David Deangelo’s Double Your Dating Ebook – Dating Advice For Men

David Deangelo’s Double Your Dating Ebook – Dating Advice For Men

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I’ll show you the exact steps and specific directions

to help you become more successful with women and dating

– and you don’t have to be rich or handsome to do it…

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And Also Receive:

  • Sex Secrets With Women
  • Bridges: From the 1st Meeting

    To The Bedroom
  • 8 Personality Types That Attract Women

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Regular Price: $109.99

Your Price: $14.97

Here Are Some Of The Secrets You’ll Learn Inside My Informative eBook

Here’s a sample of some of the

great things you’ll learn:

  • I’ve tried every “pick-up line” in the book, and I found out something that I didn’t expect in a million years. In chapter six I’ll explain to you why most “pick up lines” cause you to lose before you begin, and what to do instead.
  • The simple thing you can do at the end of a conversation with a woman that leaves her eagerly waiting for more… and… gets

    HER to make the next call – pg. 56
  • How to give a woman that same feeling of “I have to have him” that she gets from a guy who is rich, famous, or good looking… without being any of those things yourself – pg. 12
  • The thing almost all men do to try to keep a woman interested that actually repels her twice as fast… and often drives her into the arms of another man – pg. 14
  • A proven exercise to develop a stone-cold, unshakable inner confidence that allows you to approach a woman in any situation without getting nervous and without fear of rejection– pg. 26
  • A psychological tactic “regular” guys can use to make a woman ALWAYS choose them over a guy who is better looking or makes more money – pg. 15


“I have two dates lined up for the next week… These women are hot!”

J.K. from Portland, OR

  • 7 things you can you do to dramatically improve your physical appearance OVERNIGHT (The best part is they cost very little in time or money… yet they double the chances of a woman responding positively to you) – pgs. 23 & 24
  • The “mixed signal” women give in the bedroom that throws off 99% of all men… leaving her unsatisfied. Here’s what to do instead. (Hint: It’s not what she says, but what she DOES that matters) – pg. 61
  • How to finally rid yourself FOREVER of those negative “inner demons” that have been sabotaging your success with women your entire life – pg. 28
  • You know that “choked up” feeling you get in your stomach when you see a beautiful woman you want to meet? Here’s a simple exercise you can use “in the field “ to INSTANTLY eliminate all feelings of nervousness and charge yourself with confidence… right there on the spot – pg. 29
  • The 6 things inexperienced guys do that instantly tell a woman they are NEEDY and INSECURE… and ruins their chances with her forever (Here’s what to do instead) – pg. 33


