Turnkey Advertising Business

Turnkey Advertising Business

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Stop Paying For Advertising And Start Selling It!

A Turnkey Web Business That’s Designed To Grow Itself!

If you’re sick of promoting other people’s stuff and you just want a simple but
profitable business of your own – one that will reward you properly for your efforts – then
consider this new Web App…

You Giveaway Free Ads to your visitors, and some of those people will
pay you for various add-ons.

Free or paid, every advertiser sends some visitors to activate their Ad, generating
hands-free traffic to your website.

Which means even more free Ads are created and even more Sales are made.
More advertisers have to activate their ads… which means even more visitor traffic.

So Your AdBoard Business Literally Grows Itself!

Launch Your New AdBoard Business Today!

A Complete Turnkey Business With Unlimited Revenue Streams!

Your AdBoards have been designed to generate Immediate Cashflow as well as
Substantial Long-term Revenue Streams. But that’s barely scratching the surfac
of what you can do here.

Ask yourself if any of these could work for you

Instant Advertising Sales.
Approx 5% of your advertisers will happily pay for one or more Add-Ons
to make their Ad stand out and increase their exposure… so

the more Ads
you give away, the more you make


You set your own prices and

keep 100% of all payments


High-Value List Building on Auto.
Your Advertisers are a genuine contact list of Action-Takers and Buyers
in a clearly defined niche. And the more specific your AdBoard themes,
the more valuable those lists will be!

Isn’t that better than just collecting random emails?

Traffic You Can Send Anywhere You Want.
Your AdBoards are targeted traffic machines, so you can send a stream of visitors
to your own offers, PLR products, affiliate offers or even directly to paying Client’s

Pro Tip: Send traffic to opt-in pages and create multiple niche lists!

Make At Least One Local Board!  
Create a generic Community AdBoard to start your own list of local businesses,
then use that traffic to create AdBoards in more specific niches… restaurants, attractions,
doctors, lawyers etc.

All these businesses will pay you top-dollar for fresh local leads!

Turbo-Charge Your Viral Networks.
Once your AdBoard is generating it’s own traffic, create your own Ads for
any of the Viral Traffic programs out there. These generate even more
visitors and you can earn cash commissions…

all on auto


Remember, all your Advertisers are here

actively seeking more traffic


Get In Early On Every New Program!
Use your IM AdBoard as a LockBox to test ANY new program…
just create an Ad and forget about it! Let it run for a month then check
your stats to decide if it’s worth actively promoting!

Find all the winners without wasting time on the losers!

You’ll Find Even More In Your 18-Strategy Monetization Guide

Your AdBoards are designed to generate fast, hands-free sales, but that’s just the start.

They’re also a powerful tool for generating quality traffic that you can send to any offer
you like, and building your own email lists in any niche you like.

Our step-by-step Monetization Guide will walk you through 18
profitable strategies
so you can earn even more from every AdBoard you create!

And when you see just how Quick & Easy it is to create an AdBoard, you definitely won’t
want to stop at one

Your new AdBoards can be fully installed, customised and ready to accept payments in a matter of minutes…

  • Step 1. Register an AdBoard Account Below
  • Step 2. Create & Customise Your First AdBoard
  • Step 3. Activate your Perpetual Traffic Machine

Rinse and repeat…

So Now You Really Have To Ask Yourself…

If it only takes 5-10 minutes to set up and launch a new AdBoard

An AdBoard that can make you same-day instant sales

AND generate an endless stream of highly-targeted traffic

AND build you a mailing list of Action-Takers and Proven Buyers

Then how many AdBoards will You set up in the next 30 days?

Launch Your First AdBoard In The Next 10 Minutes!

This is an extremely simple business model that ANYONE can have up and running TODAY.

It takes just a few minutes to create and configure your first AdBoard. Get that launched, send some
traffic and you’ll see for yourself just how intuitive and powerful this system is…

  • Then double your profit-potential as easily as creating another AdBoard.

  • Pick another niche that interests you and create an AdBoard for that…

  • Then maybe try a generic one for your local region, like a digital community noticeboard?

  • If that works try something more specific for your local attractions, restaurants or accommodation?

  • How about one for every affiliate program you’ve never had time to promote?

  • And all those Viral programs that promise so much if you could only find the time to sign a few people up…

Your AdCardz business has been designed to be simple to use, extremely versatile and totally
. So you can work at your own pace and develop your own unique business ideas.

Your target audience is quite literally ANYONE who needs visitor traffic to their website.

The online marketing niches are an obvious market, but our early testers are proving that
the niche marketers who AREN’T particular web-savvy can be

even more profitable


So maybe start with your passion… consider the websites you visit in that niche,
and whether the people who operate those sites might want some more exposure?

