The Whale Won $30+ Million Betting On Sports! $500 Monthly Recurring!

The Whale Won $30+ Million Betting On Sports! $500 Monthly Recurring!

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The Whale of Sports Betting Reveals the Devastating Sports Picks That Helped Crush the Sportsbooks and Ballooned His Bankroll from Scratch to Tens of Millions in Winnings! Now, You Can Finally Mirror the

Whale's Action and Cash in on the Ride


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(No Sports Knowledge Or Betting Experience Needed!)

I Am the World-Famous “Sports Betting Whale” – One of the Biggest and Winningest Sports Bettors Ever! I Have Wagered

Over $500 Million on Sports Games and Ransacked the Sportsbooks in Broad Daylight out of Tens of Millions of Dollars in Winning Profits over the Years. In One Legendary Run at Pinnacle,I Took a $50,000 Bankroll and Turned It into $4 Million in 4 Days of Bets.Now, You Can Finally Claim My Picks as Your Own, Begin Waging War on the Sportsbooks, and Cash in on the Same Sports Picks That I Bet on – Every Single Day!

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Subject: Tail the Sports Betting “Whale”

My friend,

I am one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors to have

ever walked the earth. See just one of my betting tickets below where I cashed in on well over half a million dollars on one single wager:

I was paid out $560,000.00 on this one winning ticket. This was a year where

I won about $10 Million betting on sports.

First – I’m not showing you pictures of my lavish winning tickets because I want to showboat around with an ego as big as an elephant’s. The truth is, it’s not always easy to trust someone on the internet. In a time where any Joe Schmo can patch together a website, shoot off their mouths, and tout their picks until smoke turns into smog…it’s tough to know if you can really trust another person behind a screen.

How many times have you bought picks from wanna-be sports handicappers on the internet – only to come out defeated again, licking your wounds? The quacks are superb at promoting their picks as the best things since bacon…until you begin betting on them and discover they’re about as useful as a limp penis. You can’t trust these shysters any more than you can trust your dog to solve a physics equation. There are so many rotten apples in the game, it’s often hard to know who to really trust and who to avoid like three-day-old fish.

But the difference with me is that I’m not just another player in the dog fight. I

am one of the highest grossing sports bettors – ever!A barrier-smasher, a man among mice.

Since the 1990’s, I’ve wagered hundreds of millions of dollars on sports, turning a $1,000 starting bankroll into tens of millions of dollars.

So I’m not just some sweet Fanny Adams who only talks the big game. I’ve breathed it. I’ve lived it. I’m a sports betting living legend who has probably won more money betting on sports than just about anybody who’s ever walked on earth.

And there’s nothing magical about me going from $1,000 to decamillions by betting on sports. I was just bold enough to follow my own picks and take action like a ruthless, emotionless machine that refuses to show weakness, refuses to be vulnerable, and refuses to back down.

I continued betting hundreds of millions at the sportsbooks on my way to becoming one of the highest-grossing sports bettors ever…


Now, you can finally start claiming my picks as your own, and begin waging war on the sportsbooks as you put my picks to work for you day after day to generate your potential fortunes!

This is a digital product. The photo above is

meant for visualization purposes.

Hi, you can call me “The Sports Betting Whale.

And no, I wasn’t exactly born with a blowhole on my head and flippers for arms. The truth is, I’ve never been the type to bask in glory like some poster boy of personal virtue. I’m just someone who was blessed with an exceptional mind and

lucky enough to find its perfect purpose.

Dr. Jay, a prestigious medical doctor from Los

Angeles, sent this heartfelt letter testimonial below after winning over

$100,000 from betting on The Whale’s picks: “I have been winning

consistently and in amounts that are frankly staggering to me…In the

past 4 months, I’ve matched my actual income as a doctor with The

Whale…Link yourself with the Whale and you will profit handsomely.

It’s become a daily fact in my life and I’m grateful to him!”

Dr. Jay graduated with an M.D. degree from the

prestigious UCLA School of Medicine. This institution is famously known

as having a lower acceptance rate than Harvard. He currently operates

his own practice out of Los Angeles dealing in criminal forensic


From a young age, I excelled in sports. I rose to become state champion and top national player of ping pong. While I could execute on the the table tennis field with surgical precision, I wasn’t exactly a hit with the ladies as the studmuffins who could play tackle and catch. But that’s okay, because excelling in ping pong gave me an early look into hidden forces that could change the outcome of games which outsiders could likely never account for:

Sports betting was my natural step progression because my rare mastery in pattern recognition coupled with a distinctive sports background merged to become a powerful foundation for sports handicapping success. At 13 years old,

I had already begun handicapping sports and giving betting advice to adults 3-4 times my age.

At one of the best accounting & finance schools in the country, I took a finance class taught by a top finance professor. The class was famous for its exam consisting of 5 impossible bonus questions where the professor warned nobody in history ever answered more than 3 questions correctly. Not only did I score a perfect 100% on this exam, the professor proudly declared in class the day after that “history has been made.” I was the first person to ever have correctly answered all 5 impossible bonus questions. I would go on to complete 155 credits in 2.5 years, breezing through

the university at an average of 9 classes per semester. In the LSAT exam, my score ranked in the 98th percentile in the United States.

My ability to identify, recognize, and isolate patterns is a unique mastery that gives me

an unfair advantage. My IQ has been measured in tests at scores beyond the genius level of 150. And again, I’m

not laying my background out to you because I enjoy sticking my head out there and stealing the show.

In fact, I prefer to avoid the spotlight. But it’s important for you to know who I am because you deserve to know that my story is real, my background is genuine, and my

astronomical winnings in sports betting are documented.