  • I read all the books, went to the seminars, and tried everything. It wasn’t until I did THIS ONE THING that it all started to happen for me. On page 29 I’ll share the single most powerful thing you can do to become more successful at attracting women, and why almost no men do it.
  • How to find and meet the guys who are the true masters with women and dating and get them to share their closely guarded secrets with you – pg. 30
  • How to pinpoint and strengthen the parts of your personality that make a woman feel attraction for you so you make a lasting impression with every woman you meet – pg. 32
  • 5 things you can do in the crucial first 10 minutes with a woman that instantly let her know you’re “in her league” (When she realizes you’re a “rare catch” she’ll do whatever she can to impress you) – pg. 45
  • The deadly mistake too many men make when trying to sleep with a woman that all but guarantees they end up in “the friend zone” (If you only read one thing in this book, make sure it’s this) – pg. 34
  • What you must do if you want to keep a woman interested in you FOREVER (This is THE KEY to having a long-term relationship with a woman… miss just this one thing and she’ll be on to the next guy before you know it) – pg. 89
  • The 19 personality traits that draw a woman to a man like a magnet. Master just 3 or 4 and you’ll have an advantage over most men. Master them all and no woman will be able to say no to you. Here’s how to do it quickly and easily – pgs. 37-40
  • “The Flake Test” – A simple tactic to use when setting up a date that cuts the chances of a woman “standing you up” down to ZERO – pg. 83
  • How and why women TEST men… plus… a fantastic way to effortlessly pass every test she throws at you… even if you have NO IDEA that you are being tested! (The best part is she’ll become MORE attracted to you each time, because you’ll be earning her respect instead of losing it) – pg. 43
  • The 4 laws of “unpredictability” and “excitement” – What “bad boys” do to give a woman that addictive rush of adrenaline that keeps her coming back for more (Follow these 4 simple rules and you’ll never have to worry about her losing interest in you… or losing her to another man) – pg. 43
  • You can use the internet to meet women just like you’ve used the internet to find this site. In chapter seven, I’ll show you the EASY way to meet more women—right from the comfort of your home.
  • The right way to respond when a woman complains about something (Handle this awkward situation wrong and you’re dust. Here’s how to calm her down and increase her attraction for you at the same time! I love this one…) – pg. 44
  • Why the so-called dating “experts” are dead wrong in their ridiculous theories of “rapport” – Here’s how you can create a powerful, instant connection with a woman by doing the exact opposite of what these “wannabe gurus” tell you – pgs. 45 & 46
  • The 9 words that make a woman feel totally comfortable coming back to your place… even if it’s the very first time you are together – pg. 87
  • What to do when a woman tries to play “head games” with you that quickly makes her stop and instead focus on impressing you (One of my favorites!) – pg. 46
  • My secret hand holding technique you can use to give a woman “mixed signals” that make her curious and excited about you – pg. 49
  • 3 ways to “tease” a woman that—when used together—build up a powerful “sexual tension” that gives her no choice but to make an aggressive sexual advance towards you – pgs. 49-51
  • The 4 things you absolutely MUST do before having a woman over to your house (Most guys miss this entirely… and end up paying for it when she turns and walks out the door) – pg. 70
  • A fantastic way to strike up a conversation with a woman in a bar or a nightclub that works EVERY TIME – pg. 53
  • The REAL reason why many women are addicted to drama (soap operas, romance novels, and of course, playing games with men) and how you can use this to make her positively addicted to YOU from the moment you meet – pg. 11

“I am having a blast being single for the first time since high school and early college.You the man, babe…”

J.F. from Pocatello, ID

  • A simple, 7-part mini course that takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how to develop an amazing sense of humor FAST… even if you’ve always been the last guy to get a joke – pgs. 53-55
  • Most men are not very good at reading female body language. In chapter four I’ll show you how to read body language that most men DON’T EVEN KNOW EXISTS.
  • How to turn the tables on a woman who is playing “head games” with you and use those same games to make HER want you more! (And the best part is that women LOVE when you do this) – pg. 56
  • How to get a woman incredibly turned on in the first 15 minutes she spends at your place… without ever touching her! (This will drive her THROUGH THE ROOF with anticipation… don’t be surprised if SHE makes the first move) – pgs. 87-88
  • Why most guys actually shoot themselves in the foot when they compliment a woman… Here’s the crucial thing you need to do differently if you want to get results – pg. 58
  • How to use your body language to project unshakable confidence and MASCULINE POWER that makes you appear more desirable than any other man in the room (Your friends will never figure out why the women keep coming up to YOU instead of them) – pg. 64
  • An eye contact secret of the “players” you can use to captivate a woman from across the room… even if she catches you by surprise – pg. 65
  • The “big secret” no relationship book will ever tell you about woman’s body language (This will help you advance things with a woman TWICE as fast) – pg. 66
  • Here’s one of my favorites! – How to make a woman believe that it’s her that’s “picking up” on you (I know, this one sounds pretty out there, but I do it ALL THE TIME—and women love it!) and I’ll tell you exactly how I do it on page 71.
  • My special secret to turning any phone conversation with a woman into a steamy erotic encounter that makes her want to hang up the receiver… and run straight over to your house! – pg. 67
  • A simple phrase you can say to a woman that makes her see you as a “psychic powerhouse” who knows every little thing about her… and more importantly… how to please her – pg. 11
  • How to use chivalry to sweep a woman off her feet (This is the one secret women wish all men knew… but unfortunately it can’t be found anywhere else) – pg. 72
  • My favorite “never fail” way to start a conversation with a woman that works EVEN BETTER on very attractive women (The best part is it gets HER doing the talking… while you just sit back and listen) – pg. 77
  • My proven 10-step formula for meeting women online that you can learn in 5 minutes and start using right away (Don’t be surprised when your friends interrogate you to find out where they are all coming from) – pg. 79
  • A “why didn’t I think of that” way to easily find and meet a woman who is exactly what YOU are looking for – pg. 35
  • A simple psychological secret that makes a woman TWICE as likely to give you her phone number and email address – pg. 81
  • What to say to a woman when she’s writing her phone number down that guarantees she gives you THE REAL DIGITS … and… a number she actually answers – pg 81
  • My proven step-by-step sequence for turning a woman’s phone number into a date… exactly when to call and what to say to GUARANTEE you see her again – pgs. 82-84