Once you start to lock-in on some possible niche markets like this, you’ll see there are
countless ways to position yourself and grow your new AdCardz business…

Always with the same simple process…

Create your new AdBoard and promote it until it becomes self-sustaining… usually
20-30 ads will do it… then start on your next idea. Rinse-and-Repeat.

However you choose to design your business, You’re always in total control
how many AdBoards you make, how much promotion you do to get things moving, how much you charge
for add-ons… how much money you earn.

Don’t Take My Word For it Though… Check Out These Testimonials

Here’s What 100% Verified AdCardz Members and our PRO Beta Testers Are Saying:

You will love it too!

I am a fan, the simplicity of use, the quality, the ease with which any internet marketer, amateur or expert can take in hand this program, I highly recommend it. I was just blown away when I tested my first ad. The designer of the program has thought of everything, once your ad is created, a simple action of sharing on social networks will make a viral advertisement at no cost to you. The best is to try it by creating your first ad, it’s free. I promise you, you will adopt it and love it to

/>Marie Foulex

View My AdBoard

It blows out my mind

It took me 12 hours to decide on using AdCardz System. I have seen few similar programs before and need time to check it all and compare. Programs like Post Your FREE Ads, Affiliate Funnel, BuildaBizOnline, and AdBoardz. After finding out that AdCardz possesses distinct features that differ and make it stand on its own I then start using it. Everyone can post their ads for free, choose extra add-ons, get paid, and my favourite is it’s VIRAL-EFFECT in traffic generation. It blows out my mind

/>Nizar Akob

View My AdBoard

Advertise & Expand YOUR Business!

These AdBoards are like billboards along a very busy superhighway, an excellent way to advertise and/or expand YOUR business!

/>Sound Pro Sales

View My AdBoard

Simple, intuitive & effective!

Loving this platform thanks Brad. Simple and intuitive to use, and really effective. I only did a few mailings to get my first board started, and was blown away at how quickly a few signups turned into ongoing traffic. Only a few add-on purchases so far, but I can see how i can tweak the settings and step up the traffic to increase that. Thank you!

/>Steve Matthews

View My AdBoard

A Full 100% Endorsement

The real time & very attentive full customer support I received yesterday just before the New Year’s Eve of 2019, made me feel like doing business with AdCardz is something that I would and must Highly recommend to each and every serious Marketers out there. It was all about a support ticket I submitted as a follow-up to my very first Order made with them. If the company like AdCardz really do cares with customers like myself, then I am giving it a full 100% Endorsements of it, to all of yo

/>Noli Panginen

View My AdBoard

Even More Bonuses To Guarantee Your Success…

I’m sure you see by now that the business model here is extremely simple:

You give away free Ads, some of those people will pay you for Add-Ons,

and either way you generate hands-free traffic and build your list.

You do need to generate some traffic to get the ball rolling, then once the AdBoard is self-sustaining
you can set up funnels to capture leads and monetize your traffic.

If that sounds at all confusing, don’t panic! Your Membership includes a comprehensive resource library of
premium quality training, tools and downloads to make sure you have everything you need…

Everything you need to drive targeted visitor traffic to your AdBoards…

  • Built-in Traffic System
  • Premium Video Training
  • Extensive Resource Library
  • Tested Traffic Sources
  • Built-in Viral Effect

Compounding Traffic System, Training & Resources

Your Dashboard includes our simple but powerful perpetual-traffic system and the
whole set up is extremely viral. Once you start giving away free ads, your advertisers will
be promoting your site for you as well, and the system will begin to generate it’s own

You will need to do some work to get to that point, but we provide valuable video training,
tools and software to make sure you get to there in the shortest possible time.

Lead Generation Masterclass

When your AdBoards start to generate their own traffic, the most popular Monetization strategy
is to send it to lead capture pages… so you can then work those lists with your own offers, affiliate
promotions and more.

So we’re giving you a series of premium video training packages that show you how to create valuable lead
magnets quickly and easily, then set up landing pages that convert… all with free tools and resources.

Convert your AdBoards visitor traffic into niche lists and qualified leads…

  • Lead Magnets 101
  • Lead Capture Pages
  • Funnel Creation
  • Funnel Optimization
  • Search Advertising

The best offers you can promote are your own… where you keep 100% of the sale!

  • Premium PLR Cash Training
  • 25 Quality PLR EBooks
  • 8 In-Demand PLR Software
  • Product Creation Course
  • Reseller Profits Masterclass

PLR Software & Ebooks PLUS Extensive Training

While a lot of people will be happy to promote affiliate offers to AdBoards traffic, your best long-term
strategy will be to start setting up your own products and offers. And the easiest way for most
people to do that will be with PLR products…

So we’ve put together some of the best training materials you’ll find on the subject, plus a selection of
PLR products & software you can download immediately and sell as your own… today!

