Isometrics Mass

Isometrics Mass

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Dear Reader,

Would you take muscle-building advice from an escaped convict?

Sounds like a silly question doesn’t it?

Well, don’t make up your mind too quickly. Because I’ve got a story to tell you that sounds like something out of Hollywood’s greatest escape films that can increase muscle size and strength in 8-seconds flat

And it has nothing to do with lifting heavy weights, getting “a pump”, or following boring fitness advice on most bodybuilding websites…

The 8-second Shackle Shattering Secret That Explodes Your Muscle & Strength Gains Is Found On This Very Page!

In fact, most guys know nothing of what I’m about to show you. Yet in minutes from now…

You’ll Discover The Muscle Building Edge Men Of All Ages Would Kill For… Especially If You’re Over 30.

This is me as a father of 5. However, I wasn’t always muscular. Actually, it was the complete opposite…

First, let me introduce myself…

Hi my name is Alby Gonzalez and no I’m not the convict mentioned at the beginning of this letter. However, I’ve used his uncommon methods to pack on more size and FASTER than I did in my twenties while spending less time in the gym…

Yet, it wasn’t long ago I was just a proud father of five trapped in a “skinny-fat” body I hated…  

With bubbles of fat under my chest, extra belly pudge, and feeling the weakest I’ve been in my life…

You see, I was an active guy growing up. I played sports, lifted weights. Yet when my twins were born, my priorities changed. And my focus shifted from “all about me”… to all about my family.

Like most men, that’s when my body unraveled. Maybe you’ve been there?

Or maybe you’re single and simply don’t have time to spend hours in the gym. And just feel unhappy with the body you have. Regardless…

I’m sure you’ve been told, “you just need to workout more.” Or “you’re not exercising hard enough…”

When none of these answers will help you build a ripped and strong body you can be proud of… 

In fact, these cliche phrases are the biggest form of manipulation used by “fitness gurus” to make men like you feel like it’s YOUR fault when you’re not seeing the results they promised..

And in a second I’ll show you the little-known “swept under the rug” secret most fitness magazines never talk about…

That’s used by world champion Strongman competitors, prize-winning UFC cage fighters, even bodybuilders…

That will slice your gym time in half…

While giving you jaw-dropping muscle gains you thought were only possible as a testosterone-pumping teenager…

Listen. I know what it’s like to work, pay the bills, spend time with your family and repeat… until one day you look in the mirror and wonder, “what the heck happened to me?”

Which is why I want you to read every word on this page…

You’ll Discover The Little-known Muscle Secret Used By UFC Fighters, Powerlifters, and Bodybuilders That Will Slice Your Gym-Time In Half!

Because you’ll see just how easy it is to pack on slabs of strength and muscle WITHOUT spending hours at the gym, sacrificing your performance at the office or neglecting your kids, spouse, or social life. Now…

There’s 3 Barriers Nearly Every Man Struggle With When Trying To Build A Powerful Physique… 

Here’s how to “detour” around these roadblocks quickly and easily so you can jump on the highway to your strongest and most muscular body

After turning 30, low testosterone tracks men down like a heat-seeking missile ready to explode on impact.

It’s not a matter of “if”… but when.

And most gym-goers unknowingly speed up the process…

And destroy their testosterone levels for the sake of a “good workout.”

In reality, you’re overtraining your body. And practically throwing your male hormones in the trash

I’ve been there. You see, gaining muscle became more difficult as I got older. So I’d train harder and longer in a desperate attempt to see fast results…

Yet every time I left the gym, I felt like a worthless, empty vessel…

I was tired all day. Couldn’t focus at work. My body and joints would throb. And I didn’t have any drive or passion left for my girlfriend by the end of the night…

Low Testosterone Is Tracking You Down Like a Heat-Seeking Missile Ready To Explode On Impact. And Your Workouts Are Only Speeding Up The Process!

It’s like I’d walked into the gym as a man and left as a ghost floating through the day. 