“This is awesome! It worked. I went to the beach yesterday, and I got 2 e-mail address/phone #’s”

S.D. from Los Angeles, CA

  • On page 21 I’ll explain how to dress and groom yourself (inexpensively) to attract the woman or women that you want – I even give you specific clothing and cologne recommendations.
  • A psychological secret you can use to guarantee a woman will ALWAYS return your phone calls… and fast – pg. 83
  • The 9-word phrase you can say at the end of a phone conversation that sets you up as the biggest “challenge” she’s had in her entire life! (Don’t be surprised if she tries to seduce you when she sees you in person… seriously) – pg. 84
  • Why women turn to certain men for dinners and dates and other men for sex (Here’s how YOU can turn the tables and always be the one who makes the choice) – pg. 82
  • A strategic move that sets any date off right by putting HER in the position to try to impress YOU – pg. 82
  • Most guys I know don’t know how to get the confidence to meet women. In chapter two, I’ll teach you how to fix your self-image so you can have the confidence to meet women in any situation.
  • What to say when a woman asks you a “loaded” question to smoothly and easily avoid it altogether – pg. 62
  • Everyone knows that women love men who make them laugh. Would you believe that I took the time to study comedy so I could attract women? In chapter four, I’ll tell you exactly how to become funnier— and I even give you a set of exact lines to use during conversation to make women laugh hysterically – pg. 50
  • My 10-step first date “formula” that GUARANTEES a great time (Most guys mess this up and never end up seeing the girl again… Use this strategy to build her interest to the point where SHE is the one calling YOU because she can’t wait to see you again) – pgs. 85 & 86
  • 10 years of studying psychology and behavior has taught me a lot about people. In chapter one, I’ll give you a specific map of the female mind and how women think, so you can know exactly what you’re dealing with.
  • Would you like to know how to attract beautiful women without the benefit of looks or money? I thought so. Starting on page 29, I go into detail and explain exactly how to do it.
  • 3 ways “bad boys” use the power of “mixed messages” to drive a woman wild with curiosity and excitement – pg. 58
  • I’ll also teach you all of the basics of how to deal with women, from the first conversation to the bedroom (This is important, as most men have at least ONE area that they’re weak in… I explain it all)
  • And much, much, much more…

Even better, this is the SECOND EDITION of Double Your Dating, and it includes over 20% more material, including “Action Step” Chapter Summaries after every chapter.

The best part is you don’t have to wait for this book to come in the mail, or drive to a store to get it. You can download it to your computer right now for only $14.97.

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You’ll Also Get Three Additional Bonuses

When you invest in this eBook right now, you’ll also get three companion eBooklets that I’ve written containing my NEWEST material…

book 1

In the first bonus booklet, “Bridges — How To Go From One Step To The Next… From The Very First Meeting To The Bedroom” I address one of the biggest problems that men have: They don’t know what to do next!

I’ve had so many guys write me or say to me in person: “I started talking to her, but I didn’t know what to do NEXT” or “We were out on a date, and I wanted to take her home, but I didn’t know what to do NEXT.”

