21 Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan – Ultimate Keto

21 Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan – Ultimate Keto

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Sounds like a terrible place to be in…

Let Me Tell You…


If you suffer from FEELING EXHAUSTED ALL THE TIME…if you are TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT… if YOU HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING in the book about health and fitness but still can’t seem to feel energized or get that super-lean body you’ve always wanted… then this message is just for you. Here’s why…

You can now follow me along on this short little mind trip into the deepest depths of dieting and LEARN HOW TO BECOME A FAT BURNING MACHINE full of abundant energy all the time.

And you need to realize, there is a cost to not dealing with this…

If you ignore this message, your LACK OF ENERGY will ONLY GET WORSE and you’ll keep stacking up those pounds.

What You’ve Been Doing WRONG

What most people do when facing body fat problems or hitting a slump is… TRY EVERY NEW WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM OUT THERE.

New “superfoods” that have no real effect… New exercise protocols that drain the last drop of energy from your soul and make you hate yourself… NEW WAYS OF STARVING YOURSELF and going insane in the head… New cardio circuits that make you SPEND HOURS AND HOURS ON A TREADMILL without getting the results you’re after – it literally feels like you’re running in one spot, trust me I’ve tried it and I don’t like it at all. AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON. But for most people, none of that works.

The Reason…

  • You don’t really know what you’re doing
  • You’re not understanding the fundamental principles of metabolism and nutrition
  • You don’t know how to articulate to yourself how to achieve what your goals are…in a way that motivates you to keep going
  • You’re probably not an athlete or a fitness expert and don’t have time to spend hours and hours at the gym…Me neither and I’m always trying to be as time-efficient as possible
  • You can’t afford to hire a personal trainer (much rather a drill sergeant) who would keep an eye on you and a nutritionist (or a professional chef) who would cook you gourmet fat loss meals

And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing?


And you will KEEP CARRYING THOSE EXTRA POUNDS AND UNABLE TO ROLL OUT OF BED BECAUSE OF HAVING ZERO ENERGY. And when people ask you, you mutter something along the lines of ‘BAD GENES’ or ‘NO TIME TO BE HEALTHY.’

Becoming a Fat Burning Power Plant…

How I Can Give You MORE ENERGY than you thought possible and MELT OFF THAT WEIGHT

I’ve got an answer that works.

Here’s the story:

When I got into lifting weights and bodybuilding, I initially followed the regular dogmatic meal plan – 6 small meals a day with low fat and high carbs.

Siim Land physique young
Siim Land physique young

Did it work? A little… but I didn’t feel at my best on it and I knew that there had to be a much better way…

Fast forward 4 years…

After I finished my military service (I was a sniper, hooaaa!)  I started practicing ancestral ways of eating like Paleo…

The Mystery Man Siim Land at Sniper School
The Mystery Man Siim Land at Sniper School

Loved it but I was still eager to optimize my nutrition even further.

Then I stumbled (literally, I accidentally found) upon THE KETOGENIC DIET.

What is it?

Enter KETO

The ketogenic diet is a low carb high fat diet that mimics the physiology of fasting by shifting your body into a state of NUTRITIONAL KETOSIS.

The scientific term…

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body has shifted from burning glucose as its primary fuel source into using ketone bodies to do so.

But in normal speech…

Ketosis is your body’s inner mechanism for turning your own stored body fat THOSE EXTRA FLABS OF FAT you’re carrying around your waistline into clean high octane fuel which you can use to produce energy 24/7.

Fast Forward to Now…

After I had refined my body composition according to my vision, I decided it was time to REVEAL MY SECRETS.

You see…

Most people fail on the ketogenic diet because (I’m not going to lie) it does indeed require a lot of attention to detail and meticulousness.

The reason why people fail their weight loss programs is that THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY’re DOING in the first place – not to mention keto.

Like I already said, I VALUE MY TIME GREATLY, and I don’t want to waste hours in the gym for nothing and to eat all of those calories back in one single high carb meal afterwards. And I cannot help every person individually.

That’s when I had a great idea:

“What if I created a ketogenic diet program that everyone could follow with ease?” In which I explain to you how it all works and how you can start eating a well-formulated ketogenic diet.

What if I revealed to them the deepest pathways of their metabolism, which have remained hidden from you?

What if I exposed the DARKEST SECRETS of the fitness industry and tell you that fat isn’t bad for you? I know, it sounds like heresy, but it’s the truth we need to hear.

And what if I wrote them a 21-day meal plan in which I tell you exactly what foods to eat, in what specific amounts and at what time?

That’s EXACTLY what I did and how I created the Ultimate Keto Program.

My series is flagged under ‘Simple Keto’ and with a reason – it’s simple, duh. You simply have to go through it, follow the guidelines I’m giving you and you’ll be ultimately in ketosis.

Here’s what Ultimate Keto did for me…

I burned so much fat without even noticing it that I had to start wearing 1 size smaller pants and EAT A LOT MORE FOOD (those ketogenic problems, I know)…I was able to INCREASE MY COGNITIVE SHARPNESS AND FOCUS so I could concentrate on more things other than food…Get more energy to be more productive and creative…Write 4 books in 2 months…Overcome the excruciating feeling of hunger and sugar cravings…And helped me to build the business and body of my dreams.

Finally, It’s Your Turn

When you get on Ultimate Keto you’ll become one of the select few people in the world who has triggered this inner fat burning switch in them and get into ketosis.

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