Plyomaster Jump Training

Plyomaster Jump Training

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Advanced Jump Training Programs

“I’m only 5’10” and after only 6 weeks of Kurt’s training I could touch the basketball rim (10′).”

Ana M.

“At the start of the summer I could touch 108″.  8 weeks later I touched 117!”

Annie L.

“I gained 12 inches on my vertical jump!”

Vihba V.

“After training with Kurt for just two weeks I can jump high enough to dunk!”

James M.

“I’m only 5’10” and after only 6 weeks of Kurt’s training I could touch the basketball rim (10′).”

Ana M.

“At the start of the summer I could touch 108″.  8 weeks later I touched 117!”

Annie L.

“I gained 12 inches on my vertical jump!”

Vihba V.

“After training with Kurt for just two weeks I can jump high enough to dunk!”

James M.

Jump Higher Without a Gym

Jump Higher Without a Gym

is the fastest way to improve your vertical without a gym.

Developed for athletes who want to rapidly increase jump height without using a gym.

Dumbbells, a medicine ball, and a bench or large exercise ball – that’s all you need to start radically increasing your jump height today.

Vert Builder Pro is more than just a collection of exercises; it has been developed by one of the world’s premier jump trainers from decades of painstaking trials and refinements, based on real data, in concert with one of the country’s leading neurologists.

Effective jump training is not just about muscle strength.  It’s also about technique, neurology, and a very specific focus on the stuff that actually makes a difference.  Like quick-twitch muscle fiber, myelin sheaths, and neural pathway development.  Without getting into the nitty-gritty science of why it works, know that Vert Builder Pro is built on evidence-based results.  Vert Builder Pro is how it works.

This program includes over 40 high quality exercise videos demonstrating how to do them properly, why they’re important, and what you can expect to achieve.

Athletes who undertake this program and follow Kurt’s Five Guidelines for Success regularly achieve gains of 6, 8, even 12 inches.

Imagine what jumping a foot higher would do to your game.

Can you say “serious performance advantage”?

So the question you have to ask is: How bad do you want it?


Over 40 Exercises in High Quality Video

Descriptions and Walkthroughs of Each Exercise

Printable Workout Tracking Guide

Printable Program Guide

Explosive exercises that target your Legs, Arms, Back, Chest, Shoulders and Core.


Minimal Equipment Necessary (dumbbells, medicine ball, exercise ball or bench)

Rapidly Increase Your Vertical Jump in Your Own Backyard–Without Joining a Gym

Mobile-Friendly Design Lets You Take Your Workout on the Go

Low Impact Muscle Confusion

Low Impact Muscle Confusion

is a revolutionary solution to the dreaded training plateau, and because it’s low-impact, it actually speeds up recovery times.

No more training plateau.  Mend your joints and aches in a low impact environment, while becoming more explosive.  There’s nothing else like it.

is a revolutionary solution to the dreaded training plateau, and because it’s low-impact, it actually speeds up recovery times.

No more training plateau.  Mend your joints and aches in a low impact environment, while becoming more explosive.  There’s nothing else like it.

When you jump in water, your entire body encounters resistance.

When you train in water with the Highdro Pro workouts, your muscles will become more explosive while your joints and tendons mend.

Training in the water provides true muscle resistance…for the whole body!

If you are not doing water workouts, then you are going to plateau.

Highdro Pro includes high quality videos of more than a dozen never-before seen in-pool exercises along with detailed instruction to help you blast through the training plateau, rapidly heal your body and experience explosive vertical gains.

When paired with Vert Builder Pro, there is simply no other jump training program that comes close.

If you want to win, you want Highdro Pro.


Over a Dozen Exercises in High Quality Video (Above and Below the Water)

Descriptions and Walkthroughs of Each Exercise

Printable Program Guide


Shatter the Training Plateau With a High Resistance, Low Impact Workout

Rapidly Heal Your Body While Improving Your Vertical

Mobile-Friendly Design Lets You Take Your Workout on the Go

“After jump training just a few weeks everyone on my team noticed I was jumping higher.”

Emma G.

“My very first day with Kurt he made a change to my approach jump and I could jump 4 inches higher!”

Sydney H.

“My vertical increased so much that it threw off my approach jump timing to hit.  It was great!”

Kenzie M.

“After jump training just a few weeks everyone on my team noticed I was jumping higher.”

Emma G.

“My very first day with Kurt he made a change to my approach jump and I could jump 4 inches higher!”

Sydney H.

“My vertical increased so much that it threw off my approach jump timing to hit.  It was great!”

Kenzie M.

Kurt’s professional training tips delivered right to your inbox

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You’ll also receive Kurt’s exclusive Vert Builder jump training program absolutely free


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The Proof is in the Results

The Proof is in the Results

Click to Enlarge

Charts Represent Actual Training Data

“I gained 12 inches on my vertical jump!” – Vibha V.

“After jump training just a few weeks everyone on my team noticed I was jumping higher.” – Emma G.

“My very first day with Kurt he made a change to my approach jump and I could jump 4 inches higher!”  – Sydney H.

 “Using Kurt’s jump program I went from jump touching 103” to 112”. – Savannah J.

“My favorite part of training was doing Kurt’s hydro workout in the pool.” – Anna K.

“After six weeks of using Kurt’s jump program my squat went from 245 lbs. up to 455 lbs.” – Ingrid S.

“Kurt helped me fix so many problems with my weight lifting form.  Not only did I start lifting more weight, but my vertical went up, too.” – Elena

“My block jump improved enough that I was moved up to varsity.  When I started Kurt’s jump program I could block touch 103”.  When they moved me up I block touched 110”.” – Abby G.

“I have been training with Kurt for years, from high school and now in college.  His training has become my main summer workout.” – Annie Rose L.

“I was very frustrated with my approach jump.  I knew something was wrong, but did not realize what.  Kurt pointed out several things and we got started.  The first day my vertical increased and my form continues to improve, too.” – Kat N.

“When I first stepped into the weight room I was so scared!  Kurt helped me learn how to use the equipment and not only am I lifting more, I am very confident when I train in a weight room.” – Alexa C.

“When I trained with Kurt I learned where my weaknesses and strengths were in the weight room.  He taught me to look at my weaknesses as opportunities to increase my vertical.” – Carissa K.

“I love vertical jump training!” – Adriana

“I am so excited for club tryouts this season.  My vertical is improving after starting Kurt’s jump program.” – Kendall

“Kurt showed me that jumping isn’t just to be a better hitter and blocker.  You can also use some of the hitting tips of his to help you jump set higher too.” – Faith C.

“After doing Kurt’s jump program last fall, my team played against his team.  We almost beat them and his training almost came back (through me and others on my team that jump trained with him) to beat him!” – Kayla M.

“Jump training helped open up more court and give me more shots for volleyball (by jumping higher).” – Isabella J.

“My vertical increased so much that it threw off my approach jump timing to hit.  It was great!” – Kenzie M.

“After training with Kurt for just two weeks I can jump high enough to dunk!” – James M.

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