See this heartfelt letter

below from Angel Matos, a customer of The Whale Picks. Angel was able to go

on a shopping spree with his fiancé after betting along with my picks for

just 7 days. Here’s a picture of his fiancé holding in her hands a bag with

a brand new Michael Kors watch – thanks to the winnings generated from

betting along with my selections.

*Results not typical, Individual results may vary.


Angel says: “Here is a picture of the Michael Kors watch she just

purchased thanks to The Whale!”

Click here to see hundreds of glowing, heartfelt

testimonials from actual customers of The Whale Picks

Remarkably, my results in pattern recognition were described as “off the charts.” It’s as if pattern recognition is embedded inside my genetic code. When I began putting my pattern-recognition abilities to the test, I began to discover hidden patterns in sports that led to eventual probable winners. This was when I experienced a near-epiphany: My talents could be used toward predicting winners in sports!

Day after day, I pored over the stat sheets, repeating the same trials over and over again to discover forces in the sports betting market and their patternistic laws. Over the years I would continue to refine my system, like a car collector gently waxing and caressing his prized auto.

I’d go on to use sports betting to skyrocket my fortunes, channeling my wagers as a multi-headed, money-generating leviathan that showered me with residual income rewards as sports games were played.


Sports betting became my perfect marriage. Day after day, I continued feeding reams of unwieldly data into my computer, seeking hidden patterns in sports that I could exploit for profits.

In a masterstroke, I have the ability to glance at a platter of noise and quickly pinpoint an array of possible patterns that are seemingly invisible to the naked eye. My rarefied greatness in pattern recognition is the distinction that lets me separate the signals from the noise. When looking over the stat sheets, I have the uncanny talent to masterfully spot likely patterns in sports that may have predictive values in the future outcomes of games.

Once I identify a likely pattern from an array of sports data, I’d immediately jump on the correlated games, often betting ungodly amounts on Round Robin wagers that are known to leave the sportsbooks shaking in their boots.

The first week I started to put my sports predicting talent to the real test, my bankroll exploded like a grenade in a tomato patch! I stared at my winnings while my face took on the expression of a teenage boy who had been handed the keys to a brand new Mercedes on his 16th birthday.

Overnight, my bank account has swelled beyond my wildest expectations!It was as if I had just died and gone to heaven. Adrenaline was now rushing through my body like a drug!

I tried to temper my excitement. Was this just a sudden twist of good luck, or had I finally discovered the secret to hatch the golden goose?

Over the years, I continued to enhance my methodology, fine-tuning my system that used emotionless rules of pattern recognition to pick betting positions in sports – all while my winnings continued to take off like a springboard! It was as if I had just turned on the money faucet that could flood me with more money than I ever dreamed possible…

In a typical weekend, I would wager millions of dollars on sports once I

had identified a trend of patternistic data that may have exceptionally predictive powers in the outcome of games.

I’d walk into the sportsbook with tens of thousands on hand, and walk out later with hundreds of thousands of dollars in winnings. Sometimes, I would walk away with millions of dollars in winnings, leaving the sportsbook directors with hair standing up on their head.

And I would rinse and repeat, again and again on my way to tens of millions in profits! I’d go on a losing run here and there. But like the poker elites who consistently fold their hands: I

was simply waiting to strike when the iron was hot.Once I enter into my typical hot streak, I’m known to take some sportsbooks to the cleaners, wiping them out of all their profits for the year.

For the first time ever, I’m pulling back the curtains and letting you in on the same exact picks that I bet on every day to

help you generate your fortunes in sports!

But wait, I know that you’ve probably heard of bold claims like this

before from other so-called sports gurus that are full of bark but no

bite. So just because I’m telling you that my system and my picks can

make you money and change your life, doesn’t mean that you should just

blindly believe me and take my words for it…

So let me prove it to you.

After all, winning is all that matters in sports betting. What you’re

about to see next is actual proof of my betting tickets from my recent

winning runs where I’ve taken small amounts of money and ended

up winning over $100,000 within days – all from betting on


Imagine what can happen to your

life if you were following along with me and betting on

the same picks that I did in these runs. How good would that feel to sit

atop a mountain of winnings and be able to do what you want, when you





Here’s How I Literally Turned $7,340 into

$134,280.36 in Just 4 Days from Betting on Sports. See Below for Clear,

Documented, and Irrefutable PROOF!

On April 21, 2017, I took $7,340 and

turned it into $23,337.55 for a profit of +$15,997

The next day on April 22, 2017, I

pocketed $3,337.55, then used the remaining $20,000 to bet. I turned

this into $45,314.84 for a profit of +$25,314.84 by the day’s end!

The next day on April 23, 2017, I

pocketed $12,314.84, then used the remaining $33,000 to bet. I turned

this into $88,898.98 for a profit of +$55,898.98 by the day’s end!

The next day on April 24, 2017, I

pocketed $61,698.98, then used the remaining $27,200 to bet. I turned

this into $56,929.54 for a profit of +$29,729.54 by the day’s end!


You’ve just literally witnessed how in just 4

short days from April 21, 2017 to April 24, 2017,

I took $7,340 and ran it up to $134,280.36!

What if

YOU had wagered on the same exact picks

that I did during this run? How much money

could YOU have won in just 4 days?

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Now, it’s important to know that past results don’t guarantee future performance. And let’s be realistic here that you probably won’t always be cashing in 100% of the time without fail. When it comes to sports betting, you always need to be prepared for the possibility of loss. No sports handicapper in the world, including me, will get you winners 100% of the time.