  • Simple, step-by-step plans for EACH of the 10 critical moments when a woman decides whether or not to reject a man (Most guys screw up at least one and end up losing her FOREVER)
  • The secret to using a compliment to start a conversation with a woman (Most men fail here because attractive women have heard them all… but it won’t matter when you do this)
  • The 2 sentences you MUST SAY when asking a woman out… if you want to hear an excited “YES!” (The best part about this is that it builds her curiosity and leaves her dying to see you)
  • 4 powerful sexual moves that trigger instant animalistic urges in a woman and make her think you’re a sexual god… BEFORE you even take her clothes off
  • The easiest and most comfortable way there is to break the “touch” barrier and pave your way to getting physical with a woman (The first move is usually the hardest… but not when you do this)
  • A guaranteed way to avoid making the embarrassing and all-too-common mistake of trying to kiss a woman at the wrong time
  • My proven, 2-step sequence for getting a woman’s phone number that NEVER fails
  • A simple tip that makes a woman you’ve never met friendly and open to having a conversation with you
  • The CRUCIAL thing you must do the first time you go out with a woman that 99 out of 100 men miss entirely (This will instantly separate you from the pack and put you on her “hot” list)
  • 8 words you can say to a woman right before you take her clothes off that all but guarantee she won’t resist your advances
  • How to “challenge” a woman in the bedroom and have her literally begging you to have your way with her (One of my all-time favorites!)

Inside this condensed report, I summarize some of my best ideas in an easy-to-use format that can help you overcome whatever obstacle you’re facing.

book 2

In the second bonus booklet, “Sex Secrets — How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way, And Get Her To Do The Things You’ve Always Wanted”I’ll show you the secrets of how to bring out the sexy side of any woman.

The fact is that women want sex as much as men – it’s just that most men don’t know how to bring out this side.

  • The shocking truth about how to REALLY turn a woman on sexually (What you can ignore… and what you cannot afford to miss)
  • How to turn her on using only your voice and words
  • The 4 things that cause instant sexual arousal in a woman (Hint: “Good looks” is NOT on this list)
  • A secret way to touch a woman that electrifies her skin and gives her goose bumps all over
  • A HUGE mistake men make when kissing a woman that turns her off completely
  • How to use “light” kisses to give a woman an up and down roller coaster of sexual urges that finally take control of her mind and FORCE her to attack you
  • Most guys don’t realize that romance can actually KILL sexual attraction when used the wrong way. Here’s how to use “sensual romance” that never fails to turn a woman on
  • A simple but powerful technique that forces a woman to think about YOU and only you the entire time you are together
  • How to use a blindfold to drive a woman crazy with sexual excitement! (Women LOVE this one when you do it right)
  • How to take advantage of a subtle difference in the way men and women are programmed to give a woman the most intense orgasm she’s EVER experienced… or will again (Unless she’s with you)
  • How to drive a woman wild by NOT touching her where she expects it (She’ll be addicted to you forever because you are different than the rest of the guys)
  • Why your NOSE can be your most powerful sexual weapon
  • The right way and the wrong way to talk dirty to a woman (Most guys don’t know how to do this and skip it altogether… leaving a woman VERY disappointed. Here’s how to use your voice to take her experience to the next level)
  • Why most guys get shot down right before they go “all the way” (Hint: If you do the opposite, she won’t be able to resist you)
  • My proven 9-step method to taking a woman from warm to sizzling hot in a manner of minutes (It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve finally figured out a sequence that NO woman can resist. You’re going to LOVE this one)
  • How to get HER to show you the absolute best way to please her orally (Most women never even DREAM that a man can make her feel this good)
  • The secret to getting any woman to instantly know the best way to please YOU orally (You’ll feel like she can read your mind when you do this)
  • My top secret “9:1” technique that makes a woman gasp with pleasures she’s never felt before
  • A simple step-by-step method to smoothly and comfortably move a woman into ANY position you can imagine
  • Did you know that there are five different things you can do that will INSTANTLY get a woman aroused to the point where she’s almost PARALYZED from being so turned on? It took me over three years to find these five things – but your woman will be thrilled that you know them.

book 3

The 8 Personality Types That Naturally Attract Women

In the third bonus booklet, “The 8 Personality Types That Naturally Attract Women” I explain the eight personality types that women are naturally attracted to – and the ones that repel women like bad breath. This is completely new material, and every guy that I’ve shared this with is amazed at what they learn from it.

