Why anyone can succeed using this residual income opportunity to write for profit
How to effortlessly determine the extent of your own propensity
Why part-time writing works best for some authors
How to implant the essential disciplines in writing for profit
Why it’s easier to be accepted by non-fiction publishing houses
Cultivating innate intuition to generate a flood of ideas
The little-known secret to injecting longevity into writing for profit
How to author several disparate books from a single topic
The timeless enigma that attracts readers to works of non-fiction
Why self-help books & how-to guides are always in demand
Researching the first project to ensure you are on track
Why you should never dispose of your research material
Planning ahead for fulfilment and delivery in writing for profit
Why good authoring resources are essential
Developing your own slant on prescribed topics
Devising a definitive title for your book
Structuring the contents to motivate readers
The amazing power of words in writing for profit
20 questions before you start the creative process
Composing a spellbinding writing-for-profit preface
Creating chapter headings, subheads and sub-subheads
Using subheads to catch quick readers
Visualising energy with action verbs
Letting every line introduce its own story
The WIIFM question and why you must address it
How testimonials power up interest in writing for profit
How to top and tail your book and why you must do this right
What the prospect reads first after the title
How to impress commissioning editors
How to prepare a proposal for acceptance
What to ensure before you sign a contract
Negotiating an advance where none is on offer
Where to find 1000s of non-fiction publishers online
How to test market your writing for profit book on the Internet
Selling successfully through online outlets
How to grade online publishing options
How one part-time author produced an online bestseller
How the royalty system works to produce residual earnings
PLR and how to make sure you profit from it
How to attract multiple streams of incremental income
The anatomy of a bestselling niche non-fiction book
We’ve only skimmed the surface so far!
If you ever yearned to write a book and have it published but never quite knew how to go about matters with any degree of certitude then this unique tutorial is right on track for you. The focus here is on writing for profit by creating niche non-fiction which is akin to formula writing in that the author works to a tried and tested blueprint. It is the archetype that opens up a vista of possibilities even if you consider yourself to be among the least experienced of wordsmiths.
In this creative writing course you will learn how to:
Develop an extra income idea from your own expertise
Undertake effective research to add to your knowledge
Create a master class writing-for-profit structure
Craft the essence of the topic into compelling text
Inject it with the little-known secret for best-selling potential
Transform your work into a professional teaching module
Sell through online outlets on an experimental basis
Prepare and submit a winning proposal for hard copy publication
Enjoy residual royalties from bookstore & online sales
Attract additional streams of incremental income
Produce several disparate books from the same basic concept
Discover ways to make extra income
Create a self-perpetuating residual income stream
To assist you in locating an appropriate publisher for your particular project, you will also be directed to a secret web site, a ‘vertical’ portal containing 1000s of publishing activity profiles together with access to the relevant web sites where you can make your selection of candidates for submission.
At whatever level your experience of creative writing lies even if you’ve never written anything before this remarkable tutorial will show you how to write for profit and achieve success as a niche non-fiction writer in your own time, your spare time.
“I started to write short stories some years ago but didn’t manage to get any of them published. Now I’m picking up the threads again concentrating on a niche non-fiction project, the history of my home city – and I’ve managed to locate two mainstream publishers willing to accept a proposal for publication on my extra income opportunity. Mapping out the elements was a breeze with your course. Thanks Jim!”
You have at least one good book in you
It’s an age-old adage which is as true today as when it was first mooted. The problem is that most people never get around to writing that first book because they hamper progress by cluttering their minds with blocks.
Could you produce a niche-carving best seller in your spare time?
With professional guidance, you almost certainly could. I never suspected I would but I have managed to produce several over the years writing for profit on a part time basis, and so too could you if you set about matters with conviction. This exclusive tutorial will show you how to plan to achieve success as a niche non-fiction writer in your own time, your spare time, and in the process earn extra income at home.
Using my proven techniques you can translate your own personally achieved expertise into a niche carving volume that will be snatched off the bookshelves by eager buyers. Does this statement touch a nerve? Do you doubt that anyone else would be interested in learning what you know? Then you’d be wrong and here’s why: your hard won expertise is the catalyst to success in writing for profit; it’s the extra income idea that develops into an extra income opportunity and the essential channel that provides other like minded people with the specialist knowledge they crave and will be willing to pay to access.
“I got a lot out of your writing course ‘Secrets to Churning Out Bestsellers’. It has helped me greatly.”
Leigh Hale
This amazing creative writing course reveals how creating bestsellers can be successfully achieved on a part time basis leading to other ways to make extra income and multiple streams of RESIDUAL income.
IN A NUTSHELL: Employ these powerful techniques to produce just one published title and you could be earning ongoing residuals (royalties) for the next 5/10/20 years. Proceed thereafter to cash in on your initial success with more bestsellers and the sky’s the limit. If I can do it (and I’m no Norman Vincent Peale) so too can you!
Click on New Writing Course and Get the Facts!
Bookmark this site now for future reference but before you leave browse through the rest of the pages and pick up many valuable Writing for Profit tips for free.
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