But one indicator to success is always consistency. Sports handicappers can often go hot or cold in a heartbeat. One day they’re hotter than the hinges of hell. The next day they’re colder than a witch’s tit…

That’s why it’s important that when you listen to anyone’s sports betting advice, you need to put weight on a professional who is proven to win not just by months, but by years and decades. I’m not just some loudmouth who likes to blow smoke without fire. I’m a proven 800-pound gorilla in sports betting who’s gone from being 2 inches tall in the pecking order to being firmly cemented in the pantheon of betting superstars!

So wouldn’t it be nice if you can follow along and take the same

selections that I am betting on, every single day?

You don’t need to do the dirty work any more. Take a deep,

relaxing breath and let me do all

the heavy lifting for you!

What I have in my hands right now is the a formula that I’ve used for

30 years to consistently win money from the sportsbooks, and proven it.

Now, let me share with you my exact method so that I can help you to

live a more prosperous life WITHOUT having to work your tail off for it!

I’ve already lived a lifestyle of luxury from my winnings. Now, I want

to help make a positive difference in yours:

I want

you to have a better life, to do what you want, when you want

I want

you to finally live the good life, making money while you’re out

traveling, spending quality time with your friends and family, and

enjoying life to the fullest

I want

you to reward yourself with consistent monthly payouts, just like if

you’re getting a nice paycheck gift wrapped into your hands every month

I want

you to have more freedom to do the things you really enjoy doing in life

I want

you to finally be secure – without having to sit in rush-hour traffic,

bust your butt off, or dealing with all the office drama just so you can

barely inch yourself ahead

I want

you to finally jump on a plane and take that need vacation you’ve been

wishing for

I want

you to succeed

“”So Why Do I Care About

Your Success So Much? Because Let’s Face It…the More That I

Can Help You to Succeed, Then the More I Will Also Succeed!”

So look, I’ll just cut straight to the chase. For the last 30 years I’ve

already done it for myself, winning tens of millions of dollars from

betting on sports. Now, I want to be on your side so that I can help you

win, too.

Let me do all the groundwork and determine for you the most valuable

betting positions to take every single day. Every morning, you’ll

receive a detailed email with clear, simple, and easy instructions on

which are the best picks to take. All you have to do is just follow

along. Bet on the same picks that I’m taking myself each day,

and let’s prosper together.

Thousands of people have already taken my picks to win free money.

Now, it’s finally your turn to stake your claim to your deserved

piece of the pie to make what could be the easiest cash you’ve made in


If you have the ability to check your email and read simple

instructions, then you have what it takes to win money from

betting on sports.

I make it easy for you because I’ll be the one slaving away my hours

every single day to determine what could be the most profitable betting

positions on sports. All that you’d have to do is simply “Tail The

Whale,” and you’ll see…when I’m hot,

you’ll be constantly stashing cash that are sitting just inches

away from you right into your bank account.

Just take a look at some of my sizzling accolades over the years:

I was the largest sports bettor in the United States in the 1990’s.
Many sportsbooks in Nevada no longer accept my bets over the fear of loss. Others have placed severe limits on the amount of maximum action they’ll take from my wagers.
Over my lifetime, I have wagered over $500

Million on sports – a figure that would likely be in the

billions if the sportsbooks didn’t cut me off.

I’m established by IQ tests as a number and pattern-recognition genius.
I successfully turned a $1,000 bankroll into tens of millions from sports betting in the 1990’s.
I’ve won so much money that a handful of sportsbooks could not afford to pay me on millions of winnings.
In the year 1995, the sportsbook at the Mirage was by far the largest sportsbook in Nevada. In that year, the Mirage took in about $150 Million in sports betting action. Out of that $150 Million, a total of about $70 Million in wagers were made by me alone. My wagers alone accounted for almost half the sports betting action of the largest sportsbook in 1995, and about one-third of the combined action in all the Las Vegas sportsbooks!
I wagered millions of dollars on sports in a typical weekend. My typical bet sizes ranged from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per bet.
A major sportsbook director of one of the largest sportsbooks in Las Vegas has called me the best sports handicapper he’s ever seen in his life.
I took $500 and turned it into $630,000 within 1 day of bets at the Mirage sportsbook.
I opened an account at Pinnacle sportsbook with $50,000. In a span of 4 days, I turned my $50,000 balance into a $4 million bankroll!
Earlier this year, I took a $500 bankroll and turned it into $180,000 in 10 days of sports betting.

Wouldn’t it be nice if

YOU can

start mirroring the action of one of the most successful sports bettors

ever? Now, you finally can with a membership to The Whale Picks.

Check out this recent straight bet I made in 2017

for $20,000. Within hours, I was paid out tens of thousands of dollars in

winnings on this one single bet:

In a world where a large majority of sports bettors are losers over the long-term, my mind-boggling accomplishments aren’t exactly what you’d call

typical. These days, it’s more difficult to drain millions of dollars from

the sportsbooks week after week after week because the sportsbooks, partly

thanks to me, have become more risk-averse. Once you start winning

hundreds of thousands of dollars, you can expect to see your betting limits

lowered. That’s exactly what happened to me, and that’s why I now want to

share my picks with you so that others can take advantage of the


So I’m showing you my impressive sports betting resume not because I want to bask in glory like a demigod with mortals revolving around me like planets around the

sun. I’m laying it out there because it’s important for you to know who you’re dealing with when your fortunes are on the line.

So if you’re sick and tired of old fuddy-duddy picks off the deep end from the lightweights who can’t even tell which way the wind blows, then it’s time to start following along with “The Whale” of sports betting.