What I didn’t know was my workouts were feeding my cortisol levels. And forcing my body to become catabolic. Ultimately causing muscle loss, lower testosterone levels, fatigue and weakness. Now…

You may not suffer these side effects if you’re on “the juice” like most professional bodybuilders. However, long and grueling workouts are only going to make us “natural guys” look and feel weaker…

Spending hours in the gym will smother your testosterone like a snake coiling around its prey & squeezing tightly…

Maybe not right away…

However, over time the barrage of training on your body will smother your progress

Like a snake coiling around its prey and squeezing tightly…

Eventually your male hormones will tire-out. And any chance you had of building a muscular body will be crushed.

Because according to a recent study published in Scientific Reports, men with lower testosterone levels suffer from accelerated muscle-loss (1)

Which is the primary reason most men fail to build muscle as they age despite working out for long hours and eating healthy… 

And you’ll not only struggle to build muscle… you’ll also become dead in the pants (2). What I mean is, your sex-drive and ability to “perform” will fizzle out with your testosterone…

Crushing your self-confidence and wrecking the intimacy you once had with your spouse or partner. Eventually, you’ll feel trapped in a weak body with little self-esteem and an “out of order” sign dangling down-below.

Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. You see…

Around 30-minutes Into Training, Your Testosterone Skyrockets 

Which should be the moment you walk away from your workout and enjoy a MASSIVE all-day anabolic spike. However…

​​​​Most workout programs have you stay in the gym much longer…

Which wears-down your body’s #1 muscle-building hormone.

Because after 45-minutes of training, your testosterone levels slowly drop.

And according to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology, after 60-minutes of exercise, your body stops producing testosterone and starts making cortisol

A hormone that eats away your muscle tissue and increases body fat…

Most Workout Programs Force Your Body To STOP Producing Testosterone And Start Making Cortisol… A Hormone That Eats Away Your Muscle.

And in a minute I’ll show you the “holy grail” mass movement I use to get maximum muscle activation during my workouts while spending less than 30 minutes in the gym…

And how this one technique helped me supercharge my testosterone levels and never waste a minute on pointless sets and reps that kill your male hormones. Yet first…

Here’s another barrier most men face when trying to build a head-turning, muscular physique that catches the eye of the opposite sex…

Have you ever started a workout routine only to stop months, maybe weeks later from joint pain or a sudden injury?

Many men have. In fact…

A recent report shows more than 10,000 people are treated in emergency rooms across the United States for exercise-related injuries every single day (4)

Which doesn’t include the men and women who suffer in silence with strained back muscles, sharp knee and elbow pain, neck discomfort, and other nagging injuries caused by exercise damage.

Think about it…

What’s the fastest way to stop your muscle building results dead in its tracks? Injuries

More than 10,000 people in America are treated in emergency rooms for exercise-related injuries every day

​​​​After all, you can’t exercise when you’re hurt, right?

And if you do, you’re one wrong movement away from doubling over in pain

Laying on the floor while the gym staff calls for paramedics to haul you out of the building and rush you to a nearby hospital for an expensive surgery or scary exam…

And What Happens If You Do Need Surgery

How long will it take to recover after doctors slice open your skin and shove tubes, mesh, and other medical gadgets into your body before sowing you back up?

A few months, a year? Maybe longer…

Yet that’s not all. Constant pain and injury will throw your body into an endless cycle of frustration. You see…

Building the body of your dreams is like pushing a large rock up a mountain…

Yet with every pinch, pull, crack or tear, the rock slips out of your hands and rolls back downhill. Forcing you to start over again and again until your will is broken and you throw in the towel for good…

And possibly become one of the millions of men who are overweight or obese in the world…

With large lumps of estrogen-pumping fat around your belly, saggy man-breasts, and a weak body that can’t perform like it used to.

This is the common injury cycle for men, unless you do something different. You see…

There’s An 8-second Movement-Free Muscle Building Technique That’ll Protect Your Body From Injuries

While Getting You Jacked.

