the fat-storing hormonal defect that’s made you a victim of being overweight for years

All in just 10 minutes.

And this quick story will tell you exactly…

How A Frustrated Woman On the Brink of Tears Led Me To This BREAKTHROUGH Belly-Slimming Secret

When I started my online weight loss program a few years ago, Jennifer was my first member…

She was in her late 20’s…

And although most people assume someone that young must have a scorching metabolism and can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce of fat, Jennifer was the exact opposite.

She was working 3 jobs, had an active social life, yet she always had an extra 15 – 20 pounds she was carrying around that wouldn’t budge…

Which is what brought her to me in the first place.

So I gave Jennifer a workout program for the first month, based on the 30-minute workouts I had used in person with my personal training clients and boot camp members…

The only problem was…

The workouts were too long and strenuous.

See, she could join any old gym or boot camp and get a great 30-minute workout, but she didn’t have time for that…

With 3 jobs, she could only squeeze in a couple minutes here and there, and…

She needed help FAST because her doctor said she was on the fast track to cardiovascular disease and diabetes if she didn’t make some quick changes…

So after an emotional phone call, where we went over her ENTIRE daily schedule and I realized first hand that these 30 minute workouts weren’t possible for Jennifer…

I locked myself in my home office and took a long, hard look at what I was doing…

I prided myself on being able to help ANYONE get a flat and firm belly while making all their worst health ailments go away in a matter of months…

And sure, I knew there were plenty of super short workouts online and that they were nothing new, however…

After watching and studying hundreds of them, I noticed every single one was missing ONE thing that would deliver mind-blowing results…

Each workout was lacking the ONE key that switches ON your Fat Shrinking Signal and makes weight loss all but guaranteed

And let’s just say this belly slimming secret lies in the order, angles, and intensity that you work a certain group of muscles and body parts…

Which 99% of fitness experts completely ignore.

So over the next few hours, I created a simple follow along body sculpting program based on short, 10-minute home workouts that INSTANTLY activate this powerful fat-burning hormone every single day…

And just a few short weeks later, Jennifer was down 15 pounds…

Jennifer Used The Belly Slimming Secret and RAVED, “I Lost Over 15 Pounds and Had To Buy All New Clothes!”

Jennifer Reinfried

Many of you know that this year I lost over 15 pounds, and a lot of you have asked how. With three jobs this year, it made it extremely difficult to go to the gym, and one day, I saw a post from trainer Derek Wahler. He had come up with an at home workout that you do only 3-4 times a week, which also comes with meal planning.

This is how I dropped so much weight so quickly. He is great at encouraging and motivating you! He knows what he is talking about, and his program is so worth it.

Those of you who saw the transformation know what I mean. Not only was I needing to find my old clothes again because I didn’t fit into my current ones anymore, but then a couple months after that, I had to buy new ones as I didn’t fit into my old clothes either! Thank you Derek for making my dreams a reality!

Jennifer Reinfried

So What Is This Breakthrough New Slimming System That Has Thousands Of Women & Men Around The World Activating Their Fat Shrinking Signals And Finally Seeing a Tight & Toned Body In Less Than 21 Days? I’d Like To Introduce You To…

Dynamic Activation Training 

The ONLY Done-For-You Slimming System That Makes Losing Weight & Melting Away Belly Fat As Easy And Automatic As Tying Your Shoes…

What if losing weight and burning belly fat was as easy and automatic as tying your shoes?

Honestly, when’s the last time you had to THINK about tying your shoes?

You don’t…it just happens right?

It’s so easy, it’s automatic and just something you do every day…

That’s the secret behind the Dynamic Activation Training System…

  • You do NOT have to follow a complicated exercise plan that leaves you exhausted while tearing apart your joints with dangerous high impact exercises….
  • You do NOT have to “starve yourself skinny” on some outrageous diet that makes you miserable only to gain ALL the weight back and more once you go back to eating normal…
  • And you definitely do NOT have to worry about getting “big and bulky” on some one-size-fits-all program that doesn’t understand what you truly desire for yourself and your body

The BEST part is…

Anyone at ANY age in ANY physical condition will…

  • Activate your Fat Shrinking Signal that literally SHRINKS your fat cells from the size of a golf ball down to a kernel of corn so you look and feel thinner immediately after your first workout
  • Turn OFF your Hidden Hormonal Defect that starves your brain and has kept you fat against your will for years
  • Flatten and firm your belly while REVERSING dangerous diseases like Heart Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, and even Diabetes without any pills or expensive medications…

All in just 10 minutes.

And you don’t have to take my word for it…

Michelle Used The Slimming Secret To Lose 21 Pounds Of Fat After Running FAILED Her

Over the years I have tried various workouts and gym memberships. I had been working out on my own at Anytime fitness and felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere.