It’s time for you to start mirroring along with a sports bettor of almost mythical reputation. Perk up your ears, and step forward to a program that may change your life and financial fortunes – forever!

So…What Kind of Results Can You Expect from The

“Sports Betting Whale?”

You see, sports games’ outcomes are not always 100% predictable because athletic competitions will always carry some element of luck.

Imagine if I were to ask you to play a game with me involving a fair 6-sided die. I offer to bet you $10 that I’ll roll a 1 on my first try. Is that a good bet for you to accept?

Of course it is! After all, you have a 1/6 chance to lose $10, and 5/6 chance to win $10.

But what happens if you make the bet, only to find out that I get lucky

and roll a 1 on my first try? Even though you lose the bet, it still doesn’t change the fact that the bet itself was a good one for you to make. This is an important concept for you to know because athletic competitions carry a similar analogy. My patternistic analysis can determine certain bets to have exceptional winning value. But results, just like game outcomes, can’t be absolutely guaranteed. Sometimes, even tremendously high value bets can still lose. The key to profiting in sports is persistence over

the long-term. Historically, my picks have generally netted me approximately +40 units per week.

I’ve secretly cradled my sports picks inside my arms all my life. Now, you have the opportunity to step ahead and pry them open to reveal the same picks that I bet on every day for up to hundreds of thousands!

I will do all the work for you. All you have to do each day is check your email, throw your bets on my selections,

then sit back, relax, and watch as the winnings potentially erupt like a burgeoning volcano right before your very eyes!

Every pick I send you is relentlessly analyzed and rigorously researched. I don’t take chances when your fortunes may be on the line. Simply put: I must be convinced on every single pick I deliver.

And quite frankly, I work my tail off not only because your money is on the line.

But more importantly, I do it because my own money is on the line.

“I Bet Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars of

My Own Money on the Same Picks I Release to You. Simply Put: When

You Lose Money, I Lose Money!”

The typical sports handicapper on the internet makes a living by

relying on people buying his picks. Rarely do these so-called

handicappers even bet on their own picks. And for the ones that do

wager on their own picks, they typically risk no more than a couple

hundred bucks of their own money.

But the truth is, the true giants of this business who can

consistently pick winners don’t need to resort to selling picks to

make a living. I don’t just simply tout my own picks.I

had the “cojones” to

bet about $500 million dollars of my own money on my own sports

picks over the years.

Think about it: Someone who can consistently pick winning positions

in sports has the power to almost print money at will. If their

picks are winning, then all they have to do to make more money is to

bet more money on their own picks. Why trouble yourself selling

picks when you can simply bet more money on your own winning


I’ve had countless people over the years beg me to buy my picks. And

still, I remained as quiet as an eel swimming in oil. That’s because

I’m not from this industry. I don’t need to sell my picks to make a

living. The millions of dollars I

made in fortunes did not come from me selling my picks. They came

from me betting on my own picks.

I’ve only decided to finally start sharing my picks because the

sportsbooks in Las Vegas have stopped taking the kind of action I

want to make. Simply put: I can no longer bet millions of dollars on

my picks like I used to. Now, I want to finally pass my

torch to you and see how far you can run with the fire baton in your


It’s as easy as following a simple recipe.

So today, I’m going to give you the missing link once and for all.

What you’re about to discover may be that one rare fragment of the

jigsaw you’ve been searching for far and wide to finally piece

together the entire puzzle. So step forward today, and you can

secure in the palm of your very hand what could just be that

one master key to finally give yourself the unfair advantage and a

real chance at making serious money.

“How Exactly Does the Whale Picks Work?”

The Whale Picks are not for the faint-hearted. My selections are designed for the serious wealth profiteers who are looking for a way to multiply their fortunes exponentially.

They’re made for the emotionless sports bettor who can wager on games with a mechanical mindset for skyscraping advancement. Here is key:

You must be able to handle strings of losses.

You may have wagered along with other handicappers before whose picks

were seemingly hotter than the devil’s pitchfork. You’d jump on the train,

hoping and praying that this could finally be the one that works. Then what

happens? All that to just find yourself crashing headlong into a brick wall. So you walk away defeated

and humiliated. Embarrassment washing over you, like the feeling of being picked last in dodge ball from grade school all over again…

With The Whale Picks, you cannot allow yourself to prematurely back down and curl up in a big ball of misery when losses occur. You will have losing days. In fact, you may have a series of consecutive losing days…and then in a masterstroke, you can wipe out all your losses and begin taking off in a rocket-mad surge as soon as you hit just one good day!

That’s the power of The Whale Picks. It all comes down to the multiplier effect associated with my Round Robin betting strategy.

With my picks, you won’t be grinding out on the small wins. Join hands with

me today, and I’m going to give you an opportunity to swing for the fences.

You may get strikeouts, but they’re simply the means to push for the home

runs. I’m not a bettor who chases after the small stakes.

I go right for the jugular to hit the

grand slams.

Just like below. Check out this $3,000 Round Robin wager I made on a 4-leg Round Robin by 3’s on February 7, 2017:

Here’s how a Round Robin bet works. Round robin bets are essentially a betting strategy where you’ll make multiple parlays in a group of wagers. The reason why I use this hyper-aggressive betting strategy is because the win rate on my picks are so historically strong that the best way to profit from them is to parlay them in a round robin. This is the same formula I used to take a $1,000 bankroll and turned it into tens of millions of dollars over the years until the sportsbooks decided to cut me off.