  • The magic personality traits of the most successful men that attract women like a magnet
  • How to begin every new encounter with a woman so that you don’t become “just a friend”
  • Why women are ready to have sex with some men as soon as they meet them…and how to flip her inner “psychological triggers” that tell her right away YOU are one of these men
  • The big mistake men make that forces women to put them on a “waiting list” for sex (A place from which there is often no escape)
  • The deadly mistakes men make that trigger an “automatic” response inside of a woman that subconsciously prevent her from sleeping with him
  • How to set up your relationship with a woman so that you always have the upper hand (Warning: Mess this one up and you can NEVER go back)
  • The REAL reason women love “bad boys” (You won’t find this shocking secret in any typical “relationship” book)
  • Why women let “bad boys” get away with almost ANYTHING… and how to use this secret to get a woman to overlook any mistake you might make
  • How certain “naturals” are able to date several women at once… and amazingly, the women are totally ok with it
  • The big mistake “successful” men make that causes a woman to hold off on sex… often for months
  • The specific type of woman that is most likely to date an older man (Hint: It’s NOT what you think)
  • Exactly what a “regular” guy needs to do immediately to make himself more attractive to women and avoid being taken advantage of
  • The secrets of why some men enjoy one beautiful woman after another – while most go without

The value of the three bonus eBooklets is at least $60.00 alone.

I have sold my book in the past for $49.97… and had MANY happy customers.

This is a total of over $109.97 worth of value. But you’ll get all four when you order right now for only $14.97.

Here’s How It Works…

When you click on the order button below, you’ll go to my secure order page for your credit card information.

When you use my secure order form, you’ll be sent an email with your login information to the membership site, where your eBook and all your materials will be available to you.

The whole process takes just a few minutes and you’ll be reading your book in about 5 minutes.

When you get the book, scan it a couple of times and read the parts that jump out at you right away – then go back and read it cover to cover.

Next, read the three bonus booklets and then try some of the techniques. You’ll notice a difference right away, and it will encourage you to try some of the other ideas.

Whatever happens, you’ll use this reference library constantly as you’re learning how to be successful with women.

Special Bonus Offer: 7 Day Risk Free Trial & Savings

Here’s a recap of what you’re going to get:

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Regular Price: $109.99

Your Price: $14.97

Double Your Dating

The reference manual for how to be

successful with women

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+ Bonus eBooks

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How To Go From One Step To

The Next… From The Very First Meeting

To The Bedroom

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The 8 Personality

Types That Naturally

Attract Women

book small 3

Sex Secrets

How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her

In A Big Way, And Get Her To Do The

Things You’ve Always Wanted

The Double Your Dating eBook, plus the bonus eBooks are worth over $109.97.

And you’ll get all of them for FREE, just for TRYING my eBook…

Let me ask you this: What if this knowledge helps you get just ONE more date with an interesting, attractive woman? Just ONE. What would that be worth to you?

Now ask yourself: What if there’s even a chance that this book can actually teach you how to meet one woman after another – and get dates with wonderful women as often as you want? What if you really can learn how to attract the kind of woman or women that you’ve always wanted and get this part of your life handled for good?

How much would that be worth to you? A thousand dollars? Ten thousand? More? For most men I know, it would be priceless.

Just the POSSIBILITY of having this kind of success with women would be worth the investment. I personally invested over three years and thousands of dollars to learn how to be successful with women.

I wish that I would have been able to buy this knowledge, insight and experience for $14.97 when I started. And I know that you’ll be glad you made the investment in yourself once you have your first success after reading it.

