High Ticket ‘superhuman Optimisation’ System Video Course

High Ticket ‘superhuman Optimisation’ System Video Course

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For example, one of the techniques for increasing your manifestation ability involves simply meditating at a specific (strange) time of day, with focus on a specific thing.

A lot of the work in this program is based on the ‘Pareto principle’.

The idea that – USUALLY – 80% of your results in a given thing, come from about 20% of your work or action.

When you know this, you can MASSIVELY save time.

And money.

Because you can ‘laser focus’ on the smallest fraction of the most EFFECTIVE things, and spend all your time doing those highly effective things.

You’re probably skeptical, and that’s normal.

In fact, your critical thinking, intuition, willpower and skepticism will actually HELP you get faster results using this.

Over the years, I’ve built various companies, we’ve researched countless ancient civilisations, gone through courses, books, programs and more.

I have data, research papers, studies and analysis stacked halfway up my office wall, and inter-connected mind maps that would make your head spin.

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