Michelle Lucey

I would do my work on the cardio machines, had gotten into a great running routine, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted to see. That is when I found Derek’s program!

I have a very busy schedule with varying work hours. With Derek’s short workouts I could get up early get my workout in and get started on my day.

I was doing the workouts 3 times a week and in the first two weeks I noticed a change! It was great to work up a sweat in such a short period of time. I continually felt challenged with each workout. I was stronger, started noticing more muscle tone and of course had way more energy throughout my day.

I lost 3.5 inches off my belly and 2 inches off my waist, dropped 21 pounds and fit back into my old “skinny” jeans.

I felt great, even co-workers and friends saw a difference! Derek’s program fit great into my life!

Michelle Lucey, Hair Stylist

And Here Are Just A Few Of The Belly Slimming Secrets You’ll Discover…

  • The BREAKTHROUGH Belly Slimming “20-10” formula that melts away more belly fat in just 4 minutes so you can get 7x the results while having MORE time to watch TV, go out with your friends, and shop for the new clothes you’ll need because your old ones slide off you like XXL clothes on medium sized model
  • The odd 40-second “Metabolic Activation” trick that turns ON your Slimming Signal which melts away fat like a piece of chocolate on a hot summer day no matter what you eat
  • The controversial leg and booty toning exercise that Beyonce uses every day to banish cellulite for good while keeping your body in bikini-ready shape year round
  • How to instantly turn OFF your Hidden Hormone Disorder that causes Brain Starvation and turns on the “Hunger Fire” in your belly making you pile on ugly fat no matter how little you eat or how long you exercise
  • You’ll NEVER feel ashamed, uncomfortable, or down right embarrassed to look back at old pictures of yourself ever again
  • You’ll no longer have to squeeze into your jeans and wiggle your waist like shoving 5 pounds of sausage into a 3 pound bag just to get them on while blaming the dryer for “shrinking” them again
  • Turn OFF the “Heart-Stopping Hormone” that floods your body and puts extreme pressure on your heart, lungs and arteries making you fatter while silently killing you only to realize it when it’s too late
  • Ignite the “Metabolism Shock Factor” in your body that jolts fat-burning back to life like a heart defibrillator saving the life of an obese mother of 3 so you can melt off at least 3+ inches from you belly by this time next month…and 99% of workouts FAIL to do this
  • No longer feel your heart STING with unberable PAIN when you overhear your kids making fun of your weight to their friends behind your back because they’re secretly embarrassed by how you look

Think about it…

Trying everything imaginable and never being able to lose even a pound of fat is extremely frustrating

However you are NOT alone…

In fact…

We surveyed thousands of happy Flat Stomach Formula members to identify the “Last Straw” that pushed them over the edge to make a change that saved their life…

And hopefully these will inspire and motivate you to take action and re-claim your health so you will not only have a flat and firmer belly…

More importantly…

You’ll be able to add decades onto your life that you can spend with your family and children instead of leaving them too soon with a huge whole in their hearts…

Women & Men Just Like You Bravely Reveal the “Last Straw” That FINALLY Pushed Them To Take Action On The Health & Body They Desired

Think about it…

You’ve tried losing weight before, right?

I’m sure you’ve tried all sorts of workout and diet programs over the years, yet there are still places on your body where you can grab handfuls of fat and you wish they’d just disappear, and…

Maybe you hate looking in the mirror….

Maybe you hide behind baggy clothes so you can APPEAR thinner than you really are…

Or maybe you CRINGE when you look at pictures from even just a few weeks ago, barely recognizing the person who’s smiling on the outside, but feeling hopeless on the inside…

Look, you are NOT alone…

In fact, everyone has what I call their “Last Straw” moment where you decide enough is enough and you’re finally ready to make a change

So I wanted to share of few of the “Last Straw” moments from the thousands of women and men who have flattened their belly and taken their life back by activating their Slimming Signal in just 10 short minutes…

And hopefully they will help you realize that what you’re feeling is normal and there’s always a way out…


I looked back at old pictures with my family and friends and didn’t see ME anymore. I didn’t even recognize the person looking into the camera.

-Sheila Woodall, age 47


I’ve been overweight for years, but I was always happy…probably because I was always eating.

The last straw was when I went to the movies and couldn’t barely wedge myself into the seat.

A light went off inside me and as I was sitting there trying to watch the movie, all I thought about was how I’d spend the past 10 months just under 300 pounds, and two months ago I passed the line and weighed in at 311 pounds. I felt so disgusting I had to make a change.

-Denise Akers, age 33


My tipping point was being 212 pounds and my jeans were so tight I could barely put them on! I refused to go up another size and was like how could I let myself get like this?

That’s when I made a promise to myself and made my weight and my health priority #1.