A round robin bet is essentially a series of different parlay wagers from various combinations of a group of bets. A 4-leg Round Robin by 3’s means that I am making a parlay bet on all the different 3-team combinations from a group of 4 bets. In the betting ticket above, there were 4 bets involved:

Bet #707: Over on Alabama

Bet #713: Florida on the point spread

Bet #727: Rhode Island on the point spread

Bet #738: Over on Clemson

A Round Robin by 3’s means that you will make all possible 3-team parlay combinations in this group of 4 bets. Therefore, the different combinations of 3-team parlays in this group are:

Parlay #1 between Bets 707 and 713 and 727

Parlay #2 between Bets 707 and 727 and 738

Parlay #3 between Bets 707 and 713 and 738

Parlay #4 between Bets 713 and 727 and 738

For any of the parlay bets to win, ALL the bets in that parlay must win. For example in Parlay #1, if bet 707 and 713 won but bet 727 lost, then the entire parlay bet is lost. In parlay betting, you must win every single bet in the parlay for the bet to win. When you do win, however, the payoff is tremendous. Winning a 2-team parlay gives back $3.6 for every $1 you risk. Winning a 3-team parlay gives back $7 for every $1 you risk.

So when my bets win, they tend to take off like rocket-fire!Check out the $21,000 I cashed out at the sportsbook from my $3,000 Round Robin bet:

Take a look at this

picture I recently took below on February 18, 2017 when I cashed out $38,500

worth of winning tickets from 1 day of betting on sports:

When I’m hot, I can make more money in one day than what people can make in

a year of full-time work!

Just a week later on February

26, 2017, I cashed

out on another $26,700:

Another $26,700 cashed out from two winning tickets

3 days later, I cashed out on

another $39,200.00 in winnings:

My system isn’t meant for bettors who grind. If you’re the type who prefer to build up your bankroll slowly and methodically, then follow along with any of the other sports handicapping juniors who can get you a few units of win every other day.

But if you’re serious about possibly multiplying your bankroll with wild abandon, then welcome aboard to The Whale Picks. Now,

don’t expect to win fortunes every single day. In fact, you’re likely to

have many losing days also. But as soon as one hot winning day strikes,

you’ll likely skyrocket your balance to the next orbit. That’s exactly what I’ve done over the decades:

Instilling fear in the sportsbooks and busting their balance in as little as one winning run.

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My winning runs are the talk of legends in Las Vegas, where I’m known for wiping out sportsbooks’ entire year of profits in just one good winning run.

My betting formula is firmly based on Round Robin wagering. It’s a

high-risk and high-reward betting strategy that favors bets of exceptional

winning probability because of the associated multiplier effect. As soon as

when one good day strikes, the winnings can make up for an entire week of

bad runs. Once my round robin selections hit 3-4 back-to-back wins, you can

expect to make 100-1 returns at almost the blink of an eye! In fact,when my picks go on a good winning run, I can literally destroy a sportsbook’s entire year of profits. That’s exactly what happened at Bally’s sportsbook in the 1990’s where I first gained my notoriety. In one legendary winning run, I obliterated the Bally sportsbook’s whole year of profits!

That winning run proved to be both a blessing and a curse. Since then, my presence instilled fear around town, and soon I discovered it almost impossible to find a sportsbook in Las Vegas that would be brave enough to take my wagers. Even the big boys in town like Caesar’s Palace would outright refuse to take my bets. They had grown so deathly fearful of my action that they probably would’ve run away from my own shadow! The sportsbooks were smart to be scared.

Eventually, I finally found home at the Mirage, the largest sportsbook in Las Vegas in the 1990’s. The problem

was, unless I tried my hands in their casino, the Mirage wouldn’t let me wager the millions of dollars I wanted to on sports. To convince the Mirage to take my sports bets, I forced myself to play games of chance at their casino. I’d sit for hours on end at the craps table, throwing my chips out there only as a means to an end.

And it worked! The Mirage gave the green light to let me bet hundreds of thousands and millions in their sportsbook using my signature Round Robin betting formula. And they would soon regret it.

In 1994, I legally ransacked the Mirage sportsbook in broad daylight out of $10 Million from my sports wagers, leaving their operators, directors, and oddsmakers dumbfounded, watching in awe.

It was as if I’ve just discovered a state-of-the-art cash magnet! Below is an actual copy of my betting ticket made on August 27, 1994 where I plundered $154,094.90 from the Mirage sportsbook

in just one single bet. The Mirage would go on to use my winning ticket as an ad in the newspaper to entice other gamblers to wager at their sportsbook.

I made $154,094.90 from one single bet. None of the games were even close!

Little did the Mirage know…this was just a small beginning of what was to come.

In just months, I came on to terrorize the sportsbooks like a beast out of hell, reeling in hundreds of thousands of dollars when my Round Robin wager pulled

through. Below is an actual copy of an ad that the Mirage took out in a

newspaper at the end of 1994 after beingwiped clean again to the tune of more than $500,000.00 (half a million dollars) on just one single bet I made:

One single bet I made hauled in more than half a million dollars at the Mirage sportsbook. The bets not only won, but none of them were even close!

“That’s More Than Half a Million Dollars I Legally

Raided from the Coffers of the Mirage Sportsbook in One Single Bet — All

While Their Operators Helplessly Stood by with Their Jaws on the Floor and

Awe Engraved into Their Eyeballs!”

In the coming years, I would continue trampling over the sportsbook, ruling them with my iron fists as I routinely drained them out of millions of dollars. In 1995, my sports betting action alone ($70 Million) accounted for almost half the amount of money wagered at the Mirage sportsbook (about $150 Million), and about one third of the combined action wagered at all the sportsbooks in Las Vegas ($225 Million).