This much is for sure: For the rest of your single life you’re going to see women that you’d like to meet. Or you’re going to be talking to a woman somewhere, think that she’s really attractive and want to get her phone number so you can meet her again. Or you’re going to be out with a woman and want to get physical with her…

The question is, are you going to know exactly what to do and say to succeed? Or are you going to let each of these opportunities slip by and never know what might have happened?

I have one final thought to share with you.

After studying behavior for many years, I know one thing: If you don’t make the decision to get this part of your life handled right now, there’s a very very small chance that you’re going to do anything about it in the future.

You know how they say that you can’t tell someone how to get somewhere unless you’ve been there yourself? Well I’ve been there, and I’m going to show you the way. Think about it…

Don’t Decide Now… Read “Double Your Dating” RISK FREE For 7 Days


This is possibly the most important investment you’ll ever make in your dating life.

I assure you that you’ll be able to use the things that you’ll learn in my eBook to meet more women.

This book may have the one exact piece of advice you need, but I want you to be absolutely sure about it, that’s why I’M NOT GOING TO ASK YOU TO PAY FOR IT until you’ve had a chance to read it and see for yourself with your own eyes what it can do for you.

When you click on the button below, you’ll be taken to a secure order page where you can download the book for FREE right now.

Read the book from cover to cover and you’ll find strategies you can use RIGHT AWAY to start meeting women. I promise.

You have a FULL 60 DAYS to decide if this eBooks works for you.

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If you’d like to keep the book, you don’t need to do anything further.

I truly want to help you meet and date more great women. I get emails every day from guys who are using these materials to DRAMATICALLY increase their success in the dating world, and I want to help you too.

Click this button to download Double Your Dating for your 7-day risk free trial:

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Wishing you success with women,


P.S. Every tip, strategy, and technique that I share with you in this book is a PROVEN winner. I use every one of them personally in real-world situations, and I know that they can work for you, too. Remember, you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee – if you’re not happy, YOU DON’T PAY. This is truly a 100% risk- free offer.

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Quotes From Double Your Dating Readers…

“I have finished the book (2, maybe 3 times!)… I want to tell you something. And I want you to really hear this. Thank you. This has really opened my eyes! I am seeing this whole ‘dealing with women’ thing in a completely new light! I am acting more relaxed, confident, and self assured with women than I ever have before. I have had more conversations with women in the past week than in the past 6 months. It has been over a year and a half since I split with my ex-wife, and I have not had a single date since. But now, I have two dates lined up for the next week. With two different women! And not just any women, either. These women are hot!… Let me say it again: Thank you. By the way, there were a few times I busted up laughing at some of the suggestions you gave. It’s not only good advice, but makes for an excellent read!…”

J.K. from Portland, OR

“Dave, I have been looking over your Double your Dating E-book at my leisure and it’s really good stuff. I have always known that I was a shy guy and feared the rejection part that “could” take place while approaching a woman. After only reading about half of your book I realized I didn’t need to fear rejection, I just need to get out there and do it. I began practicing some of your C and F techniques and I began to meet more women and get some phone numbers along the way so life was great. I couldn’t believe what happened next. I was at the gas station and met this woman. We started talking it up and I was using your C and F techniques. Eventually we exchanged numbers and went on our way. I waited a few days to call and when I finally did, she told me she was just thinking about me and was about to call. I responded with, “All the girls say that,” which got a huge laugh out of her. Anyway, we set up a time to meet later that night and go out for a drink. The whole time I kept acting as if I was semi interested but never really acting “totally” interested. I kept the conversation light and funny and she kept on laughing and coming back for more. I told her I had some where to be in about an hour so we had to get going and then I was totally blown away when she asked if I would like to hang out at her place and get a massage until it was time for me to go. I accepted and lets just say, I received more than a back massage in that 1 hour time span. I just want to say thank you Dave, and would like to share the story with others to encourage them to get out there and forget all their fears.

M.L. from California

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