The AdCardz System is a complete turnkey website package you can configure and launch, literally
in a matter of minutes. After that you need to do some work to bring in your first Advertisers,
to grow and monetize your AdBoards, for maximum profits and ongoing benefits.

Just Before We Get Started…

AdCardz is designed to help those who are prepared to help themselves!

This system works a treat IF you’re prepared to do the work to get your AdBoards established
by bringing in your first Advertisers. Once you do that, your AdBoards will start to generate
their own traffic…

Plus we have in-house Ad Co-ops running 24/7 that will leverage your efforts and grow
your business even faster

But only AFTER you do the initial work and show us you’re serious!

So if you’re the type of person who buys lots of stuff but never does anything with it…
And eventually comes back for a refund because ‘it didn’t work‘… Please save us
both some time and take a pass. This isn’t for you.

But if you ARE serious and prepared to do some work… If you’re sick of all the BS
programs & systems that never deliver as promised… And if you just want a simple,
effective business you can grow into something real and substantial…

Then lets get to work already!


  • One Two AdBoards
  • Monetization Guide
  • Co-op Traffic System
  • Full Bonus Package

Order now


  • Three Six AdBoards
  • Monetization Guide
  • Co-op Traffic System
  • Full Bonus Package

Order now


  • Eight 15 AdBoards
  • Monetization Guide
  • Co-op Traffic System
  • Full Bonus Package

Order now

You payment will be processed securely by Clickbank. Look for the green “Access Digital Product” button
after that to be directed back here to create your new account. That only takes a minute and you can start
setting up your first AdBoards after that

Please note

this is a recurring subscription

. For your convenience it will be processed automatically
each month, but there is no minimum term, you can cancel at any time and we will send you a reminder
each month before any charges are made.

I’m so confident you’ll love your new AdCardz business,

I’m going to take on all the risk!

No Hassles, 60-Day Money Back Guarantee!

I want you to come on board with Total Confidence and Zero Risk, so when you purchase
any AdBoard pack today you are covered by our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you any reason you decide this is not for you, just let me know in the next 60 days
and I’ll refund your payment in full, No Questions Asked.

So you can use this guarantee as a 60-day test-drive! You can launch a few AdBoards
and turn on the traffic to experience for yourself just how profitable they can be.

Just keep in mind, we’re looking for serious marketers only

So please only join us if you’re prepared to do the work to make this
. If you do that, we will do everything in our power to ensure your success!

Thanks again for sticking with me to the end.

There is a lot of information here, but I hope it’s given you a clear picture of what is really a very
simple but powerful, turnkey business.

You should also realise, this isn’t going to be right for everyone

But seeing as you’ve come this far, I think it’s very likely you are the kind of person who does see
things through and you will be prepared to invest the time and effort to make is work?

If that’s the case, then this should be a no-brainer… select a Membership Package above and
I’ll see you on the inside!


P.S. We encourage you to choose a membership package that you can commit to for 2-3 months, so you have plenty of time to set it up and get the traffic happening.

If you do the work you should make plenty of Add-On sales well before that, but just like ANY New Business Venture, you should be planning to re-invest your initial profits back into growing
the business
, for at least the first few months…

You can always come back and add more AdBoards to your package after that!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Website or Domain?

No you don’t. This is a fully-hosted solution so we take care of all the technical
requirements for you. This means you can just create an account and start setting up your AdBoards
in the next 10 minutes… even if you’re a total newbie with zero technical skills!

But I don’t like recurring payments!

Either do we! But we need to make sure we can cover our costs as your AdBoards get
bigger and busier. We’re already generating millions of ad views each month so this protects you. Plus,
any surplus each month goes into our Ad Co-ops promoting your AdBoards, so it helps you as well!

What Payment Processors are supported?

PayPal, CoinPayments, SolidTrustPay, ORU and Uphold! The first three will let you
accept payments and activate your customers new ads automatically. You can also accept payments via
Oru or Uphold, but you will need to watch for those and manually approve ads after the payment is

Can I see a Demo AdBoard?

Sure! Click the Showcase link at
the top of the page and you can see some of our most popular AdBoards. Make sure you post a free Ad
of your own on any that are relevant to your offer!

Will this get too competitive?

Not in any way that matters! The real power of AdCards is your ability to target
specific niches and locations… or any combination of the two. So yes, a lot of people do make some
generic IM/MMO AdBoards when they first start, but most will tell you their best results are coming
from the more specialised, niche AdBoards they make after that.

Can I accept payments via Stripe?

Unfortunately, No. Stripe is becoming very popular for online business owners, but
it isn’t suited for an arrangement like this where we host the website that collects your payments.
If their structure changes or we find a 3rd party app that will let us accept Stripe payments, we
will implement it ASAP!

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