In 1995, I exploded right out of the gate by taking$500 and turned it into $630,000 within hours.Below

is an article from the 1995 Las Vegas Review Journal that documented the

final leg of my historic run. The article below told the story of a gambler who wagered $175,000 and turned it into $455,000. This was a day when I started with $500, working my way up to $175,000, and eventually

winning $455,000 thus turning my bankroll into $630,000 at the end of the

day – all from starting out with $500 just hours earlier!

I started the day with $500, and turned it into $630,000 within hours. The 1995 Las Vegas Journal documented the final leg of my historic run.

As my sports betting reputation grew to legendary status, the director at Las Vegas’s most major sportsbook made a declaration that “(The Whale) is the best sports handicapper I’ve ever seen in my life!” I closed out the year winning tens of millions of dollars from betting on sports.

My mythical status in sports betting was echoed throughout the entire city of Las Vegas, rippling in waves all the way up to the highest echelons. In fact, casino magnate

and CEO of the largest sportsbooks in Las Vegas would meet me in person. The first words

he said to me were simply: I’ve heard about you. I’m glad to meet you. There aren’t many people like you.

And the sportsbook’s CEO was right. My record-setting dominance in sports betting profits were unheard of in a city where the motto was “the house always wins.”

After flattening the Mirage sportsbook in the 1990’s, my attention turned to online betting in the 2000’s. In the early 2000’s, I opened an account at Pinnacle where betting limits were known to be high. I deposited $50,000 into my account and continued surging on with my marquee Round Robin acceleration strategy.

Pinnacle never saw it coming. Days later, I had amassed what was possibly the largest bankroll increase in the least amount of time ever from betting on sports. My first two Round Robin plays cashed in with ease, catapulting my account balance into the six figures in almost a heartbeat’s time.

In the next several days, I began turbo-charging my wagers to the next dimension. Over a span of 4 days, I won 92 out of 100 bets, bolting my bankroll into over $4 Million by the 4th day.

“In Just 4 Days, My Starting Bankroll of $50,000

Skyrocketed Like a Ballistic Missile to a Final Balance of over $4 Million

on Pinnacle!”

I successfully multiplied my bankroll 80 times over in a span of just 4 days, pocketing about $4 Million for barely lifting my finger!

That’s the power of The Whale’s Picks. When I’m hot, you’ll think that my

picks are the closest thing there is to a

crystal ball that can give you the best shot of winning

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So if you’re sick and tired of moving so slow that you might as well be

stuck in another time zone, it’s time to tag along with “The Sports Betting Whale” and start

racing at breakneck speed on the superhighway to stardom. Once my Round Robins cash in on a

good run,the multiplier effect has the potential to bring your

relatively small starting bankroll to over $100,000.00 in one go!

But here’s the key to success with The Whale Picks: You have to be patient.

Think like a poker player. I’ve made it to the pantheon of superstars because I rely on a tried-and-true strategy used by elite poker players who can routinely reel in millions of profits per year. Elite poker players never, ever expect to win every single game. In fact, poker pros anticipate on losing on a majority of their hands. They’re tight players who typically fold at the beginning of the round almost every time. These poker elites would patiently sit there, folding time and time again, waiting for the one opportunistic moment to finally strike like a deadly cobra when their cards are hot…

But once a world-class player decides to strike, he can typically take his opponents to the cleaners, wiping them out of all their chips before they have a chance to blink an eye! My signature Round Robin betting strategy is exactly just that: A ruthlessly efficient betting method that can strike with deadly purpose at any moment’s notice to reel in unfathomable potential returns!

I may have several losing days in a row. Hell, I may even have a whole bad week of bets if I get really unlucky where all the games are simply going haywire. It’s sports, after all, and outcomes of athletic events can sometimes be irregular even as they are predictable. But here’s the beauty: Once my picks get in just on one good winning day, I can literally bounce back and

make an entire week’s worth of bad beats completely irrelevant!

“Over My Career, I’ve Taken as Little as $1,000

and Turned It into over $100,000 or Even Millions on over a Hundred

Different Occasions.”

The key is to not sweat the small losses. When a Round Robin fails to score, it’s as if you’re just folding a bad hand in poker. You’re simply riding a wave until you can finally catch a hot streak. Historically, I go on 2-3 major runs each sports season as streaks begin to occur when teams fall into certain patterns throughout the year. I would lock into the patterns and ride on the wave to pillage the sportsbooks’ vaults in cold blood. Historically, if bettors were to mirror my action by betting along on my picks, they’d have averaged about 2-3 of these major runs per sports season.

And plus: It’s fun! With my picks, you can expect to receive daily action to keep you hooked. I may release up to dozens of picks a day. On big game days, you’ll have more action than a GI Joe doll on a reconnaissance mission to Barbie’s pool house!

So now you may be wondering:

“Whale, If You Can Make Millions with Your Picks, Then Why Share Them with the World?”

It’s a fair question. The truth is, I’ve kept silent all my life. I’ve cradled these picks inside my arms like my firstborn baby for decades because it was hard enough to find sportsbooks to take my action. The 1990’s Mirage were my golden years because the Mirage sportsbook would let me wager up to millions of dollars on bets.

The director of the Mirage sportsbook continued to take my million-dollar wagers because, at the time, he was convinced that the house could not lose to anybody using a Round Robin strategy. Yet week after week, I’d continue repeating the same patterns and walking out with hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions in winnings. The sportsbook director continued to accept my wagers for over a year because he was intent on proving that the house could not lose over

the long-term on Round Robin plays.