In fact, it’s been called the “safest” form of maximal muscle exercise for men who want to build mass and strength WITHOUT lifting heavy weights or performing endless amounts of reps and sets that wreak havoc on your joints and spine…

Which is great news because you’ll never have to tumble down “muscle mountain” again from another injury…

I call this technique, “Max Static Stimulation” which you can add to the middle of any set to activate the same muscle force as if performing a 500 lb deadlift WITHOUT actually lifting that heavy of a weight…

It’s like tricking your muscles into thinking your lifting more than you are…

Which forces your body to grow almost on command.

Best part? There’s no painful torque on your elbow and knees…

​​​​Max Static Stimulation Sets Help You Activate The Same Muscle Force As If Performing A 500 lb Deadlift WITHOUT Actually Lifting That Heavy Of Weight

And you won’t have to compress and brittle your spine “squatting heavy” or performing dangerous moves that can throw out your back in seconds…

Instead, you’ll enjoy “pain free gains” in strength and size for years, even decades to come without another frustrating set back…

As you get older, priorities change…

I’m a father of five kids and have a 40+ hour work week, so I know the feeling of having little time for anything…

And to be honest, placing your family and career above going to the gym is honorable. However…

As the saying goes, you can have your cake and eat it too…

What I mean is, you can get a strong and muscular physique, balance time with your family, partner, and social life, while gliding up the corporate ladder

WITHOUT your workouts getting in the way or you feeling overwhelmed and guilty for spending time in the gym.

Because the truth is, “less is more.”

In fact, one study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows low volume workouts, with high intensity muscle activation, like what you experience using my Max Static Stimulation technique, results in greater strength and lean mass gains compared to long workouts. (4)

So if you’re a man who wants a rock solid body that’s just as strong as it is eye-catching… short workouts will be your “unfair advantage” and have you passing up all the other guys at the gym… 

Plus you’ll have more time for your family, friends, and social life

Best part, you won’t feel like a screw up…

You see, most guys try exercising an hour a day for most days of the week and lose motivation when they can’t find the time.

It sucks the wind out of your sails…

And you end up losing belief in yourself…

Maybe even raise the white flag and quit altogether. We see it all the time…

New Year’s day is always packed with ambitious folks trying to get in-shape. Yet a few months, sometimes weeks later, the gym is a ghost town. Reason why?

believed the lie. And think they have to “do more” in the gym to see results.

Eventually they can’t sustain the demanding schedule of work, the gym, their relationships, and social life. And end up throwing in the towel and quitting on their body altogether. Listen…

Just A Few Short Workouts A Week Using This One Max Static Stimulation Trick Is All You Need To Build The Rock Hard Physique Of A Male Fitness Model While Having The Shocking Strength Of A Competitive Strongman…

Yet I can’t take all the credit for this method…  

Remember the convict I mentioned at the beginning of this letter?

Well, let me introduce him to you and the strength secret that changed my life

His name is Alexander Zass. A Russian spy from World War I who was taken prisoner on four different occasions… and escaped each time. How?

By ripping off the heavy shackles around his ankles and prying open thick steel prison bars with his bare hands…

And he used the same strength techniques I’m about to share with you in his tiny prison cell to gain the muscle-power to perform these shocking strength feats that set him free.

Yet that’s not the end of his story…

This former WWI convict introduced me to the strength secret that would change my life

Because after breaking out of prison he continued using these same strength building methods to become the first Russian weight lifting champion… 

And be famously known for carrying his injured horse during war, balancing two lions on his shoulders as part of a circus act, and pounding a 5 inch spike through a two-inch thick plank with the palm of his hand…

And He Did This In A Time When

Steroids Didn’t Exist…

According to research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, this specific form of isometrics increases strength by 45% while boosting muscle growth!