Erica Baldwin, age 52


My blood pressure numbers were through the roof. And ever worse, I saw, not just glanced at, but actually SAW what I looked like in pictures from Christmas.

I could barely recognize myself.

I went back and looked at pictures from our last family vacation and was mortified! I mean…I knew I’d been putting on weight – it’s hard to miss when you go to buy clothes and they keep getting bigger and bigger…

After that, I had a hard conversation with myself and said, “What am I doing?”…

That’s when I finally decided to make a change and never look back. My kids deserve the best possible version of me and I can’t let them down.

-Byron Waters, age 45


When the seams of my jeans literally tore apart, with only thin elastic threads holding them together and my fat thighs squishing out between.

And even worse, it was right before a work party…so I had to run home and change before anyone saw what happened.

So embarrassing and thank goodness because it finally kicked my butt into gear.

-Ellain Marshall, age 30


Uggggh! My size 17 jeans were getting to be too tight, my digestive system was chaotic to say the least, and my belly was constantly bloated like a pregnant woman’s.

I tried to “eat more vegetables” but with all the other crap I was eating, salads and veggies made my stomach feel worse. I was in a constant state of pain and was gaining weight every week.

Since “cleaning up my diet” obviously wasn’t working, I came across Derek’s site and it seemed so simple, I gave it a try.

Now I feel amazing and my belly is finally flat and firm instead of squishy and soft :-)

Kendra Smart, age 58


And now, starting today you can use a rare combination of never seen before Body Sculpting Secrets… 

To FINALLY cure your Hidden Hormonal Defect that has kept  you overweight and unhealthy for years without even knowing it

While you melt away the inches off your waist and thighs for good in the comfort of your own home FASTER than you ever thought possible.

Introducing the Fat Shrinking Signal™

The Only Step-By-Step Slimming System That Turns OFF Your Hidden Hormonal Disorder and Activates Your Belly Shrinking Signal That Strips Away Ugly Fat In Just 10-Minutes So You Can Visibly SEE A Toned & Trim Body That’s Firm to the Touch WITHOUT Long Grueling Workouts Or Dangerous Starvation Diets

I’m so excited to share this NEW total body slimming solution with you, so you can finally get the tight and trim figure you deserve without having to waste hours in a smelly germ infested gym or count a single calorie ever again.


The Fat Shrinking Signal is a 21-day home movement program that only uses your bodyweight to activate the most powerful fat-burning sensors in your body that have been dead and disabled for years.

And the magic lies in each unique workout that activates your Fat Shrinking Signal so you can burn off every last ounce of extra fat in just 10 short minutes.

Even better…

Anyone at ANY age in ANY physical condition can do these movements, and…

If you make the wise choice and pick up your copy of the program today…

I’ll be giving you my PERSONAL email address so you can ask me questions, request modifications for exercises that are too difficult, and best of all…

You can easily use the Low-Impact alternatives to continue melting away fat even if you have bad knees, sore ankles, back pain, or tight shoulders.

Jessica Melted OFF 12 Inches Around Her Belly, Waist & Thighs In LESS Than A Month Using The Slimming Secret

Jessica BentonBefore doing the workouts, my life was kind of all over the place. I wanted to lose weight, but when I noticed that my weight wasn’t going anywhere, I became comfortable with just maintaining my current weight.

The biggest change/Challenge for me with your workouts was just pushing myself even when I really wanted to give up.  Now, I can breathe longer, go harder, and feel stronger.

I liked a lot of things about the 10-minute workout, but the number one thing I liked about it was the intensity levels, and also the convenience of not going to the gym and just working out whenever and where ever I wanted.

Today I feel better, my thighs do not rub against each other when I walk, and I’m more aware of what I am putting in my body.

Between school, work, and relaxing, this workout plan was a great way to keep me active, since I sit all day at my current job.

7/20/15 8/18/2015
Waist 33 inches 30 inches
Stomach 36.5 inches 32 inches
Hips 40 inches 37 inches
Thighs 27 inches 25.5 inches

Jess Benton, Chicago, IL

Here’s Your Exact 4-Step Slimming Sequence To SEE Your Flattest & Most Firm Belly Ever In Just a Few Short Weeks

This follow along bodyweight program hits your entire body at a number of different angles so you can trim and tone every inch without suffering through the same boring routine every day…

Each workout builds on the previous one so you continue to increase your fat-burning metabolism while you keep your body guessing about what’s coming up next…

So you’ll NEVER suffer the dreaded “weight loss plateau” that’s so frustrating and RUINS well-intentioned people like yourself who are willing to put in the work but have unfortunately been given the wrong information from the so-called “experts”.

Here’s a small sample of how this revolutionary Body Slimming System works…

Turn ON Your Natural “Fat Shrinking Signal” To

SEE A Flatter More Firm Belly From Day 1

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