And he’d come to regret that for life, as I would continue to pilfer tens of millions of dollars from the sportsbook. Once the sportsbook director was let go over a year later, the Mirage would never again accept my Round Robin wagers. It remains a dark mark in the Mirage history to the present day.

Since then, there has never been a sportsbook like the Mirage again, and possibly ever. No sportsbook in Las Vegas has let me bet hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on my Round Robin plays ever since my notorious run.

More recently, one of the biggest current sportsbooks in Las Vegas has

let me wager up to $12,000-$16,000 to pay back hundreds of thousands of

dollars on Round Robins. Within just a few months,I

went on to crush the sportsbook to a pulp using my signature Round Robin strategy, plundering from their vault about $800,000.00 in winnings.The old director of the Mirage happened to be at this sportsbook one day, chatting up with executives when he was told: “We’ve got this player who’s killing us on Round Robins bets!”

The former Mirage director gave a memorable reply: “Let me guess: It’s (The Whale).”

After pillaging the sportsbook out of almost $1 Million dollars, the inevitable happened: They cut me off. In an instant, the sportsbook immediately shrunk my Round Robin betting limit to $1,000 per game.

I was frantic! Again just like in the Mirage days, I’d start playing table games in the casino as a means to an end. I’d recklessly throw down tens of thousands of dollars in chips on the blackjack tables to establish myself as a casino player…just so I

could bet higher limits at the sportsbook. Ironically, I was playing thousands per hands on blackjack with an intention to lose.

And it worked. Or sort of.

After establishing myself as a casino player, they caved in and allowed me to bet up to $100,000 at the sportsbook. But one big problem: Only straight wagers. They flatly refused to let me bet higher than $1,000 using Round Robin plays.

I was outraged!

To get around it, I exploited a loophole by making Round Robin bets on the same game multiple times: 1st half, 2nd half, full game, and a mixture of those combinations. Then, I took the games straight up as well for the maximum limit.

And in just like that, I’d go on toclean the sportsbook out to the tune of about $700,000 in winnings within just 2 months.

This time, they finally tapped out. No more action from “The Whale.”

These days, some sportsbooks such as Suncoast and New Orleans flatly turn down my wagers, period. They won’t even touch my straight bets. Other sportsbooks who are more bold

will accept my Round Robin plays, but may limit me to several thousand dollars max. And once I go on a hot run, I’d force myself to put on the brakes and start betting at other sportsbooks.

Simply put: I’m sick and tired of running all over town just to put in

the action I really want. My days of placing million-dollar bets like the golden days of Mirage are

likely over.

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So now is finally the time I’m going to break my silence. I’m a sports betting freak of nature whose pattern recognition ability has helped me seemingly defy the odds. I have stayed under the radar all my life. Now, I am finally ready to burst open the floodgates and share all my picks with you. These are the same picks derived from my pattern recognition mastery that have helped me siphon tens of millions of dollars in profits from betting on sports over the years. Join hands with me today, and we can

prosper together.

Free Bonus #1

Invest into The Whale Picks today, and you’ll also receive The Whale’s “Acceleration” Bankroll Management System – absolutely FREE! The “Acceleration” Bankroll Management System is a bankroll strategy I use to efficiently determine the size of my stakes for maximum possible gains while limiting risk.

Once you access my “Acceleration” Bankroll Management System, you’ll discover the same powerful bankroll strategy I used to skyrocket my betting balances from scratch to tens of millions of dollars over the years!

The Whale’s “Acceleration” Bankroll Management System is included as a 100% FREE bonus when you secure your access to The Whale Picks today.

The Burning Question in Your Head Must Now Be: “How

Much Will the Whale’s Picks Cost?”

My sports handicapping excellence has showered me with torrents of winning profits over the years to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. What kind of a price tag can honestly be fair for you to receive picks from one of history’s greatest sports bettors – ever?

How much would you be willing to pay for a real shot at winning

serious money?

You see, it’s tough for me to put a price tag on this because the fair cost of my selections is probably not a number an average person can

realistically afford. It’s probably not a number that you can afford.

I have made tens of millions of dollars from betting on sports. The truth is, I’m not exactly hurting for money.

So part of my motivation to share my picks with you isn’t because I’m as greedy as a fox in a hen roost looking to maximize on my capitalistic opportunities. The truth is, it’s satisfying for me to know that I can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

The Whale Picks is my opportunity to finally make a difference in people’s lives.

So as much as I’d like to slap a Megabucks price on my picks, the good news is I won’t. Plus, the fair price for my picks is not exactly one that most people can afford anyway.

So here’s the deal: I’m going to let you try

my picks out for next to nothing. Take it out for a test-drive!

Sign up to “The Whale Picks” today, and you can have me, one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors ever in history, work for you and deliver to you all of my personal daily sports picks every single day for

just $19 for the first 7 days, a monthly installment of only $299/month

thereafter. If for any reason you’re not head-over-heels in love with the

results during your 7-day trial for $19, then cancel at any time and you’ll

never be billed again!

Remember: These

are the same picks from the same system that has helped catapult me from a life filled with squeaks and groans to being cranked up over a hundred miles an hour! And

if at any point you aren’t making money hand over fist with my picks – just cancel any time

and you’ll never owe another dime. I will continue to deliver you my killer selections every day until

I’m satisfied with your return on investment!

The “Whale Of A Guarantee” 100%



And to take the risks completely out of your hands: I’m going to cover

you with my “Whale Of A Guarantee 100% Protection.”