I know. He sounds like some made-up character like Paul Bunyan or Bigfoot…

However, this man was the real deal…

The strength and muscle building method he used is called isometrics

A movement-free technique using different levels of force for fast strength and muscle gains

Yet it wasn’t your ordinary isometrics like “planking” or flexing your muscles…

Instead, he used a combination of “resistance isometrics” to build big muscular arms, a ripped 6-pack, and the strength most men dream of…

Now, if this sounds unbelievable, I know how you feel. To be honest, I was a bit skeptical at first. After all, I wasn’t familiar with isometrics. So I researched the method more…

And found an article published in the Journal of Applied Physiology that compared isometrics training to traditional strength training. And the study showed the isometrics group not only increased their “one rep max” by 45% but also increased muscle growth by 5% resulting in amazing strength and muscle gains WITHOUT moving a single limb (6)

I then found old articles of legendary bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger…

And how he used these same techniques to make his weakest body parts more dense, hard, and eye-popping.

Arnold called these “super isometrics”…

And was his secret weapon for building bigger biceps and stronger calves (7)

Arnold Schwarzenegger used isometrics to build bigger biceps and eye-popping calves

Even famous cage-fighters like Connor McGregor, Georges St. Pierre, Anderson Silva…

And history’s best martial artists like Bruce Lee and Jean Claude Van Damme have all used these methods to build lethal force that can instantly put an end to any fight…

And after learning about the hidden powers of isometrics and how the world’s strongest, most muscular, and dangerous men on the planet were secretly using them for “an edge” over their competitors, I decided to give it a shot to see if it was for me.

To be honest, I was a bit nervous to try it. I mean…

I felt “washed up” and “past my prime”. Maybe you’ve felt that way before? However, I was too desperate not to try it. You see…

Not Only Did I Hate The Way My Body Looked In The Mirror, But My Confidence Was At An All Time Low… 

Not Only Did I Hate The Way My Body Looked In The Mirror, But My Confidence Was At An All Time Low

To the point I started blaming my girlfriend and kids for my growing pot-belly, shrunken arms and weak-looking body…

Of course, I never told them that. Instead, I held it in like a shaken bottle of cola and became resentful. Which I hated more than anything…

And I didn’t want to explode five years, one year, even one week from now with all this bottled-up disappointment when the answer to building a strong and powerful physique was right in front of me…

The next day I went to the gym with only 20-minutes to squeeze in a workout…

I remember the very first time I tried the Max Static Stimulation Set I mentioned at the beginning of this letter…

In Less Than 10-seconds My Arms Felt Like They Were On Fire. And My Skin Was So Pumped Full Of Blood

I Thought It May Burst… 

I figured it was because this was my first time back in the gym in a long time. However…

Every workout I did, no matter what muscle I was working, I’d still feel those same sleeve-splitting muscle pumps. Like I was taking a shot of testosterone straight into my veins

I used this method every time I workout out. And when I couldn’t make it to the gym, I’d use the same technique with my own bodyweight at home.

Best part, my workouts were no longer than


Which is shorter than a handful of boring nightly news segments or a rerun of your favorite T.V. show…

In days I noticed my muscles becoming harder and “popping out” more in my work clothes. My girlfriend even made a comment of how my butt and legs were looking tighter in my pants…

And how my shoulders were wider when I’d give her a hug before leaving to the office…

Weeks later, my entire body was appearing more muscular

My son even said I looked like “The Hulk,” which was his favorite superhero. Now, I know I didn’t look like The Hulk in that short of time. Not even the world’s most powerful steroids could work that fast… 

Yet I was getting stronger, feeling more fit, and my self confidence was through the roof. And I haven’t looked back…

In fact, using this one method has helped me pack on over 10 lbs of lean muscle faster and easier than I imagined possible. And since then I’ve made it my mission to rescue the health and physiques of men who’ve felt stuck in the same trap I did so you can enjoy a rock-hard and strong body every day.

