Pencil Drawing Made Easy

Pencil Drawing Made Easy

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It took me years because I had to learn by trail and error. I will show you what I wish I knew at the beginning. In your first class I will show you what equipment you need and we will get a feel for our pencils. Even your very first full drawing will be gallery quality. This is the stunning drawing you will complete in your second class, after I have shown you how to see your tonal values correctly:

basic pencil shading techniques

Over the next 4 modules we will cover topics like shading, texture, negative drawing and reflections. The way you will learn however is not with any heavy classroom stuff. I hate that just as much as you do. In each lesson we will spend a few minutes looking at the core concepts and dive right in and learn the meaningful way, the way that makes sense and lets you remember it forever – by doing an actual drawing. Hands on, step by step. Except this time at the end of the class you will understand what you have done. For example, if we are learning about texture and we are drawing the onions and garlic scene. I will explain what to look out for, show you how to render the texture itself and show you where possible problem areas are and how to find them. In other words by the end of the class you will be able to set up your own unique arrangement containing onions and garlic and be able to confidently draw it. Unlike other classes that just teach you to draw that one specific picture.

Each class has been professionally filmed in real time so you can pack out your pencils for each class and actually draw along too.

As each class has been filmed using the latest technology you can watch the classes in front of your computer, or from your tablet in the studio, or even review a class on your phone in the train on the way to work.

Each class is available in a variety of qualities to suit your Internet connection speed and bandwidth allowance. You can set the quality of each class up for better quality, or down for lower bandwidth usage at any time during the class. After the spoon class, you will move on to draw these pencil studies:

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