Let me put it this way: You have 60 full days to prove me wrong. I’m

convinced that the only way you won’t make money with my picks over

the long run is if you don’t follow my instructions. That’s it. So

to put my money where my mouth is, I’m going to cover your purchase with my

“Whale” of a money-back guarantee so that you have no possible reason left

to be skeptical.

So to make the Whale membership risk-free for you, I guarantee

that you’ll be satisfied with your purchase – or your money back! Here’s how my

“Whale of a Guarantee” works: If for any

reason you’re not completely blown away with the winning results of my

picks, then I urge you to contact me any time within 60 days and I’ll be

happy to give you a full 100% refund of your purchase price.

The burden is now all on my shoulders. I offer to take the risk for you because I know just how dominating my picks

can be to help you finally begin taking off on the winning ride of your

life! So if for any reason you’re not happy or you’re not winning, then just

simply ask for your money back and I’ll send you a full refund on your

purchase within 24 hours. Sometimes within minutes! It’s that simple.

Besides, I don’t find it right to take any of your money unless I can

prove to you my worth. So step forward today, and you can join hands with me

on this guaranteed offer and begin making that first big step toward what

could be your whole new financial reality.

Free Bonus #2

Lock in your access to The Whale Picks today, and you’ll also receive “The Whale’s Overtime Betting System” – absolutely FREE! The Overtime Betting System is an angle I use to determine when teams may have an exceptional likelihood to win or lose their next game based on if their previous game had extended into overtime.

My pattern recognition mastery has helped me spot a curious trend on overtime games, and their likelihood to influence how teams may play in the following game, leading to possibly predictable outcomes.

Interestingly, teams that would go on to play double, triple, and quadruple overtime would show a recurring tendency to follow a patternistic behavior in their next games. You’ll discover all the juicy details once you unwrap my Overtime Betting System today.

The Whale’s Overtime Betting System is included as a 100% FREE bonus when you secure your access to The Whale Picks today.

The best way for you to make money is to follow a successful and proven

model. So don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers. The time is now for you to make a decision and step forward. But

this is key: Don’t wait long to make that decision.

Every day that you are still hesitating like a child being offered a ride by a stranger is another day that you could have walked hand-in-hand with me and bet along with one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors in history.

If you think that you can make your winning picks on your own without my help, then consider that over 95% of sports bettors fail to see profits from their craft. Sure, you can get lucky on a short run just because all the bounces came in your favor. You may start flexing your muscles and believe that you can defeat the sportsbooks on your own. But chances are, you’ll eventually come to realize that you can only swim so much against the tide until the tsunami wipes you out. The lights in Las Vegas are always on because the vast majority of gamblers lose.

If you turn your back on me now and start making wagers on your own hunches, chances are you’ll eventually realize that you can only skirt on the line for so long before you finally fall off on your head.

So why take chances when your fortunes are on the line, especially when the odds are so much against your favor?

Why not let someone who is proven at winning do all the work for you?

Why not let one of the biggest and winningest sports bettors ever in history do all the

hard work for you?

Free Bonus #3

Secure your access to The Whale Picks today, and

I’ll automatically upgrade your

membership to VIP Inner Circle status for a limited time

– absolutely FREE! My VIP Inner Circle is typically a $10,000 a month

package reserved for players who have the ability to play at the highest

level to win hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

Step forward today, and I’ll briefly upgrade your membership for free

so you can have a taste of the kind of royalty service I deliver to my

VIP clients.

The VIP Inner Circle is typically a $10,000 per month package

reserved for VIP members who have the ability to wager at least

thousands per bet. In this VIP service, I will personally give you

guidance to help you manage your bankroll as if it is my own.

You’ll get this VIP upgrade for a limited time for free if you step

forward today.

So don’t just sit back and let the sportsbooks hammer you into submission,

10 feet deep in the ground. Step forward to my insider’s circle today, and I can do all the

hard work for you. Just check your email and follow along on my selections

every day.

It’s time for you to make a decision right now to step up to bat in an opportunity to swing for the fences. Join

forces with “The Whale” today, and you caninstantly gain the service of a sports bettor of legendary reputation who has plundered tens of millions of dollars from the sportsbooks to finally work for you on your side.

Yes, Sign Me Up Right Now!

I Want to Secure My Membership to the Whale Picks Immediately!

I understand that The Whale Picks membership is just $19 to start for

the first 7 days. After this 7-day trial, the monthly installment is

just $299/month. If for any reason I’m not happy with the results, I can

cancel at any time, and will never be billed again.

Additionally, as part of my purchase I will also receive your Overtime Betting System for free as a 100% bonus gift. This is a system based on your pattern analysis to foretell how teams may likely perform in their next games upon playing overtime in a previous game.

Plus, I will also receive your “Acceleration” Bankroll Management System as another 100% free bonus gift to show me how I can most effectively size my stakes with The Whale Picks and possibly turn a small bankroll into hundreds of thousands or more!

Finally, I understand that by stepping forward today,

you’ll also automatically upgrade my membership to VIP Inner

Circle status for a limited time for free! The VIP Inner

Circle is typically reserved for VIP members who have the ability

to wager at the highest level. In this VIP service, you will

personally give me guidance to help me manage my bankroll as if it

is your own.

And I’m aware that my purchase is totally risk-free because it is

fully protected under your “Whale of a Guarantee 100% Protection.” If

for any reason I am not head-over-heels in love with the results, all I

have to do is just ask for my money back and you’ll refund my order in

full, making this purchase completely risk-free for me!

No thanks. I don’t want to win

easy money.

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