Which is why I’m excited to introduce…


With Isometrics Mass You’ll Pack On Bulging Muscle And Superhuman Strength WITHOUT Spending Hours In The Gym Or Performing Dangerous, Joint-Crushing Workouts…

And It Won’t Matter Your Current Age Or Physical Shape. Isometrics Mass Will Explode Your Muscle Growth FASTER Than You Imagined Possible.

Inside Isometrics Mass You’ll Discover…

  • Why performing heavy weight lifting exercises is the best way to build muscle and strength, right? WRONG!
    I’ll explain why on page 17…
  • 7 deadly workout mistakes that’ll cut your muscle gains in half and brittle your joints to the point of no return… pages 21-24
  • 3 little-known isometrics “power breathing” methods that force oxygen and nutrients into your muscles for greater growth. HINT: Famous Martial Artist, Bruce Lee used these same breathing techniques to prepare his body for the Hollywood big screen… found on pages 33-35
  • The single most powerful isometrics training technique you can use anytime with ZERO equipment for instant strength gainsThis same secret was used Russian Spy turned legendary strongman, Alexander Zass to break out of heavy prison shackles and bend thick jail bars… pages 11-12
  • ​How a simple 8-second isometric technique, when added to the middle of your workouts can skyrocket your muscle gains and plow through stubborn strength plateaus… Some powerlifters call this their “secret weapon” to lifting heavier weights…
  • ​​​​No equipment? No problem! Inside you’ll discover the “maximum voluntary contraction” routine used by 1920’s bodybuilder and magazine cover model Charles Atlas for superhuman muscle growth and strength gainsI’ll give you his exact 3-day workout on pages 43-45
  • What to never do when performing isometrics, and why. (If you get this wrong, you’ll see little results if any at all). Page 23
  • How isometrics training recruits MORE muscle fibers for greater strength and power gains compared to any “moving exercise”…I’ll show you the exact study (and many more) published in the Journal of Applied Physiology on pages 7-10
  • Why Isometrics Strength is one of the deadliest weapons used by UFC fighters and how you can use these same training methods to build functional, yet lethal power WITHOUT stepping foot in the cage… WARNING: These tactics are so effective I only share them with “ethical men” who’ll keep this method in their back pocket to only to be used in a self-defense situation…
  • Ever wonder how Olympic Gymnasts get big arms, broad shoulders, and a massive v-tapered back? Look no further than the techniques used inside the isometrics mass bodyweight workouts routine that’ll make you pound for pound the strongest guy at your gym
  • Speaking of Olympic Gymnasts, you’ll also discover the 3 BEST gymnastics exercises to get you ripped in the shortest amount of time possibleI’ll explain how below…
  • The exact mass-building secrets I’ve personally used to add inches of rock-solid muscle to my physique while gaining freaky-lean vascularity… best part? You’ll slice your gym time in half and safeguard your joints for decades of muscle-building longevity… if you’re a man who wants to build muscle into your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, these secrets are a pot of gold… pages 9-14
  • How to use the Powerhouse Combination of lifting weights and isometrics training for the BIGGEST strength and muscle gains you’ve ever experienced…
  • 8 Weeks of done-for-you workouts you can take to the gym or follow from home to MAXIMIZE your muscle building and strength potential. Mark my words… after the first few workouts your sleeves will become tighter and you’ll feel stronger than you have in the last 15 years…
  • Why guys as young as 20 and as old as 85 can use these exact methods to boost strength and stamina regardless of your current age or physical shapeP.S. I’ve also included the Isometrics Mass “Over 50” routine specifically designed for older men who want to take their body to the next level
  • Why popular Men’s Health websites have called the methods in Isometrics Mass “a potentially more effective means of developing overall strength, power, and body control than traditional weight-based movements”… and how you can unlock this super-power in seconds. Found on page 12…
  • How to get the anabolic effects of lifting a 500 lb deadlift WITHOUT actually doing it… The shock and awe strength trick to ripping a phonebook in two… 3 methods to master unbreakable grip strength and jaw-dropping forearm size… and so much more!

Yet that’s not all. I really want to “up the ante” and make this a no brainer. Virtually guaranteeing your success over the next coming weeks and beyond…

Which Is Why I’ve Decided To Include These

Results-Proven Value Added Bonuses Below…

Isometrics Mass Quick Start Video Guide

Getting started with a muscle-building program can be intimidating…

Especially trying brand-new, powerful techniques that will take your body and strength to the next level

And because I want you to get started quickly and easily in minutes, I’ve included the Isometrics Mass Quick Start Video Guide…

Which will show you exactly how to navigate through the program and begin using these

fast-acting muscle and strength building techniques for your very next workout…

You’ll see just how easy it is to get started. No overwhelm. No confusion. Just a paint-by-numbers guide to have you experiencing RESULTS moments from now.

Isometrics Mass Instructional Video Library

With the Isometrics Mass Instructional Library I’ll show you exactly how to perform every single movement in the program…

Not only will this accelerate your muscle and strength gains

But will ensure you’re performing each movement safely and with confidence that you’re getting the most out of every single set and rep…

It’ll feel like I’m right there in the gym with you, coaching you through each exercise and giving you a few “secret tips” along the way to set your results into overdrive

Isometrics Mass Workout Guide

8 weeks of done for you mass-building routines to help you pack on stacks of muscle and strength WITHOUT any guess work…

Simply follow the Isometrics Mass Workout Guide and watch your body transform in the coming days and weeks. You’ll also notice your muscles becoming stronger and harder without any nagging joint pain or having to lift dangerous, back-breaking heavy weights… 

This 8-week blueprint will be your guide to massive gains.

And because I know you’ll love the results from the program, I’ve also included a progression model you can follow AFTER the 8-weeks so you can continue packing on strength and size using these powerful workouts…

Isometrics Mass Printable Workout Logs

Print these workout logs and take them to the gym or simply pull them up on your phone and fill them out as you go through each Isometrics Mass workout.

I want you to see just how fast your strength skyrockets using the methods in this program…

Which is why I’ve included these logs as day to day proof to yourself and others that you are building muscle and strength at lightning speed.

Bonus #1: Isometrics Mass Bodyweight Edition

Do you want to pile on pounds of mass using ONLY your bodyweight?

Fitness author and creator of Anabolic Running, Joe LoGalbo takes you through the Isometrics Mass Bodyweight Program… a bodyweight muscle-building routine you can follow from anywhere to transform your physique

No bands. No barbells. No gym.

Simply follow these done-for-you workouts from home and build the strong and rock-solid body that turns heads.

These routines also act as a powerful “workout substitute” if you can’t make it to the gym… are a frequent traveler… or you’re a bodyweight enthusiast who’d rather build dense muscle from your own living room.

Bonus #2: Isometrics Mass 

Done-For-You Meal Plan

Because I want you to get the most out of the Isometrics Mass program, I’ve also included a done-for-you meal plan to fuel your workouts, accelerate recovery, and help you pack on more muscle and strength FASTER that you thought possible…

I’ve laid out every single meal in an easy-to-follow format to give you the easiest and shortest path to success

​​​​Warning: If you’re someone who enjoys tiny meals, green salads at every sitting, and insane amounts of protein, this is NOT the meal plan for you.

No worries, you can still enjoy the benefits of the Isometrics Mass program regardless of your nutrition preferences… this is simply a proven tool to accelerate your RESULTS.

Bonus #3: Isometrics Mass 

Supplement Guide

Do you need supplements to get the results you crave? Absolutely not. However…

You can use supplements as a tool to speed up results and pack on more strength and size in less time…

For that reason I’ve included a complete

no-nonsense supplement guide with the Isometrics Mass program.

I’ll admit. It’s only one page long… 

I would never waste your time with bogus supplements that don’t actually work. Even if you don’t use these supplements now… you’ll at least have a resource you can reference back to, to discern the “real deal” supplements from the “B.S.”

Like I said, I want this to be a no-brainer for you. A complete done-for-you mass and strength building system that helps you shape a rock-hard and powerful physique regardless of your age or genetics…

I know how life changing this entire system is… and how it can explode your muscle gains and help you pack on slabs of lean, rippling muscle for years to come.

Now, initially I was planning on selling the entire program for $97. After all, I’ve included everything you need to take your results to the next level.

However, my mission isn’t money…

My mission is helping busy, discouraged, and frustrated men, just like I was, reach the physique of their dreams regardless of your age or how busy you are…

WITHOUT getting burnt out, slaving away at the gym, or struggling to balance fitness, family, and your career.

Because at the end of the day men are most fulfilled when they’re thriving in EVERY area of their life. Not just with their physique.

Now, eventually I plan on raising the price of Isometrics Mass to the original value of $97… However, because I’m releasing this to the public for the first time, I’m seeking out 100 personal testimonials and transformation pictures for my BIG launch of the program later this year…

And I want YOU on my “wall of fame”. Jacked, ripped, and brimming with confidence. Most of all – you’ll achieve your perfect body WITHOUT following the status quo workouts that keep you in the gym too long, burning out your testosterone levels, crushing your joints, and walking away in worse shape than when you started…

You’ve proven you’re serious about building a strong and muscular physique just by reading this far down the page so I trust you’ll set aside 30 minutes a day, a few times per week and follow this plan to the “T”. For that reason, I’m going to practically give away this program for just $9.

Click The “Buy Now” Button Below To See If You Still Qualify For The Pre-Release Price Of ONLY $9

And you know what? I’m so confident you’ll see Incredible Results that I’ll put ALL the risk on me…

Pack On Muscle, Get Stronger, And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back

Resistance Isometrics are the “missing link” for men who want to pack on more size and strength WITHOUT crushing your joints or spending hours overtraining in the gym.  

Seriously, the simple Isometric methods you’ll discover inside will help you unlock brand new gains FASTER than you imagined possible… 

Research shows short workouts, combined with isometrics training will turbocharge your testosterone levels while helping you build more muscle and strength WITHOUT having to inflame your joints on pointless sets and reps that only wreak havoc on your body and hormones…

Because at the end of the day… the man with the most testosterone and least amount of injuries and setbacks builds the most muscle. Period.

And if you’re still here reading, I’m willing to bet you’re sick and tired of having an “average” body or feeling like a “weakling,” right? Or maybe you just want to UP your game…

That’s why I’m going to give you my Iron Clad 100% Money Back 60-Day Guarantee. I understand you’re a busy guy so I wanted to give you a full 60 days to get started. It’s easy to do and only takes a few results-proven workouts per week as long as you follow the simple program inside.

If you do, you will experience results and notice improvements in your physique right away. Give it a couple of weeks and your testosterone will be soaring while you get leaner, stronger, and all-around more muscular.

Think about it. After just the first few days you’ll start to see a difference and others will too…You’ll begin to notice more muscle gains and you’ll blow through any stubborn plateaus with your physique…

The muscles in your chest, arms, shoulders and legs will grow every day… and because your testosterone levels will be “off the charts” you’ll continue packing on muscle even on days you don’t workout… that’s how powerful this program truly is…

You’re so close to turning your physique around for the better and putting your frustrations in the past… So here’s the truth…

You Have 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here

Option 1: Go about doing your traditional weight lifting workouts. Hoping you’ll build some muscle, maybe lose some fat (if that’s your goal) and get “in shape”. Even though deep down, you know the progress you’re making is extremely slow. Plus, you can feel yourself committing testosterone suicide and zapping your strength one minute at a time.

You can keep lying to yourself, hoping one day you’ll finally have a muscular and fit body. But I’m here to tell you the effects of traditional weight lifting workouts are only slowing your gains, setting you up for a lifetime of injuries and causing your male hormones to take a massive nose dive…

I’m not making this stuff up. It’s pure fact. Sorry, I hate to say it, but it’s true.

Listen. If you want to take your precious time building muscle… and reach your “perfect physique” one year, five years, maybe even ten years from now… maybe never… I won’t stop you. Yet let’s be honest with each other. If you could accelerate your results and get the rock-hard body you crave in months instead of years…

And do it all WITHOUT drugs… WITHOUT lifting heavy weights… and WITHOUT wasting hours of your week messing around in the gym… would you do it? Most guys will…

However, some guys are “okay” with getting passed up in the gym… and sitting on the sidelines while other men pile on muscle faster, get stronger quicker, and catch all the attention of the opposite sex… If that’s you… there’s nothing wrong with that.

Like I said, you may get lucky one day and see some progress. It may take longer. You may sabotage your testosterone levels in the process. And even lose your connection with your family, social life, even your career by the time you reach the finish line… yet if you’re willing to take the risk and gamble your life away… I won’t stop you.

However, for the men who’d rather enjoy a more muscular and ripped physique… and experience all of the “side-effects” that comes with looking like a buff fitness cover model like more sex, tons of energy, and massive confidence… there’s a better option.

Option 2: For less than a few lotto tickets, or a pint size bottle of whey protein, you can have access to a simple, revolutionary program designed to maximize your muscle-building hormones while your body morphs into an in-shape, ripped muscular and freaky strong physique without lifting heavy weights.

Plus, you’ll notice a nice boost in sex drive, testosterone levels and all day energy. I have to be honest, it’s nothing like taking steroids, but who wouldn’t want a heightened increase in everything above?

And to be able to do it all naturally and see a difference starting in just the first few workouts?

Just imagine a few weeks from now when you look in the mirror only to notice the muscles in your chest, arms, and legs popping out. The fat surrounding your belly starts to deflate and the chunkiness around your lower-back gets tighter each day. You’ll finally have the boldness to go shirtless at pool parties, proudly displaying your athletic, and ripped frame.

This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on. To feel like an invincible man again, full of energy, jacked and fit… To know you have a lean and muscular physique you can be proud of… and it can all begin today. Don’t settle for less any longer.

Click The “Buy Now” Button Below To See If You Still Qualify For The Pre-Release Price Of ONLY $9


Alby Gonzalez

P.S. If you want to achieve insane muscle-building results, while burning off body fat, boosting your T-levels and doing it all in less than 30 minutes, what’s stopping you? Dude, you’re here for a reason. You want more out of your body. It’s time to make that a reality for you for less than the cost of a greasy meal for 2, you can click or tap here now to get started.

P.P.S. And don’t forget… you’re backed up by my Iron Clad, 100% money back 60-day guarantee. You truly have nothing to lose. Don’t wait any longer. I’d hate for you to click away and never come back. Only to fast forward a month, a year, or even 5 years from now and look back with regrets. Also remember, the pre-sale release discount is only available for the first 100 men who download the program today. I wouldn’t want you to miss out.

Scientific References:

(1) Yuki, Atsumu, et al. “Relationship between Low Free Testosterone Levels and Loss of Muscle Mass.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 10 May 2013

(2) Rajfer, Jacob. “Relationship Between Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction.” Reviews in Urology, MedReviews, LLC, 2000.

(3) Hill, E E, et al. “Exercise and Circulating Cortisol Levels: the Intensity Threshold Effect.”Journal of Endocrinological Investigation., U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2008.

(4) Johnson, Kristen. “Gym Accident Statistics.” Gym Accident Statistics | LegalMatch Law Library, 9 Aug. 2016

(5) Mangine, Gerald T, et al. Physiological Reports, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Aug. 2015

(6) Kitai, T. A., and D. G. Sale. “Specificity of Joint Angle in Isometric Training.” SpringerLink, Springer-Verlag.

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